Top 17 Apps Similar to Affirm You!

Soul Affirmations 1.0
Virtual LIfe
"Soul affirmations" is a beautiful selectionof70 positive Affirmations. Each section deals with the emotionalandphysical conditions of a person. Written with love itsintention isto enable and empower a person to understand andre-balanceemotional and physical conditions.Through my own personal life experiences I have developed adeepunderstanding of how emotions affect our well-being… How itallworks is; we have to in fact “lie” to our sub-conscious(tellourselves the complete opposite of what we are feeling) todraw toourselves (like a magnet) the desired state of being. Themore weread and take in these affirmations the more likely they aretowork; as your brain doesn’t know the difference between a truthanda lie, it will help you to produce the thing you say it feels.Themore difficult the affirmation is to say the better; thisusuallymeans that you really need the one that’s hardest to read.When wesay what we want to feel through affirmations; we allowourselvesto rise up our energy to a higher place. This new place ofenergyis then attracting only the “good things” into your life andyouwill soon see rewarding results.The holistic reasoning behind positive affirmations is; thattheyIdentify and re-form imbalances; their result empowers us.Giving usback control over life’s challenges empowers us. Theyoffer us achance to change the old way were deal with life’schallenges. Theygive us hope, when times are hard. They caninspire us and make usgrow stronger. And lastly they help us tosee our own power andpotential in all that we are, and all we canbe. When we readaffirmations on a regular basis; not only are wegoing to feel goodin all areas of our life, but also we will be aninspiration toothers.Affirmations are our new way of looking at life; we areallevolving into being the masters of our own thoughts, bodyandspirit, so we have to start drawing our attention to the waywelook at our thoughts; as they are responsible for the worldinwhich we create.Have fun creating your life…Nancy Finch.
Positive Living 1.5
Ever wished your life was more positiveandfulfilling? Would you like to change your life? Do you want amorepositive outlook on Life? Look no further. This mobile appgivesyou access to a set of resources that will help you jump startyourlife daily and help you live a more empowered andpositivelifestyle.Worth The Money – Get this! (5 stars) by EmeritaBeyer71 -Version1.2 - Apr 22, 2012"Thanks for the help I get from these missiles. They show methebright side of every day. … I am appreciating everythingmorebecause I read about how to see the good things of everyday."The positive resources provided will re-program the mind inamanner similar to that of computer software programs andscripts.Positive words help you to re-focus, re-train and re-tuneyourmind. They aid you in revisiting your perspective and approachtolife and renewing your mind. Thinking right will changeyourattitude, affecting your subconscious mind. This will result inachange in your habits, lifestyle, mental attitude /perspective,and reactions, and finally transform your entirelifestyle.Daily Psychological and Spiritual Multi-vitamin andAntidoteBooster Shots: Reading and meditation on a fewpositiveaffirmations each day and throughout the day will help youstartand continue your days with a much more positive approach tolife.We recommend you read it several times or throughout the dayfor aquick boost or lift. Stop several times a day for just 30secondsand take a quick booster shot. This will help completelyroot outwrong and destructive thinking patterns and establish /replacethem with uplifting, energizing and empowering perspectivesonlife.If on one hand, you have trouble with changing yourwrongthoughts, negative self-talk, etc., this app will help youchangeyour thoughts and live a more positive and empowered life. Ifonthe other hand, you are already an optimist and have apositiveoutlook, this app will strengthen your further –providingexcellent food for further positivity. It will help youstart eachday with a positive mindset - setting up for yourselfeach day forhealth and success in every area. The app helps youreview andtransform your perspective on every area of life -leading to amore positive attitude, approach to life andlifestyle.The app and affirmations have been developed / written bypeoplewho have gone through the same challenges you are facing,haveovercome depression / negative thinking and are now living amorepositive lifestyle. Now you can become a better and morepositiveperson – starting today!Here’s a quick bullet list of just some of the amazingfeatureswaiting for you in Live Positively (iPhone, iPod Touch)&Positive Living (iPad):* Beautiful, refreshing and intuitive interface* Very easy to use* Able to see a list of affirmations organized by date* Receive strength from one new affirmation published each day–giving you fresh fuel and inspiration* Offers several ways of getting your multi-vitamin boost fortheday* Blog posts provide a more complete perspective,discussingpositivity from different angles and in more depth* Photo album creatively presents affirmations and quotes setinuplifting backgrounds and scenery* “Categories” feature helps you to quickly find andreceiveinspiration for specific areas of life – total of over85* Random feature provides on each refresh a new random setofaffirmations to turbo-boost your moment and day.* Email or text affirmations to friends and family* Linked with a website where you can create an account andbookmark your favorite affirmationsYou’re going to love this indispensable tool! It hasgreatresources to you need to help you start living a more positiveandempowering lifestyle – today!
Positive affirmations 2.5
Promote positive thinking andmanifestchangewith the help of your android phone.Use your phone to notify yourself of positiveaffirmationsyouwish to tell your self on a daily/weekly/etcbasis.Enter the affirmation text, the duration period (Eg, remindme3times a day), a background image associated withtheaffirmationfor visualisation and the application will sendaandroidnotification to your phone every specified duration.You can also use your phones Text-To-Speech engine toreadtheaffirmation to you!This is the pro version! Search for 'Positiveaffirmationslite'if you would like to try the free version
Confidence Affirmation 3.0
Solid Confidence AffirmationSimple steps to raise your confidence levels easily...People who struggle in life, confidence, and business successbeingwill find these things in common:They don't know why affirmations are important.They have no idea how to use affirmations correctly!They are struggling with how to begin.They also don't understand what affirmations to use.Many more problems untold…Well don't worry…With the strategies that I’m about to let you in on , you willhaveno problems when it comes to understanding how to affirmyourselfto be full of confidence!Let’s face it… a positive attitude is a useful asset,regardlesswhat your place in this. This means that you ought toassume thehabit of exercising regular positive affirmations. Makingpositiveaffirmations a part of your daily routine is a great way toalteryour thoughts and help yourself be more successful.
Affirmation Machine Free 1.1
Random Color
Ever have one of those days whenyouNEEDsomething positive in your life?The Affirmation Machine runs off a list of almostonehundredaffirmations, randomly telling you something positive atthetap ofa button with a beautiful high resolution photo.Just to make things unique, if sincereaffirmationsaren'tbrightening your day, you can just tap the switchon thebottom ofthe machine and start reading sarcasticaffirmationsinstead!Download the full version for twice the affirmationsandphotos,plus no ads!
PlanIt Positive - Lite 1.03-Lite
---PlanIt Positive Floating AffirmationsTrialVersion---How would you like to see your affirmations more often?How about all the time! (Ok, only when you’re looking atyourphone,but let’s be honest, for most of us, that’s all the time!)Key features+ Floating AffirmationsYour affirmations hover above other apps!+ Personalize your own affirmationsChange color, transparency and time interval of affirmations.+ Add animations to affirmations.Effects like blinking and scrolling+ Promotes positive thinking+ Easy to use+ Create your own affirmations or choose from a list.TIP: When creating your own affirmation, you must state it asthoughthe result is already accomplished!Ex. I am a loving, kind and affectionate husband.*Full version has no time limit and no ads.PlanIt Positive Affirmations uses positive affirmations andyourandroid phone, as a powerful, yet simple tool, to promotepositivethinking and help motivate you to achieve your goals.Positive affirmations have been proven effective in helping tobuildconfidence, self-esteem, reduce stress, target our thoughtsandpromote positive thinking. When words are read not only asgroups ofcharacters, but as thoughts or emotions, the real powerof words canhelp inspire, encourage and motivate you! Positiveaffirmations canbring to life your capabilities, strengths,talents and skills andhelp develop a powerful and positiveattitude towards life and work.Affirmations can help boost moraleand energize you into doingeverything you desire. Simply put,affirmations can help you makedramatic and lasting changes in yourmind.PlanIt Positive Floating Affirmations turns positive thinkingintomore than just a philosophy.Start using PlanIt Positive Floating Affirmations today andstartthinking in the direction of your wants and desires, bycreatingpositive thinking habits that can and will last a lifetime. Whenyou plant positive thoughts, you grow positivebeliefs!You can help make this app better!Send us your comments, feedback and suggestions. With yoursupport we are committed to making this app more powerful,useful and enjoyable. When you PlanIt Positive, itgrowspositive.Try This: Whenever you need a pick me up, repeat youraffirmationsout loud withfocus and feeling and experience the energizing powerofaffirmations.*Full version has no time limit and no ads.
Rhonda Byrne Daily(Unofficial) 1.4
Rhonda Byrne Says: “Be grateful for whatyouhave now. As you begin to think about all the things in yourlifeyou are grateful for, you will be amazed at the neverendingthoughts that come back to you of more things to be gratefulfor.You have to make a start, and then the law of attractionwillreceive those grateful thoughts and give you more just likethem”Rhonda Byrne is an Australian television writer andproducer,best known for her New Thought works, The Secret—a bookand a filmby the same name. In 2007, Byrne was listed among TimeMagazine'slist of 100 people who shape the world. Rhonda haswritten threemore bestselling books since, which together form TheSecret BookSeries: The Power in 2009, The Magic in 2010, and Heroin 2013.Rhonda Byrne Daily brings the wisdom of Rhonda Byrne to you inaform of Mobile App, wake up every day, with Rhonda's lawsofAttraction, starting today.The app has some nice features:- Share daily quote on social network & using othermessagingtools- Listen to background music, to create a serene environment- Set an alarm to receive daily quote notification- Add Quotes to your favorites- Copy the quote to Clipboard- In app purchase (to make the application Ad free)- Look at other Dailypedia AppsDownload Now & enjoy daily bliss!
Daily Affirmations 1.2
Affirmations are statements you write about yourself that youwantto be true. Through the psychological processes ofcorrespondencebias and cognitive dissonance, this app will help youbecome theperson you’re affirming yourself to be. This app is basedon mybackground as a graduate student studying social psychology attheUniversity of Maryland.
iAffirm ME affirmations FREE 1.3
What is an Affirmation?If your thought patterns are toxic and they are keepingyoustuck,it's time to change your thinking before itdestroysyoursuccess.It is often said, “Change your thoughts, changeyourlife!”Affirmations are the same as doing any type ofrepetitiveexerciserepetition is required to change or learn anewbehavior.Affirmations are proven methods ofself-improvementbecause oftheir ability to rewire our brains. Muchlike exercise,they raisethe level of feel good hormones and pushour brains toform newclusters of "positive thought" neurons.What is I affirm Me?A list of 101 affirmations that work on "the self". Tobeeffectivethe user is to repeat the affirmations out louddaily,placingextra emphasis on emotion and belief. This is done inordertotarget the subconscious mind, reprogramming it topositivethinkingand Self Confidence.By imprinting a personal success formula on yoursubconscious,youcan program yourself to succeed, instead of failingby defaultor,even worse, never trying in the first place. You willlearn howtoweed out limiting beliefs and to plant positive newones. Whenwerepeat effective affirmations, we are reinforcing thepower oftheself to change our life for the better without takinganyoutsidehelp.Key Features:# Elegant and beautiful user interface.# 101 stored daily affirmations# Add your own custom affirmations.# Favorite - create a separate list of theaffirmationsyouprefer.# Widget - excellent customization home screen widget.# Alarm Reminder - Set your alarm reminder time and benotifieddailyto do your affirmations.# Share - Upload and share your quotes instantly by textandsocialmedia....and many moreLanguage Options:# English# Spanish# French
Today's Affirmation 1.0
Shodhan Shah
Description:Daily affirmations power your mind with positive energyandeliminate negative thoughts.This application is based on the philosophy, “What mind canbelieveor conceive, mind can achieve.”These quotes will fill your mind with positive andcreativeaffirmations and arouse enthusiasm on daily basis.The affirmations are related to positive mental attitude,willpower, hard work, persistency, health, etc.It can help you to elevate your enthusiasm to fight frustrationanddisappointment you may experience throughout the day.Absorbing an affirmation once a day, every day, persistentlywillhelp transform your attitude over time.For Best results:The day’s affirmation needs to be repeated several times a daytobecome embedded firmly in the mind.Repeating same thoughts multiple times causes the subconsciousmindto start believing in them.Hence this application will repeat set of thoughts periodicallytofirmly wire it in your mind.If practiced regularly, “Today's affirmation” will createhealthy,creative and positive thought patterns in the mind.Use it regularly and feel a miraculous positive changeinlife.Instructions:Start : App automatically starts with beautiful backgroundnaturalImage. Within seconds it displays Today’s affirmation.Images andquotes are faded in-out in opposite direction to enhanceyourinspirational experience.Red Star : Press to add your favorite affirmations by pressing‘Addto favorites' and view them by pressing 'Show favorites’.Red Up Arrow: Press to share these healthy thoughts to yourfriendsand family via Facebook, Twitter, Email or textmessages.
Affirmation Remix 1.0
Logic 17, LLC
Affirmation Remix allows you to easilycreateyour own affirmation tracks.Use your own voice or select from professionallyrecordedaffirmations to build your own uniqueaffirmation track tailored specifically to your needs.FeaturesCreate your own Affirmation trackPick from a variety of background tracks to set the mood.Record your own affirmations or use our library ofprofessionallyrecorded affirmations.Communicate directly with our team by requesting features withintheapp. We want to make this the best possible experience foryou.Why?I was working on multiple parts of my life and I didn'tlikebeing confined to one topic per track. I wanted to pick andchooseaffirmations to build a personalized track that was relevantto me.There was no way to do this so AffirmationRemix was born,this iswhat AffirmationRemix was made for.I sincerely hope you enjoy this application and thesignificantamount of effort our team put into producing thistechnology.Please let us know any issue you face so we can correctthemimmediately.
Affirmation Reminder 1.0.10
Law Of Attraction Bible 1.0
“Today… Change Your Life And Live YourDreamsUsing The Ultimate Law Of The Universe!”Discover The Secrets Of Attracting Your Desire And GetEverythingYou’ve Ever Dreamt Of!"Here's The Good News!"Anybody – Regardless of their circumstances can equipthemselveswith these information.But before we go into that, ask yourself, have you ever facedanyof these problems in your life?Do not understand law of attractionUnable to control your thoughts and emotionsConfuse about law of attractionHere’s What You'll Learn:History of the Law of AttractionHow the Law of Attraction worksHow people tend to misuse the Law of AttractionClearing out the clutter in your mindBeing very clear about what you wantAnd more"Let Me Shed Some Light On Some Things That May Be OnYourMind!"Will this help me in understanding law of attraction?Absolutely! The information in this book have been puttogetherto make you understand the law of attraction.Will I be able to put these information to practice easily?Most definitely! The strategies and techniques have beenmappedout clearly in this guide so that anyone can start usingit.
Affirmation Plus 1.0
Affirmation Plus lets you randomly read or declareyourpositiveaffirmations while enjoying the relaxing imagesofnature.Features: - Add/Edit/Delete your personal affirmations-Addaffirmations to your favorite - Option to show onlyyourfavorite -Screen capture the affirmation and background youlikeand save itin your phone (set as wallpaper or share itonline)-Change screenorientation -Backup/Restore database-Enable/Disablerandom displayof affirmations How to use: - Swipe toget the nextaffirmation -Tap to reveal the options Tips: - thefewer theaffirmations themore chance they will get repeated, themore theyget repeated theeasier the subconscious mind will absorbthem -keep the sentenceshort so it will be easier to reciteDisclaimer:All backgroundsfound here are of unknown origin owner.We do notintend toinfringe any legitimate intellectual right,artisticrights orcopyright. If you are the rightful owner of any ofthepicturesposted here, and you do not want your image to bedisplayedon thisapplication, please contact us and we willimmediatelyremove thepicture. We do not intend to display anycopyrightprotectedimages.Please do not ask for permissions to usethe imagesfor yourpersonal use, we do not own the copyrights forthem. Allimages areprovided for personal use only. We will not beliable foranycopyright issues the user may encounter due to misuseoftheimages.
My Daily Affirmations Free 2.2.1
Upgrade to Full Version - Instructions Below!Search over 200 affirmations using scrollable lists in thisfreeversion.You can also write your own affirmation and save it as afavoriteor in it's own list, or edit affirmations alreadyinstalled.(My Daily Affirmations Free limitation removed)The options panel provides backgrounds and font sizechangecapabilities.This is the free version of My Daily Affirmations. It is adbasedand comes with fewer features than the full version.Additional backgrounds included. (All 10 in Full version)Set a random notification reminder. Set a time range andreceivea notification at a random time during those hours.Widget. Shows one new affirmations each day. Updates duringthe2am hour each day. --> (Full version only) <--Database tool. Export, import database of affirmations.(Freeversion exports. Full version may import and export)Step-by-step process to upgrade from Free to Full versionandkeep your favorites and created affirmations!*be aware this program randomly chooses an affirmationwithineach category ("Classic", "Favorites" and "My Own"). if youhavefewer than 5, it may appear to be very repetitive, but thisismerely due to randomness. You may always use "Archive" intheoptions menu to see everything in each category.UPGRADE PROCESS FROM FREE TO FULL VERSION1) Do NOT delete Free Version. Delete or program will eraseit'sassociated database.(free and full versions maintain separate databases and may beruntogether on a phone)2) Be sure and upgrade to at leave version 2ofMyDailyAffirmations_Free(this will not delete existing database)3) Use database tool to export Free Version database(note: database written to root of SD card. You must havecardaccessible on phone)-To find database tool - go to Options menu screen, touchthedatabase icon in the top right corner.4) install Full Version of My Daily Affirmations5) Use database tool to Import database or Adduseraffirmations.(note: import of database erases Full version's database."Add",well, adds to existing database.)6) check to be sure files have copied as expected.7) if all looks well, you may delete free version atyourdiscretion.8) If you have problem, be sure sd card is accessible. Pleasetryprocess again. If it still fails, contact me fortroubleshooting, ifneeded.*** New Backgrounds Artists ***Blue by kuschelirmel(flower by SolStockMonet by SolStockMeadow by SolStockSky by SolStockAntique Texture by SolstockColor Changing Fabric by Enchantedgal