Top 2 Apps Similar to NAS View 3D

Mesh View 3D 2.0
This is a great 3D FEM / FEA / DEM /CFDmeshdata (in .mesh format) viewer. Even if you are usingotherFiniteelement analysis software, for instance, ANSYS,OOFEM,ABAQUS,ADINA, ANSA, AutoForm, Extreme Loading forStructures,StressCheck,FEFlow, Femap, FlexPDE, MADYMO, etc., Itwould not bedifficult toexport (or convert) your grid model to.mesh format.The appsupports all the most popular element typesincludinglines,triangles, quadrangles, tetrahedra, prisms,hexahedra andpyramids.With help of this app, you can take your meshdata fileswith youno matter where you are, at home or travelingabroad, andview themwith your phone (or tablet) in any way youwant, forinstance,changing different zoom level, differentcolor,differentperspective, etc.The app provides many 3D features including rotatingmodelwithfinger movement, zooming in/out, changing color, etc. Youcanalsochoose to render your model in wireframe only modeorsurfacerendering mode. You can view multiple files togetherandthey don'thave to be in the same format.The app also provides native support formultimediaincludingimage, video and audio. This way, you can manageyoursimulationsolution results (in image or video format) andmeshmodeltogether. The image formats supported by the app includepng,jpeg,bmp, gif, webp. The video formats supported by the appinclude3GPP(.3gp), MPEG-4 (.mp4). The audio formats supported bytheappinclude MIDI (.mid), MP3 (.mp3). The app also providesfeaturesforyou to have a peek at the raw data of data files inASCII (text)orbinary format.3D data files can be added to the app's externalstoragefoldercalled 'afanche'. Just connect your phone (or tablet)with aPC andcopy your 3D models to the 'afanche' folder of thedevice.Afterthat, you can use the app to load the models you savedinthedirectory. If you have files in system 'download' folderofyourdevice, the app can open them as well. You can also use theapptoopen files from email(attachment) or web (by downloading).Theappalso supports third party file management app,forinstance,DropBox.The app also provides you file sorting features so thatyoucanfind your model quickly. You sort by file name orfilecreationtime. If you don't need some of the files any more, youcanuse theapp to delete them. If you need share 3D model withyourfriend,coworker, client or partner, you can use in-appemailfeature tosend your model out as email attachment.The app is not just a data file viewer. It is also a 3Ddatafileorganizer. With its help, it is so easy to keep your 3Ddatafilesorgainzied.If you need Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows app for other3Dfileformats, please search 'Afanche' to find more 3Dorientedapps.Afanche Technologies is a company specialized in3Dtechnologies.Afanche provides customized 3D programmingsolutionsfor mobile,web and desktop. For more info, please contactus. Ouremailaddress is [email protected] you are not familiar with FEA, here is more info:FEA is widely used for purpose of Structuralanalysis,Vibrationalanalysis, Heat Transfer analysis, Fatigueanalysis,etc. inindustries including aerospace, automotive,biomedical,marine,power, and consumer products. It consists of acomputermodel of amaterial or design that is stressed and analyzedforspecificresults. It is used in new product design, andexistingproductrefinement. A company is able to verify a proposeddesignwill beable to perform to the client's specifications priortomanufacturingor construction. Modifying an existing productorstructure isutilized to qualify the product or structure for anewservicecondition.
FEA View 3D 2.0
This is a great 3D FEM / FEA / DEM /CFDmeshdata viewer. It supports MESH format (.mesh), NastranBulkDataFile format (.nas) and I-DEAS (Integrated DesignandEngineeringAnalysis Software) UNV format (.unv). Even if youareusing otherFinite element analysis software, for instance,ANSYS,OOFEM,ABAQUS, ADINA, ANSA, AutoForm, Extreme LoadingforStructures,StressCheck, FEFlow, etc., It would not be difficulttoexport (orconvert) your grid model to one of the formatssupporetedby thisapp. With help of this app, you can take your meshdatafiles withyou no matter where you are, at home or travelingabroad,and viewthem with your phone (or tablet) in any way youwant, forinstance,changing different zoom level, differentcolor,differentperspective, etc.The app provides many 3D features including rotatingmodelwithfinger movement, zooming in/out, changing color, etc. Youcanalsochoose if you want to display your model in wireframe onlymodeorsurface rendering mode. You can view multiple filestogetherandthey don't have to be in the same format. It is veryeasy touse.No training is necessary.The app is able to visualize STL data file as well. Youcanload3D geometry in STL format and compare it with meshmodel.The app also provides native support formultimediaincludingimage, video and audio. This way, you can manageyoursimulationsolution results (in image or video format) andmeshmodeltogether. The image formats supported by the app includepng,jpeg,bmp, gif, webp. The video formats supported by the appinclude3GPP(.3gp), MPEG-4 (.mp4). The audio formats supported bytheappinclude MIDI (.mid), MP3 (.mp3). The app also providesfeaturesforyou to have a peek at the raw data of data files inASCII (text)orbinary format.3D data files can be added to the app's externalstoragefoldercalled 'afanche'. Just connect your phone (or tablet)with aPC andcopy your 3D models to the 'afanche' folder of thedevice.Afterthat, you can use the app to load the models you savedinthedirectory. If you have files in system 'download' folderofyourdevice, the app can open them as well. You can also use theapptoopen files from email(attachment) or web (by downloading).Theappalso supports third party file management app,forinstance,DropBox.The app also provides you file sorting features so thatyoucanfind your model quickly. You sort by file name orfilecreationtime. If you don't need some of the files any more, youcanuse theapp to delete them. If you need share 3D model withyourfriend,coworker, client or partner, you can use in-appemailfeature tosend your model out as email attachment.The app is not just a data file viewer. It is also a 3Ddatafileorganizer. With its help, it is so easy to keep your 3Ddatafilesorgainzied.If you need Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows app for other3Dfileformats, please search 'Afanche' to find more 3Dorientedapps.Afanche Technologies is a company specialized in3Dtechnologies.Afanche provides customized 3D programmingsolutionsfor mobile,web and desktop. For more info, please contactus. Ouremailaddress is [email protected]