Top 6 Apps Similar to 配配

▪ 明星音——找到和我声音最像的大牌明星;▪ 玩配音——满足我与生俱来的表演欲;▪ 讲故事——谱写专属于我的精彩剧本;▪ 一起玩——来吧,这场戏我和你一起演!【玩配音,人人都是电影明星】玩电影内容建造师,精心制作海量好玩有趣的片段;一句一句地跟着原声模仿配音,还原最真实最高效的配音场景;每个人都可以拥有属于自己的配音大片,分享到朋友圈尽情炫耀!开启全民玩电影时代!【合作,联袂打造专属电影圈儿】全新的合作配音体验,让圈内好友不再仅仅是互粉互评那么简单!和不同语种、不同国家的电影爱好者,联袂演出你们的合作作品,让一切变得简单有趣!【故事秀,电影玩法新升级】玩电影独创的故事秀,有剧本改编创作、影片背后故事、配音表演技巧,各种精彩让你欲罢不能!当然,你也可以打开自己的脑洞,创作属于自己的电影故事!【明星音,全面引爆朋友圈】玩电影首创的明星音游戏,带你寻找宇宙中和你最像的巨星声音!微信:玩电影Wondering微博:@玩电影官方网站:▪ star tone - findbigstars and I sound most like;▪ Play dub - satisfy my innate desire performances;▪ storytelling - composed exclusively of mywonderfulscreenplay;▪ play - Come on, this play and I play together with you![Play dub, everyone is a movie star]Play movie content construction division, elaboratemassivefun-fragment;Soundtrack imitate a sentence followed dubbing, restore themostreal and most efficient dubbing scene;Everyone can have their own voice large, share of friends toenjoyshowing off! Open all the people playing movie era![Cooperation, jointly create exclusive movie circle]The new cooperation dubbing experience, so circle of friends isnolonger just mutual powder peer assessment so simple! Anddifferentlanguages, movie lovers from different countries, jointlyperformedwork your cooperation, to make things easy and fun![Story shows, movies play new upgrade]Play movie original story shows, there are adaptedscreenplaywriting, the story behind the film, dubbing performanceskills, avariety of exciting let you let them go!Of course, you can open your own brain holes, create their ownstoryof the film![Star sound, fully detonate circle of friends]Play movie sound game's first star with you in the Universeandstars the voice you most like!Micro letter: Play movies WonderingMicroblogging: @ Play MovieOfficial website: http: //
>>Compatible models<<above Android version 4.1.0Give SAY-U a try?「SAY-U」is animation dubbing app which records your voice.Thisfun app enables you to upload your recorded voice actingandco-starring with other users.>>>>SAY-U features<<<1) Never ending theme updates・Themes based on popular Manga (WEB Manga)’s motion comic.・Will provide various fun stages where you get to voice actasIdols, Heroes, SF characters, and even Villains.2) Easy Trial!Easy to Join!!You are able to compare voices from other users.For beginners, you can use other users’voice as referencebeforerecording your own.※You will have to log in to participate.3) ScriptThere will be a script for every theme.An easy display will indicate where is your part to record, andyoumay also refer to the progress bar for referencewhilerecording.4) Fun of co-starring!Being able to work together with other users is the mainattractionof SAY-UAfter reading and practicing the script, you are able tocombineyour recordings with other user!Dubbing will be so much fun!5) Show support for popular co-star or favorite user!If you find someone whose voice favors you, or co-stars whomyoulike, you are able to show support by giving themgoodreviews.Of course your can aim to get as many good reviews on yourvoiceacting too!6) RankingsRankings will be calculated based on numbers of timesofco-starring, and numbers of 'Like'.It dosen’t matter if you are aiming to be a top voiceperformer,or to be a fan of other voice performer, do indulge andenjoy theSAY-U’s world!
爱听360听书:听书, 有声小说,收音机,追书神器,懒人听书 3.8.5
爱听360是功能最强大,使用最方便,资源最丰富,播放最流畅的听书软件.在这里你除了听书,还可以发帖,发私信,以书会友,找到兴趣相同,志同道合的听友!听书,听新闻,听广播剧,听全球广播电台直播,一边上淘宝京东,一边听小说。爱听360听书拥有英语学习,有声小说,评书,相声,百家讲坛,儿歌,儿童故事,少儿读物等大量有声资源免费收听.有声小说,今日头条新闻, 今日资讯, 广播剧,耽美二次元动漫配音,音乐,电台,收音机,广播,播客,各种糗事百科,内涵段子,各种精选的无节操内容,相声脱口秀,英语儿歌,小说评书必备应用。全球广播电台,再也不用FM调频收音机了。这里有鹿晗,吴亦凡,EXO,各种小鲜肉的声音哦。免费收音机,你想要的奔跑吧兄弟,尽在爱听360!懒人听书神器,有声小说追书神器,听书神器,从此不再失眠。支持微信登陆,微信,微博,qq空间分享。行走时不便看优酷视频爱奇艺搜狐视频?听爱听360!还在用掌阅ireader书旗小说,小说已经进入听的时代。最好的听书播客体验,酷我听书,凤凰FM,荔枝FM,蜻蜓FM,考拉FM,不服来比。扔掉你的唱吧,关上QQ音乐和陌陌,享受有声的精彩。失眠?美女主播在午夜电台讲述成人的两性情感,声音像蜻蜓的翅膀抚慰失眠的你…有了爱听360,让你轻松触及和感受声音的喜马拉雅高度.Hear 360 is themostpowerful, easiest to use, most abundant resources, the mostfluentplayer software to listen to books.In addition to listening to the book where you can also post,sendprivate messages to the book will be friends, to find thesameinterests, listen to like-minded friends!Listen to books, listen to the news, listening to radioplays,listen to live radio stations worldwide, while TaobaoJingdong,while listening to the novel.Hear 360 books have English learning, Audiobook,storytelling,comic, Lecture Room, songs, children's stories,children's booksand other large audio resources freelistening.Audiobook, today headlines, today information, radio, slashthesecond element of animation dubbing, music, radio, radio,radio,podcasts, various embarrassments Wikipedia, the connotationpiece,a wide selection of unchaste content, comic talk shows,Englishsongs, novels storytelling essential applications.Global Radio, FM radio no longer a. There Luhan, Kris Wu, EXO,avariety of small meat sound oh. Free radio, you want to runitbrothers, all in 360 hear! Lazy listening to books artifacts,audiobooks fiction chase artifact, listening to books artifacts,nolonger sleep. Support micro-channel landing,micro-channel,microblogging, qq space to share. Look inconveniencewhen walkingYouku video iQIYI Sohu video? Listen to hear 360!Ireader still usepalm reading books flag novels, fiction hasentered the era oflistening. The best experience of listening tobooks podcasts, coolI listen to books, Phoenix FM, lychee FM,dragonfly FM, Koala FM,to more than satisfied. Throw away yoursing, shut QQ music andunfamiliar street, and enjoy the wonderfulsound. Insomnia?Beautiful anchor at midnight radio about genderadult emotions,sounds like dragonfly wings soothe insomnia ... youhave to hear360, let you easily touch and feel the sound of theHimalayanheights.
Ocker Yoda SoundBoard 1.0
Play wacky Aussie slang/phrases and the Worlds FirstRecordingPHRASE BOARD.
تحويل الصور الى مقطع فيديو 1.0
Arab Mobily
هل سبق و أن شاهدت فيديو في هاتف أصدقائكيحتوىعلى كافة الصور الخاصة به و تمني أن تحصل على فيديو مشابه له وتريدإضافة الموسيقى اليه ؟هل بحتث في المتجر عن برنامج يقوم بصنع فيديو من الصوروالموسيقى؟هل تمنيت الحصول على عمل فيديو من الصور مع اغنية من إختيارك ؟اليوم أحضرنا لك البرنامج المثالي لعمل فيديو بالصور والموسيقىمنإختيارك.تطبيقنا حصري في المتجر و هذا الشيئ الذي نتميز به نحن فقط.مزايا تطبيقنا :يمكنك معاينة ما قمت بصناعته قبل حفظه في الهاتف عن طريق الضغطعلىزر المعاينة.تحويل الصور الى فيديو بالموسيقىالتطبيق يمكنك من حفظ الفيديو الذي قمت بصناعته ذاخل هاتفكعكسالتطبيقات الأخرى.تحويل الصور الى فيديو البوم بالموسيقى بدون انترنت.يمكنك إضافة أكتر من خمسون صورة في فيديو واحد و يمكنك إضافةفيديوتصل مدته الى ساعة كاملة.جمع الصور في فيديو مع موسيقى بسهولة تامة و لن تأخد منكالطريقةسوى خمسة دقائق تقريبا.تحويل الصور الى فيديو بالموسيقى بحفظ.يمكنك التحكم في الفيديو كما تريد متلا تغيير مدة ظهور الصورةفيالفيديو و تغييرها الى الصورة الموالية و كل هذا تجده فيإعداداتالتطبيق فقط.Have you ever watchedavideo in your friends phone contains all of its imagery andwishedto get a video similar to it and you want to add music tohim? Is Bant in store for the program, it makes a videoofpictures and music?Do you wish to get a job of video images with the songofchoice?Today we brought you the ideal program for the work ofvideopictures and music of your choice.Our application exclusively in the store and this thingwhichdistinguishes We only.The advantages of our application:You can preview what you've Besnaath before saving it inthephone by pressing the Preview button.Convert images to video musicThe application enables you to save the video that youBesnaathMakhal your phone Unlike other applications.Convert images into a video album with music withouttheInternet.You can add Aktar than fifty image in one video and video youcanadd up to a full hour.Collection of images in a video with music quite easily andwillnot be the way you thing for taking only five minutes.Convert images to save the music video.You can control the video as you want Metla change thedurationof the appearance of the image in the video and change itto thepro's and all that you find only in the applicationsettings.
イカ娘タイピング 1.02
Gamegate INC.
★アプリ紹介でゲソ★「イカ娘タイピング」は、大人気TVアニメーション「侵略!?イカ娘」の主人公「イカ娘」が様々なシチュエーションでしゃべる言葉を制限時間内にフリック入力してクリアすることでボイスをコレクションできるアプリです。ワードを制限時間内にタイピングしてクリアしステージが上がっていくにつれて、最初はよそよそかったイカ娘との関係が、徐々に顔見知りとなり、友達へとなり、その先へ・・と徐々に変化していきますので、そのドキドキ感を楽しみながら様々なイカ娘との対話を楽しむことができます!イカ娘のボイスはコレクション可能で、コレクションしたボイスはいつでも聴くことができるので、好きな時にイカ娘のボイスを楽しめます!また、全ステージのワードランクをAにすることでプレイ可能となる「友達好感度★★★」のステージも用意されているので、全ワードでAランクを目指してください!もちろん全てのワードが「イカ娘」役の声優・金元寿子さんの録りおろしのオリジナルボイスとなっておりますので、ファンの方も必見!★機能説明でゲソ★【タイピング】各ステージ毎でレベル別に用意されたワードをタイピングします。クリアしたワードはコレクションに追加されいつでもボイスを聴くことができます!イカ娘との様々なステージが用意されているので全ステージをクリアしようじゃなイカ!【コレクション】クリアしたワードのオリジナルイカ娘ボイスを聴くことができます!ボイスを全てコンプリートするでゲソ!【LINE、Twitter連携】タイピングでクリアしたワードをソーシャルメディアに投稿する事ができます。フォロワーや友達に結果を教えてあげようじゃなイカ!■Twitter連携タイムやランクをTwitterでつぶやけるでゲソ!■LINE連携タイムやランクをLINEで共有できるじゃなイカ!★対応OSでゲソ★Andoroid OS 2.3以上★tentaclesapp introduction ★"Squid daughter typing" is an application that you cancollectionthe voice by clearing popular TV animation "invasion!?Squiddaughter" hero "Ika Musume" Flick input in the invarioussituations limit the words that speak in time.As by typing the word within the time limit going up isclearedstage, the relationship of the first and elsewhere elsewhereboughtsquid daughter, gradually become acquainted, it becomes tofriends,gradually changes ... to its earlier we do therefore are,you canenjoy a dialogue with various squid daughter while enjoyingtheexcitement! Squid daughter of the voice is a possiblecollection,since the collection was voice can be heard at any time,you canenjoy the voice of squid daughter at any time!In addition, because the stage of "friends favorabilityrating★★★" made possible play it by the word rank of all the stagesin Aare also available, please aim the A rank in all word!So we of course all of the word is "squid daughter" role ofvoiceactor Hisako Kanemoto's wholesale-recording of the originalvoice,also a must-see who the fans!★ tentacles in Feature Description ★[Typing]A word that has been provided to another level at each stage Iwillbe typing. Clear the word that you can listen to the voice atanytime been added to the collection! The squid such'm trying toclearthe whole stage because the various stages of the squiddaughterhas been prepared![Collection]You can listen to the original squid daughter voice of cleartheword! Tentacles is to complete all the voice![LINE, Twitter cooperation]You can post the word that was cleared by typing in socialmedia.The squid such'm I'll tell the result to followers andfriends!■ Twitter cooperationThe tentacles the time and rank in Tsubuyakeru in Twitter!■ it 's such a squid LINE cooperation time and rank can be sharedbyLINE!★ tentacles in the corresponding OS ★Andoroid OS 2.3 or higher