Top 15 Apps Similar to Tabeeby

RCOG Guidelines 10.0.7
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
The RCOG Guidelines app contains all of thehighlyrespectedGreen-top Guidelines developed by the RoyalCollegeofObstetricians and Gynaecologists, providing accesstohigh-qualityclinical guidance while on the move.Green-topGuidelines aresystematically developed to assistclinicians andpatients inmaking decisions about appropriatetreatment forspecific obstetricand gynaecological conditions. Theguidelinesprovide specificrecommendations on focused areas ofclinicalpractice. The RCOGGuidelines app now provides easy accessto thisinvaluableworld-class resource. Fully searchable, withhandybookmarking andnotes features, this app is an essentialresourcefor O&Gspecialists and everyone interested in women’shealthcareworldwide. The app is aimed at: • Obstetriciansandgynaecologists• Consultants and specialist trainees • Midwives•Nurses • Generalpractitioners (GPs) and other professionalsworkingin women’shealth care • Women seeking more information abouttheirhealth andclinical care Key app features: • All currentGreen-topGuidelinesincluded • Bookmark the most useful sectionsofguidelines • Makenotes on individual guidelines • Searchforspecific words or termswithin all of the guidelines •Easynavigation within eachguideline with a full contents listing •Sortguidelines by name ornumber • No need for an internetconnection;ideal for offline use• Automatically checks for anddownloadsrevised content wheneveronline • Free updates as newguidelines arepublished by the RCOG •Adjust text size to yourpreference •Landscape and portrait viewsPlease note that thefollowingguidelines have been discontinued orreplaced withotherhigh-quality guidance provided by the RCOG oravailable fromothersources, and are therefore no longeravailable: Green-topGuidelinesNo. 1, 1a, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11,14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25,28, 32, 35and 49.
Current Essentials of Medicine 11.3.580
Information on the diagnosis and treatment of more than 500medicaldisorders.
Ovia Pregnancy & Baby Tracker 6.3.0
Ovia Health
Watch your baby grow, countdown pregnancy steps until your duedateand labor.
Gestograma CONAMED 1.0
¡AVISO IMPORTANTE! Esta versión funciona en dispositivos Android4a6, ofrecemos una disculpa por los inconvenientes Teinvitamosaprobar estanuevaversiónónUngestograma, calendario obstétrico o disco prenatal,esunaherramienta del control prenatal, cuya función básica esauxiliaralprofesional de la salud, en el cálculo de la edadgestacional ylafecha probable de parto de una pacienteembarazada, a partir delafecha de la última menstruación. ElGESTOGRAMA PARA ELCONTROLPRENATAL SEGURO agrega otros rubros deinterés y utilidadpara elprofesional de la salud, basados endocumentos normativosquerepresentan la lex artis de la atención ala mujer embarazadaenMéxico, organizados por consulta y edadgestacional, para queelprofesional de la salud se oriente acercade los cuidadosmínimosindispensables a realizar en el momento dela gestación enque se dael encuentro con la paciente embarazada.* COMPATIBLE HASTAANDROID6.0 * Los datos registrados ydisponibles en esta herramientason: •Semanas. Se refiere a lassemanas de gestación e identificadesde elprimer día del últimoperiodo menstrual o Fecha deÚltimaMenstruación (FUM), hasta lasemana 44. • Mes. Establecemeseslunares (1 mes = 4 semanas), apartir de la FUM. •Momentosrelevantes. Señala periodos conrelevancia clínica omédico-legalque guían el actuar delprofesional de la salud durantela atenciónobstétrica. • Inicio debúsqueda (de) datos de alarma.Conforme a laevolución delembarazo, existen diversos riesgos parael binomiomadre-feto, porlo que se señala el momento en que se debecomenzara buscar, demanera intencionada, la presencia del dato dealarmaseñalado. Losdatos de alarma son sumativos durante lagestación ydebedocumentarse en el expediente clínico, el resultadode labúsquedaintencionada, sea positiva (se encontró el dato dealarma)onegativa (no se encontró el dato de alarma). •Valoraciónmínimadurante cada consulta que establece la NormaOficialMexicanaNOM-007-SSA2-1993, Atención de la mujer duranteelembarazo, partoy puerperio y del recién nacido. Criteriosyprocedimientos para laprestación delserviciolink,así como los factores de riesgo obstétrico yreproductivomáscomunes a considerar en la Valoración del riesgo queseñalalamisma NOM 007. • Plan de seguridad obstétrica. Tiene lafuncióndeorientar y educar a la embarazada y a su familia cercana,atravésde la reducción de riesgos, la identificación tempranadedatos dealarma y la planeación de acciones que permitanreducirlaemergencia obstétrica. • Educación para la salud.Recomiendatemasa tratar con la embarazada durante las consultas,establecidosenlas normas oficiales mexicanas. • Producto. Orientaalprofesionalde la salud sobre la denominación científicaapropiadadel productode la concepción, de acuerdo a su evolución.•Consultas y cuidadoprenatal mínimos. La NOM 007 establece quelaunidad de salud debepromover que la embarazada de bajoriesgoreciba como mínimo cincoconsultas prenatales,iniciandopreferentemente en las primeras 12semanas de gestación yatendiendoal calendario que se señala en elgestograma. •Consultasrecomendables. Recomendacionesinternacionales sobrefrecuencia yacciones de salud básicas arealizar durante el controlprenatal. •Índice de masa corporal.Incluye una herramienta para elcálculo yla interpretación de laganancia de peso recomendadadurante elembarazo. • Crecimientouterino (en cm) desde el borde delasínfisis del pubis, conreferencia al valor promedio establecidoenla percentila 50% delas tablas de Fescina. El GESTOGRAMA PARAELCONTROL PRENATALSEGURO forma parte de las Herramientas paraelCuidado PrenatalSeguro, desarrolladas por la Comisión NacionaldeArbitraje Médico.Más informaciónen: .UA-41846902-1 1.06
De app is dé app voorbetrouwbareinformatie over uw ziekte en gezondheid. Daarnaastondersteunt dezeapp u voor, tijdens en na uw huisartsenbezoek. Ukunt deze appgebruiken:• om gezond te blijven;• om klachten zelf aan te pakken;• als u zich afvraagt wanneer u naar de huisarts moet gaan;• als u zich wilt voorbereiden op een gesprek met uw huisarts;zoekinformatie over uw klachten stel uw vragen samen• om u te ondersteunen tijdens uw huisartsenbezoek; loop metuwhuisarts uw vragen af en voer samen een behandelplanenvoorgeschreven medicatie in• als u de uitleg en adviezen nog eens na wilt lezen na eenbezoekaan uw huisarts;• om een logboek van uw bezoeken aan uw huisarts bij tehouden• om medicatieherinneringen in te stellen• om de gegevens van uw huisarts bij te houden• als u op zoek bent naar meer informatie over een is een initiatief van het NederlandsHuisartsenGenootschap (NHG), de wetenschappelijke vereniging vanhuisartsen.De informatie op is samengesteld doorhuisartsen en isonafhankelijk en wetenschappelijk verantwoord. HetNHG zorgt ervoordat de informatie in de app actueel blijft en wordtaangepast aannieuwe richtlijnen.The appisthe app for reliable information about your illness andhealth.Additionally, this app will support you before, during andafteryour doctor visit. You can use this app:• to stay healthy;• to tackle problems themselves;• if you are wondering if you should go to the doctor;• If you want to prepare for a conversation with yourdoctor;looking for information about your symptoms ask yourquestionstogether• to support you during your doctor visit you; walk with yourdoctoryour questions and perform together a treatment andmedicationprescribed• if you want to read about it after a visit to yourdoctor'sexplanation and advice;• to keep a log of your visits to your doctor at• to set medication reminders• to keep the details of your family doctor• if you are looking for more information about a is an initiative of the Dutch College ofGeneralPractitioners (NHG), the scientific association ofphysicians. Theinformation on compiled bypractitioners and isindependent and scientifically sound. The NHGensures that theinformation is kept up to date in the app andadapted to newguidelines.
BMJ OnExamination 2.8.0
Time efficient, personalised revision for trainee doctorsandmedical students.
iMediaSante 1.5
iMediaSante est une plateforme de prisederendez-vous médicale accessible gratuitement sur Internet oudepuisune application mobile.iMediaSante vous permettra idéalement de trouver unprofessionnelde Santé (généraliste, dentiste, ophtalmogue,dermathologue,spécialistes) disponible selon sa spécialité, sagéolocalisation, ladate par exemple.Vous recherchez un médecin ou un dentiste en urgence ? Vousavezdes difficultés à trouver un rendez vous le jour devotreconvenance ? iMediaSante vous facilite votre prise de rendezvous(recherche par jour, horaire, localisation) chez votre médecinouvotre dentiste.Fonctionnalités :Prise de Rendez-vousAnnuler un Rendez-vousNuméro d'urgence (sos pédiatrie, centre anti poison..)Paramétrage utilisateuriMediaSante est aussi un annuaire de professionnel de santé.Aufur et à mesure, de nouveaux médecins, spécialités, villesserontréférencés afin de vous faciliter la prise de rendezvous.Disponible aujourd’hui pour Paris et Montreuil pour une prisederendez vous, envoyez-nous un email avec votre ville / médecin,nousvous préviendrons dès que celle-ci sera référencé dansnotreplateforme.Site : www.imediasante.comContactez-nous : [email protected]'hui, iMédiaSanté est disponible pour la plupartdesspécialités de médecins et pour les dentistes à Paris et enRégionparisienne. Par la suite, l’application prévoit d'ajouterdescentres de santé dans d'autres villes de France.Mots cles: imedia, sante, rdv, rendez vous, paris,doc,Ambulancier, Anesthésiste, Assistant dentaire, Assistantenpharmacie, Audioprothésiste, Bandagiste, Biohygiéniste,Biologistemédical, Bottier orthopédiste, Brancardier, Opticienlunetier,Cardiologue, Chef de clinique, université,Chiropraticien,Dentiste, Diététicien, Ergothérapie, gestes et soinsd'urgence,Gynécologue, Herboriste, Herboristerie, Hypnologue,Hématologue,Inhalothérapeute, Interne, Kinésithérapeute, praticienhospitalier,Médecin, sapeur-pompier, Médecin spécialiste,Médecin-biologiste,Oculiste, Ophtalmologue, Orthoprothésiste,Orthésiste, Ostéopathie,Pathologiste, Pharmacien, Pharmacienhospitalier,Pharmacien-biologiste, Pharmacologue, Physiatre,Praticienhospitalier, Pédiatre, Sage-femme, Thanatopraxie,Thérapeute,Urgentologue, Urologue, Vétérinaire, médecin, medecine,maladie,malade, pandémie, patient, recherche, risque, Santé,soin,traitement, virus, docteur, thérapeute, toubib,praticien,clinicien, généraliste, spécialiste, sante, clinique,centre desante, hopital, hôpital, France, Marseille, Montpellier,Lyon,Toulouse, Paris, ile de France, medicament, urgence, samu,police,pompier, centre anti poison, sos medecin, sos pharmacie,samusocial, centre antipoison, sos pediatrie, grippe, rhume,gastro,ophtalmo, lunettes, Médecine générale, Anesthésie,réanimation,Cancérologie, Cardiologie, Dermatologie,Endocrinologie,Hématologie, Infectiologie, Médecine interne,Médecine physiqueréadaptation, Néphrologie, Neurologie, Pédiatrie,Pneumologie,Psychiatrie, Rhumatologie, Allergologie, Gériatrie,Médecined'urgence, ToxicologieiMediaSante is aplatformfor making medical appointments available free on theInternet orfrom a mobile application.iMediaSante ideally you will find a professional Health(GP,dentist, ophtalmogue, dermathologue, specialists)availableaccording to his specialty, its geolocation, date forexample.Looking for a medical or dental emergency? You havedifficultyfinding an appointment on the day of your convenience?iMediaSantehelps you making your appointment (search by date, time,location)from your doctor or dentist.Features:Taking AppointmentsCancel an AppointmentEmergency number (SOS pediatrics, poison center ..)User SetupiMediaSante is also a directory of health care professional.Asin, new medical specialties, cities will be referenced in ordertofacilitate making appointments.Available today for Paris and Montreuil for makingappointments,send us an email with your city / doctor, we willnotify you assoon as it will be referenced in our platform.Site: www.imediasante.comContact us: [email protected] iMédiaSanté is available for most specialties ofphysiciansand dentists in Paris and the Paris region. Thereafter,theapplication plans to add health centers in other citiesofFrance.Keywords: imedia, health, appointment, appointments, paris,doc,Ambulance, Anaesthetist, Dental Assistant, PharmacyAssistant,Audiologist, truss, Biohygiéniste Biologist medicalBottierorthopedic stretcher bearer, Optician, Cardiologist, HeadofClinical University, Chiropractor, Dentist, Dietician,OccupationalTherapy, gestures and emergency care, Gynecologist,Herbalism,Herbalism, Hypnologue, Hematologist, RespiratoryTherapist, Intern,Physical Therapy, Hospital Practitioner, Doctor,Firefighter,Medical Specialist, Medical Biologist, Oculist ,Ophthalmologist,prosthetist, orthotist, Osteopathy, Pathologist,Pharmacist,Pharmacist hospital pharmacist-biologist,pharmacologist,Physiatrist, Hospital Doctor, Pediatrician, Midwife,Embalming,Therapist, Emergency Physician, Urologist, Veterinarydoctor,medicine, illness, sick , pandemic, patient, research,risk,health, care, treatment, virus, doctor, therapist,doctor,practitioner, clinician, generalist, specialist, health,clinic,health center, hospital, hospital, France, Marseille,Montpellier,Lyon , Toulouse, Paris, Ile de France, drug, emergency,ambulance,police, fire, poison control center, doctor sos, sospharmacy, samusocial poison control center, sos pediatrics, flu,colds,gastroenteritis, ophthalmologist, glasses, General medicine,Anesthesia, ICU, Oncology, Cardiology, Dermatology,Endocrinology,Hematology, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine,PhysicalMedicine Rehabilitation, Nephrology, Neurology,Pediatrics,Pulmonology, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, Allergy,Geriatrics,Emergency Medicine, Toxicology
iMamma: Bimbo e Gravidanza 6.2.6
The app for the whole family: pregnancy, weaning, baby,activitycalendar.
Mnemonic 1.0
Medical Mnemonics Collection
Doctor On Demand 3.60.3
Available when you are and without thehassleof the waiting room. Connect in minutes withboard-certifiedphysicians and doctoral-level therapists over livevideo. Just likean in-person visit, your doctor will take yourhistory andsymptoms, then will perform an exam.Some of examples of what we treat:- Cold & Flu- UTI- Allergies- Depression & Anxiety- Skin and Eye Issues- Urgent Care & moreWhen are doctors available?Our doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Youcansee a doctor immediately or schedule a visit atyourconvenience.Is insurance accepted?Our services are available with and without an insurance. Wealsopartner with many top employers to reduce your cost.How much do visits cost?Doctor On Demand is open to everyone. See exactly what yourvisitwill cost before you connect. There are no monthly fees.Can my other family members use this too?Our doctors can help your entire family - including kids.Frommedical to mental health, we’re available to make sure yourfamilygets the care they need.This service is available in all 50 states and the DistrictofColumbia.
Klinikführer Geburt von ELTERN 1.6.3
Finden Sie Ihre Geburtsklinik mitderKlinikführer App von ELTERN!Die Klinikführer App von ELTERN bietet eine umfassende SuchenachIhrer idealen Geburtsklinik:• Lassen Sie sich alle Geburtskliniken in der Näheanzeigen(Kliniken mit Galerien sind in derErgebnislistegekennzeichnet)• Geben Sie an, was Ihnen persönlich für die Geburt wichtig ist(z.B. Wassergeburt, PDA etc.) und sehen Sie, welche Klinik zuIhnenpasst• Auf den Detailseiten der Kliniken finden Sie alle wichtigenInfoszur Klinik wie zum Beispiel eine Bildergalerie, dieKontaktdaten,Angebote der Klinik vor und nach der Geburt sowieallesWissenswertes zum Klinikaufenthalt• Legen Sie sich eine Liste mit den passenden Kliniken an• Machen Sie sich Notizen zur Klinik und teilen Sie sie zusammenmitden Kontaktdaten mit Ihrem Partner• Checklisten helfen Ihnen bei Ihrer Organisation (z. B.: Wasmussin die Krankenhaustasche?)• Informieren Sie sich mit den redaktionellen Ratgeberartikelnrundum die Geburt• Bestellen Sie sich relevante Newsletter von ELTERNDie Klinikführer App sieht sich als Begleiter der letzten PhasederSchwangerschaft – von der Klinikfindung bis hin zurGeburt!Find yourmaternityhospital with the Clinic Guide App from PARENTS!The Clinic Guide app offers parents a comprehensive search foryourideal maternity hospital:• Get all the maternity hospitals in the vicinity (Show clinicswithgalleries in the list of results in)• Indicate what you care for the birth is personal (eg.,Waterbirth, PDA, etc.) and see which hospital suits you• On the detail pages of the clinics you find allimportantinformation about the clinic, such as a photo gallery,contactinformation, deals the hospital before and after the birthandeverything About Your hospital stay• Lie down on a list with the appropriate clinics• Take notes on the hospital and share them along with thecontactwith your partner• Checklists to help you with your organization (eg. B .: Whatneedsin the hospital bag?)• Inform yourself with the editorial counselor articlesaroundbirth• Receive relevant is news from PARENTSThe Clinic Guide app sees itself as a companion of the last stageofpregnancy - from the hospital identification to birth!
Cruzi - Health Guide 2.1
G5 Developer
Cruzi - Health Guide is a genuinely Brazilian applicationthataimsto facilitate access to health information. THE APPLICATIONISINPORTUGUESE AND STILL HAS NO SUPPORT FOROTHERLANGUAGES.Translation from Spanish and English in thedevelopmentphase. Freeand with a nice and intuitive interface, allqueries areperformedoffline, you do not need any internetconnection. Thefeaturesprovided are: - HEALTH TIPS - Provides tipson how tomaintain ahealthy diet, informing the benefits of variousfoods andsourcesof vitamins and minerals. The information availablehas beentakenfrom the book The Fruits in Domestic Medicine. You canalsoviewtips on how to keep the booklet of vaccination days.-CONSULTDISEASES - A list containing the main diseases incidentsinBrazil,drawn from sources from the Ministry of Health. Youcanquery modesof transmission, treatment and prevention, amongothers.- CONSULTDRUG AND ACTIVE INGREDIENTS - A list containing aportionof drugsand active principles is presented with options toview thelabelsbriefly and with a language oriented professionals ornot.For now,the list includes only a portion of the genericdrugsapproved byANVISA. The content has been compiled fromreliablesources as thePR Vade-Mecum 2010-2011 and DSP -DictionarySpecialtyPharmaceutical 2011. - MEDICAL SPECIALTIES -Allmedicalspecialties recognized by FCM - Federal Council ofMedicinearecovered. You can see its description, and quicklyaccessthediseases linked to them and that are already registeredintheapplication. - MEDICAL DICTIONARY - A dictionary ofmedicalterms,containing more than 700 words relating to health andoftenunknownto the general population is available. Note: Only adoctorcandiagnose disease, prescribe medications andtreatmentsindicate.The information available have only informativecharacter.
easyTar 1.0.8
Een snelle en eenvoudigeverwerkingvanprestaties klinkt als muziek in de oren, maar in depraktijkblijktdit niet altijd het geval te zijn. Dankzij dehandigeengebruiksvriendelijke applicatie easyTar® wordt ditwerkelijkheidenkunnen huisartsen en specialisten de verwerking vanhunprestatiesvia de derdebetalersregeling aanzienlijkvereenvoudigen.easyTar®De applicatie is voorzien van een patiëntendatabase waarinudegegevens van patiënten makkelijk kan invullenofaanpassen.Bovendien kan u met behulp van een eID-reader degegevensvan depatiënten snel inlezen. Zorgverstrekkers die alaangeslotenzijnbij LTD3 kunnen hun patiëntgegevens laten overzettennaareasyTar®.Artsen en specialisten die nog niet aangesloten zijn,maarwelwerken met een artsensoftware, kunnen hunpatiëntgegevenslatenimporteren naar easyTar®.Via het ingavescherm krijgt u dan weer een overzichtvanallenomenclaturen en kan u de prestaties die u bij depatiëntgeleverdheeft, indienen. U krijgt meteen na het selecterenvandeprestaties de juiste remgelden en terugbetalingstarievenvanuwhonoraria te zien. Zo bent u er zeker van dat u steedshetjuistetarief hanteert en dat u de vergoeding krijgt waaropurechtheeft.Deze verschillende ingrediënten zorgen ervoor dat uefficiënteneenvoudig uw prestaties kan indienen!Aanbevolen tablet: Samsung Tab3 - 8/10 inchA quickandsimpleprocessing performance sounds like music to the ears,butinpractice not always this to be the case.Convenientanduser-friendly application easyTar ® is a reality andcan GPsandspecialists processing performance significantly simplifyviathedirect settlement system.easyTar ®The application includes a patient database in which youcanenteror change the data. Patients easy Moreover, the data ofthepatientscan read quickly using an eID reader. Care providersthatare alreadyconnected to their patient data to transfer toeasyTar®. LTD3 atDoctors and specialists who are not connected,butworking with asoftware for doctors, their patient data toimportto easyTar ®.Through the input screen can then get back a listofallclassifications and can give you the performance you havecometothe patient, submit. You will receive immediatelyafterselectingthe performance to see. Appropriate co-paymentsandreimbursementrates of your fees So you can be sure you aregettingthe correctrate applies and that you get the compensation towhichyou areentitled.These different ingredients will make you efficient andeasytosubmit your performance!Recommended tablet: Samsung tab3 - 8/10 inch
G-I-N 2015
This app will be your guide at theG-I-NConferance in Amsterdam
MCC Gooi Vecht Werkafspraken 3.7
MDL Solutions
The MCC Gooi and Vecht app contains all workingagreements,guidelines and news.