Top 4 Apps Similar to Lifestyle-Stop Smoking

Vaper-App: stop smoking 1.1
Vaper-App helps you quit smoking by sending health andfinancialreminders letting you see the benefits of stoppingsmoking.
Stop Smoking 1.0.5
Sleep Learning
Each recording combines thepioneering,deeperlearning strategies of Dr. MiltonEricksonandNeuro-Linguistic-Programming together with the ancientwisdomofmany religious, philosophical and mystical traditions -andhasbeen intricately conceived to liberatethepositive,life-transforming energy of your deeper mind!Initially conceived by Dr.John Grinder and RichardBandler,NeuroLinguistic Programming has been demonstratedinnumerouspsychological studies to provide effective techniquesbothforinducing positive emotional states and forreplacingself-defeatingbehavior patterns with more attractiveandlife-enhancingalternatives.Robert Siegel, author of these NLP Hypnosis Programs,hascreateda series of hypnotic recordings which irresistibly lurethelisteneron a journey inwards... to the metaphorical realmsoftheunconscious mind. Using tales and legends compiled fromtheworld'sancient cultures, the listener's consciousmindbecomeseffortlessly absorbed in the entrancing narration,theskillfulweave of hypnotic language patterns andmetaphoricalscenariosensuring that the listener's unconscious mindreceiveshighlybeneficial suggestions for encouraging positivechange!Having been a professional hypnotherapist for manyyears,andaware of the many styles and interpretations ofhypnosis,RobertSiegel's presentation is one of the magicalstoryteller-entertaining, captivating and mesmerizing. Included arealltheideal components for creating in the listenernumerouspotentialsfor learning and change. These programs are notthe 'runof themill' standardized processes that seem toproliferate;instead theyenhance Robert's status as a highlytalented andcreative hypnoticauthor.The power of Ericksonian hypnosis is not tobeunderestimated,You will be pleasantly surprised how effortless this processis-because you consciously don't have to do anything exceptturnonyour NLP Hypnosis Program and sit or lie backcomfortably,allowingyourself to be guided within your inner mindadventure.The programs are made to be interesting, informativeandpleasantto listen to in your conscious mind - but the real workisbeingdone in your subconscious with the NLP techniques!Combining these innovative approaches, the NLPHypnosisProgramsgenerate within you a thoroughly positivelifeperception:naturally.The Higher Self that is YOU - recognizes these truthsandguidesyour mind towards more productive andlife-affirmingbehaviorpatterns.
Quit Smoking 1.0
Be free from cravings for cigarettes, breakthesmoking habit. The Help Yourself Quite Smoking App is designedtohelp you achieve a state of extreme relaxation so that you cantapinto your inner strengths to cut out cigarettes and smokingfromyour life. This relaxation process aims to give youunconsciouscoping strategies which, with repeated listening ofthis recording,will strengthen your resources to banish cravingsfor cigarettes andthe habit of drinking. The recording lasts forapproximately thirtyminutes, at which time you will be gentlywoken from the trancestate.