Top 16 Apps Similar to Yamaha Guitar

The App turns Android device into a WiFi remote control forselectYamaha model
NP CONTROLLER is designed to control Yamaha Network PlayerviaAndroid Phone
This HOME THEATER CONTROLLER app provideseasyoperation of select Yamaha Home Theater Systems using yourAndroiddevice.Key Features:- Basic function control, such as volume up/down, inputselectionand setting mode selection- Auto/manual sound beam adjustment (for YSP-2500)- Precise sound beam adjustment (for YSP-1400,SRT-1000,SBS-100)- Surround mode selection, offering expanded choices overtheincluded remote control (for ATS-1520, ATS-1030,ATS-1050,ATS-1060, YAS-152, YAS-103, YAS-203, YAS-105, YAS-106,SRT-700,SBS-70)The app requires an active BLUETOOTH wireless connectionbetweenyour Yamaha sound bar and your mobile device. Please makesure toestablish a connection first.[Supported Models]ATS-1520, ATS-1030, ATS-1050, ATS-1060, YAS-152, YAS-103,YAS-203,YAS-105, YAS-106, YSP-1400, YSP-2500, SRT-1000, SRT-700,SBS-100,HTY-250, YRS-1500, YRS-2500[AndroidOS Version Requirement]* This application supports AndroidOS 4.1or above.[Privacy Policy]This application will never collect nor externally transferpersonaldata stored in your smartphone / tablet.This application performs following functions for purposesdescribedbelow.- Making a connection under BLUETOOTH wireless technologyenabledenvironment The application uses BLUETOOTH function on your smartphone /tabletfor the purpose of controlling BLUETOOTH enableddevicesHTController Privacy PolicyLast update: Jan. 15, 2016Yamaha Corporation and its subsidiaries are referred to inthisPrivacy Policy as "Yamaha," "we," or "us." Users of theSoftwareare referred to as "You." Yamaha places great importanceonprotecting your privacy.This notice describes the Yamaha Corporation's Privacy Policywithrespect to your usage of the Software.By using the Software, you are accepting and consenting to thetermsof this Privacy Policy.If you do not agree with any term in this Privacy Policy, pleasedonot download, install, copy, or otherwise use thisSoftware.The Software sends non-personally identifying anonymous usagedatato third party vendors solely for Yamaha to analyze and improvetheSoftware and relevant product or service.Yamaha and the third party vendors may collect and storestatisticdata, including type of device and its OS version,accesscountries, number of users, date and time of each userrequest, andother information about how you interact with theSoftware.This Software uses cookies.A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we put ontheSoftware if you agree.The cookies we use are analytical cookies which allow ustorecognize and count the statistic data as foregoing.Yamaha does not obtain your personally identifiable informationnoruse cookies to obtain personally identifiable information aboutanyusers.Yamaha (Yamaha Corporation and its subsidiaries) may sharethestatistic data solely to analyze and improve the Softwareandrelevant product or service.The statistic data will be shared with third party vendors solelytohelp us analyze and improve the Software and relevant productorservice.The third party vendors will not have the right to use ordisclosethe statistic data we provide to them except as necessarytoprovide services to us.The statistic data may be disclosed if we are required to do sotocomply with laws, subpoenas, court orders or otherlegalprocess.Yamaha may update or revise this Privacy Policy from timetotime.We will display a current version of our Privacy Policy atthispage.If you use the Software after we revise this Privacy Policy youareaccepting and consenting to the terms of the revisedPrivacyPolicy.If you do not agree with any term in this Privacy Policy, pleasedonot use this Software.If you have comments or questions about this Privacy Policy,pleasevisit the Customer Support section of Yamaha web site, orcontactus by mail at:Yamaha Corporation10-1, Nakazawa-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka,430-8650,Japan
MusicCast Controller 5.40
MusicCast makes it easy to bring music to every room in yourhomewirelessly.
DTA CONTROLLER enhances capability of select Yamaha DesktopAudiosystem.
FM Synthesizer [SynprezFM II] 2.3.6-release
SynprezFM is a precise and complete emulator of vintage 80sFMsynthesizers
HD Motorcycle Sounds 3.1
Enjoy real motorcycle revving sounds in HD!
This HOME THEATER CONTROLLER app provideseasyoperation of select Yamaha Home Theater Systems using yourAndroiddevice.Key Features:-Operations such as Volume control, Input select andSurroundselect-Manual sound beam adjustment(only for capable models)-Specific sound beam adjustment by room size(only forcapablemodels)Those operations can be done by wireless connectionwithMusicCast CONTROLLER(Please make sure your wireless connectionwithMusicCast CONTROLLER)[Supported Models]YSP-1600SRT-1500YSP-5600[AndroidOS Version Requirement]Android4.1 or higher[Privacy Policy]This application will never collect nor externally transferpersonaldata stored in your smartphone / tablet.This application performs following functions for purposesdescribedbelow.・WLAN connectionOperations by this application requires WLAN connection ofyoursmart device.
This app helps you with AV receiver setup and connections withotherdevices.
With the Yamaha AV APP NAVI for Android,theapp corresponding to each piece of audio equipment can be foundona list of application icons and product images. Simply choosetheapplication icon or product image, whichever you prefer, tostartthe corresponding app directly. It is a convenient integratedappthat provides easy access to each of our product'scorrespondingapps.System Requirements- Android device with OS4.1 or higherFeatures- Allows direct activation of the corresponding app for eachpieceof audio equipment.- App installation guidanceFor example, if the app you are trying to start has notbeeninstalled, it will automatically guide you to thecorresondingGoogle Play app page.- User interface customizationOn the screen for confirming the list of compatible apps,customizeicon sorting, display/hide function switching, and productimagecolor.Compatible devices- Works with the following apps:AV CONTROLLERNETWORK PLAYER CONTROLLERDTA CONTROLLERHOME THEATER CONTROLLERPrivacy PolicyThis application does not collect or externally transferanypersonal data stored on the user's smartphone or tablet.
mysoundプレーヤー ~コード表示対応音楽プレーヤー~ 3.0.1
平素は本サービスをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。本アプリにつきまして、以下の日程にて配信を終了する運びとなりました。誠に恐れ入りますが、何卒ご理解賜りますようお願い申し上げます。■アプリ配信終了予定日時2021年11月30日(火)11時※配信終了日時以降も既にインストール済の「mysoundプレーヤー」アプリをお使いいただけますが、終了日以降はGooglePlayでの配信は停止となりますのでアプリの新規インストール、再インストールは行えません。お客様にはご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。****** ■特徴「楽器演奏者に嬉しいコード表示」音声信号解析によりコードを判定し、どんな曲でもコード譜を表示!再生にあわせて、コード、ギター譜/ウクレレ譜/ピアノ譜/五線譜が同時に確認でき、カポタストや指定区間のループ再生にも対応。「ハイレゾ対応(無料)」新たな機器や費用が必要なくハイレゾ再生が可能!お手持ちのFLACファイルをmysoundプレーヤーに取り込むだけで、高音質のハイレゾをすぐに体験できます。※サポートフォーマット:FLAC(~24bit/192kHz)ヤマハが提供する高品質なハイレゾ音楽プレーヤーで、ワンランク上の楽しい音楽体験を! ■機能・音声解析によるコード表示機能・ハイレゾ(FLAC)の再生機能 ・簡単に作成できるプレイリスト・多様な音色をカスタマイズできるイコライザー・指定した時間に再生を停止できるスリープタイマー・楽曲のコーデック、音質スペック情報の表示・Notification画面/ロック画面での再生コントロール・ホーム画面でアプリが利用できる「ウィジェット」機能 ■推奨環境 Android 5.0以上 ■サポートフォーマット:FLAC(~24bit/192kHz)/MP3/3GP/AAC/WAV/MID※上記のうち、ご利用の端末で再生可能なフォーマットは、 ご利用端末のスペック情報よりご確認ください。※コード解析機能は、サンプリングレート44.1kHzのMP3/AAC/WAVファイルに 対応しています。※コード解析機能は、Android4.1以上のOSに対応しています。■お問い合わせ:Ver.3.0.1におきまして、誠に恐れ入りますが、メールでのお問い合せ機能を終了させて頂きました。■楽曲購入・mysoundストアからの楽曲購入が可能です。・キャリア決済またはクレジットカード決済をご利用いただけます。・mysound月額コースにご入会いただくことで楽曲をお得に購入できます。 ※月額コースはキャリア決済のみです。・詳しくは以下をご覧ください。 mysound(初めての方へ) mysound(入会のご案内)■ご注意:・本アプリをインストールいただいた直後、楽曲解析処理に伴い一時的に電池消費量が大きくなることがあります。 ■関連リンクmysound
AirFader Mobile 3.1.1
AirFader Mobile is a remote control client forAirFaderServer(Microsoft Windows) that allows you to controldigital audiomixersfrom your Android device. It's perfect as apersonal monitormixerOR as a tool for FOH and monitor engineers.Access controlsbuiltinto the server allow you to limit each user tospecificmixes.Currently supported are the Yamaha M7CL, LS9, and01V96digitalmixing consoles. Requirements: This "mobile" versionofAirFaderrequires AirFader Server to be running on aMicrosoftWindowscomputer or laptop. This allows multiple users atthe sametime.(To connect to the console directly from android,searchfor"AirFader Pro".) Be sure to read the FAQ fortroubleshootingandtips: * Control the Mixfrom anywhere-Get a feel for the room and make changes on-the-spot,even iftheconsole's location is less than ideal. * Adjust monitormixesfromanywhere on stage - No more running off-stage for "morekick"or"less bass." Ring out feedback using GEQ controls. *Usemultipledevices at the same time - Give each performertheirownAndroid-powered personal monitor mixer.
MagicPlay: AirPlay for Android 1.1.4
doubleTwist's MagicPlay brings AirPlay music and video supporttoAndroid.
Denon Remote App 1.1.9
D+M Group
Denon Remote App allows to control the basic functions of yourDenonproducts.
Onkyo Remote 2.2.3
Onkyo’s Remote App supports wireless audio and remotecontrolfunctionality.
Midi Analyser for Yamaha PSRs 1.13
This is an analyser of Midi files. Itisintended to inform the voices were choosed by your keyboardwhenplaying Midi files.It is useful because some keyboards does not show thechannelvoices being played, so you have to try to identify for yourselfamong hundreds of voices. This app will help you finding thevoicesin your instrument, giving you the voice category and itsindexmaking easy to find the voice for the channel you want toplay.It is compatible with the Yamaha PSR S650, PSR S750, PSR E343andPSR E433 by now. If you like it and want it to be adapted forotherkeyboard (s), please send me an email requesting it!