Top 5 Apps Similar to Arthritis Symptoms Revealed

WebMD Pain Coach 1.3
WebMD Pain Coach™ offers a holistic approachtobalancing lifestyle with chronic pain conditions to help inspireabetter day. WebMD’s new app is a mobile companion to helpyouthrough daily health and wellness choices so you can bettermanageyour chronic pain. Enjoy a personalized experienceasphysician-reviewed tips related to your specific conditionaredelivered daily to you. WebMD Pain Coach™ puts you in controlofyour lifestyle choices so you can review personal patternstounderstand triggers, set goals, and easily share progress withyourphysician.588 Tips – 293 Articles – 86 Goals – 25 Videos – 21 Slideshows–5 QuizzesWebMD Pain Coach™ is specially designed and customized forpeoplewith the following chronic pain conditions:✓ Back pain✓ Neck pain✓ Nerve pain✓ Fibromyalgia✓ Migraine✓ Osteoarthritis✓ Rheumatoid arthritisIf your chronic pain condition is not listed above, you canstilluse the app to track pain, set goals, and get pain managementtips,articles, slideshows and videos.When you first download and use WebMD Pain Coach™, you areaskedto select your chronic pain condition(s), as well assymptoms,triggers and treatments that apply to your condition(s).If privacyis important, the option to set a four digit PIN willkeep yourinformation secure. WebMD’s drug look-up allows you tosearch andselect over-the-counter and prescribed medications, andrecord thedosage of each drug selected.WebMD Pain Coach™ is organized into foureasy-to-usesections:✓ JOURNALThe Journal section allows you to quickly and easily recordyourday. A separate Journal screen exists for each day. Onceentriesare created for multiple days, flip back to see your painhistory.Turn your phone sideways to generate your Pain Coach™Report: ahistorical chart that plots your general well-beingagainst yourpain levels while listing your most common symptoms,triggers andtreatments. Tap on a day to view a snapshot of yourpain historyand export your Pain Coach™ Report to PDF and email itto yourselfor your physician.♦ Record how you generally feel each day by sliding the PainCoach™‘Well Being Belt.’♦ Log a pain entry to track details surrounding pain: painlevelfrom 1-10, symptoms, triggers, treatments and notes.♦ Reminder to log a pain entry by receiving a PainCoach™notification once a day.♦ View a new Daily Tip that is personalized to yourcondition(s),triggers and treatments.♦ If you set goals to better manage pain, tap ‘Today’s Goals’tocheck off achieved goals.✓ GoalsThe Goals section allows you to browse and selectphysician-approvedgoals from five lifestyle categories related toyour paincondition(s): Food, Rest, Exercise, Mood, and Treatments.You canalso create your own goals. Each related tip can be viewedbeforeselecting a goal. The goal duration can be set from one dayto oneyear.♦ The green ribbon at the top of the Goals screen indicatesthepercent completion rate for active goals.♦ Once a goal is selected, tap ‘My Goals’ to view Goal Activityforactive and completed goals.♦ If you have more than one chronic pain condition, the goal thatissuggested for a specific condition is indicated.✓ LibraryThe Library section contains all of the critical,physician-approvedcontent relevant to your condition(s) and painmanagement. TheLibrary contains hundreds of articles, videos,slideshows andquizzes. All articles are available for offlinereading.♦ Library content contains links to WebMD’s mobile website.♦ The Library is searchable.♦ Share all Library content via email, Facebook or Twitter.✓ TipsThe Tips section features hundreds of ‘bite-sized’ tips thatarematched with goals and organized into the same fivelifestylecategories: Food, Rest, Exercise, Mood and Treatments.Each goalhas between 3-10 supporting tips.♦ Search for a specific tip.♦ After reading a tip, view the goal related to the tip, orviewrelated Library articles.
MyDocHub Health Flare Tracker 1.2
The free MyDocHub Health Flare Trackerappforandroid will helppatients track, monitor and journal their dailyhealthflaresandcorrelate it with their medications and the weather.With just a tap, you can record any health flare!TheMyDocHubHealthFlare Tracker finds weather data for your city or zipcodeandstoresit in the background, as well as other simple questions,suchas"Have you takenyour medication today?," "Have you beenexercising?""Stressed?""Pain level?" What have you have beeneating?, "Anyjoint pain?,and additional notes for journal entry andwhat to donext.MyDocHub Health Flare Tracker easily generatesareportsummarizingyour historical flare information for your doctor.Withthis,yourdoctor can get a visual picture of your daily flaresgoingbacktoyour last visit.By making the MyDocHub Health Flare Trackeryourmedicalconditionhealth flare tracker, you can manage you or yourlovedone'smedicalcondition and take control by using our easy tousehealthflaretracker. You can use our reports and charts to sharewithyourdoctorduring your appointments; on days where your symptomsaremoreseverewith flaresThe MyDocHub Health Tracker app helps you tocontrolyourauto-immunesymptoms by showing you the weather in your area beforeyoustartyourday. Whenever. Wherever.Why Use the MyDocHub Health Flare Tracker App?- See how medication, stress level, exercise, diet,painandweather impacts flares- Store your medication data by name, dosage and frequency- Reports help your doctor adjust your medications-Displays current weather condition temperature by color-Has App lock for additional security ofyourmedicalinformation- Some of the conditions you can use the MyDocHubHealthFlareTrackerapp to monitor include:Juvenile Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid ArthritisLupusCrohns diseaseSclerodermaRaynaud PhenomenonPsoriatic ArthritisPsoriasisMyasthenia GravisWegeners GranulomatosisSjögren's SyndromeBehcet's DiseaseVasculitisCutaneous Small-Vessel VasculitisChurg-Strauss SyndromeKawasaki's DiseaseBuerger's diseaseReiter's SyndromeAddison's DiseaseChronic Lyme diseaseCoeliac DiseaseDermatomyositisGraves diseaseFibromyalgiaGuillain-Barre SyndromeIrritable Bowel SyndromeMixed Connective Tissue DiseaseNarcolepsyPerivenous EncephalomyelitisStart tracking your auto-immune condition today...Correlate your flares with changes in MedicationsSee how the weather, exercise, diet, pain, and otherfactorsimpacthow you are feelingGive your rheumatologist a detailed daily reportonyourcondition
Pain Free Living 0.2
Real Time Pain Relief,"This is The Best Smelling, Most Effective Rub onPainReliefProduct" Stop Smelling Like Grandpa And StartLivingAgain!!FDA Registered and 18 years Proven!!Not a pain Masker, a true alternative to all themaskersoutthere! This Wellness Powerful pain reducer helps yourbody dowhatit is suppose to and allows it to reduce theinflammation tohelpbegin the healing process!! Proven!! Works forover 150 TypesofArthritis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Bursitis, Cramps,ToothAches,Burns, Migraines, Headaches, Restless Legs, BugBites,TennisElbow, Plantar Fasciitis, Lyme Diseaase, CarpalTunnel,Tendonitis,Gout Immune Complex Disease, Bug Bites,JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis Plus hundreds more!!Visit my Facebook Site as Real Time Pain Relief WorksHow RTPR WorksEmu Oil... is a fast acting skin penetrating oil. Becauseofthis,Emu oil is an excellent trans-dermal carrier for manyotheraddedmoisturizers or therapeutic ingredients. Emu oil is usedtoreducethe pain & swelling of arthritis, and heal wounds.EmuOil is aneffective anti-inflammatory.The potency of the anti-inflammatory effect from EmuOilissimilar to ibuprofen without the negativeside-effectscommonlyfound with traditional prescription orcorticosteroidbasedanti-inflammatory medications.Glucosamine and Chondroitin... are two nutrientsthatsupportjoint cartilage. Inside your joints, cartilage undergoesaconstantprocess of breakdown and repair. However, to beproperlyrepaired,the building blocks of cartilage must be presentandavailable. –Jonathan Cluett, MD – About.comMSM... relieves inflammation, warms the muscles,preventsandrelieves soreness and assists healing.Capsicum... cordiforme stimulates circulation, enhancesbloodflowand reduces Substance P (see Substance P article fordetails).Thewarming properties of Capsicum are useful for peoplesufferingfrompoor circulation to the hands and feet and otherrelatedconditions.Capsicum is commonly used to buffer pain fromotherailments,including arthritis, varicose veins andheadaches.Aloe Vera... leaves contain transparent gel that hasbeenusedtopically for thousands of years to treat wounds,skininfections,burns, and numerous other dermatologicalconditions.Arnica Montana... is used on a wide range of conditionstosoothemuscles, reduce inflammation and heal wounds. Arnicaisgreat forsprains, bruises, muscle aches, rheumatic pain,swellingdue tofractures and trauma to soft an organic compound found in mint plants. Itworksbystimulating the skin's cold receptors and producingarefreshingcooling sensation.Real Time Pain Relief is absorbed through the skin,carryingtheactive ingredients directly to the pain.Natural Pain Relief that works with your body! ATrueWellnessProduct!
Update: Our latest release has fixed the bug related to someusersreceiving an invalid email address warning when signingup.Discover the impact of your daily activities on your arthritispainwith TRACK + REACT. Track your nutrition, fitness,sleep,medication and mood and compare it to your arthritis pain intheArthritis Impact graph. TRACK + REACT Features: - Understandwhichactivities are impacting your arthritis pain - Inputyourinformation in a secure environment - Identify trends over timeinthe Arthritis Impact graph - Use the webapplication( to print yourArthritis Impactgraph to share with your health care provider. -Find advice andtips from the experts you trust at the ArthritisFoundationFeedback from Users: “The graph is extremely helpful. Itquantifieswhat I do and how this impacts my life. Otherwise I justhave avague idea that I'm either feeling OK or not. This showsconcretelyhow I can impact how I feel.” “This is an AWESOME tooland exactlywhat I need to be working with to help myself manage mylife andespecially health and well-being.”
Fire & Ice Spa 4.2.5
Plan and Schedule your Fire & Ice Spa appointments fromyourMobile device.