Top 16 Games Similar to 一劍情緣

剑影奇缘 - PK到底 玄幻武侠 1.0.8
▶ 宗门争霸,恩怨江湖 ◀江湖纷争起,恩怨几时休服内帮战,跨服帮战,宗门战不停你想带领兄弟们称霸江湖吗?来战吧!▶ 男女双修,情缘江湖 ◀来寻有缘人,爱情有加成双人修炼,幸福时刻涨经验跨服抢亲,全服一齐闹洞房快来寻找你的江湖奇缘!联系邮箱:[email protected]▶ 百变时装,个性江湖 ◀武林T台秀,你是大名模多样服装任你选,酷炫翅膀随你挑没有个性,哪有江湖?▶ 一键连招,轻松江湖 ◀一键连招,招招致命智能战斗,工作游戏两不误自动施法,轻轻松松打BOSS大侠,还等什么?你的剑,在《剑影奇缘》等你!▶ sect hegemony,riversandlakes scores ◀ From the rivers and lakes disputes,grievanceswillsubside Within the service to help fight cross-service tohelpfightthe war kept sect Do you want to lead the brothers dominate the arenait?Tofight it! ▶ men and women alike, love rivers and lakes ◀Laixun nice ring, there is love bonusDouble cultivation, happy moments up experienceAbducting inter-service, full-service bridal chamber togetherCome and find your arena Romance!Contact E-mail: [email protected]▶ Variety fashion, personality rivers and lakes ◀ Martial arts T-Taiwan show, you are a supermodel Take your pick diverse clothing, cool wings asyouchoose No personality, how rivers and lakes? ▶ a key combo, easy rivers and lakes ◀ A key combo, mouths fatal Smart fight, work the game correct Auto-cast, easily beat BOSS  Heroes, and so what? Your sword in the "yingRomance"waitingfor you!
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
靈魂物語 1.0.5
千萬熱血MMO玩家的推薦——2016最火爆的Q版大型多人在MMO動作手遊《靈魂物語》震撼面世!新職業、新玩法、新體驗,開啟新紀元!《靈魂物語》以精美的地圖場景,恢弘的古典建築,經典的魔幻題材,全面構築史詩般的魔幻世界。招攬女神下屬,抓獲百變萌寵,餵養神秘妖精,創建專屬戰隊,打造公會社團,消滅邪神惡魔,修復時空錯亂。即刻開啟,屬於妳的新世界!【遊戲特色】熱血戰鬥 各色戰鬥應有盡有驚險刺激的PK玩法,競技戰場1V1單挑、Moba類玩法3V3激戰、眾神王座天梯王座爭鋒、六大職業巔峰對決,盡享開放戰鬥,盡情血戰天下!Q萌神寵 百種技能任性搭配數十種造型各異的萌寵,豐富的寵物培養系統,上百種專屬寶具任意搭配,輕松打造獨壹無二的萌寵,助妳遨遊新世界!百變時裝 部件換裝時尚造型針對個性職業打造特色時裝,自由搭配,潮派造型,炫酷外形,讓妳擁有不壹樣的獨特形象!經典副本 極品道具全掉落延續經典副本玩法,掀起熱血激情作戰,珍稀道具,頂級裝備,自由掉落人人皆可輕松擁有,最良心遊戲!公會集結 激情跨服爭霸打造強力公會,集結熱血兄弟,開啟爭霸路途,不再等待,壹觸即發!壹呼百應問鼎大陸最強,只要妳想,沒有不能!我們非常樂意為您解抉遊戲中遇到的任何問題,歡迎聯系我們:官方Facebook:官方微信(weChat):YgamelhwyRecommendedtenmillionblood MMO players --2016 most popular Q versionofmassivelymultiplayer mobile games in the MMO action "SoulStory"launchshock! New jobs, new ways, new experiences, openinganewera!"Soul Story" In beautiful map of the scene,impressiveclassicalarchitecture, the classic themes of magic, buildacomprehensiveepic fantasy world.Attract goddess subordinates, arrested Variety Mengpet,feedingmysterious monster, created exclusive clan,guildassociations tocreate, destroy the devil Cthulhu,repairtime-warped. Immediatelyturn, belongs to u new world![Game Features]Combat fighting blood colored everything    Thrilling PK play,competitivebattlefield1V1 singled, Moba class play 3V3 battle, thegods Thronethroneladder Commander, six career match-ups, enjoy anopen battle,enjoythe bloody world!Q Meng wayward God pet one hundred kinds of skills mix    Dozens of different shapes Meng pet,petrichculture system, with hundreds of unique treasurewitharbitrary, easyto build single One goes Meng pet, new worldtravelhelp u!    Variety fashion modeling fashion dress up meansFor occupational characteristics to create personalizedfashion,freewith the tide faction styling, cool shape, so u havenot Onekind ofunique image!Copy of the classic best props all fallA copy of the continuation of the classic play, fightingoffbloodpassion, rare props, top equipment, everyone can easilyhave afreefall, the most conscientious game!Guild build inter-service hegemony passionCreate guilds, build blood brothers, hegemony open road,nolongerwait, One touch that is made! One call 100shouldstrongestaspirations mainland, as long as Naixiang, nonot!We are very happy to give you any problemsJuesolutionsencountered in the game, please contact us:Official Facebook: https: // micro letter (weChat): Ygamelhwy
仙俠奇緣:仙魔大戰一觸即發! 1.1.3
「仙俠奇緣」六界內的派系鬥爭,仙魔大戰一觸即發!擁有八大特色,多元玩法,還有熱鬧的幫派系統,可以種菜偷菜,還可以跨服聊天!每天都有樂趣~*【8大特色】*一、輕鬆一指戰鬥系統:回合制戰鬥,自由搭配陣行,一指戰鬥,輕鬆不費力二、多樣寵物坐騎系統:寵物進化成長,百變造型寵物陪伴遊仙界!拉風酷炫的坐騎等你來收集!三、獨特神器收集系統:收集神器,屬性再增強,一起斬妖除魔,拯救六界!四、比拚戰鬥系統:三大門派比拚戰鬥,誰與爭鋒!競技場、幫會戰、劫標團…等享受戰鬥廝殺快感!挑戰百關通天塔,成為最強關主!五、豐富多元玩法,超過22種趣味遊戲小系統等你來發掘!六、不用再等待打字時間,語音系統輕鬆即時交談!七、跨服任務、跨服戰場,不只要在伺服器稱王,更要稱霸所有伺服器!八、結婚+師徒系統:與伴侶~師徒攜手闖蕩江湖不孤單===========================================================官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
Q swords Tan (Qi Tan Q version 1.0
Wumeng teenager Han Yun LingValleyCreeksaddled with the horrors of genocide, as well as onewithhimclosely linked to ancient fierce sword "burn silence"afterthedays Yong town elders his sword and rescued PurpleYinrealadoption, loss of memory after the river Han Yun to"TuabsolutelyGhostly, wake people soul," meaning to be renamedBarrySu Tu.After many years, due to an inexplicable from SuTugrievances wereforced to leave the door division, traveledtheworld. Looking tobreak the silence burn the evil spiritsintrusionjourney, Su Tuhas met Ouyang little Christine friend, agoodpartner allenthusiastic girls are secluded from the windQingxue,Fang FangLansheng second son, half man and half demon XiangLing etal., QinChuan find Pier, an iron pillar concept in additionto thewolfdemon, Dayaoshan Immortality drug ......Along the way, Su Tu through hardships, demonforces,althoughseveral dangerous evil spirits burned lonely lostnature,pure andfortunately with heart and a strong will, and thelikeQingxueLansheng help of friends the next time times ofdistressagainstthe sword of the Spirit to overcome erosion.However,afternumerous ups and downs, and then find the mostgrateful TuSohrabtrusted confidant Ouyang little Christine, wasactuallypushingeverything behind, to prevent little Christine'ssinister,fiercesword Su Tu unseal his life to the fearless spiritofsacrifice andlittle Christine fight to the death eventually allthejoys andsorrows ashes. The hope and the future, in which thefireNirvanarebirth.*** *** Second era of Q-style rendering*** *** Scene beautiful picture*** *** Dozens of monsters*** *** Large number of powerful cool skills*** *** Develop male god goddess*** *** Mall CardsTen BOSS *** ***Unity3D to create next-gen engine! ! !
梦回南朝 2.7.5
CatCap Studio
【梦回南朝】玩家交流快速链接 QQ群 :微博 :贴吧 :梦回南朝亚洲第一女性向原创游戏团队私密打造~ 乙女穿越手游第一作—《梦回南朝》现已正式上线!最唯美、最心动、最有趣的乙女恋爱养成游戏,拿起手机就能随时玩! ●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞● 精致唯美的画风,每一个人物都栩栩如生 跌宕起伏的故事,每一段剧情都扣人心弦精彩激烈的战斗,每一场胜利都激动人心俏皮幽默的语言,每一段对话都妙趣横生丰富有趣的疗伤小游戏,让你脸红心跳激动不已!丰富多彩的公主养成计划,让你征服南朝各路美男正太大叔的芳心! ●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞● 还等什么?!穿越到南朝风靡万千美男少年的任务就交给你了! “公主殿下,我们等你!”
老子要修仙 1.0.208
《老子要修仙》2016全新唯美修仙RPG手游震撼问世!集角色扮演、即时战斗、PVE和PVP等多种玩法于一体,情侣双修、单挑群殴、冒险斗法,这里统统都有!游戏充斥着浓郁的中国风民族特色。身临其境的主线剧情、亦真亦幻的游戏画面、个性鲜明的门派角色、轻松简单的操作方式以及震撼华丽的超强特技,带领大家走进一个神秘奇幻的修仙世界。游戏主打多种大型互动玩法,并拥有完全开放的市场经济,摆脱枯燥单一的游戏体验,带给玩家全新的真实互动感受。不花钱也能放倒大R,拒绝无脑刷装,拒绝无脑烧钱,有钱不是一切,战斗才是王道。 全民修仙,颠覆传奇!【游戏特色】【唯美画风 精细原画角色精美】游戏内场景精美绝伦,唯美画质创修仙手游之最【实时竞技 考验手速更考智力】跨服帮战竞技pk,阵法选择考验策略布阵【语音交流 告别手动打字】真人语音,轻松实时交谈无障碍!【修仙不再孤单,情缘结婚玩不停】浪漫满屏只为姻缘相会。首开结婚体系,夫妻同心双修无敌【酷炫百变时装,造型由你说了算】时装不在只是单一外形的变化,更可大幅提升战力。我们非常乐意为您解决游戏中遇到的任何问题,欢迎联系我们!关注我们的Facebook粉丝页和微信即可领取礼包:Facebook:微信(weChat): eyougamexrfcEmail: [email protected]"I wanttoCultivation"Cultivation 2016 new aesthetic shock RPG handtoursoon! Set ofrole-playing, real-time combat, PVE and PVP andothergames areplayed in one, couples alike, singled gangfights,adventure battleof wits, where all have! Game filled withstrongChinese stylenational characteristics. Immersive storyline,Livinggame screen,the role of distinctive martial art, easy andsimpleoperation andshock gorgeous super trick to lead you intoamysterious fantasyworld Cultivation. The main varietyoflarge-scale interactive gameplay, and has a completely openmarketeconomy, get rid of boringsingle gaming experience, giveplayers anew interactive realfeelings. Can not spend down large R,refusedto brush means nobrain, no brain refuses to burn, money isnoteverything, thebattle is king. National Cultivation,subversionlegend![Game Features][Aesthetic style of the original painting fine fine role]Exquisite game scenes, creating the most beautiful qualityofmobilegames Cultivation[Real-Time Competitive intelligence test test hand speedmore]Inter-service to help combat athletics pk,tacticaldeploymentstrategies to select the test lineup[Voice communication farewell manually typing]Live voice, live chat easy accessibility![Cultivation no longer lonely, love marriage play non-stop]Fit only for marriage romantic encounter. The first opensystemofmarriage, the couple concentric alike invincible[Variety cool fashion, modeling made you say]Fashion is not just a single appearance changes, butalsogreatlyenhance combat capability.We are very happy to help you solve any problemsencounteredinthe game, welcome to contact us!Follow our Facebook fan page and micro-channelcanreceivegifts:Facebook: (weChat): eyougamexrfcEmail: [email protected]
烈焰神剑 7.8
《烈焰神剑》震撼来袭,开启掌上宇宙级动作PK狂潮!2015最受期待狂斩动作手游大作,引领全球动作手游新格局!以U3D引擎打造的极致炫丽画面,全3D唯美水墨武侠风格,游戏和真实江湖完美融合,带你领略刀光剑影的江湖世界。战斗是本作中最大亮点,技能充满打击感和力量感,充分诠释了暗黑暴力美学,对喜爱格斗游戏的玩家绝不容错过。◆◆◆冲锋、连招、走位、闪避,手势出招彻底告别摇杆!◆◆◆指尖割草、爆破打击,超强动作体验引爆感官盛宴!◆◆◆数百名将接力出场,专属必杀华丽逆天!【烈焰神剑】开服活动1. 连续登入7天 → 每天免费赠送元宝2. 战斗力升级 → 你玩游戏我送奖励3. 成长奖励 → 你升级、我送礼,轻松升级拼第一4. 首充奖励 → 极品翅膀、各种稀有道具,价值888元宝以上送给你"Flame sword"shockstruck, open palm cosmic action PK frenzy!      2015's mostanticipatedaction mad cut hand travel masterpiece, to lead the newglobalpattern of hand movements tour! U3D engine to create theultimatedazzling picture, beautiful full 3D martial arts style ink,gamesand real perfect blend of rivers and lakes, bring you a tasteofswords in the world arena. The fight was the biggest highlightofthis for, full of sense of combat skills and a sense of power,fullinterpretation of the dark aesthetics of violence, to lovefightinggame players not to be missed.◆◆◆ assault, even strokes, movements, and dodge, to bidfarewellgesture moves the joystick!◆◆◆ fingertips mowing, blasting blow, super actionexperiencedetonated feast for the senses!◆◆◆ hundreds Relay star appearances, exclusive Guardskillgorgeous![Flame Sword] open service activities  1. Login to seven days of continuous ingot→complimentary daily  2. fighting upgrade → you play the game Isendrewards  3. Growth reward → you upgrade, my gifts, easytoupgrade the fight first  The first charge reward → Acura wings, all kinds ofrareprops, worth more than 888 gold to you
《花千骨》仗打三生三世! 3.1.0
※ 破億觀看修仙玄幻網路小說,完美演譯宏觀仙俠世界!※ 全球破百萬下載量,10萬人同時在線,打屁打怪不亦樂乎!【改版内容】✦飛天坐騎 正面對決!多種坐騎威猛登場,小骨帶你換裝征戰三界!✦神威靈寵 PK王登場!隱藏版魔尊釋出,戰鬥力激升,殺個他片甲不留!✦寶寶來了 親子養成!畫骨夫婦修成正果,養成屬於你們的三界「靈寶」!✦小骨農場 隆重開幕!坐騎靈寵碎片任你收,休閒養成RPG再升級!【遊戲特色】她,世間最後一個神,出生時滿城鮮花盡凋零,故取名花千骨。他,一生不負長留,不負六界,不負眾生,不負任何人,惟獨負了她。✦ 交友互動甜蜜滿載- 獨家仙緣系統,炫耀閃光最新招,戀愛感滿點!- 師徒X鮮花系統,尋找屬於你的花千骨/白子畫!- 長留24H互動派對 小骨約你泡澡沐浴享盛宴✦ 多款爽快共鬥玩法- 全新門派群戰,組隊爭奪六界第一戰隊!- 眾仙爭鳴跨服PK,高手永遠不寂寞!- 三人群戰新體驗,同心擊魔狂飆友誼好感度!✦ 多種趣味變幻系統- 靈寵元神系統,弱戰逆襲奇招克敵!- 轉職幻化功能,掌握命運浴火重生!- 神裝系統破孔位升屬性,與神的境界更近一步!✦ HD高畫質視聽饗宴- 超過500套驚艷時裝,可愛搞怪隨你搭配!- 3D炫目戰鬥技能特效,電影效果身歷其境!- 療癒型Q萌迷你跟隨寵,隨時陪伴融化你心!✦ 姊妹閨密都愛玩- 師徒虐戀揪心上演,血吻醋吻完整公開- 超萌Q版人物造型,國民萌寵糖寶、霸氣殺姊姊陪你共闖天下- 全自動托管系統,簡單體驗『仙俠奇緣』《花千骨》繁體中文版官網《花千骨》繁體中文版粉絲專頁:《花千骨》繁體中文版Youtube頻道:《花千骨》繁體中文版客服回報:[email protected]《花千骨》遊戲論壇:
超神掛機---哈皮一夏! 1.1.4
「超神掛機」---哈皮一夏!天庭混亂,等你來戰!新增元神系統,分享紅包!戰力無限,人品無限!神裝戰魂、符石金幣海派不手軟!投帮戰,體驗跨服巔峰,邊聊邊戰!【飛升元神 全新改版戰力無限】全新元神系統加入,九大屬性穩步提升,攻擊防禦全方位突破。戰魂擁有數量上限增加至20,培養更多更優超強同伴!還有6轉12張全新地圖,更爽快推圖去吧!【一日百等 輕鬆也能熱血】全自動戰鬥系統,即使離線也能持續戰鬥,不放過逛街哈啦的每一秒!百級轉生,學習更多酷炫技能,迅猛戰力是你最牢固的城堡。天庭皇室戰爭紛擾不斷,刻不容緩,在這神魔之戰決戰霹靂英雄榜!【部落戰爭 幫派大戰在即】競技場上的單挑,豐富的副本挑戰,還可以與幫會麻吉的並肩戰鬥,共同努力打幫戰獲得幫派皇冠!戰鬥就讓他自動吧,我們在世界、幫派聊天,組織你的戰鬥社群,開啟部落戰爭!「超神掛機」社交系統就是這麼吸引!【實力對決 王者跨服巔峰】單服成王早已不能滿足你的野心,跨服大戰給你全服稱王的機會你,與全服的玩家捉對廝殺,混亂巔峰大戰,全民共斗其樂無窮!「超神掛機」可不是掛機那麼簡單。懶人靠智取,設計你的終極對戰技能,技能順序是成王關鍵。【輕鬆稱王 神裝戰魂加身】神將、妖姬、靈猴三大角色,都各有各自的神級專屬裝備,多達9個種族上古戰魂與玩家立下契約,投入戰鬥之中,收集升級你的皇室戰魂,為你的角色打造量身定制的專屬戰力!【好康神器 助陣熱情派送】神魔之戰,官方豪禮助陣!鑽石法寶,裝備神器,傾情派送;儲值豪禮,升級好康,符石金幣派到手軟,就怕你還不來拿!臉書官方粉絲頁:大大們的「靠北超神」:
魔靈幻仙 無死角自由對戰 7.5
Homi Games
《魔靈幻仙》是一款修仙題材的即時動作多人線上遊戲。酷炫的技能特效,超自由戰鬥,360°無鎖定攻擊,唯美畫面,超爽連招,炫酷角色,帶您進入刺激的仙俠炫鬥世界,暢享戰鬥樂趣!決戰之巔、熱血副本、1V1排位賽、多人合作激戰等精彩玩法,PVE與PVP一個都不能少!劃時代巔峰仙俠ARPG巨作,演繹愛恨情仇,百幫爭豔,萬人同城,一起為夢想而戰!===遊戲特色===★暢聊交互,引領全民激戰,鮮花滿屏,語音暢聊無極限★戰寵登場,萌翻你的視覺,獨有戰寵幻化,想變什麼就變什麼★神秘器靈,挑戰你的視覺神經,千年器靈何去何從,一切由你來決定★絕世神兵降世,炫酷造型,特殊屬性加成,賣萌耍酷無極限★絕境之路,跨服排位賽,域外天魔,跨服3V3,跨服幫戰,應有盡有===貼心提示===※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,請合理安排遊戲時間!※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費!※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔級12級!"Daimon Hwanseon"isaCultivation theme immediate action multiplayer onlinegames.Coolspecial effects skills, freedom over fighting, 360 °nolockattack, beautiful screen, super cool even strokes,coolcharacter,bring you to stimulate the Xian Xia fighting dazzletheworld, andenjoy the fun of fighting! British decisive,passionatecopy, 1V1qualifying, fighting and other excitingmultiplayercooperativeplay, PVE and PVP one less! Landmark pinnacleXian XiaARPGmasterpiece, both good and bad interpretation, onehundredbloominghelp, the city people together for the dream fight!=== Game Features ===★ chat interaction, leading all the people fighting,flowersfullscreen, voice chat without limits★ combat pet debut, Meng turned your vision, uniquecombatpetillusion, want to change what to change anything★ mysterious device spirit, challenge your visualnerves,Millenniumdevice spirit to go, everything is up to you★ magic masterpiece come to earth, cool styling,specialbonuses,selling Meng sorts of stuff without limit★ desperate road, cross-service qualifying,extra-territorialdemons,inter-service 3V3, inter-service to helpfighteverything=== === Tips※ Games involving minor violence, please arrange game time!※ This game is free to use, the inner part of thegamepropscharges!※ game by hierarchical management approach, thisgamesupplementlevel 12!
仙魂2:经典再续 1.0.3
《仙魂2》是新一代清新唯美仙侠飞行角色扮演手游。实时语音互动玩家快速交友,大话封神;全新飞行坐骑助您游遍三界圣地,蜀山诛魔;神羽降世飞天遁地,副本争霸。游戏中共有逍遥、苍穹和星辰三大对立阵营,斩妖屠魔、渡劫飞升、结婚生子、仙盟建设、万人竞技、副本冒险、宠物养成等特色游戏系统尽在其中!多技能搭配,多样战术战斗组合,快拿起你的手机,一起共赴修仙之路,畅享清新纯粹的仙侠世界!【游戏特色】1、酷炫翅膀:获得强大和华丽的羽翼,闪耀拉风;2、千人激战:完美设计的战斗体验,感受群仙对战一统全球的爽快;3、千变魔卡:蜀山修仙,相承相克,卡牌收集获得神秘技能;4、浪漫玫瑰:撩妹,觅蜜,见证梦幻侠侣,亲爱的,我们结婚吧;5、萌宠养成:萝莉有杀气,灵仙狐缘,把喜欢的宠物培养到极致;6、强大交互:语音社交,坐标交互,跨服组队,更完美的游戏体验;7、集市买卖:告别复杂的摆摊系统,从此一键上货,一键提现;你错过了这一刻,就在别人后面,还等什么,和小伙伴一起缘定星尘,大话封神吧!【玩家服务】更多活动,请前往Facebook粉丝页:更多资讯,请前往游戏官网:更多服务,请前往客服信箱:[email protected]"Sin Soul 2" isanewgeneration of fresh beautiful Xian Xia flying roleplayingmobilegames. Real-time voice interaction players quicklymakefriends,lying Gods; new flying mounts to help you travelthroughthe threerealms of the Holy Land, Shushan punish evil;Godincarnate featherfly or a copy of hegemony. Happy game total,thesky and the starsof the three opposing camps, the demonslaughterdemons, crossingthe soaring robbery, married, SallyLeaguebuilding, athleticpeople, a copy of adventure, pet raisinggamesystems and othercharacteristics all in one! Withmulti-skilled,diverse combinationof tactical combat, quick pick upyour cellphone, to ride togetheron Cultivation of the road,enjoying thefresh pure Xian Xia world![Game Features]1, cool wings: get strong and gorgeous wings,sparklingLatinstyle;2, thousands of battle: the perfect design of combatexperience,feelthe battle to dominate the global Qunxianrefreshing;3-changing magic card: Shushan Cultivation,Xiangchenggrams,mysterious cards to collect acquire skills;4, romantic roses: tease girl, looking for honey,witnessCrazydream, dear, we get married;5, Meng pet develop: Lolita murderous, Ling Xian Humargin,thefavorite pet culture to the extreme;6, strong interaction: voice socializing,coordinateinteraction,cross-service team, a more perfectgamingexperience;7. Market trading: farewell stall complex systems, from thegoodsona key, a key withdrawals;You miss this moment, just behind the others, and sowhat,andsmall partners edge set Stardust, Westward Gods now![Service] PlayersMore events, visit Facebook fanpage: more information, please visit the game'sofficialwebsite:https: // services, please visitCustomerService:[email protected]
全民無雙 1.6.0
——遊戲介紹——2016重磅出擊!傾力打造最龐大的無雙世界!3D MMORPG手機遊戲《全民無雙》!——遊戲特色——【三大職業x四大副本】仙武—物理攻擊,血厚,太靈-超高傷害大範圍群攻,神羽-遠程攻擊。劇情副本-讓玩家融入到全民無雙的世界中,探索這個龐大的世界。還有日常副本、組隊副本、封妖谷副本等豐富內容。【九大系統x十大日常】煉器、成就、試煉、山海經等九大系統等你一一體驗。十大日常,輕鬆獲得大量經驗值、裝備、材料,助你快速升級。還會有多種限時活動,獎勵拿到手軟!【百變造型x華麗翅膀】換裝備等於換造型,越高級越酷炫。超霸氣翅膀,不僅自帶BUFF,還能升級換造型。真人動作捕捉技術,超華麗特效,超震撼!【3D古風x龐大地圖】全3D東方唯美古風,呈現最美麗的修真世界。以Unity 3D引擎精心打造,超清畫質,帶來視覺頂級享受。結合細微粒子特效,讓玩家身臨其境。【社交系統x PK系統】加入工會,或創建工會,呼朋引伴,和好友們打造全服第一工會。隨時隨地都能PK,單挑,群毆,多人同屏激戰,爽快戰鬥,釋放激情。好友系統、仇人系統,隨時知曉他們的動態。FACEBOOK粉絲頁官方網站客服郵箱:[email protected]本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級本遊戲部份角色穿著凸顯胸、臀之服飾;部份內容需另行支付費用,請避免沉迷遊戲。--gameintroduction--2016 heavy attack!Unparalleled effort to build the world's largest!3D MMORPG mobile game "National Warriors"!- Game Features -Four copies of three professional [x]Wu Xian - physical attack, blood thick, too Ling -ultra-large-scalegroup attack hurt, God Yu - long-rangeattack.Drama copies - allowing the player into the world ofuniversalunparalleled explore this vast world.There are daily copy of a copy of the team, the demon sealedcopyValley and other rich content.Nine systems [x] Ten dailyRefining, achievements, trials, and other nine systemsshanhaichingyou one experience.Ten daily, easy access to a lot of experience, equipment,andmaterials to help you quickly upgrade.There will be a variety of activities limited time, awards togetsoft!Variety shape [x] gorgeous wingsFor equipment equal to change shape, the more advanced themorecool.Super domineering wings, not only comes BUFF, but also changetheshape of the upgrade.Live motion capture technology, ultra-gorgeous specialeffects,stunning![3D antiquity x large map]Full 3D Oriental aesthetic antiquity, showing comprehension oftheworld's most beautiful.Unity 3D engine to carefully crafted, ultra-clear picturequality,bringing top-visual enjoyment.Combined with fine particle effects, allowing the playeranimmersive.[Social System x PK System]Join a trade union, or create a union, their friends, andfriendsare the first to create a full-service unions.Anytime, anywhere PK, singled, gang fights, people fighting thesamescreen, brisk fighting, the release of passion.Buddy system, the enemy system, always be aware oftheirdynamics.FACEBOOK fan Service Email:[email protected] software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach classified as: counseling twelve gradeThis game is part of the role dressed highlight the chest,hip'sclothing; part of the contents to be subject to pay the cost,avoidindulging in the game.
蜀山劍語 1.1
《蜀山劍語》是創新飛行團戰MMORGP,享受指尖體操控空中團戰的樂趣!多人跨服互動PK玩法爽翻天!作為一款多人組隊回合制MMO手遊,玩家可在虛擬的仙俠世界中自由飛翔,和其他玩家自由互動。遊戲內有多種大型互動玩法,並擁有完全開放的市場經濟,擺脫枯燥單一的遊戲體驗,帶給玩家全新的真實互動感受。===特色玩法===★元神系統元神系統將在玩家等級達到25級開放,進入元神界面之後,就可以選擇相應的元神進行升級了哦,每個元神升級都有著其獨一無二的提升效果。★寵物遊歷在玩家52級的時候開啟【仙寵遊歷】。在npc寵物仙子處完成任務即可開啟功能,泡泡代表著遊歷目標的品質,品質越高,獎勵越豐富哦。★跨服幫戰在伺服器開啟5天之後,跨服仙道會就會正式開啟,等級達到45級,戰力達到4000的玩家,在每天的16:00—18:00和21:45—11:45,即可報名參加仙道會。仙道會採用的是跨服模式,因此玩家可以在仙道會中跟不同伺服器的高手們通常切磋,決一勝負噢。★萌寵護送玩家達43級開啟萌寵護衛功能,每天有一次免費刷新機會,之後要通過消耗特殊道具【仙寵項圈】刷新!當然每次抽到的仙寵品質是隨機的,也決定了獲得對應的銅錢獎勵的多少。★降妖除魔降妖玩法分為“普通”和“精英”兩個模式。降妖“普通”模式只能單人挑戰,而“精英”模式由於難度較大,因此玩家可以選擇組隊挑戰。而幫助別人挑戰“精英”模式的怪物,還能獲得俠義值獎勵。"Shushan Swordlanguage"isan innovative Flying Corps war MMORGP, enjoy fingertipcontrolbodyair battle group fun! Inter-service interactivemultiplayergames areplayed PK cool earthshaking! As a multiplayerturn-basedMMO handswim team, players can fly freely in the virtualworld ofSin Hup,and freedom to interact with other players. Thereareseverallarge-scale interactive game play, and has acompletelyopen marketeconomy, get rid of boring single gamingexperience,give players anew interactive real feelings.=== === Characteristics of play★ soul systemSoul will reach level 25 players in the open, after enteringthesoulinterface, you can select the appropriate upgrade ohsoul,each soulhas its unique upgrades to enhance the effect.★ pet travelTurn the player 52 when [Sin] pet travel. Completed in npcpetfairyat the task to open the function, bubble representsthetraveltarget quality, the higher the quality, the morerichrewardsOh.★ inter-service gang warAfter the server open five days, inter-service Immortalitywillbeofficially opened, to reach level 45, 4000 combat powerplayersinthe daily 16: 00-18: 00 and 21: 45-11: 45, you canImmortalitywillenroll. Sendo will use the cross-server mode, soplayers canfollowdifferent master server will usually learn inImmortalityinbattling Oh.★ Meng Chong escortUp to 43 players turned Meng pet guard function, once adayfreeopportunity to refresh, after special items to be consumedbythepet collar [cents] to refresh! Of course, each able togetthequality of random fairy pet, but also determines thenumberofcoins to get the corresponding reward.★ fighting the devilJiang Yao play into "ordinary" and "elite" two modes.JiangYao"normal" mode, only single challenge, and the "elite" modeduetothe more difficult, so players can choose to teamchallenge.Thechallenge to help others "elite" model of the monster,but alsogetrewarded chivalrous values.
嫑嫑的三國 2.1.1
※遊戲介紹※人不熱血枉少年,超能武將戰天下!《嫑嫑的三國》是一款Q版三國卡牌遊戲,輕鬆滑動手機螢幕,即可釋放每個英雄的強大必殺技!流暢的高畫質特效,呈現超華麗痛快打擊!立即帶上你的超強武將軍團,進場掌控全局,征服敵手吧!※《嫑嫑的三國》遊戲特色※連線合擊:首創『滑屏連線』戰鬥,武將技能加成,瞬間逆轉戰局!戰鬥畫面:超萌日系畫風,打造全新體驗的萌感新三國。戰鬥特效:武將獨特技能,華麗施放特效,與好友同屏震撼。陣型策略:考驗你的智慧與謀略,巧妙運用武將間的緣分羈絆。海量副本:豐富名將副本,豪華獎勵,天天領到手軟!主公,您在遊戲中遇到問題了嗎?請立即來信客服信箱,並備註您的伺服器、角色名稱、id碼以便我們查詢。客服信箱:[email protected]※game introduction※Wasted do not blood, super generals fight the world! "Bao BaoThreeKingdoms" is a Q version of three card games, easy slidephonescreen, you can release powerful nirvana each hero!Smoothhigh-quality effects, showing super gorgeous happy blow!Bring yourimmediate superior generals corps, control the overallapproach,conquer rival it!※ "Bao Bao Three Kingdoms" game features ※Connection punch: the first "sliding screen Connection"battle,generals skill bonuses, and instantly reverse the situationof thewar!The battle screen: Super Meng Japanese style, to create a newsenseof Meng three brand-new experience.Combat effects: generals unique skills, cast gorgeousspecialeffects, shock and friends on the same screen.Formation strategy: test your wits and strategy, clever useoffetters of fate among the generals.Massive copy: a copy of the famous rich, luxurious reward, everydayreceive mercy!My lord, you have problems in the game yet?Customer Service immediately letters and notes to yourserver,character name, id code to our inquiries.Customer Service: [email protected]
異界英雄物語 1.1.3
《異界英雄物語》是一款以末世穿越亂戰為題材的回合制角色扮演類手機遊戲。在遊戲中,玩家可以通過任務、副本以及各式各樣活動來獲得卡牌、裝備和道具,從而提升自身的戰鬥力。還可以通過聯盟結識更多的好友,大家一起征服亂世。通過遊戲培養玩家樂觀進取的生活態度和團隊合作的精神與意識。※ 此為線上遊戲,需在連上WIFI、行動數據的狀態下才能正常進行遊戲。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔12級。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣,物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。"Outsider Hero Story" isatheme of eschatology through spared from war turn basedrole-playingmobile games.In the game, players can get cards, equipment and props throughthetask, as well as a copy of a wide range of activities, so astoenhance their combat effectiveness.You can also get to know more friends through allianceswitheveryone conquer chaos. Training players optimisticandenterprising life attitude and team spirit and sense ofcooperationthrough the game.※ This is the online game, you need in order to play thegameproperly connected to the state WIFI, mobile data.※ This software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach classified as: Auxiliary 12.※ This game is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid services within the game. Pleasenotethat the game time, avoid indulging.