Top 2 Apps Similar to Fruit Info

Fruits Diary 62.7
"Fruits Diary" will brief about the A-Z alphabets fruits andtheirbenefits.
Vegetables For Health 2.3
"Vegetables For Health" is the application that provides UsertoKnowwhat Vegetable having which Vitamins and all. Usercanknowinformation about particular Vegetable can mange theirdiet.Whyshould we get diet rich in vegetable nutrition? What arethehealthbenefits of vegetables? Well! Vegetables, like fruits,arelow infat but contain good amounts of vitamins and minerals.AlltheGreen-Yellow-Orange vegetables are rich sourcesofcalcium,magnesium, potassium, iron, beta-carotene,vitaminB-complex,vitamin-C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. Vegetablesare homefor manyantioxidants that; firstly, help protect the humanbodyfromoxidant stress, diseases and cancers, and secondly; helpthebodydevelop the capacity to fight against these byboostingimmunity....Go for greens to help you stay fit and healthy!