Top 1 Games Similar to Bee Crossing

血流成河麻将 2.3.3
无需联网,不耗流量,随时随地血流成河!血流成河麻将起源于四川、湖北地区,是四川血战到底麻将的升级版,流行于四川、宜昌等地。血流成河麻将最突出的特点是胡牌后不用退出战斗,下轮还要继续抓牌,胡牌后还能继续再胡,当然也会放炮给别人。其基本规则与血战到底比较相似,核心是打缺门,刮风下雨,计番,血战到底,流局查叫、查花猪。一局牌中,有人胡牌并不结束牌局,而是所有玩家继续打,直到抓完所有的牌。牌局结束一并结算。这样先胡的玩家并不一定获利最多,点炮的玩家也能翻身,提高了趣味性。血流到底麻将由四人进行游戏,使用万、筒、条共108张牌,没有字牌和风牌。特殊规则胡牌后不能再碰牌,杠牌只能在不影响首次胡牌时所听的牌型的情况下才行。比如首次胡牌时听1、4、7条,如果手中暗杠4条后不能听牌或只能听1、4条,则不允许进行杠牌。游戏流局后,会有查花猪和查叫两种处理方式。查花猪是指对流局后所有未胡牌的玩家手牌进行检查,如果没有打缺的就叫花猪。花猪要向所有其它非花猪玩家(包括已胡牌的)赔付16番的金币。查叫是指对流局后所有未胡牌的玩家手牌进行检查,如果有玩家没有下叫(也就是听头),就要向已下叫的玩家赔付其手牌最大胡牌番数相对应的金币。如果有两家或以上玩家均已下叫,则对已下叫玩家的手牌最大可能胡牌番数进行比较,番数小的要向番数大的玩家赔付两者前的差价,称为补差价。流局查叫时,未下叫者(包括花猪)将退回所有明暗杠的所得,此称为退税。Without networking,doesnot consume flow, rivers of blood anywhere!Bloody mahjong originated in Sichuan, Hubei Province,Sichuan,bloody battle in the end is an upgraded version of mahjong,popularin Sichuan Province, Yichang and other places. Bloodymahjong mostprominent feature is not quit fighting after the firstplayer, thenext round will continue to draw a card after a winninghand cancontinue to re-Hu, of course, also blasting to others. Thebasicrule is quite similar with the bloody battle in the end, thecoreis playing a shortage, wind and rain, meter Fan, bloody battleinthe end, the investigation bureau called flow, check flowerfarms.A game of cards, it was not the end of the first player hand,butall the players continue to play until the end grasping allthecards. Board ends together settlement. Hu first such playersarenot necessarily the most profitable, point gun players canstandup, raise the interesting. Blood in the end by the fourmahjonggame, using million, or tube, of the total of 108 cards, nolicenseplates and wind.Special rulesAfter the first player not taking even one card, bar cardonlywithout affecting the card type of winning hand when you firsthearof the job. For example, when the first player 1,4,7 stripfirstlisten, you can not listen if the hands of dark bars afterfourcards or only listen to 1,4 bar, the bar does not allow forthelicensing.After the game flow Bureau, will check Spotted and check calledtwoapproaches.Richard Spotted refers to all of the players are not winninghandafter hand for inspection convection Board, if no play iscalledSpotted missing. Spotted Spotted To all othernon-players(including the winning hand) is paid 16 Fan gold.Charles called refers to all of the players are not winninghandafter hand for inspection convection Board, if there is nonextplayer called (that is, to listen to the head), it is necessarytohave been paid under the players called their hand maximumnumberof points to win the corresponding fan gold. If there are twoormore players are under called, have been under the player's handiscalled the maximum possible number of points to win Fancomparingthe number of small Fan To Fan large number of playerspaid thedifference between the two in front, called make upthedifference.When the stream called the investigation bureau, not the nextcall(including Spotted) will return the resulting light and darkbarsof all, this is called tax.