Top 3 Apps Similar to Учимся составлять слова PRO

Учимся составлять слова 1.0
Данная обучающая программа поможетВашемуребенку научиться составлять слова из слогов. Полученныесловаозвучиваются. Программа является незаменимым помощником визучениисоставления слов и даже целых предложений.This training programwillhelp your child learn to form words from the syllables.Receivedword sounded. The program is an indispensable tool in thestudy ofcomposing words and even whole sentences.
ABC of Reading with a Borey 1.0
Boris beetle continues its journey! Wherewillhe go now? In the forest, the farm, the garden!And there's so much surprising and interesting.But Bors need help. And to help him can onlyintelligent,quick-witted boy.And at the same time, passing through all the adventures, yourchildcan learn to read by syllables, learns new animals ...The game is simple interface, training takes place on anintuitivelevel.How to play:- In the scene selection animals or birds need to scroll to theleftsyllable three times, and three times on the right syllable(nomatter in what order) the child visually remembered the wordsfromwhat he is. After three crank each card will go to the nexttick ofthe animal (bird or subject)- In the scene "is over the word" (or "form a word"), justdragthe desired style from 4 cards on the bottom of his place inthetop 2 cards. If you tick the correct answer will go to thenextword.- - In the scene "is over the word" (or "form a word")byclicking on the image of the animal uncovered syllable, youcanhear its name. And if you click on the style of the couple,wherehe was dragged out of the bottom four, you can hearhispronunciation.- The application can be installed on the tablet andthesmartphonespecial requirements for your machine no.- Free Demo includes three levels:"Magical forest""Garden""The Farm"the other levels are available in the full version ofthegame.- The application contains a small banner at the bottom.
БГ Срички 1.5
Приложението "БГ Срички" е предназначенозадеца които вече знаят буквите от азбуката.Целта е да се научат да образуват думи от срички.Състои се от два раздела:--- "Срички" е екран съставен от различни срички, коитосепроизнасят при натискане. Препоръчваме първоначално децата дабъдатоставени свободно да се забавляват както пожелаят. Така щедобиятинтуитивен усет за сричките и ще се възбуди интересътим.Тук се развива способноста им както за цветови и редовиасоциаций,така и за нестандартно мислене.--- "Напиши дума" е игра, в която се произнася дума и тятрябвада се напише като се натискат наличните срички.Това е подходящ начин за формиране на умения за писане на целидумиот срички.Уважаеми родители, баби, дядовци, възпитатели, надяваме сетазиигра да бъде ваш помощник, но тя не може да ви замести.Вашетовнимание, време, търпение и добро отношение са решаващивобучението на детето.Предназначено е за деца от 2 до 6 години.****Без реклами и други добавки****Application "BGSyllables"is designed for children who already know the letters ofthealphabet.The goal is to learn to form words by syllables.It consists of two sections: --- "Syllables" screen is composed of differentsyllablesare pronounced when pressed. We recommend that childreninitiallybe left free to enjoy themselves as they wish. This willgain anintuitive sense of syllables and excite theirinterest. It develops their ability to both color and rowtheAssociation and the lateral thinking. --- "Write the word" is a game in which pronounced thewordand it must be implemented by pushing existingsyllables.This is an appropriate way of developing skills to write wholewordsby syllables.Dear parents, grandparents, educators, hopefully this game tobeyour assistant, but it can not replace you. Your attention,time,patience and a good attitude are crucial in achild'seducation.Designed for children 2 to 6 years.No **** ads and other additives ****