Top 22 Apps Similar to 🔊 زيادة صوت الهاتف 2017

تعلية و رفع صوت الهاتف 3.0.0
Raise and increase the volume of the phone
زيادة صوت هاتفك 2017 1.0
تعانى من مشكلة انخفاظ صوت الهاتف،فهذاالتطبيقمناسب لك، حيث يمكنك من رفع مستوى صوت الهاتف و كأنك قمتبربطجوالكمع مكبر الصوت.برنامج تضخيم الصوت و مكبر الصوت يمنحك قدرة عالية علىالتحكمباصواتهاتفك، يعتبر برنامج مضخم و مكبر الصوت volume booster منأقوىبرامجتضخيم الصوت على الجوال و التمتع بصوت ثلاثى الابعاد ، حيثيمنحكصوتواضح و بدون تشويش، و يمكنك أيضا من خلال التطبيقتحسينالصوتومعالجته الصوت الصادر من الهاتف و بالاضافة الى خاصيةمميزة وهى رفعجودة الصوت الصادر من سماعات الجوال، و يعمل البرنامجعلى تكبيرالصوتو تحسينه ليكون واضح أثناء الاستماع،مميزات التطبيق:- يعمل تطبيق تضخيم الصوت بدون انترنت- يمكنك التطبيق من تقوية و رفع مستوى صوت الهاتف مجانا- تضخيم صوت الموسيقى حيث يمكنك الإستماع لل أغانى سعد المجردأوأغانيهندية أو حتى أغاني تركية بصوت أعلى و أوضح و بجودةجدعالية.- يقوم بتقوية و تعلية صوت المنبه و رنات الهاتف- كما يقوم بتكبير جميع الاصوات في هاتفك- تكبير الصوت لأعلى درجة ممكنة ( مكبر الصوت - Volume Booster)- رفع صوت نغمات و رنات أيفون 7 بدون انترنتSuffer from the problem Ankhvaz voice phone, thisapplicationissuitable for you, where you can lift the phone volumeand likeyoulink your mobile phone with the speaker.Sound amplification and loudspeaker program gives youahighpotential for the votes of your control, is a subwooferprogramandloudspeaker volume booster of the strongest amplify thesound onamobile phone and enjoy the voice ofthree-dimensionalsoftware,which gives you the sound is clear andwithoutinterference, andyou can also through the applicationimprove soundand processedsound from the phone and in addition tothecharacteristic and isto raise the volume of the mobileheadphonesquality, the programworks to enlarge and improve thesound to beclear during thehearing,Souffrez du problème Ankhvaz téléphone vocal, cetteapplicationestadaptée pour vous, où vous pouvez soulever le volumedutéléphoneet comme vous reliez votre téléphone mobileaveclehaut-parleur.Amplification du son et le programme de haut-parleur vousdonneungrand potentiel pour les voix de votre contrôle, estunprogrammede subwoofer et amplificateur de volume de haut-parleurdela plusforte d'amplifier le son sur un téléphone mobile etprofiterde lavoix du logiciel en trois dimensions, qui vous donnele sonEstclair et sans interférence, et vous pouvez égalementàtraversl'application d'améliorer le son et le son traité àpartirdutéléphone et en plus de la caractéristique et estd'augmenterlevolume de la qualité des écouteurs mobiles, leprogrammetravailleà agrandir et à améliorer le son à êtreClairpendantl'audience,Страдают от проблемы Ankhvaz голосового телефона,этоприложениеподходит для вас, где вы можете поднятьгромкостьтелефона и, каквы связать свой мобильный телефон сдинамиком.Звукоусиления и программа Громкоговоритель дает высокийпотенциалдляголоса вашего контроля, представляет собой программусабвуферидинамик Бустер из сильнейших усилить звук на мобильныйтелефонинаслаждаться голосом трехмерного программногообеспечения,котороедает вам звук ясно и без помех, и вы можететакже черезприложениеулучшить звук и обрабатывается звук с телефонаи вдополнение кхарактеристике и поднять громкость качествамобильныхнаушников,программа работает, чтобы увеличить и улучшитьзвук,чтобы бытьясно в ходе слушания,Suffer fromtheproblemAnkhvaz voice phone, this application is suitable foryou,whereyou can lift the phone volume and like you link yourmobilephonewith the speaker.Sound amplification and loudspeaker program gives youahighpotential for the votes of your control, is a subwooferprogramandloudspeaker volume booster of the strongest amplify thesound onamobile phone and enjoy the voice ofthree-dimensionalsoftware,which gives you the sound is clear andwithoutinterference, andyou can also through the applicationimprove soundand processedsound from the phone and in addition tothecharacteristic and isto raise the volume of the mobileheadphonesquality, the programworks to enlarge and improve thesound to beclear during thehearing,Application features:- Apply amplify the sound without the Internet works- Can the application of strengthening and raising the leveloffreephone voice- Amplify the sound of music where you can listen for thesongsSaadabstract or Indian songs or even Turkish songs louderandclearer,and very high quality.- The strengthening and heightening alarm sound andthetelephonerings- As Maximizes all sounds on your phone- Zoom sound to the highest degree possible (loudspeaker-VolumeBooster)- Raise the voice tones and ringtones iPhone 7withoutInternetSuffer from the problem Ankhvaz voice phone, thisapplicationissuitable for you, where you can lift the phone volumeand likeyoulink your mobile phone with the speaker.Sound amplification and loudspeaker program gives youahighpotential for the votes of your control, is a subwooferprogramandloudspeaker volume booster of the strongest amplify thesound onamobile phone and enjoy the voice ofthree-dimensionalsoftware,which gives you the sound is clear andwithoutinterference, andyou can also through the applicationimprove soundand processedsound from the phone and in addition tothecharacteristic and isto raise the volume of the mobileheadphonesquality, the programworks to enlarge and improve thesound to beclear during thehearing,Souffrez du problème Ankhvaz téléphone vocal, cetteapplicationestadaptée pour vous, où vous pouvez soulever le volumedutéléphoneet comme vous reliez votre téléphone mobileaveclehaut-parleur.Amplification du son et le programme de haut-parleur vousdonneungrand potentiel pour les voix de votre contrôle, estunprogrammede subwoofer et amplificateur de volume de haut-parleurdela plusforte d'amplifier le son sur un téléphone mobile etprofiterde lavoix du logiciel en trois dimensions, qui vous donnele sonEstclair et sans interférence, et vous pouvez égalementàtraversl'application d'améliorer le son et le son traité àpartirdutéléphone et en plus de la caractéristique et estd'augmenterlevolume de la qualité des écouteurs mobiles, leprogrammetravailleà agrandir et à améliorer le son à êtreClairpendantl'audience,Страдают от проблемы Ankhvaz голосового телефона,этоприложениеподходит для вас, где вы можете поднятьгромкостьтелефона и, каквы связать свой мобильный телефон сдинамиком.Звукоусиления и программа Громкоговоритель дает высокийпотенциалдляголоса вашего контроля, представляет собой программусабвуферидинамик Бустер из сильнейших усилить звук на мобильныйтелефонинаслаждаться голосом трехмерного программногообеспечения,котороедает вам звук ясно и без помех, и вы можететакже черезприложениеулучшить звук и обрабатывается звук с телефонаи вдополнение кхарактеристике и поднять громкость качествамобильныхнаушников,программа работает, чтобы увеличить и улучшитьзвук,чтобы бытьясно в ходе слушания,
زيادة و رفع صوت الهاتف 1.0
تعلية و زيادة و رفع صوت الهاتف :زيادة صوت الجهاز هو برنامج زيادة و رفع صوت الهاتف مجاناحيثيمكنكبضغطه واحده رفع مستوى الصوتالتطبيق دوره هو مضخم صوت عالي جدا أو مضخم الصوت القويويصبحدورهيتجلى في زيادة حجم الصوت في الهاتف . مكبر الصوت الموسيقيالضخم:مكبر صوت عالي جدا و مكبر الصوت للاندرويدوبذلك يتم رفع مستوى الصوت و زيادة صوت الموسيقى بالإضافةإلىارتفاعصوت الهاتف .مميزات التطبيق مضخم الصوت للاندرويد أو مضخم الصوت للهاتف :رفع مستوى الصوت : مكبر صوت الجوال وكذلك مستوى الصوت* زيادة الصوت في الهاتف : برنامج زيادة حجم الصوت لاعلي درجةتعليه صوت الهاتف هو برنامج تعلية صوت الهاتف :برنامجالصوتالعالي* برنامج تضخيم مستوى الصوت كذلك برنامج ارتفاع مستوى الصوت* رفع صوت النغمات : برنامج لتعلية صوت الهاتف الى اعلى صوتRamp and increaseandraisethe voice of the phone:Increase the voice of the machine is to increase and raisethevoicephone free program where you can push one up thevolumeApplication role is very high subwoofer amplifier or astrongvoiceand becomes a role is reflected in the increased volumeinthephone. Sound Blaster huge music: very high speakerandspeakerphonefor AndroidAnd thereby increase the volume and increase the Sound ofMusicaswell as high voice phone.The application features a subwoofer for Androidorsubwooferphone:Increasing the volume: speakerphone and mobile as wellasthevolume* Sound increase in phone: increase the volume to thehighestdegreeprogramA buffer voice phone is a phone voice Ramp program:higheraudioprogram* Amplify the sound level of the program as well ashighvolumeprogram* Raise the voice tones: a program to ramp phone voice tothehighestvoice
volume booster for phone 1.0
Ce volume libre stimulantapplicationutilisedes méthodes sophistiquées pour vous donnervraiment fort,un sonamélioré.In your phone you are unable to independently adjustthemusicvolume, alarm volume, call voice volume and othersystemvolumes.Thanks to this Phone Sound Booster, you can easilyadjustall thesein few seconds.
رفع صوت الهاتف 1.0
إذا كنت تعانى من مشكلة انخفاظ صوتالهاتففهذاالتطبيق مناسب لك حيث يمكنك من رفع مستوى صوت الهاتف و كأنكقمتبربطجوالك مع مكبر الصوتتعلية و رفع صوت الهاتف حيث يمكنك الإستماع لأغانى سعد المجردأوأغانيهندية أو حتى أغاني تركية بصوت أعلى و أوضح و بجودةجدعاليةبرنامج تضخيم الصوت و مكبر الصوت يمنحك قدرة عالية علىالتحكمباصواتهاتفكيعتبر برنامج تعلية و رفع صوت الهاتف من أقوى برامج تضخيمالصوتعلىالجوال التمتع بصوت ثلاثى الابعاد حيث يمنحك صوت واضح وبدونتشويشيمكنك التطبيق من تقوية و رفع مستوى صوت الهاتف مجانامميزات:-رفع صوت الهاتف-رفع الصوتبرنامج لرفع الصوت للاندرويد-برنامج رفع الصوت للاندرويد-رفع صوت الاندرويد-برنامج رفع الصوت-تطبيق رفع الصوت للاندرويد-تعلية صوت الاندرويد-رفع صوتيات-برنامج تقوية الصوت للاندرويد-مضخم الصوت-برنامج لرفع الصوت-تقوية الصوت-مكبر صوت-برنامج مضخم الصوت-مضخم الصوت بالعربية-زيادة الصوت في الهاتف-رفع مستوى الصوت-زيادة صوت الهاتف و رفع صوت الهاتفIf you sufferfromaproblem Ankhvaz phone voice it suitable application foryouwhereyou can lift the phone volume and like you link yourmobilephonewith loudspeaker Ramp and raise the voice of the phone where you canlistentosongs or songs Saad abstract Indian or even Turkishsongslouderand clearer and a very high qualitySound amplification and loudspeaker program gives youahighpotential for the votes of your controlRAMP is a program and raise the telephone voice ofthestrongestamplify the sound on mobile programs enjoy voicegivesyouthree-dimensional where the sound is clear andwithoutinterferencefrom the application you can strengthen andraise thelevel of freephone voiceFeatures:Raising voice phoneRaising voiceProgram to increase the volume of AndroidProgramme of raising the voice for AndroidRaising voice AlandroedProgramme of raising one's voiceApplication of raising the voice for Android-talih Voice AlandroedRaising audiosProgramme of sound reinforcement for Android-SubwooferProgramme of the volume up-tqoah Sound-mekpr VoiceProgramme of the subwoofer-amadkhm Sound in ArabicIncreased volume in the phoneRaising the volumeIncreased phone voice and raise the voice phone
Augmenter Volume Du Telephone 1.0
application augmenter le volumedutelephonepour augmente volume de phone mobile et pour deminerlevolume denotification et volume d appel et ectQuelques instants connaissent une augmentation dans letéléphonedela voix ou augmenter le son de la musique ou dessonneriesdetéléphone et veulent contrôler le téléphone parunprogramme.Augmenter le logiciel du téléphone vocal est de contrôler lesonestle niveau moyen ou le style haute ou silencieuse. Il y aaussilecontrôle d'un certain pourcentage.fonctionnalités de l'applicationhaut parleurvolume boosterVolume ContrôleSans Internetziyadat sawtVous pouvez maintenant écouter des chansons plus fortetplusfortavertissementL'application ne modifie pas le son pendant un appelMais Volume Contrôleaugmenter le volume du telephone application gratuitApplicationincreasethevolume of phone for mobile phone increases the volumeandthedeminer notification volume and call volume and ectMoments experiencing an increase in telephone voice or thesoundfrommusic or ringtones and want to control the phone byaprogram.Increase Voice phone software is to control the sound levelistheaverage or high or silent style. There is also the controlofacertain percentage.application functionalityloud speakervolume boosterVolume Controlwithout InternetZiyadat sawtYou can now listen to songs louder and louderWarningThe application does not affect the sound during a callBut Volume Controlincrease the volume of free phone app
Bass Booster for Bluetoth free 1.0
bass booster equalizer forheadphonesBassBooster for Bluetooth Speaker accoustic equalizerforphonefree equalizer volume booster and bass booster appforbluetoothspeakerCe volume libre stimulant application utilisedesméthodessophistiquées pour vous donner vraiment fort,unsonamélioré.Vocal allow you listen only vocalVirtualizer Run in the backgroundNotification functionThanks to this Phone Sound Booster, you can easily adjustallthesein few seconds.
Volume Amplifier Booster 1.0
Volume Amplifier Booster with a friendly interface,ultra-smallcapacity will help you to controls and increase Androidphonevolume for all sound streams (music, voice, alarm, system).You caneasily boost your phone sound to maximum by just one touchwithoutdistorting the sound.With this app the sound of yourmobileincreases from 25 to 45%, more than any other amplifier appfromGoogle Play. Now it is not necessary to use headphones orheadsetto listen to your music. Drop the bit at any time you wantand makeit louder. It does not matter if you are in a loudly place;amplifyyour mobile phone loudspeaker. What sets Volume BoosterAmplifier2017 from other similar applications is that when a useractivatesboost this app not only amplifies the sound to the end,but alsouses the built-in Android equalizer to optimize thefrequencychannels by means of a special algorithm. So the result isastronger and clearer sound.Please email us If you have anyproblem,complain or suggestions at [email protected]
Boost Volume Sounds 1.0
Boost your volume sounds ofyourdevise,withthis app you can rise the volume to the maximal asaamplifier ,it's easy to boost you volumethis app is free and don't need internet
ارفع صوت جهازك 2.2
بمكنك التطبيق من تقوية وتضخيم صوت:- مشغل الموسيقى والافلام حيث ستتمكن من سماع الموسيقىومشاهدةمقاطعالقيديو بصوت اعلى وانقى- جرس المكالمات ستتمكن من سماع رنة مكالماتك بصوت اقوى- صوت المنبه ستتمكن من تقوية وتضخيم صوت منبه جوالك- يستطيع التطبيق تقوية وتضخيم جميع الاصوات في جوالكالتطبيق يقوم على تحسين جودة مكبرات الصوات وسماعاتالاذنويجعلالصوت اكثر وضوحا واكثر جودةطريقة عمل تطبيق مضخم الصوت بسيطة جدا كل ما عليك فعله هوفقطالضغطعلى زر تضخيم حيث سيوم التطبيق على اعطائك افضل جودةوعلووتضخيم للصوتوايضا يمكنك تغيير الاعدادات كما تشاء.هذا التطبيق سوف يزيد من جودة الصوت بصفة عامة و جعلصوتهاتفكالجوال يبدوا احترافيا ونقيا مثل اصوات السيستمومكبراتالصوتالاحترافيهالتطبيق يعمل مع مكبرات صوت الهاتف و سماعات الرأس !اذا كنت تعانى من مشكلة ضعف صوت الهاتف وعدم التمكن منتزويدةفعليكبهذا التطبيق الذى يساعدك فى تحسين وتعلية اداءسماعاتهاتفكالجواليمكنك التحكم ى اصوات هاتفك الجوال تزويدها او تقليلهامضخم الصوت يمنحك قدرة عالية على التحكم باصوات هاتفكضخم اصوات هاتفكمكبر صوتيات رائع يزيد من قدرة هاتفكيمكنك الان الاستماع الى الاغانى بصوت اعلى واقوىقوى امكانيات هاتفك بمضخم الصوت وعلى صوت هاتفك لدرجة غير عاديةمضخم الصوت العالى جدا يمكنك من ادارة صوتيات هاتفك بصورة قويةBmkinkapplicationofstrengthening and amplify the voice:- Music and movies where you will hear the music and watchtheclipsAgaydio louder and purer- Bell calls will be able to hear the clang callsastrongervoice- The sound of the alarm clock will be able to strengthenandamplifythe voice of alarm your mobile phone- The application can strengthen and amplify all soundsinyourmobile phoneThe application is based on improving the quality ofspeakersandheadphones sounds and makes the sound clearer andmorequalityThe modus operandi of the application of the subwooferisverysimple all you have to do is just click on the buttonwhereinflateSeyoum application to give you the best quality andaltitudeandamplify the sound, and you can also change the settingsasyoulike.This application will increase the overall sound qualityandmakethe voice of your mobile phone and professionally seemslikepurevoices Astm and speakers professionalismApplication works with speakers and headphones phone!If you suffer from the problem of poor voice phone and couldnotbesupplied with you this application that helpsyouimproveperformance and ramp headphones your mobile phoneYou can control your mobile phone Z voicesprovidingordecreaseSubwoofer gives you a high capacity to control the votesofyourphoneVoices of huge phoneAudio amplifier increases the wonderful ability of your phoneYou can now listen to songs louder and strongerThe forces of the possibilities of your phone to thesurroundsoundand the sound of your phone to an unusual degreeAmplifier very high sound audio from your phone you canmanagetheirstrong
Audio booster Pro 2.1
Audio booster pro 2017 app help you toraiseandamplify your phone's voice to 200%This application increases the sound quality of your phone .The program amplifies the voice of the phone and raise thesoundtothe highest degree possible and raise the sound oftheearphoneswhile increasing the sound of the device.Features of this application (Audio booster pro 2017): The audio amplification application works withouttheInternet,and the application enables you to enhance andupgradethe voice ofthe phone for free without programs. Withthisapplication: raise thevoice of the phone or the so-called"audiovolume booster". The soundof your phone will know asignificantchange in terms of sound, Itwill amplify the sound ofboth alarmclock, speakers and music.volume booster app it is a good application to boostyourphone'saudioDownload the application now because it will definitelylikeit
Volume Booster & Equalizer 1.0.6
Blur Apps Ltd
Welcome to the kingdom of exclusive music.Youcan improve sound effects on your phone to become the coolestguyat school. Let’s create exclusive musical for yourself withourequalizer and bass booster pro applications.Application of bass equalizer for cell phone is a smart sliderforvolume which is designed for music lovers. The music playerwithequalizer supports many audio formats such as: MP3, MP4, MP2,MP1,OGG, WAV, AIFF, MIDI, AAC, 3GP, ...Characteristics of best music player with equalizer and bassboost:Smart widgets: right on the home screen so you can easilycustomizethe bass volume booster big and very loud10 preset musical styles: choose from different styles such asjazz,classical, rock, pop .... for phones and tabletsVolume control: adjust the volume on the music player withbassbooster easily and quicklyFunction of application for bass booster and equalizer :Rotate button to adjust the volume in equalizer musicplayerboosterOpen high quality music players with equalizer on thehomescreenEasily toggle sound effectsMusic amplifier equalizer sound boosterShare audio with friends via Facebook, Email, ...Increase the volume of speakers and headphones“Repeat” and “ Shuffle” function to play your songFree application for bass and volume booster loudPlease express your feelings by evaluating 5 * for ourapplicationfor bass boost equalizer.
ultimate volume booster 1.0
increase your mobile volume speakerwithfreevolume booster for android and Enjoy watching moviesandlisteningto music with high and hd quality of soundsaudio booster amplifier pro 2017 makes your phone Playingaudioathigh volumes,you are in the right place , this extreme volume boosterforandroidis best volume booster for your phone it's compatiblewithallandroid phones, Its amplifie your sound and audio booster for android doesn't just adjustingbutalsoimproving the quality of soundshow to use ultimate volume booster for android :it's easy to use just open the app and click on boost tabandadjustthe volume to high level you can reach 200%Features of new audio booster equalizer :♬ speaker volume booster for android works in offline mode.♬ audio booster for headphones is easy to use.♬ You can easily modifie sound by using 5 BandEqualizerwithBassand treble effect.♬ headphones volume booster for android has 5 presetsEffectwithVolume Booster.♬ bluetooth audio booster boost Headphone volume and Speakerofphoneauto when app launch.♬ music volume booster for android designed withhighgraphicresolution.♬ audio bass booster free app♬ ringer volume booster for android release monthly updatewithnewfeatures=========================you can reach our app by typing ths keywords :loud speaker volume booster for androidbass audio boosterringtone volume booster for androidcall audio boosterringer volume booster for androidaudio booster top best pro 2017 newtop rated volume booster for androidcall audio booster top best pro 2017 newtablet volume booster for androidaudio booster top best pro 2017 newcall volume booster for androidaudio booster top best pro 2017 newcall volume booster for android==============speaker booster apps just for music top best pro 2017 newsound booster app ( surround sound equalizer treble andbassboosterquality sound app )app volumes top best pro 2017 newtop best speaker booster for android pro 2017 newspeaker booster apps just for musicsound booster app ( surround sound equalizer treble andbassboosterquality sound app )top best app volumes pro 2017 newtop best speaker booster for android pro 2017 newspeaker booster apps just for musicsound booster app top best pro 2017 newtop best app volumes pro 2017 newbest speaker booster for androidspeaker booster apps top best pro 2017 newsound booster app top best pro 2017 newapp volumesloud speaker booster for androidspeaker booster apps top best pro 2017 newsound booster app top best pro 2017 newapp volumesbest loud speaker booster for android pro 2017 newspeaker booster appssound booster appapp volumesspeaker booster for androidspeaker booster appssound booster appapp volumesspeaker booster for android
📢 Amplifier voice phone 📢 1.0
suffer from the problem of low soundofthephone? This app is right for you, so you can upgradethephonesound like you link your mobile phone with thespeaker.Increase program and raise the voice phone for free soyoucanone-click volume and thus increase the sound on the phonewherethevolume and increase the music plus high voice phoneHuge music speaker: very high speaker andmicrophoneforAndroidApplication cycle is very high or subwoofer subwooferpowercyclebecomes evident in increasing volume in the phoneApplication features:✔ Audio amplification application works without Internet✔ The application can strengthen and upgrade the phoneforfree✔ Amplify the sound of music where you can listen to thesongsofabstract or Indian songs Saad or even Turkish songslouderandclearer and very high quality.✔ The strengthening and raising alarm sound andthephonerings.✔ And enlarge all sounds on your phone✔ Zoom audio of the highest possible (speaker.✔ Raise the voice tones and ringtones for iPhone 7withouttheInternet: Other names for the application✔برنامج volume for AndroidPhone voice ✔مكبر and ramp sound device✔مضخم sound device and raising the sound device: Subwoofer program music★ Phone mp3 driver sound amplification★ Audio speaker and loud★ Subwoofer subwoofer machine and songsThank youWe hope you will enjoy the program
مغير الصوت برو 1.0
★ يعمل بدون انترنت.★ مساحة التطبيق قليلة.★ يمكنك حفظ الصوت في الهاتف عن طريق الضغط على زر حفظ.★يعمل على جميع الهواتف و جميع اصدارات الأندرويد.★ يمكنك أيضا مشاركة الصوت مع أصدقائك عن طريقة المواقعالإجتماعيةوبسهولة تامة.★ لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف.حجم برنامج مغير الاصوات صغيرتقليد الاصواتحول صوتكغير صوتكتغيير الصوت الى صوت مضحك او تغيير الصوت الى صوت حيواناوماشابهتغيير الصوتمكبر الصوت ادا اردت ان يختلف صوتك عن الاخر بتكبير الصوتهذا التطبيق مجاني و يعمل بدون أنترنت نتمنى أن ينال إعجابكم★ workswithouttheInternet.★ few application space.★ You can save the sound in the phone by pressingtheSavebutton.★ works on all phones and all versions of Android.★ You can also share the sound with your friends about thewaysocialnetworking sites and seamlessly.★ not Aotr on the phone's battery.Size Changer sounds small programTradition of the votesAbout your voiceIs your voiceSound funny to change the sound or change the sound to thesoundofan animal or the likechanging the voiceSound Blaster Wada wanted to voice different from theotherzoomssoundFree This application works without Internet and wishtoobtainadmiration
Volume Booster for Headphones 6.0
Volume Booster for Headphones is the allinonebooster app that makes your phone volume louder with onlyonetap!Increase volume with one tap for:- Speakerphone Volume- Multimedia Volume- Voice Call Volume- Notification Volume- Ringtone Volume- Alarm VolumeVolume Booster for Headphones will boost volume by upto20-30%and increase audio quality so you don't hear distortedsoundswithamplified volume levels. Hear volume louder without thehassleofmessing with your phone audio. Enjoy increased volumewhenusingapplications like Skype, Youtube, or music players.Volume Booster for Headphones works best whenusingheadphones,speakers, or headset on mobile phone and tablet!Thisapp is theperfect music sound booster that let's you hearloudermusic withone tap. You'll get to enjoy the great benefits ofthesound boostwhen your favorite song let's the beat drop.The music sound booster app that you've been searchingforisliterally just one tap away! Download Volume BoosterforHeadphonestoday and boost your volume for louder andamplifiedmusicvolume!
Battery charge sound alert 3.7.7
It will be notified by music when the battery has a full charge.
تغيير الصوت 2017 1.0
تطبيق تغيير الصوت مميز فهو يقوم بتغييرالصوتوتقليد الاصوات الاخرى .حجم التطبيق صغيرتقليد الاصواتحول صوتكغير صوتكتغيير الصوت الى صوت مضحك او تغيير الصوت الى صوت حيواناوماشابهتغيير الصوتمكبر الصوت ادا اردت ان يختلف صوتك عن الاخر بتكبير الصوتهذا التطبيق مجاني و يعمل بدون أنترنت نتمنى أن ينال إعجابكمتغيير الصوتتغيير الصوت عند المكالمةتغيير الصوت اثناء المكالمةتغيير الصوت عند المحادثةمغير الصوتتغيير الصوت في الوات سابتغيير الصوت في التطبيقاتتغيير الصوت خلال المكالمةكلمات أخرى للبحث :• taghyir sawt ila fatat• tatbi9 taghyir sawt• application taghyir sawt• sawt hayawanat• ta4yir sawt• sawt fatat• moghayir sawt• morayer sawt• voice changer with effectsملاحظة : التطبيق مزحة لتغيير الصوت وتعديل الاصواتThe applicationofsounddistinctive change is the change the sound and thetraditionofother voices.Small size of the applicationTradition of the votesAbout your voiceIs your voiceSound funny to change the sound or change the sound to thesoundofan animal or the likechanging the voiceSound Blaster Wada wanted to voice different from theotherzoomssoundFree This application works without Internet and wishtoobtainadmirationchanging the voiceChange the sound when the callChange the sound during a callChange the sound whenever the conversationAV Voice ChangerChange the sound in watts SAPChange the sound in applicationsChange the sound during the callOther words to search:• taghyir sawt ila fatat• tatbi9 taghyir sawt• application taghyir sawt• sawt hayawanat• ta4yir sawt• sawt fatat• moghayir sawt• morayer sawt• voice changer with effectsNote: The application is a joke to change the soundandmodifysounds
Best Speaker boost sound+ 1.3.3
Av Media8
Does the sound of your Android deviceseemweak?Try this amazing new sound amplifier 2017 . It willincreasethesound of your earphones with up to 10-25%. In order toincreasethesound Speaker Booster Pro uses a complicatedalgorithm.Simplypressthe loudspeakers to enjoy a loud and clearsound.It willimprove thevolume and sound of your headphones andspeakers andwill make themsound like a HiFi system.Simple, small,free app toboost yourspeaker or headphone sound volume. Useful formovies,audio books andmusic.Playing audio at high volumes,especially fora prolongedamount of time, can destroy speakersand/or damagehearing. Someusers HAVE reported destroyed speakersandearphones.By installingthis application you agree that youwillnot hold its developerresponsible for any damage to hardwareorhearing, and you are usingit AT YOUR OWN RISK. Consider this tobeEXPERIMENTAL software.Notall devices support this software. seeifyours works. There is alsoan identical Donate version if youwantto support the developer.Bestboost speaker free 2017andVirtualizer effects. Easily make yourmusic player hasawesomesound effects and has never been soprofessional. It isfullyoptimized for the phone and tablet.Bestspeaker 2017 freeproimproves music or audio quality on your Androiddevice and getliveaudio playback 2017 of your current volume levelofmusic2017.Simply tap on the icon and let the app calibrateyourvolumesettings on 2017!This app will increase your overall sound quality andmakeyourAndroid phone sound like a professional media player.Best speaker ever 2017 pro sound volume + is a brandnewandprofessional volume control application and booster sound.Youcaneasily increase your phone sounds all at a maximum value.Youwillnever feel worth the alarm clock charging, loud ringtonesorloudmusic volume. Speaker 2017 Volume pro Booster for Androidisalso adream volume control tool, after you use the "Max" modeoftheBooster Chair, you can easily return to the originalvolumestateby clicking the "normal" mode . And when you're onthemeeting, inthe library, go to bed or any other occasion thatneedsto besilent, just click on the "silent" mode.If you like the application please give us 5 stars andquoteonbutton +1 to support its future development.
Parrot - Voice Recorder 3.8.3
Parrot is a free voice recorder appwhichallows you to Record, Play and Share voice recordings, allwithin 3taps! A simple and beautiful user interface helps youcreate crispand balanced voice recordings. Use Parrot as adictaphone and startrecording voices, audio, phone conversations,your singing:anything you like, in HD!Record yourself or any voice message in high quality with thebestdictaphone for Android. Download Parrot, save your first voicememotoday, and start being more organized.Parrot Pro (available as in-app purchase) allows you to RecordPhoneCalls, Schedule Recordings for a specific time and dateandsynchronize your tracks to the cloud using Google DriveorDropbox.Parrot is has no time limits or no functionality limits. Withover100 different setting combinations, you can finely tuneyourrecordings and playback.Parrot Pro - In-app Purchase• Phone Call Recording: Record incoming or outgoing phonecallseither automatically or by prompt before or after thecall.• Scheduled Recordings: Schedule a recording for a specificdate,time and duration.• Cloud Backup: Easily synchronize all your files individually orasa zip to Google Drive, Dropbox or anywhere on your device.Parrot Basic - All Users• Record: Create voice recording with a live and butterysmoothsound wave graph as you record to help you easily identifywhenyou’re receiving the right levels. Record using the standardmic,camcorder mic or even a Bluetooth microphone.• Play: Playback your voice recordings with a simple andbeautifullist that helps you easily identify tracks with intuitivecalendaricons as well as playing and paused animations.• Share: Share your tracks with your favorite apps with twosimpletaps. Your favorite apps are saved to allow you to quicklyshare inthe future.• Notifications: We’ve included simple and easy notificationsinorder to allow you to use Parrot and continue to work inthebackground.• Android Wear: Manage your recording and playback right fromyourwrist.Recording Options (Dictaphone options)• Quality: Recording in WAV and MP4 formats. Choose your samplerateand bit rate.• Source: Record your voice from your device mic, camcorder micorBluetooth headset.• Effects: Use Android’s built-in recording effects toremovebackground noise, cancel out echo and automatically controlgain.For those situations where more power is needed, set yourowncustom gain.• Auto Pause (skip silence): Easily skip silence while recordingbyhaving the app pause and restart for you based on time andsoundsensitivity thresholds.• Alerts: Use both vibration and beeps to help you identify whentherecording has started and stopped.Playback Options• Bass Boost: Boost the bass to help amplify low frequencies oftherecordings.• Volume Boost: Enhance the volume of the track to help hearevenquiet noises.• Preset Reverb: Hear your recording as if it were played in asmallroom or large hall.App Permissions• Record Audio: We need access to your mic to createvoicerecordings.• External Storage: We require access to your SD card as this isourpreferred location to store your tracks.• Phone Calls: Parrot Pro mode allows users to recordphonecalls.• Wakelock: Used in Parrot Pro to ensure that your phone wakesupfor schedule recordings.• Vibration: We have a setting that allows you to make yourdevicevibrate when you start or stop a recording.For more information, help and supportvisit
Internet Booster Prank 1
Internet speed is determined by your ISPandcan not be changed, but there are other factors to change thatcanaffect.Whether your phone is rooted or not, or if you have a WiFiormobile data (2g, 3g, 4g LTE) connection, the app performs aseriesof automated tasks in order to speed up internet andbrowserperformance . Pause secondary processes, cleaning RAM,cachecleaning and purging of DNS are some of these tasks.These are actions that can be performed manually one by one,butbecause of the time involved, this application hasbeencreated.We can not guarantee a 100% improvement in speed, but if youcanget an improvement between 25% and 50% depending onyourdevice.Features:- System analysis for any application that may slow yourAndroiddevice.- Adjust channel WiFi connection faster wireless Internet.- DNS Cache cleaning for increased Internet speed.- Adjust MTU / TTL system, allowing fasterInternetconnection.- Optimization of 3G and 4G connections.- Improved pre buffering video on YouTube or other video siteslikeVimeo, Netflix, DailyMotion, etc.- Reduce the total system memory.- Depending on the phone, it will improve signal reception.- Works with root and not rooted phones.It does not work on all terminals and their proper use isnotguaranteed. Please, any doubt please contact us by mail.Disclaimer: This application is only for entertainmentpurposes.This is a prank application that does not increaseInternet speed.We do not collect any information.
Pro Speaker booster 1.0
Does the sound of your Android deviceseemweakto you? Try this incredible new sound amplifier.Anativeapplication that increase the sound of your headphoneswithup to10-30% depandant of your model. To increase the soundProSpeakerBooster uses a complex and complicated algorithm.Just press Max the speakers to let the app work for you andenjoyastronger and clearer sound."Pro Speaker Booster" will improve the volume and soundofyourheadphones and speakers and will make them sound likeaHiFisystem.If you like the application please give us 5 stars andquoteonbutton +1 to support its future development.Characteristics:* System- Adjust the volume level of your system.* Media- Adjust the volume level of your media.* Notifications- Adjust the volume level of notifications.The application works just like the loudspeaker, alsoforheadphones.You will also discover a significantdifferencecompared to yourringtone, your alarm clock and the levelof thesound during acall.Disclaimer: This application will not damage yourspeaker.Thisapplication has no virus and will not damage yourphone!Advertising policy:We like to create applications and we want them toremainfree.That's why Pro Speaker Booster containsadvertisementsthatgenerate revenue.When you click on the advertisements provided by SpeakerBooster,youwill be directed to a third party web page.