Top 17 Apps Similar to Pegasus Wallpaper

Pegasus Wallpaper 2.6
Incredible Pegasus Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Magic Art Images Free Download !Pegasus is one of the best known creatures in Greek mythology.Heis a winged divine stallion also known as a horse usuallydepictedas pure white in color. He was sired by Poseidon, in hisrole ashorse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa.Amazing Pegasus and Fantasy Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : One is that they sprang from the blood issuingfromMedusa's neck as Perseus was beheading her, similar to themannerin which Athena was born from the head of Zeus. In anotherversion,when Perseus beheaded Medusa, they were born of the Earth,fed bythe Gorgon's blood.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Pegasus , Unicorn ,Fairy, Fantasy in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Angel Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Angel Photo Gallery -UniqueWallpaper Illustrations - Art Images Free Download !An angel, especially according to Abrahamic religionsandZoroastrianism, is a spiritual being superior to humans inpowerand intelligence. Angels are typically described asbenevolent,dreadful, and endowed with wisdom and knowledge ofearthly events,but not infallible; for they strive with each other,and God has tomake peace between them.Amazing Angel Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts about Angel : The word angel in English is a blendofOld English engel (with a hard g) and Old French angele.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone !Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Werewolf Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Werewolf Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Fear Art Images Free Download !The werewolf is a widespread concept in Europeanfolklore,existing in many variants which are related by a commondevelopmentof a Christian interpretation of underlying Europeanfolklore whichdeveloped during the medieval period. From the earlymodern period,werewolf beliefs also spread to the New World withcolonialism.Amazing Werewolf and Horror Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The word werewolf continues a late OldEnglishwer(e)wulf, a compound of were "man" and wulf "wolf". Theonly OldHigh German testimony is in the form of a given name,Weriuuolf,although an early Middle High German werwolf is found inBurchardof Worms and Berthold of Regensburg.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Werewolf , Horror House,Clown , Creepy in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Horror Clown Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Horror Clown Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Fear Art Images Free Download !The distinction between horror and terror is a standardliteraryand psychological concept applied especially to Gothicliteratureand film. Terror is usually described as the feeling ofdread andanticipation that precedes the horrifying experience. Bycontrast,horror is the feeling of revulsion that usually occursaftersomething frightening is seen, heard, or otherwiseexperienced.Amazing Horror Clown and Horror Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : Horror is also a genre of film and fictionthatrelies on horrifying images or situations to tell storiesandprompt reactions in their audiences. In these films the momentofhorrifying revelation is usually preceded by a terrifying buildup,often using the medium of scary music.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Horror Clown , Werewolf,Creepy , Grim Reaper in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Pitbull Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Pitbull Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Dog Art Images Free Download !Pit bull is the common name for a type of dog. Formalbreedsoften considered in North America to be of the pit bulltypeinclude the American Pit Bull Terrier, AmericanStaffordshireTerrier, American Bully, and Staffordshire BullTerrier. TheAmerican Bulldog and the Bull Terrier are alsosometimes included.Many of these breeds were originally developedas fighting dogsfrom cross breeding bull-baiting dogs andterriers.Amazing Pitbull and Wild Animal Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArt High Definition !Fun Facts : Pit bulls were created by breeding bulldogsandterriers together to produce a dog that combined the gamenessandagility of the terrier with the strength of the bulldog. IntheUnited Kingdom, these dogs were used in blood sports suchasbull-baiting, bear-baiting and cock fighting.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Pitbull , Rottweiler,Doberman , Great Dane in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Pegasus Wallpaper 2.6
Incredible Pegasus Photo Gallery-WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Magic Art Images Free Download !Pegasus is one of the best known creatures in Greekmythology.Heis a winged divine stallion also known as a horseusuallydepictedas pure white in color. He was sired by Poseidon, inhisrole ashorse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa.Amazing Pegasus and Fantasy Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts :The symbolism of Pegasus varies with time. Symbol ofwisdomandespecially of fame from the Middle Ages until theRenaissance,hebecame one symbol of the poetry and the creator ofsources inwhichthe poets come to draw inspiration, particularly inthe19thcentury.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobilephone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Horse , Unicorn ,Fairy,Angel in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone !Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips,ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!IncrediblePegasusPhotoGallery - Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Magic ArtImagesFreeDownload!Pegasus is one of the best known creatures in Greekmythology.Heis a winged divine stallion also known as the horsedepictedUsuallythe pure white in color. He was sired by Poseidon,in hisrole thehorse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa.Amazing Pegasus and Fantasy Pictures HD Wallpapers -DigitalArtHigh Definition!Fun Facts:The symbolism of Pegasus varies with time. Symbol ofwisdomandEspecially of fame from the Middle Ages until theRenaissance,heBecame one symbol of the poetry and the creator ofsources inWhichthe poets come to draw inspiration, Particularly inthe19thcentury.Also download our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobilephone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best of PHOTOS Horse,Unicorn,Fairy,Angel in the WORLD! Ideal app for your Smartphone and Tablet!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips,ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Megalodon Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Megalodon Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - SharkArt Images Free Download !Swiss naturalist Louis Agassiz gave the shark itsinitialscientific name, Carcharodon megalodon, in 1835, in hisresearchwork Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, which hecompleted in1843. C. megalodon teeth are morphologically similar tothe teethof the great white shark, and on the basis of thisobservation,Agassiz assigned C. megalodon to the genusCarcharodon.Amazing Megalodon and Pre Historic Pictures HD Wallpapers-Digital Art High Definition !Fun Facts : According to Renaissance accounts,gigantic,triangular fossil teeth often found embedded in rockyformationswere once believed to be the petrified tongues, orglossopetrae, ofdragons and snakes. This interpretation wascorrected in 1667 byDanish naturalist Nicolaus Steno, whorecognized them as sharkteeth, and famously produced a depiction ofa shark's head bearingsuch teeth. He described his findings in thebook The Head of aShark Dissected, which also contained anillustration of a C.megalodon tooth.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Orca , Fish , Ocean,Dolphin in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Unicorn Wallpapers 2.1
---------------- This is one application which can help youtochange the display screen on your phone or often knownaswallpaper. In this application there are a large selectionofwallpaper that you can choose for your use as wallpaper onyourphone screen. how to use them is very easy. HOW TO USE: Home→Applications → Set Wallpaper → Unicorn Wallpapers Check outouraccount for more free live wallpapers. If you encounteranyproblems or have any suggestions, do not hesitate to tell us.Thankyou very much!
Skull Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Skull Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Bones Art Images Free Download !The skull is a bony structure that forms the head of theskeletonin most vertebrates. It supports the structures of theface andprovides a protective cavity for the brain. The skull iscomposed oftwo parts: the cranium and the mandible. In the humanthese twoparts are the neurocranium and the viscerocranium orfacial skeletonthat includes the mandible as its largest bone.Amazing Skull and Eskeleton Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The human skull is the bony structure that formsthehead in the human skeleton. It supports the structures of thefaceand forms a cavity for the brain. Like the skulls ofothervertebrates, it protects the brain from injury.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Skull , Eskeleton ,Bones, Human in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Pegasus Wallpaper 2.6
Incredible Pegasus Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Magic Art Images Free Download !Pegasus is one of the best known creatures in Greek mythology.Heis a winged divine stallion also known as a horse usuallydepictedas pure white in color. He was sired by Poseidon, in hisrole ashorse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa.Amazing Pegasus and Fantasy Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts :He was the brother of Chrysaor, born at a single birthing whenhismother was decapitated by Perseus. Greco-Roman poets writeabouthis ascent to heaven after his birth and his obeisance toZeus,king of the gods, who instructed him to bring lightning andthunderfrom Olympus.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Unicorn , Phoenix ,Horse, Enchanted in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone !Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Garden Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Garden Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Flowers Art Images Free Download!A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside forthedisplay, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other formsofnature. The garden can incorporate both natural andman-madematerials. The most common form today is known as aresidentialgarden, but the term garden has traditionally been amore generalone.Amazing Garden and Tree Pictures HD Wallpapers - Digital ArtHighDefinition !Fun Facts : Garden design is the creation of plans for thelayoutand planting of gardens and landscapes. Gardens may bedesigned bygarden owners themselves, or by professionals.Professional gardendesigners tend to be trained in principles ofdesign andhorticulture, and have a knowledge and experience ofusingplants.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for your androidmobilephone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Garden , Tree , Flower,Colorful in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Samurai Pack 2 Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Samurai Pack 2 Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Katana Art Images Free Download !By the end of the 12th century, samurai became almostentirelysynonymous with bushi, and the word was closely associatedwith themiddle and upper echelons of the warrior class. The samuraiwereusually associated with a clan and their lord, were trainedasofficers in military tactics and grand strategy, and theyfolloweda set of rules that later came to be known as thebushidō.Amazing Samurai and Warrior Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Following the Battle of Hakusukinoe againstTangChina and Silla in 663 AD, which led to a retreat fromKoreanaffairs, Japan underwent widespread reform. One of themostimportant was that of the Taika Reform, issued by PrinceNaka-no-Ōein 646 AD. This edict allowed the Japanese aristocracy toadopt theTang dynasty political structure, bureaucracy, culture,religion,and philosophy.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Samurai , Spartan,Warrior , Sword in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Doberman Wallpaper 1.1
Incredible Doberman Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Dog Art Images Free Download !The Doberman is a mixture of breeds that include theGermanShepherd, German Shorthaired Pointer, Great Dane, Greyhound,andWeimaraner, but most notably the Beauceron, German Pinscher,andRottweiler. Powerful in the hindquarters and although maybetop-heavy because of their deep chest, the Doberman is averyathletic dog and many excel in agility and obediencetrials.Amazing Doberman and Animal Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : Ram club standards describe Doberman Pinschersasdogs of medium-large size with a square build and short coat.Theyare compactly built and athletic with endurance and swiftness.TheDoberman Pinscher should have a proud, watchful, determined,andobedient temperament.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Doberman , Dog , Pitbull,Rottweiler in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Unicorn Fantasy Wallpapers 1.0
Awesome Unicorn Fantasy pictures await youinthis app. The images can be set as Wallpaper on yourdesktopsmartphone or tablet and admire them all the time! Speciallyforyou the app is free and contains in-app purchases!
Unicorn Live Wallpaper 2.8
Welcome to the magical land of “fairy tales”! Here is afantasticcollection of “fantasy live wallpapers” with cute picturesofunicorns which will simply take your breath away! Enjoy lookingatthese magnificent creatures on your phone screen every day! Ifyouare a huge fan of “horses wallpapers”, you are surely going tolikethis magic collection of background images! Download UnicornLiveWallpaper and set a different “unicorn background” for each dayofthe week! ♞ Wide choice of phenomenal unicorns live wallpapers!♞Excellent 3D parallax effect! ♞ Beautiful HD graphics and openGL!♞ Animated particles floating on the screen! ♞ Choose thespeed,number and type of particles! ♞ Social share button! ♞Optimizedbattery usage! ♞ Compatible with 99% mobile phones andtabletdevices! ♞ The wallpaper app will sleep when your phoneisinactive, so this unicorn live wallpaper will not drainyourbattery. ♞ “Unicorn Live Wallpaper” fully supportshorizontalorientation and looks amazing on both mobile phones andtabletdevices! ♞ New wallpapers are added daily – collect all ofthem! ♞This beautiful, free and enjoyable unicorn background iswaitingfor you! If you are interested in “magic wallpapersandbackgrounds”, you're at the right place! If you like todecorateyour phone screen with pictures of fairies, dwarfs, elves,giants,and unicorns, this collection of horse live wallpapers willmakeyou very happy! Enter the magical land of unicorns and otherfairytale characters and beautify your wallpaper background in alovelymanner. Fabulous fairy tale wallpapers are waiting especiallyforyou! Whenever you feel exhausted or unmotivated, these“fantasybackgrounds” will put a smile on your face – instantly!Vividcolors and extraordinary graphics will evoke positivefeelings!Forget about your old boring plain wallpaper – this cutewallpaperwill give your phone a makeover it deserves! Fantasywallpapers andbackgrounds always look good on your screen, so thiscollection ofunicorn images will perfectly suit any phone. Grabthese magicwallpapers as soon as possible and recommend it to allyourfriends. You will be the only one to have the cutestbackgroundimages in your company of friends. Download Unicorn LiveWallpaperand be unique! Unicorns are such lovely magical creaturesthat theyare simply irresistible! So, hurry up and get yourselfyour ownpersonal unicorn! “Beautiful wallpapers” that this free appoffersare waiting just for you. Free download best “fantasywallpapers”with unicorns and don't worry about a thing! Phonecustomizationapps are very popular these days, so if you want to bemodern andstylish, you must have Unicorn Live Wallpaper on yourphone.Unicorns, fairies, elves, and dwarfs are always in vogue andit'salways nice to have some colorful wallpaper on your phonescreen.HD backgrounds such as these will give your phone a freshnew lookand it will also bring back a child in you. Let thesemagicalpictures of horses with horns and wings take you back toyourchildhood years and make you feel like a child again. Fantasylivewallpapers for all fans of imaginary characters! Beautifyyourphone screen with fairy tale wallpapers and backgrounds andfeelhappy as never before! Fun is guaranteed with these freebackgroundimages!
Sword Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Sword Photo Gallery -WallpaperUnique Illustrations - Blade Art Images Free Download !A sword is a bladed weapon intended for both cuttingandthrusting. The precise definition of the term varies withthehistorical epoch or the geographical region under consideration.Asword in the most narrow sense consists of a straight bladewithtwo edges and a hilt, but depending on context, the term isalsooften used to refer to bladed weapons with a single edge.Amazing Sword and Warrior Pictures HD Wallpapers - DigitalArtHigh Definition !Fun Facts : The sword developed from the dagger whentheconstruction of longer blades became possible, from the late3rdmillennium BC in the Middle East, first in arsenic copper, thenintin-bronze.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Sword , Blade , Warrior,Battle in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!
Saber Tooth Tiger Wallpaper 1.5
Incredible Saber Tooth Tiger Photo Gallery-Wallpaper Unique Illustrations - Pre Historic Art ImagesFreeDownload !Smilodon /ˈsmaɪlədɒn/, is an extinct genus of machairodontfelid.It is perhaps one of the most famous prehistoric mammals,and thebest known saber-toothed cat. Although commonly known asthesaber-toothed tiger, it was not closely related to the tigerorother modern cats. Smilodon lived in the Americas duringthePleistocene epoch. The genus was named in 1842, based onfossilsfrom Brazil.Amazing Saber Tooth Tiger and Tiger Pictures HD Wallpapers-Digital Art High Definition !Fun Facts : During the 1830s, Danish naturalist PeterWilhelmLund and his assistants collected fossils in the calcareouscavesnear the small town of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.Among thethousands of fossils found, he recognized a few isolatedcheekteeth as belonging to a hyena, which he named Hyaena neogaeain1839.Download also our other AWESOME WALLPAPERS for yourandroidmobile phone.All Wallpapers in HD - the best PHOTOS of Lion , Tiger , Panther,Saber Tooth Tiger in the WORLD!Ideal app for your Tablet and Smartphone!Best app for your smartphone and tablet. Tips, ReviewsandQuestions? Please send an email Thank you!