Top 19 Apps Similar to Trauma Scenarios

Advanced Trauma Life Support 1.10
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to testyourdecision-makingskills in simulated trauma cases. TraumaLifeSupport Features:Primary Survey and ResuscitationAirwayMaintenance Secondary Surveyand Management Airway andVentilatoryManagement OropharyngealAirway Insertion NasopharyngealAirwayInsertion Adult OrotrachealIntubation Laryngeal MaskAirwayInsertion Laryngeal Tube AirwayInsertion InfantEndotrachealIntubation Needle CricothyroidotomySurgicalCricothyroidotomyShock Femoral Venipuncture: SeldingerSubclavianVenipunctureInternal Jugular VenipunctureIntraosseousPuncture/Infusion VenousCutdown Thoracic Trauma PrimarySurveySecondary Survey NeedleThoracentesis Chest TubeInsertionPericardiocentesis Chest X-RayReview Abdominal and PelvicTraumaFocused Assessment SonographyTrauma DiagnosticPeritonealLavage—Open Diagnostic PeritonealLavage—ClosedApplication of aPelvic Binder Techniques to ReducePelvic FracturesHead TraumaMinor Brain Injury Moderate BrainInjury Severe BrainInjury HelmetRemoval Evaluation of Head CTScans Spine and SpinalCord TraumaScreening for Cervical SpineInjury SuspectedThoracolumbar SpineInjury Cervical Spine X-RayAssessmentAtlanto-Occipital JointAssessment Assessing SpineInjuries Thoracicand Lumbar X-RayAssessment MusculoskeletalTrauma AssessmentExtremityImmobilization Realignment of DeformedExtremities TractionSplintApplication Compartment SyndromeIdentification of ArterialInjuryBurn Injuries Pediatric TraumaTrauma During Pregnancy Pleasereviewthe screen images beforedownloading.
U of T Trauma Protocols 1.8.1
A convenient way to disseminate the University of Toronto'straumaguidelines.
Pocket ICU 2.8.17
The Must-Have Resource for Critical Care
EMGuidance - Medicines Info 5.5.33
Clinical Medicines Information & Drug Education forHealthcareWorkers
Prognosis : Emergency Medicine 4.2.5
Experience the adrenaline rush of managing trauma while waitingonyour coffee. Make life saving decisions in betweenpatientconsultations.Prognosis: Emergency Medicine allows you to test yourdecisionmaking skills in a risk-free environment while sharpeningyourclinical knowledge.The interesting discussions at the end of each case scenarioareuseful for experienced physicians to refresh their knowledgeandalso serve as interesting practice material for residentsembarkingon a career in Emergency Medicine.All clinical cases and discussions have been reviewed byoureditorial board of 120+ physicians across 27 specialties.Diseases Covered:1. Acetaminophen Poisoning2. Acute Appendicitis3. Acute Compartment Syndrome4. Acute Encephalitis5. Acute Epiglottitis6. Acute Glomerulonephritis7. Acute Head Trauma8. Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis9. Acute Myocardial Infarction (LBBB)10. Acute Myocarditis11. Acute Ovarian Torsion12. Acute Pericarditis13. Adrenal Crisis14. Aortic Dissection15. Asthma Exacerbation16. Atrial Fibrillation17. Bacterial Meningitis18. Basilar-type Migraine19. Bell’s Palsy20. Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo21. Biliary Ascariasis22. Boerhaave Syndrome23. Botulism24. Brugada Syndrome25. Burns26. Cardiac Tamponade27. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis28. Cervical Epidural Hematoma29. Chronic Subdural Hematoma30. Deep Venous Thrombosis31. Diabetic Ketoacidosis32. Dieulafoy’s Lesion33. Digoxin Toxicity34. Ectopic Pregnancy35. Emphysematous Cholecystitis36. Exercise Associated Hyponatremia37. Fitz-hugh-curtis Syndrome38. Guillain–barré Syndrome39. Heat Stroke40. Heterotopic Pregnancy41. Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State42. Hypertensive Emergency43. Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy44. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis45. Ica Dissection46. Infectious Mononucleosis47. Insulinomas48. Isolated Gall Bladder Injury49. Kawasaki Disease50. Lactic Acidosis, Metformin51. Lateral Medullary Syndrome52. Lemierre's Syndrome53. Meckel's Diverticulum54. Mesenteric Ischemia, Arterial55. Multiple Sclerosis56. Myasthenia Gravis57. Myxedema Coma58. Omental Infarction59. Peptic Ulcer Disease60. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy61. Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia62. Polymyositis63. Primary Hyperparathyroidism64. Prinzmetal's Angina65. Pulmonary Embolism66. Red Degeneration67. Renal Artery Aneurysm68. Retropharyngeal Abscess69. Reye Syndrome70. Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction71. Rupture of a Popliteal Cyst72. Salicylate Toxicity73. Sigmoid Volvulus74. Spinal Epidural Abscess75. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome76. Stroke77. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage78. Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome79. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome80. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy81. Temporal Arteritis82. Tension Pneumothorax83. Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis84. Tick Paralysis85. Tumor Lysis Syndrome86. UA/NSTEMI87. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome88. Atrial Myoxma89. Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus90. Prinzmetal's Angina91. Omental Infarction
5-Minute Emergency Consult 2.8.17
5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult delivers practical,quick-readinformation
WikEM - Emergency Medicine 7.3.2
WikEM, The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is apoint-of-carereference available on the web or via our dedicatedmobileapplications. Its emergency medicine knowledge base hasthousandsof quick problem-specific notes to help you care forpatients,which is one of the reasons it has been downloaded by morethan100,000 users and is one of the top 10 most popularemergencymedicine websites. Supported by the nonprofit OpenEMFoundation,WikEM provides a way for medical practitioners toorganize onlinecontent and cross-reference clinical informationat If you are a medical practitioner, joinourcontributor community and help edit our content. WikEM isintendedfor clinicians only and not directly for patients. WikEMserves awide range of medical practitioners predominantly amongthespecialties of emergency medicine, pediatric emergencymedicine,critical care, emergency medical services (EMS), andurgent caremedicine, as well as primary healthcare fields such asfamilymedicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Numerous sourceshavenamed WikEM as a key reference for emergency practitioners,rangingfrom EMTs, paramedics, and other first responders to nurses,nursepractitioners, physician assistants, and emergency physicians.
Emergency Medicine Manual 2.3.1
Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine Manual, 7th EditionThe MOST CURRENT 7th Edition – now in full color!Written by clinicians engaged in the day-to-day practiceofemergency medicine, this handy manual is derived fromTintinalli’sEmergency Medicine, 7e, the field’s most trusted text.Composed ofbrief chapters focusing on clinical features, diagnosisanddifferential, and emergency management anddisposition,Tintinalli’sEmergency Medicine Manual is designed tohelp you provide skillfuland timely patient care.Packing a remarkable amount of information in acompactpresentation, this expanded and revised edition is enhancedby:• A full color design with an increased number of photos andlinedrawings• Numerous tables, making information easy to access• Completely revised and reorganized content to matchcurrentpractice• Expanded pediatrics section and new chapters on LowProbabilityACS, Thromboembolism, Occlusive Arterial Disease, NauseaandVomiting, Bowel Obstruction and Volvulus, Acute UrinaryRetention,Renal Emergencies in Children, Food and Water-BorneIllnesses, andHip and Knee PainWith its unmatched authority andeasy-to-useorganization,Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine Manualbelongs in thepocket of every clinician working in an acute caresetting.
Dominate Emergency Med *LITE* 1.0
Dominate Emergency Medicine is aquestionbankfocused towards anyone interested in emergencymedicine!Quickfacts that are high yield and easy to access is thegoal ofthisapplication.Whats different in LITE version?-Limited questions in each category and is adbased.Considerpurchasing the paid version for full questionbank!Medical student? - DOMINATE the shelf exam!Resident? - DOMINATE the in-training exam!Board-eligible physician? - DOMINATE the boards!PA, ARNP, RN? - DOMINATE the ER!Question bank is easy to use and is updated frequently,atthispoint just over 700 questions!Categories include:-Resuscitation-Cardiology-Pediatric Medications Dosages-Endocrine-ENT-Environmental-GI/Surgery-GU-Heme/Onc-ID-Nephrology-Ophthalmology-Ortho-Neurology-OB/GYN-Pediatrics-Pulmonology-Toxicology-Traumav1.0
Trauma Pro 1.0
Tizin Mobile
Deze app bevat de eerste versie van de regionaletraumaprotocollenin Regio West. De protocollen zijn gebaseerd opbestaanderichtlijnen en waar mogelijk gereviseerd aan de hand vanrecenteliteratuur. Daarnaast zijn alle bij de traumabetrokkenspecialismen geconsulteerd. Het boekje bevat lokalerichtlijnenwaar op goede indicatie van afgeweken kan worden. Dezerichtlijnenzijn bedoeld om uw eigen oordeelsvorming teondersteunen, niet omdie te vervangen. De richtlijnen komen niet inmindering op uwverantwoordelijkheid als medische professional. Integendeel; zijbeogen u overwegingen aan te reiken die hetbehandelbeleid waarvooru verantwoordelijk bent, rationeler entransparanter maken. Namensde protocolcommissie van TraumaregioWest hopen wij dat u met veelplezier gebruik zult maken van dezeapp.
Emergency Medicine Procedures
Jeremy Boroff
This application covers the basics ofsomeadvanced emergency medicine procedures. It covers chesttubes,central lines, and lumbar punctures. It covers theprocedure,instructional videos, as well as some other supportiveinformation.This application is great for medical students,physicianassistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses,paramedics, andother interested healthcare professionals.
Emergency Medicine 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interested onemergencymedicine,we feel in the obligation of providinginformation aboutthe latest scientific developments,investigationsand articles thatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This appfeeds from MedicalNews Today
Ortho Traumapedia 1.0.11656
Quick access to information important to the treatment ofskeletaltrauma.
ABC-Trauma 3.0
Summary of the 2019 European trauma guidelines
MyATLS v2.4-release
The perfect resource and reference guide for trauma care -MyATLSapp
Critical Care ACLS Guide 1.6
The Critical Care ACLS Guide App gives immediate access tocriticalinformation.
Atlas of Emergency Medicine 1.2
Usatine Media LLC
The most complete and trusted visualcompendiumof emergency medicine with 1500 full-color illustrationslooks greaton your mobile device. No internet connection needed toview thefull app. It is all ready for quick image and informationretrieval.This app is easy to navigate, allowing you to browse thecontents,find topics in an alphabetical index, or even search theentire appfor words in the text or image captions. You also havethe abilityto bookmark and add notes to any chapter or image. Thisapp isoptimized for whatever size device you are using, eitherphone ortablet.The Atlas of Emergency Medicine is the ultimate visual guidetothe diagnosis and treatment of common and uncommonconditionsencountered in the Emergency Department. Filled with 1500crisp,clear full-color images, this essential clinical companionislogically organized by organ system and then by problem, makingita practical quick reference for medical students, residentsintraining, new graduates preparing for their certification exam,thepracticing physician, and instructors. The Atlas ofEmergencyMedicine features a streamlined presentation with clear,concisetext and an unmatched collection of diagnoses-speedingimages. Theimages are accompanied by brief, high-yield descriptionsofclinical problems.4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW of the book on which this app isbased:"This is an excellent study aid, especially forvisuallearners....This atlas is perhaps the most comprehensivesource ofhigh quality emergency medicine images available....Thisbook isoutstanding. I used it just before my in-service exam andfound ita delightful way to solidify the information with images,whichgreatly increases the chance of recall."--Doody'sReviewServiceDisclaimer: This app is intended for educational reference only.Ifyou find yourself in an emergency situation, contactaphysician.Based on The Atlas of Emergency Medicine, 3rd EditionbyMcGraw-HillEditors and authors:Kevin J. Knoop. MD, MS, Director, Professional Education,NavalMedical Center, Portsmouth, VA; Assistant Professor ofMilitary andEmergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University ofthe HealthSciences, Bethesda, MDLawrence B. Stack, MDAlan B. Storrow, MDR. Jason Thurman, MDDeveloped by Usatine Media, LLCRichard P. Usatine, MD, Co-President, Professor of Family&Community Medicine, Professor of Dermatology and CutaneousSurgery,University of Texas Health Science Center San AntonioPeter Erickson, Co-President, Lead Software Developer
ICU Cardiac Drug FX 1.1
A very simple cardiac effect drug card for nurses. It show howthesedrugs affect blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance,heartrate, cardiac output and cardiac index. The drugs listedareDopamine, Epinephrine, Levophed, Neosynephrine, Nipride,Primacorand Vasopressin. What this app is: a quickreference...onepage...there is no functionality, just the info youneed. What itisn't: a bloated app that has lots of buttons andpages of info tosift through. UPDATE...Dobutamine has been added tothis reference.I have removed the cardiac index, and added centralvenouspressure.