Top 30 Apps Similar to Stretching Techniques

疲れスッキリストレッチ E.F.A.S 1.0.8
「疲れスッキリストレッチE.F.A.S」は、疲労回復やパフォーマンス向上にお役立ていただくヘルスケアアプリです。このアプリは画面に表示される5種類の動作を行って頂き、その結果から身体重心の不安定性と筋肉・関節のアンバランスを分析し、あなたに合った最適なストレッチを選出します。さらに、選出されるストレッチは、部位やモードをカスタマイズでき、その日の体調や時間に合わせて利用して頂くことができます。このストレッチを毎日行って頂くことで身体重心の安定性を高め、体のこわばりを緩め、血行を良好な状態に保つことができます。どうぞ日々の健康生活にお役立てください。"TiredrefreshingstretchEFAS" is a health care app that'll help us tofatigue andimproveperformance.This app will perform five types of behavior that isdisplayedonthe screen, the results from analyzing the imbalanceofinstabilityand muscle and joint of the body center of gravity,youcan electyou to the optimal stretch that fits.In addition, the stretch to be elected, it is possibletocustomizethe site and mode, it can be asked to use to matchthephysicalcondition and the time of the day.To increase the stability of the body center of gravity in thatIammaking this stretch every day, loosen the stiffness of thebody,youcan keep the blood circulation in good condition.Please help us to please every day of healthy life.
Princess Frozen Makeup salon 1.6
Dandy Shandy
The Princess Frozen Makeup salon looks very charming, Becauseiceand cold could make skin better. Go to the elevator and youcouldchoose which room you want to enter, every room will haveitsexperience. I know everything you won't waste and miss, youmustwant to give the frozen ice queen a nice salon. That will bemagictime! Give her a makeover and dressup.Princess PrincessFrozenMakeup salon gives you all the tools you need to turn thisiceprincess into a beauty queen. The princess needs your help tolookmore charming. You can start by her back spa, then facialher.Apply makeup to her pretty face, then pick up nice frozenicethemed hairstyles and snow dresses and accessories. All theworldin the salon game is frozen! Winter will be past, at the endofwinter, don't miss the frozen ice queen salon game again. Thatwilltake more new fun and salon experience to you! How to Play:Openthe game, and click PLAY to start. Hurrah~ Now you are theluckygirl Aria. You've traveled all the way through, and finallycome tothis mysterious castle. Who would you like to meet the most?Weguess it's the princess, right? There she is, and she invitesyouto a party. Before that, you'd better do a spa first, try thespaitems of this age and you'll be absolutely surprised. Then, asyoudressed differently before, try on the classic and nobleclothesand accessories, and you'll be the focus of the party.Woo-hoo~ Theparty has started, you can talk to any of the guests,and thenfollow the tips to get some mystery gifts. Satisfied, huh?But thisis not all about this travel, as snowman is also a must inthisfrozen land. You can choose what you want from dozensofdecorations to make your snowman unique. Sweetie, thisfantastictravel is just for you, come and get it now!
Warm Stretch Exercises 2.1
This is a PRO plugin of Daily Yogaandrequiressubscription fee to unlock.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Storelink: Accelerates the blood circulation.- Warms up your limbs, hands and feet.- Enhances your physique.- Stretches your muscles and invigorates your whole body.Apart from the above merits of this winter yoga sequence, italsocanbenefit you in many other ways: burn extra calories,sculptyourshape, adjust the endocrine, relax the nerves, relievethestress andheal the dysmenorrhea.A body is like a car. If you want it to run smoothly earlyinthemorning, you need to warm it up. Stand by yoga and wavegoodbyetothe coldness! Be a hot yogi is one session away :)Tips:- In winter, your muscles tend to become stiff. Please dosomesimplegentle stretching before the session practice.- Keep your breathing pace according to your body movement.- After practice, please change your yoga sweat-drenchedsuitsincase of catching a cold.
てぃだ式ストレッチ体操 1.2.3
~~<♥てぃだ式ストレッチ体操♥>~~  スマホで健康作り、してみませんか?”てぃだ式ストレッチ体操”は、貴方のストレッチを、動作見本を表示して、サポートします。 スマホの画面に映し出された見本動作にしたがって、いつでもどこでも簡単・お手軽ストレッチ体操♪ 首、肩、手足、体幹と、全身を気持ちよくほぐす動作は、全部で37行程。 すべて一気に行えば30分ほどかかる体操もレジューム機能で、簡単中断、簡単再開!。 てぃだくらぶ謹製、 ”てぃだ式ストレッチ体操”を、ぜひ!! 追加料金、広告なしの100円ポッキリ♪
Stark Stretch 2.3.0
Optimize your results with Stark Stretch!
Morning Yoga Stretches 1.0
Did you ever felt like you need a morning energizer, andcoffeeisn't the answer? This yoga sequence will get you movingandbreathing, and provide you with energy for the day. Thisfifteenminutes yoga workout is aimed to strengthen and to stretchyourbody. It’s a perfect morning routine to wake up your body butalsogreat anytime and almost anywhere. Many people ask what is thebestworkout to do when you wake up? Is a cardio workout orstrengthworkout better in the morning? The best morning workout youcan doto wake up your body is a combination of heart rateraisingexercises, strength and mixing up stretching yoga posesthroughoutthe workout. This fifteen minute strength and stretchyoga sequencewill do exactly that! It will get your heart rate up,get yousweating, working your abdominals, and stretching yourshoulders,hamstrings, and upper body. If you want to cure yourmorningfatigue, refocus your mind or wake up every muscle in yourbody tostart your day, this is the perfect yoga class for you.
Stretching Programs 1.1
Welcome to Stretching Programs, this APPshow14workouts to stretch your body (legs, shoulders, back, feet,hipsandmore).Flexibility is an principal component of overallfitness.supplenessis generally not one of the main center ofattention ofmany fitnessprograms. few people realize that flexiblejoints andregularstretching are also essential for optimal healthandactivity. Forexample, stretching exercises can help peoplewhohave arthritis,Muscle tension, back and shoulder pain ....The features of our Application :- A complete stretching program : Full Body Stretch(NecktoToe)- Levels : Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced- Helps correct posture by stretch tight muscles- Animated demonstration for showing the exercises stretch- The ability to mark and edit your stretching exercises- Save strech programs- Profesional graphics.- No internet connectionYou ask how to Stretching can help and how tostretchcorrectly?Just download this APP and learn a lot about stretch benefitsandtheways you can go for it for best outcomes.Increase Flexibility with this Stretching exercisesandflexibilityworkout trainer with free workouts.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Source Images> Privacy Policy :After the application installation, a message box ask you toreadandaccept application rights.To access application rights, click the Privacy Policy buttonontheAbout page.
Stretching Exercises 1.00
With the app Stretching Exercises, you can enjoy a healthylifestyleand prevent health problems through the workouts we haveselectedfor you. Stretching exercises helps you can keep yourmusclesflexible and prepare them to practice exercise. Thisapplicationincludes videos with simple instructions for stretchingroutines,adapted to your physical condition, with the followingsections: -Stretching exercises for running. - Stretchingexercises for playingfootball. - Stretching exercises for playingbasketball. - Exercisesto stretch knees and legs. - Exercises tostretch your back. -Exercises to stretch your hip. - Stretchingexercises duringpregnancy. Download this Stretching Exercises appon your mobile ortablet Android and improve your flexibility andstart a new activeway of life.
Stretching Teller 2.1.0, 28 mei 2014
Handy basic timer for stretching exercises. The timer shows thetimeand plays a sound when starting, finishing and between laps.Startand end have a different sound. You can also choose tostretchright/left or single in each lap. Instructions for use: -select thestretching time (in seconds) - select the break time (inseconds) -select the number of laps - choose between Single orRight/Left Whenyou press 'start' the timer starts the cycle Begin- [ Lap - Break ]- Lap - End. If you selected Right/Left, each lapis run twiceindicating left and right. Pressing 'stop' stops thetimer.
Stretch app 6.0.0
A range of stretching exercises for the entire body based onyogaasanas.
Stretching, Flexibility and Wa 4.2.3
App4Life dev
Pre-workout warm-up, Stretch your body, Improve yourflexibilitywith these exer
Yoga Poses For Flexibility and 4.2.3
App4Life dev
Yoga poses for flexibility will help lengthen and stretchyourmuscles in a safe
Йога растяжка 1.9
Для интересующихся темой асаны йогиздесьвынайдете это. Кроме этого эта программа окажет поддержкупотемеаштанга виньяса йога. Если вас волнует вопрос потематикеаштангайога это приложение не оставит вас равнодушным.Дыханиейогиинформация по этой теме вдобавок есть в нашемприложении. Такжепрограмма даст хорошие навыки касательно темызанятия по йоге.Йогаайенгара эта информация заодно размещена в этойпрограмме. Ктомуже наша программа позволит освоиться по теме йогаасаны.Йогабесплатно информация по этой теме заодно представленавнашейпрограмме. Йога внутренний информация по этому вопросуковсемупрочему может быть найдена в этом приложении. Есливасинтересуетвопрос йога все асаны это приложение не оставитвасравнодушным.Если вы ищете йога гуру вы обратились по адресу.Крометого этапрограмма будет хорошей подмогой в области йогадлябеременных. Дляищущих тему йога для беременных на русскомэтоприложение неоставит вас равнодушным. Если вас волнует вопроспотематике йогадля гибкости здесь вы найдете то что вам нужно. Такженашеприложение окажет помощь касательно темы йога для женщин.Йогадляздоровья информация по этой теме помимо этого естьвнашемприложении. В том случае, если вас заинтересовала темайогадлязрения здесь вы найдете то что вам нужно. В том случае,есливасзаинтересовала тема йога для лица это приложение неоставитвасравнодушным. А так же приложение даст хорошие навыкинасчетвопросайога для мужчин. А так же программа будетхорошейподмогойкасательно темы йога для начинающих на русском.Кроме этогоэтоприложение окажет помощь в области йога для похудениифото.Дляинтересующихся темой йога для похудения в этомприложениивынайдете то что вам нужно. В том случае, есливасзаинтересовалатема йога для похудения бесплатно здесь вынайдетеэто. Кроме этогоданная программа даст хорошие навыки вобласти йогадля спины. Йогадля чайников информация по этой темезаоднопредставлена в этойпрограмме. В том случае, если васзаинтересовалатема йога журналвы обратились по адресу. Если васинтересует вопросйога зарядка вэтом приложении вы найдете то чтовам нужно. А ещеэта программадаст хорошие навыки по теме йога клуб.Йога комплексинформация поэтой теме также может быть найдена внашей программе.К тому же этоприложение позволит освоиться по темейога медитация.Если васинтересует вопрос йога на русском выобратились по адресу.Йога нарусском бесплатно эта информациявдобавок находится вэтомкаталоге. Если вам близка тематика йоганаправления вэтомприложении вы найдете то что вам нужно. Если выищете йоганидраздесь вы найдете это. Заодно данная программабудетхорошейподмогой насчет вопроса йога практика. Для ищущихтемуйогапрограмма в этом приложении вы найдете то что вамнужно.Йогарастяжка информация по этой теме также есть в этомкаталоге.Заоднонаше приложение даст хорошие навыки касательно темыйогарастяжки.Йога сложная эта тема вдобавок представлена вэтойпрограмме. Кромеэтого приложение поможет касательно темыйогатренер. Йогатренировки информация по этому вопросу заоднонаходитсяв этойпрограмме. Йога упражнения информация по этой темеко всемупрочемуесть в этой программе. В том случае, если васзаинтересовалатемайога фитнес в этом приложении вы найдете то чтовам нужно. Есливасинтересует вопрос йога фото здесь вы найдете точто вам нужно.Также приложение поможет касательно темы йога челанчдля двоих.Дляищущих тему йога челлендж здесь вы найдете это. Дляищущихтемуйога челлендж для двоих это приложение не оставитвасравнодушным.Помимо этого программа будет хорошей подмогой натемукартинкийога. Кундалини йога информация по этому вопросувдобавокесть внашей программе. Для интересующихся темой кундалинийогадляначинающих здесь вы найдете то что вам нужно.For thoseinterestedinyoga asanas theme here you will find it. In addition,thisprogramwill support on Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. If you areconcernedaboutthe issue on the subject of ashtanga yoga is theapplicationdoesnot leave you indifferent. Yoga Breathinginformation on thistopicin addition have in our application. Also,the program willgivegood skills on topics as yoga. Iyengar yoga atthe same time,thisinformation is available in this program. Inaddition, ourprogramwill get started on yoga asanas. Free Yogainformation onthistopic is presented at the same time in ourprogram. Yogainternalinformation on this everything else can befound inthisapplication. If you are interested in the question alltheyogaasanas this application does not leave you indifferent. Ifyouarelooking for a yoga guru, you've come to the rightplace.Inaddition, this program is a good a help in the field ofyogaforpregnant women. For those seeking the topic Yoga forpregnantwomenin Russian this application does not leave youindifferent. Ifyouare concerned about the issue on the subject ofyogaforflexibility, here you will find what you need. As our appwillhelptopics about yoga for women. Yoga for health informationonthesubject beyond that there is in our application. In thatcase,ifyou are interested in the topic of yoga for here you willfindwhatyou need. In that case, if you are interested in thetopicFaceYoga this application does not leave you indifferent. Aswellasthe application will give good skills about the issue Yogaformen.And as the program is a good a help regarding the topicsyogaforbeginners in Russian. In addition, this applicationwillprovideassistance in the field of yoga for weight loss photos.Forthoseinterested in the subject of yoga for weight lossinthisapplication, you will find what you need. In that case, ifyouareinterested in yoga for weight loss theme for free hereyouwillfind it. In addition, this program will give good skillsinthefield of yoga for back. Yoga for Dummies information onthistopicis presented at the same time in this program. In thatcase,if youare interested in the topic Yoga Journal you to therightplace. Ifyou are interested in the question of charging yogainthis app youwill find what you need. And this program willgivegood skills ona yoga club. Yoga set of information on thistopiccan also befound in our program. In addition, this applicationwillallowsettle on yoga meditation. If you are interestedinRussianquestion yoga you to the right place. Yoga at theRussianFreeaddition, this information is located in this directory.Ifyouclose themes yoga trend in this application, you will findwhatyouneed. If you are looking for Yoga Nidra you will find ithere.Atthe same time, this program is a good a help questionaboutthepractice of yoga. For those seeking the theme yoga programinthisapplication, you will find what you need.YogaStretchinginformation on this topic is also in this directory.Atthe sametime, our application will give good skills on topicsyogastretch.Yoga difficult this subject is presented in additiontotheprogram. In addition, the app will help topics aboutyogatrainer.Yoga workout information on this subject is at thesametime inthis program. Yoga Exercises information on thistopichaveeverything else in this program. In that case, ifyouareinterested in the theme of yoga fitness in thisapplication,youwill find what you need. If you are interested inthe questionyogaphotos here you will find what you need. The sameapplicationwillhelp topics about yoga chelanch for two. For thoseseekingthetopic Yoga Challenge is where you find it. For thoseseekingthetopic Yoga Challenge for two this application does notleaveyouindifferent. In addition, the program is a good a helponthepicture yoga. Kundalini Yoga information on thissubjectinaddition we have in our program. For those interestedinthesubject of kundalini yoga for beginners here you will findwhatyouneed.
Убираем растяжки 1.0
Наше приложение "Убираем растяжки"поможетвампостоянно быть в курсе всех способов решения даннойпроблемы,т.к.это одна из самых неприятных особенностей нашейкожи...Ксожалению, каждый может столкнуться с такой проблемой,какрастяжкина своем теле..Растяжки на теле представляют собой последствиянекритичныхповреждений кожи и соединительной ткани. То естьразрываволоконколлагена и эластина, отвечающих за прочность иупругостькожи, заее тонус и эластичность. Такие повреждения,организм всрочномпорядке пытается нейтрализовать, и заполняетместаразрывовсоединительной тканью, состоящей преимущественно извсе техжеколлагена и эластина, но уже не в виде волокон,аоднороднойрубцовой массой.Поначалу такой дефект кожи имеетфиолетово-красноватыйцвет,сменяющийся со временем в бледно-розовыйи постепенновыцветающийдо естественного телесного цвета.Расположенырастяжкипреимущественно на ягодицах, бедрах, животе игруди, имогут бытькак вертикальными (вследствие резкого изменениявеса),так игоризонтальные (гормональные изменения). Особенночастоотмечаютсярастяжки после родов. И это неудивительно.Изменениямассы тела иего формы, гормональный дисбаланс -непременныеусловия,сопровождающие беременность и период лактации.Какследствие -стрии. Но, все же не стоит забывать, что такойдефекткожи непредставляет собой угрозу здоровью, это всеголишькосметическиепроблемы, с которыми можно и нужно бороться.Причины появления растяжек на телеПричины возникновения такого неприятногокаждойженщинекосметического дефекта на коже, какрастяжки,довольноразнообразны, но среди них на первом местестоятгормональные сбоив организме и эндокринные заболевания, атакжебеременность икормление грудью новорожденного. Возникновениестрийможет носить имеханический характер (резкое растяжениекожи),появлятьсявследствие возрастных изменений или врезультатенаследственнойпредрасположенности. Резкие колебаниявеса,неправильно подобранныйрацион питания, отсутствиенадлежащегокосметического ухода закожей, также может бытьпричинойвозникновения растяжек нателе.Беременность и кормление грудью. Наблюдаются сильныеизменениявэндокринной системы, увеличивается вес, объемживота,появлениемолока вызывает увеличение груди. Как следствиевсех этихизменений- появление растяжек на теле.Сбои в гормональной и эндокринной системах.Гормональнаявстряскаи эндокринные заболевания, нарушения в синтезеколлагена иэластина- приводят к возникновению растяжек. Они могутбыть какследствиевполне естественных и предсказуемых измененийорганизма,так иуказывать на серьезные заболевания,требующихнемедленногомедицинского вмешательства.Возрастные причины. У подростков, прибурныхгормональныхизменениях в организме и вследствие быстрогороста,растяжки нателе вполне привычное, хотя и нежелательноеявление.Повреждение кожи, носящие механическийхарактер.Ухудшениеупругости и эластичности кожи, в сочетании сфизическиминагрузками(спорт, тяжелая физическая работа и т.д.)приводят кпоявлениюрастяжек (чаще всего на бедрах).Резкие колебания веса. Увеличение или уменьшениемассытела,зачастую сопровождается и существенным изменением формытела.Кожане способна оперативно приспособиться к таким скачкам,ипоявляютсярастяжки (преимущественно на попе).Недостаточный уход за кожей. Ненадлежащий косметическийуходзакожей, особенно в сложные периоды, несможетпрепятствоватьпоявлению растяжек.Наследственность. Скорость обновления белков,способностькожиудерживать влагу, такие особенности передаются понаследствуотродителей к детям. И если у родителей растяжки -привычноеявление,детям их скорей всего не избежать.Неправильное питание. Недостаток белков иизбытокуглеводовотрицательно сказывается на состоянии кожи, и можетбытьпричинойпоявления растяжек.Качайте наше приложение, и вы будете всегда знать, какборотьсясэтими ненавистными растяжками на вашем теле!Ourapplication"Harvestingstretch" will help you stay abreast of allthe ways tosolve thisproblem, because this is one of the mostunpleasantfeatures of ourskin ... Unfortunately, each could face aproblemlike stretch markson your body ..Stretch marks on the body are not the consequencesofcriticaldamage to the skin and connective tissue. That is thegapcollagenand elastin fibers are responsible for the strengthandelasticityof the skin, for its tone and elasticity. Suchdamage,the bodyurgently trying to neutralize, and fills thespacesbreaksconnective tissue consisting mainly of those samecollagenandelastin, but not in the form of fibers, and ahomogeneous massofscar.At first, such a defect of the skin ispurple-reddishcolor,alternated with time in pale pink and graduallyfade to anaturalskin color. Located mainly on the stretch buttocks,thighs,abdomenand chest, and can be both vertical (due to a sharpchangeinweight) and horizontal (hormonal changes). Especially thecaseofstretching after childbirth. This is not surprising.Changesinbody weight and shape, hormonal imbalance -theindispensableconditions that accompany pregnancy and lactation.Asa consequence- striae. But, do not forget that such a defect oftheskin is nota threat to health, it's just cosmetic problems thatcanand mustbe fought.Causes of stretch marks on the bodyThe causes of this unpleasant every woman cosmetic defectsontheskin, stretch marks, are quite diverse, but among them inthefirstplace are hormonal disruptions in the body andendocrinediseases,as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding thenewborn. Theoccurrenceof stretch marks can wear and mechanical innature(suddenstretching of the skin), to appear as a resultofage-relatedchanges or as a result of hereditarypredisposition.Sharpfluctuations in weight, incorrect diet, lack ofproper skincare canalso be the cause of stretch marks on thebody.Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Observed strong changesintheendocrine system, increased weight, volume of theabdomen,theappearance of milk causes breast augmentation. As aresult ofallthese changes - the appearance of stretch marks on thebody.Disruptions in the hormonal and endocrine systems.Hormonalshakeand endocrine diseases, disorders in the synthesisofcollagen andelastin - give rise to extensions. They can be asaresult quitenatural and predictable changes in the body, andpointto a seriousillness requiring immediate medical attention.Age-related causes. In adolescents, withturbulenthormonalchanges in the body and as a result of rapidgrowth,stretch markson the body is quite familiar, thoughundesirable.Damage to the skin, wearing mechanical. Deteriorationofskinelasticity, combined with physical activity (sports,heavyphysicalwork, etc.) lead to the appearance of stretch marks(oftenon thehips).Sharp fluctuations in weight. Increase or decrease inbodyweight,and is often accompanied by a significant change inbodyshape. Theskin is not able to quickly adapt to the jumps,andstretch marksappear (mostly the pope).Lack of skin care. Improper cosmetic skin care,especiallyindifficult times, can not prevent the appearanceofstretchmarks.Heredity. Update rate of proteins, the skin's abilitytoretainmoisture, such features are inherited from parentstochildren. Andif the parents streamers - normal thing,theirchildren probablycan not be avoided.Improper diet. Lack of protein and excesscarbohydratesnegativeimpact on the skin, and can be the cause ofstretchmarks.Swing our app, and you will always know how to dealwiththesehateful stretch marks on your body!
Home Arm Workout 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Build Bigger Arms Without Leaving your Bedroom!Everybody wants to know how to improve the look of theirarms.Guyswant them to be bigger. Women want them to beslenderandtoned.Arms, like abs, are at the forefront of most people’smindsbecausethey look impressive.They’re not something that people are just born withit’sobviousthat you had to put in the work to get them. Unlikecalves(thesize of which are largely determined by genetics), armsaremostoften the result of serious time under the iron.Not all training routines are created equal. Here areBestbicepsworkouts that can build size, no matter your levelofexperience oryour fitness goals!Get buff biceps and ripped triceps with the arm exercisesintheseApplication workout videos.Awesome Arm Exercises You Can Do At Home!✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Gym Workout 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Learn How to Work Out Properly at the Gym!You’ve been going to the gym every week several times aweek,infact. You’ve taken classes, lifted weights, and sweatedmorethanMuhammad Ali. But every time you climb on that scale,yourweightstays the same.Maybe you’re making the same exercise mistakes that many dointhegym.Whether you're just starting out or starting again thisworkoutplanwill help you drastically improve your physique andfitnesslevelsin four weeks.Instead of dreading the gym, learn to streamline theprocessusingthese healthy exercise habits to get more out a workoutthaneverbefore.Make the most of your time in the gym with the exercisesintheseApplication gym workout videos.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Bosu Ball Workout 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Learn How to Do a Bosu Ball Workout for Beginners!Have you ever noticed what appears to be half a fit ballinthecorner of your gym or physio’s practice and wondered whatitisused for?It may look like an accident waiting to happen, but thosegymgoerswobbling back and forth are onto something.The BOSU ball is a sure fire way to improve your corestrengthandbalance, and in this application we will tell you why,alongwithBest key BOSU ball exercises to get you started. So let’sgetintoit.If you’re just getting started or want to step lightlyintobalancetraining with the BOSU, this workout is for you.It’s time to change up your boring old workout routine withaBOSUball. No matter whether you’re a beginner or an eliteathlete,youcan get a full-body workout with just this singlepieceofequipment.So are you ready to pump up your workouts!✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Superior Stretch 2.0
This app contains videos showing the usage of theproductsSuperiorArch, SuperiorBand, StretchMax, and SpinBoard.Dream CraftLLC, manufactures and distributes a complete line offitness andstretching related products under the Superior Stretchtrade name.Our most popular products include SuperiorArch,SuperiorBand,StretchMax and SpinBoard. Our products are widelysought after bydancers, gymnasts and others striving to increasetheir flexibilityand range of motion and are commonly used duringtheirinstructional classes and training programs. Whetherbeginning,competitive amateur or professional, many have recognizedthebenefits of our products. Professional Dance Companies, NCAADanceTeams, Gymnastic, and Swim and Dive programs are among ourregularcustomers. We also produce our products under wholesale andprivatelabel manufacturing contracts for some of the world’slargestretailers and performance arts associations both in theUnitesStates and in other countries.
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ヨガエス Yogaesse ~健康に痩せるダイエット
Pilates Workout 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Get Easy Core Moves for a Beginner Pilates Workout!Can’t remember the last time you tried to tone your core?Thoughitmight sound intimidating, a Pilates workout could be onewaytostart developing a stronger center.“One of the best things about Pilates is it is truly foranyoneofany level,”Pilates is a full-body exercise system that uses a seriesofmachinesand exercises. It works the entire body, both therightand leftsides, in unison.It focuses primarily on what Joseph Pilates calledthe“powerhouse”or the group of muscles that begins two inchesbelowyour navel,goes two inches above your navel and thenwrapscompletely aroundyour front and your back-kind of likeacorset.It also includes your buttocks. With Pilates, no matterwhatexerciseyou’re doing, you are focusing on thispowerhousearea.Pull out your gym mat and get ready to do a series ofmovementsthatwill stabilize and strengthen your core.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Warmup exercises & Flexibility 2.2.5
mEL Studio
A set of warmup exercises for all the muscles - yourperfectflexibility workout
Yoga Stretches for Lower Body 1.0
Stretching, though often overlooked, plays a vital role inkeepingour lower back and joints strong and pliable so they arelesssusceptible to injury. That's why it’s such an important partofwarming up before physical activity and cooling down after. IntheUnited States lower back pain is one of the most commoncomplaints.Most people will experience low back pain at some pointin theirlives. Lower back pain is experienced by sedentary peopleas wellas highly trained athletes. If you suffer from low backpain, theseyoga stretches will help you by strengthening andstretching theback and improving circulation to the spine andnerves. Yogastretches for lower body is a twenty minutes sequence,perfect forcomplete beginners, and advanced yogis. This sequencewill stretchyour lower back, hamstrings and hips, leaving you moreflexible andrelaxed. This tutorial teaches the basic yoga stretchesto relievetight muscles due to bad posture, or sitting for longperiods oftime. This yoga routine is very safe for people withlower-backissues and can help to alleviate pain when doneregularly. Keep thefollowing in mind when starting a yogastretching routine as partof a program of back exercises: • Wearcomfortable clothes •Stretching should be pain free; do not forcethe body intodifficult positions • Move into the position slowlyand avoidbouncing, which may actually tear muscles • Stretch on aclean,flat surface that is large enough to move freely • Holdstretcheslong enough (at least twenty seconds) to allow muscles orjoints tobecome loose • Repeat the stretch, generally at least fivetimes Ifyou already has severe low back pain or neck pain, it isbest tocheck with a physician or physical therapist to discusswhether thefollowing yoga stretches should be done.
Basic Training 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Learn How to To success in boot camp Basic Traning!To succeed in boot camp, young adults shouldpreparethemselvesphysically and mentally. Daily cardio, weighttraining,push upsand sit ups are a must.Basic Training often called boot camp prepares recruitsforallelements of service: physical, mental and emotional.Itgivesservice members the basic tools necessary to perform therolesthatwill be asked of them for the duration of their tour. EachoftheServices has its own training program, tailoring thecurriculumtothe specialized nature of its role in theMilitary.No matter which branch of the Service a recruitchooses,BasicTraining is an intense experience. However, 90percentcompletetheir first six months of service. The purpose ofthistrainingisn’t to “break” recruits. In fact, the combinationofphysicaltraining, field exercises and classroom timemakesindividualsstrong and capable. It’s a tough process, butarewarding one thatmany service members value for life.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Sprinting Techniques 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Learn Sprinting from Professional Running Coaches!Increasing your sprinting speed begins with knowing howtosprintproperly. The proper stance, takeoff and form help topropelyourbody toward the finish line without wasting energy.You might want to work with a running coach, or aqualifiedsprinter,to help perfect your running form. Anotheroption is tohave someonerecord your stance and sprint on camera tohelp yousee where to makeimprovements so you can sprintproperly.When it comes to sprinting, your speed is largely determinedbyyourtechnique. Other factors include your leg length,pelviswidth, leanmuscle mass and lung capacity.There are few biological factors that you can improve in aweekandsome are down to genetics, but you can work on yourtechnique,suchas your posture and foot strike.Whether you are sprinting for athletics or toimproveyourperformance in other sports, changing your technique canhelpyoureach your full potential.Running and sprinting in particular is a fundamentalskillthatsupports a multitude of other activities. If you know howtosprintproperly, you’re more likely to enjoy a wide range ofsportsandactivities that emphasize this form of running.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Plyometrics (Jump Workout) 1.0
"★★★ Download It For Free ★★★Learn How to Do Best Plyometric Workouts for Muscle!Power up your workouts with these nine explosive moves.A Plyometric Movement is quick, powerful move that startswithaneccentric (muscle lengthening) action and isimmediatelyfollowedby a concentric (muscle shortening) action.Performingplyometricsmovements increases muscular power, whichtranslates tohigherjumps and faster sprint times.Combining the moves with resistance training is a waytomaximizepower and performance, but as a general rule, if youliftlegsheavy one day, then skip the lower-body plyometricstrainingandvice versa for upper-body lifting and plyometrics.Increaseyourpower, strength, and personal records in the gym withthesenineheart-pumping plyometric moves.Plyometric exercises are great for increasingoverallexplosivestrength and speed, giving you an acceleration andpoweradvantageover the competition. They teach muscles toproducemaximum forcein a minimum amount of time by training thestretchreflex of themuscles being used.Plyo training can be done in many ways with focuses onmanydifferentbody parts but most commonly seen are variousjumpsutilizing themuscles throughout the legs, and hips. This typeoftraining is a keycomponent to many programs for athletes,fromhigh school teams tothe professional.These are most effective when used to train a forspecificmotionused in the particular sport or activity you aretrainingfor,however, listed below are the best versions that don'trequireanyequipment and boost performance for a broad range ofsports.Forthe most dramatic vertical and speed gains, wear aweightedvestwhile doing these movess.Learn how to do plyometric exercises, also known asjumptraining,with these Application videos.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
お腹痩せダイエット 1.0.3
ストレッチウォッチ 5.2
ストレッチのおともに。・秒針を表示・1分毎に音でお知らせストレッチは1ポーズにつき1分間以上キープするといいそうです。このアプリを使えば自分で数えなくても1分間経ったことが分かるので、集中してストレッチができます☆(きっと)感想、要望、不満などいただけると嬉しいです♪The attendant ofthestretch.· View second hand· Notice the sound every minuteStretch should be followed to keep for more than one minuteperpose.It is found that the one minute has passed without countingityourself if you use this app, you can stretch to concentrate☆(surely)♪ is glad impressions, requests, and complaints
Stretching Exercises & Workout 1.3
Get results and attractive body quickly.Whileother exercise plans call for up to two hours of your day,thishigh-intensity workout app only ask for 7 minutes to melt theextraweight right off.High-intensity interval and intermittent training is theworkoutof the future. Research has shown that short bursts ofexercise aremore effective in weight loss than other aerobicactivities. Inaddition, these anaerobic exercises improve yourglucose metabolism(for better digestion) and increase athleticcondition (for bothyour health and looking better). Essentially, bypushing yourselffor short periods of times, instead of pacing overseveral hours,your body prepares itself for more intense exerciseand gets you inshape faster.Our 7 min Apps:7 min Butt Workout7 min Abs Workout7 min Chest/Push-Ups Workout7 min Fat Burning Workout7 min Arms Workout7 min Cardio Warm-Up Workout7 min Legs Workout7 min Stretching Workout7 min Full Body Workout7 min Legs Abs Butt Workout7 min Calisthenics Workout7 min Plank Workout7 min Skipping Rope Workout7 min Kettlebell Workout7 min Band Workout7 min Dumbbell Workout7 min Barbell Workout7 min Medicine Ball Workout7 min TRX Workout7 min Partner WorkoutYou may not have enough time to train for a marathon, orbenchpress 350, but you surely have 7 minutes to stay in shape orlosesome extra pounds. This simple app guides you with instructionandkeeps track of your workout so you can do it anywhere.Workoutbefore your morning shower, at your lunch break at work, orwhiledinner is cooking in the evening. No longer will you havetoschedule a workout, for this app can be used flexibly withyourschedule. From now on, whenever you find yourself saying “Ihave afew minutes” or “I’m bored” you can use that time to getinshape!Sure, you can join a costly gym and pay for a trainer toconsultand make a workout plan for you. But if you’re like us, youaretrying to burn fat, not your money! Exercise shouldn’t breakthebank, and you shouldn’t have to drive out of your way to go anddoit. This app is your own personal trainer who is always withyou.All you need to cut that annoying fat off your body is the app,alittle space, and the motivation to become the athlete you’vebeentrying to be!Your ambition is your greatest strength and you can harnessiteasily with the tools we will provide you. Happy fatburningeveryone.
Stretching - Morning & Night F 8.2.0
A flexibility program designed to help you focus and meditatewhilestretching.
Stretching for Flexibility 1.0
Stretching is a very important part of your exerciseregimen.Stretching will increase flexibility and improve the rangeofmotion of your joints. Before stretching, warm up with five totenminutes of light activity. Or reserve stretching for afteraworkout. Keep stretching gentle. Don't bounce. If you feelpain,you've stretched too far. Hold a stretch for about 30 seconds,thenswitch sides and repeat. If you have a problem area or thestretchis particularly helpful for pain or discomfort, you maybenefitfrom repeating the stretch. If you have any healthconditions orinjuries, talk to your doctor or physical therapistabout whichstretches are right for you. Try these exercises afteryour regularcardio or strength workout (aim to do them five times aweek).You'll see improvement to your flexibility in as little astwoweeks and gains in both your strength and endurance in lessthanone month.