Top 17 Apps Similar to GW2 Karma

Gw2 Cartographe 1.0
Petite appli qui contient les mapsdeGuildwars2, pour vous aider à retrouver le dernier coeur cachédela carteque vous tentez de finir :DContient également les trajets des PNJ de prime deguilde,etl'emplacement des autres missions de guilde.Sur la carte de la Tyrie, cliquer sur la carte quevoussouhaitezvoir en détail, puis sur le rond rouge pour revenir àlacartegénérale ou le rond vert pour zoomer.Le menu d'aide pour les missions de guildes se trouve danslerondbleu sur la carte générale.Toutes le cartes sont en local ( d'où la taille de l'appli),vousn'avez pas besoin d'internet pour les consulter.Il est possible ( probable ? ) qu'il y ai des souçis,cetteapplià été faite en 3h, et je n'avais qu'un seul appareilpourtester.J'ai néanmoins essayer de recadrer les carte pourlesdifférentesrésolutions d'écran.Si vous trouvez un bug ou autre soucis, vous pouvez me lesignaleràl'adresse [email protected] .Crédit :Carte détaillées issue du wiki de GuildWars 2Cartes et informations des missions de guildes issuedusite merci à celui qui me prête son compte développeurpourpostercette appli :3Small appthatcontainsmaps of Guild Wars 2 to help you find the last hiddenheartof thecard you are trying to finish: DAlso contains the paths of the guild premium NPC, andthelocationof other guild missions.On the map of Tyria, click on the card you want to seeindetail,and then the red circle to return to the overview maporgreencircle to zoom.The help menu for guild missions in the blue circle onthegeneralmap.All the cards are local (hence the size of the app), youdonotneed to consult the internet.It is possible (likely?) That there have worries, thisApphasbeen made in 3 hours, and I had only a single devicefortesting.Nevertheless, I try to reframe the card fordifferentscreenresolutions.If you find a bug or other problems, you can let [email protected]:Detailed map outcome of the GW2 wikiMaps and information guild missions afterthesite thank you to those who lent me his developer accounttopostthis App: 3
Guildwars 2 Gem Price 1.1
Need to know whether it is time tologinandsell your gems? Now you can, just check the priceanddecidewhether it is high enough!
PvX Tools for Guild Wars 2 Beta
This tool lets you track your dailydungeonprogress and world boss schedule. Interested in WvW? You canalsocheck your world score easily and stay up to date with yourtierprogress.Features:- World boss timer- Dungeon tracker- WvW scores- Ads free!
The Nameless App 1.02
This application is designed for members residing in the GuildWars2 community, The Nameless Ones [TNO]. Currently implemented isanevents feed that allows the user to add any event to his/herGooglecalendar for reminders later on by simply long pressing theeventof choice and accessing the overflow menu in the upper righthandcorner of the screen. Planned features: - Guild Assets,Thisfeature will allow the user to view live data of our currentguildbank balance, as well as, a full history of transactions thattheguild itself has made. - Lotteries, This feature will includebothlottery systems that we provide to our members. This will allowauser to view all current participants of the lottery andtheongoing jackpot/countdown as it progresses. - Guild Roster,Thisfeature will be planned at a later point in time.
gw2daily 1.2.1
Guild Wars 2 DAILY achievement fromyoursmartphone.Just done it, cause my friend Ghizmo is always interested toknowwhat daily reserve to it before logging :pMaybe in the future more improvements, actually this isenough:DGreetings to Guild Dusk in Seafarer Rest - The Real PolarBear,Ser Blym , and Vanymia.Feel Free to Contact me in game (Silenziosox - Nowherex-Algida)words: daily achievement, guild wars 2 , arenanet
Guild Wars 2 Cooking Guide 1.1
Marcus Rognes
This is an unofficial Guild Wars2CookingGuide, aimed to add the user to level cooking from0-400,completewith "shopping list" and guide.the shopping list hasallthe itemsyou need and a link to the items wiki page so youcanquickly findwhere to get the item.
GW 2 Dungeon State 1.3.1
************************* After the releaseofmega servers on 04/15/2014 this app is obsolete and notlongerunder active development. ********************With the guild wars 2 dungeon state checker you get theultimateknowledge about the accessibility of dungeons like thecitadel offlames (cof) or crucible of eternity (coe) just withoneclick.This App directly presents you all the servers where cof or coearecurrently accessable. This works either with european serversorwith north america ones. Also the language of the servernamesischoosable between english, french, german and spanish.If you find any bugs, crash the app, just want to give feedbackorhave recommendations, feel free to contact me via [email protected]!
GW2 Event Timer 1.0.36
Daniel Ling
Important Notice:After the April 2014 Patch, the events have changeddrastically.Ifyou have enjoyed this version so far, Do use the nextversionIhave created which can befoundat that the features are limited at the moment but I willrolloutmost of the features that is available in this version.Once again, thank you very much for your support forthepastyear!** This is not an official app by ArenaNetThis app uses the GW2 API to collect data in regards totheWorldBoss Events for eg: Shadow Behemoth.Simple native android app User Interface to facilitate aneasywayof monitoring the events. The events will auto refreshevery1minute.Please email me if you encounter any issues, any feedbackoranysuggestions. You can also pm me in game at "Sc Ar Z"withoutthequotes.Available Features- Monitor World Bosses, Temple events- Selection of Server- Auto Refresh- During event either Pre or Up state, the refresh rate willbeautoadjusted to 15 seconds- Selection of Refresh timing- Simple, Clean, easy to use User Interface and BRIGHT LARGEtexttoshow when event is up- Keep Screen Turn On (No Screensaver) when monitoringtheTimerpage, can be turned off- Event Timer, Time Limit timer (FE, Golem, etc), Up Timer(Optiontoturn On/Off)- Events jump to the top when Pre/Up- Checking of Open Dungeons (COF/COE) and Temples (COE andTempleofLyssa currently not available)- More Information for events. Touch the status to showmoreinfo,disable by unchecking the option "Turn OnMoreInformation"- Alert when a event is Pre or Up. On initial launch, ifthereismore than 1 event Pre/Up, the alert will onlyshow"MultipleEvent". Please feedback to me if you would like toseeaNotification versionIMPORTANT NOTICECurrently the API does not cater for DateTime stamp. As thisapprunspurely on the APIs, it becomes a local tracking in regardstothetimer. Thus do not over rely on the timer. On initiallaunch,thetimer will be likely not accurate.After a event has been encountered, the timer willbeupdatedaccordingly. If the app is not used for a period oftime,the timerwill be calculated base on the number of cycles baseon(Time ToWindow duration + Window duration) as there is no dataasto whenthe last event was encountered.This timer feature will be the number 1 priority as soon astheAPIsget updated.Features to be implemented- Auto reset of checkboxes when 100% rare reward is reset- More events (Looking for User Contributions)- More wacky event messages (Looking for User Contributions)
GW2 Tyria Event Table 2.0
This app keeps track of the Guild Wars 2worldboss meta events.Toggle between grey mode and colored mode to indicateyourpersonal progress. Use the reset button or fully close the apptoreset all events to colored mode.There are 2 types of time, the time in larger font wascalculatedbased on the device's local timezone, and the smallerone indicatesthe ingame server time (UTC/GMT+0)Some name changes have been made to prevent confusion:(1) Jungle Wurm indicates the great jungle wurm fromCaledonForest.(2) Triple Trouble indicates the 3 great jungle wurms fromBloodtideCoast.This is a free app with no adverstisement. So, enjoythegame.Reference (The PDF) - Last Updated for June 2014
Guild Wars Trading 2
Guild Wars Trading is a simple applicationthatallows you to calculate the result of a purchase and resaleonauction house in Guild Wars 2.Feel free to leave comments on any bugs or on theimprovementsyou would like !
GW2 Event Timer (Paid) 1.0.36
Daniel Ling
** This is not an official app by ArenaNetThis app uses the GW2 API to collect data in regards totheWorldBoss Events for eg: Shadow Behemoth.Simple native android app User Interface to facilitate aneasywayof monitoring the events. The events will auto refreshevery1minute.Please email me if you encounter any issues, any feedbackoranysuggestions. You can also pm me in game at "Sc Ar Z"withoutthequotes.Available Features- Monitor World Bosses, Temple events- Selection of Server- Auto Refresh- During event either Pre or Up state, the refresh rate willbeautoadjusted to 15 seconds- Selection of Refresh timing- Simple, Clean, easy to use User Interface and BRIGHT LARGEtexttoshow when event is up- Keep Screen Turn On (No Screensaver) when monitoringtheTimerpage, can be turned off- Event Timer (Option to turn On/Off)- Events jump to the top when Pre/Up- Checking of Open Dungeons (COF/COE) and Temples (COE andTempleofLyssa currently not available)IMPORTANT NOTICECurrently the API does not cater for DateTime stamp. As thisapprunspurely on the APIs, it becomes a local tracking in regardstothetimer. Thus do not over rely on the timer. On initiallaunch,thetimer will be likely not accurate.After a event has been encountered, the timer willbeupdatedaccordingly. If the app is not used for a period oftime,the timerwill be calculated base on the number of cycles baseon(Time ToWindow duration + Window duration) as there is no dataasto whenthe last event was encountered.This timer feature will be the number 1 priority as soon astheAPIsget updated.Features to be implemented- Alarm when event is PRE- Auto reset of checkboxes when 100% rare reward is reset- More events (Looking for User Contributions)- More wacky event messages (Looking for User Contributions)
GW2 WvW Tool 1.0.13
Daniel Ling
** This is not an official app by ArenaNetThis app uses the GW2 API to collect data in regards to theWorldversus World.Simple native android app User Interface to facilitate aneasyway of monitoring the status of WvW. The status will autorefreshbase on user defined timer.Please email me if you encounter any issues, any feedback oranysuggestions. You can also pm me in game at "Sc Ar Z" withoutthequotes.Available Features- Selection of Server- Auto Refresh- Selection of Refresh timing- Simple, Clean, easy to use User Interface- Keep Screen Turn On (No Screensaver), can be turned offWhat you need to knowThe app uses simple colors to show you the situation in WvW. The3worlds is shown by Red, Green and Blue. For the 3 Borderlands,theorientation of the objects is similar to what you see in thegame.For Eternal Battleground, due to lack of space, theorientation isfrom top to bottom, Red World, Green World, BlueWorld.Additionally when a Castle, Keep, Tower or Camp isunderRighteous Indignation, there will be a YELLOW bar on top oftheobject with a timer.Features to be implemented- Better colors for different worlds and text- Better orientation for the objects in EB- Indication of attack on objects
GW2 Event Timer 2014 1.0.6
Daniel Ling
** This is not an official app by ArenaNetThis app follows a fix scheduled base on informationreleasedbyArenaNet.Current Features.** Auto scrolling to Current event** Running clock showing PST time (-07:00 GMT)** Checking of 1 World boss will check all events of thesameWorldboss** Options for Alert or Toast notificationsandRefreshDuration** Image Icons for world boss listing** Highlighting of Current eventMuch more features will bees coming. Plannedfeatureslistedbelow.** Movie/Story view** Option of hiding undesired events** Auto reset of checkboxes following server reset time** Pulling of data from ArenaNet API for events
GW2 Dungeon Tracker 1.0.2
Utility application for Guild Wars 2 dungeons.Use this app to easily keep track of which dungeon paths youhavecompleted. Track your progress towards the Dungeon Mastertitle, orwhich dungeon paths you have completed each day.Simply tap each dungeon path to cross it off the list andeasilysee which pathways you have remaining.Guild Wars Copyright and Trademark Information:© 2012 ArenaNet, Inc. All rights reserved. NCsoft,theinterlocking NC logo, ArenaNet,, Guild Wars, GuildWarsFactions, Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, Nightfall, GuildWars:Eye of the North, Eye of the North, Guild Wars 2, andallassociated logos and designs are trademarks orregisteredtrademarks of NCsoft Corporation. All other trademarksare theproperty of their respective owners.
Authenticator Plus
🏆 Top Developer Badge awarded two factor authentication app
Cutting Condition End Mills 1.2
he cutting condition of Cemented SolidEndMills can be searched for easily.-The function of cutting calculation, volume calculation,powercalculation, and work material search is equipped.It is possible to only choose each part number of DIJET, andtocalculate a realistic cutting condition.-The selection result is being interlocked with variouscalculationprograms, and is convenient.A PDF catalog and Video are downloaded into SD memory fromahomepage by hope.-Your memory can be saved.Communication is unnecessary to calculation.The use in a factory does not have a problem, either.-A result can be obtained quickly.[Languages]--English--Japanese
Smart TV Remote Tab 3.2.0
Smart TV Remote was downloaded over 15milliontimes and became one of the most popular unofficial SamsungTVremote apps!After 2 years being a network remote only for SamsungTVs(2011-2013)we risk the next step and make this app to be anuniversalremote.Thus, it is now possible with your infra-red capable tablettocontrol the most TV brands.Do you have an additional cable box, an audio receiver, or amediaplayer? No problem, Smart TV Remote can control up to 4devicesover IR.Smart TV Remote as network remote forSamsungTVs(2011-2013):★Controls Samsung TVs from the years 2011-2013: B,C,D,E undFSeries☆Due to changes in the network communication protocol, SamsungTVsfrom 2014 and later are not supported: H and J Series★Define your favourite channels and control your TV simplyviachannel logos. No annoying channel sorting is neededanymore☆By using widges, notifications, and the Smart Action Bar, thisappis always available, even if the app is not runninginforeground★Lot of cool functions, which ease the use of your TVSmart TV Remote as universal infra-red remote:★Controls up to 4 devices without annoying remote switch: TV,cablebox, audio receiver, and media player☆Tested with following infra-red capable tabs: Note 8.0, Note10.0,Tab S, and much more.★Once the remote is setup, it turns all your devices on/offanddecides for every function, which of your devices isresponsiblefor the given feature☆An own database with IR codes. If you missing a device or sth.isnot working, simply contact us. We will try to fixthisimmediately.★Define your favourite channels and control your TV simplyviachannel logos. No annoying channel sorting is neededanymore☆By using widges, notifications, and the Smart Action Bar, thisappis always available, even if the app is not runninginforeground★Lot of cool functions, which ease the use of your TVWe know that the first steps are not so easy. Therefore weofferyou lots of help:★A continuous growing list of tutorial videos, which showssimplestep by step instruction for different features.☆A continuous growing list of frequently asked questions.★If you still have questions, don't worry. Contact us via mailandtogether we should solve every problem.Note:The app uses Google Analytics, which can be disabledinSettings/Info! No private information is stored in the app!This version contain In-App-Purchase to support us and enjoythisapp without ads. This is a paid feature.We assume no liability for damages on the mobile device ortheTV!