Top 34 Apps Similar to School Agenda TRIAL

Student Agenda Pro 2.5.6
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.••• This version does not display advertisements.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send us aemail!(We can't reply you on Google Play)[email protected] you!
Agenda Digital 1.3
Estudio Criar
Application is a digital school diary to connect parentsandstudents to schools.
Agenda 1.0
Prueba de desarollo de agenda,permitecompartiren redes socialesTestdevelopmentagenda,sharing in social networks
School diary lite 1.8
The school diary application allows youtosaveyour subjects that you have in class.You can already link them with marks to get your averageforeachsubject and your overall average.You have the possibility to add homeworks for any date andforeachsubject like in a diary.Besides the interactions due to context menus, you canalsoaddnotifications to warning you about importanthomeworks.Finally, a widget is integrated in the application to allowyoutomanage your homeworks quickly.
Agenda escolar 1.0
Agenda escolar realizada por alumnos de 4º ESO del IESOCaminoRomano de Sisante, puedes personalizarla con tuhorario,calificaciones, etc.
Agenda Escolar 1.1
School Agenda - Replace your traditional paper book in anelectronic
Agenda Escolar 1.0
Com a Agenda Escolar, você podelançarsuasdisciplinas, compor o seu horário letivo, lançarsuasrespectivasnotas e trabalhos.With theSchoolCalendar,you can cast their disciplines, select theirschoolschedule,launch their respective notes and papers.
Niki Agenda 1.0.3
A calendar for children and teen-agers needing visualorganizationof their days
Vida Ativa Agenda Digital
Active Life Digital Agenda! The app that connects thosewhotransform education.
School Agenda MySchool 1.4.7
Simone S.
******************DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE APPLICATION?Write to [email protected] and you'll get an answer assoonas possible******************List of features:- Timetable- Marks- Homework- Recordings- Notes- Subjects menu- Electronic class book- Dark theme- WidgetOnly for 7.0+:- Tile support- Split screen- App shortcutsNote: this application uses some libraries released underApacheV2 license
Agenda Escolar UNAM 2.0.1
Descarga la aplicación de tu AgendaEscolarUNAM 2015-2016 y lleva contigo tu Universidad.Encontrarás herramientas para tu vida universitaria:1. El Calendario oficial de la UNAM, que podrásdescargardirectamente al contenido en tu dispositivo móvil.2. Información general y servicios que ofrece la Universidadparafacilitar tu vida como estudiante.3.-Promociones y avisos para la Comunidad UNAM.4.-Servicio de Notificaciones emitidas por la UNAM.5. Disponible para Smartphones y Tablets (IOS y Android)Download theapplicationof your School Calendar 2015-2016 UNAM and carry yourUniversity.You'll find tools for your university life:1. The official calendar of the UNAM, which you candownloaddirectly to the content on your mobile device.2. General information and services offered by the Universitytofacilitate your life as a student.3. Promotions and ads for UNAM Community.4. Notification Service issued by the UNAM.5. Available for Smartphones and Tablets (IOS and Android)
Agenda COM
Agenda of the Department of Social Communication PUCMM Santiago
Agenda escolar aulaPlaneta 1.0.2
Grupo Planeta
Sigue con la Agenda escolar de aulaPlanetalaevolución de las tareas de tu hijo. Comprueba si ha realizadolosdeberes y el estado en que se encuentran.Características de la Agenda escolar de aulaPlaneta:- Muestra el número de tareas pendientes por alumno- Permite localizar las tareas con fechas cercanas de entrega- Visualiza el estado de todas las tareas: porcentaje,ejercicioscompletados...- Personaliza los datos de tus hijosCreada y desarrollada por aulaPlaneta para el seguimientodetareas escolares en el entorno educativo.Follow schoolAgendaaulaPlaneta the evolution of the tasks of your child. Checkif youhave performed the duties and the state meet.Characteristics of School Agenda aulaPlaneta:- Displays the number of pending tasks per student- Quickly find nearby tasks with deadlines- Displays the status of all tasks: percentage completedexercises...- Customize the data of your childrenCreated and developed by aulaPlaneta to monitor homework inaneducational setting.
eDiary - school diary 2.0.8
eDiary replaces your paper diary with a modern digital diary
Mi Agenda 1.6
Es una aplicación diseñada para quelospadresconozcan de manera oportuna las tareas,actividadesacadémicas,responsabilidades y comunicaciones que tienensus hijosen sucentro educativo.It isanapplicationdesigned to let parents know in a timely mannerthetasks, academicactivities, responsibilities and communicationwiththeir childrenin their school.
Aplicativo Escolar 3.0.0
School Application - School Activities
ABA Global School Agenda
School agenda. Access to information about activities of childreninschool.
Student Agenda 1.0.3
Application developed to thinking and by the mind of a student,theStudent Agenda was made to think about the needs of theordinarystudent. Stay organized and in one place, just a click awaywiththe Student Agenda on your mobile phone. With the StudentAgenda,you can keep all your important information, about jobs,tests,class schedules, and other schedules handy. With an appealingandsimple design, even in its operation, allows its easy use.Mainfeatures: • Class schedules • Event scheduling • Calendar viewofthe day, week and month; • Times of day; • Times of the week;•Calendar; • Managing notes. Leave suggestions in comments
Agenda Odontológica Perú 4.0.0
Agenda Dental para los Odontólogos delPerú,contodos los cursos nacionales e Internacionales quenecesitalaOdontología peruana.Dental AgendaforDentistsin Peru, with all national and internationalcoursesneeded by thePeruvian Dentistry.
exAgenda 1.0.5
Aplicación complementaria para laagendaescolardenominada "exAgenda".Captura los códigos QR desde tu agenda para poder enviaruneventoal calendario o abrir la página web a la que apuntan.Es muy fácil. Sólo tienes que pulsar el botón de lacámaradefotos para capturar los códigos y, cuando estécargadalainformación, pulsar el botón de enviar a calendario o deenviaranavegador.Para que pueda funcionar exAgenda, tiene que estarinstaladalaaplicación Barcode Scanner.Esta aplicación está propuesta para el Premio "Joaquín Sama"alaInnovación Educativa 2013 (Consejería de EducaciónyCultura,Gobierno de Extremadura).Complementaryapplicationfor school diary called "exAgenda".Capture the QR codes from your schedule to post an eventtothecalendar or open the web page they point to.It's easy. Just press the button on the camera tocapturethecodes and, when the information is loaded, press the sendbuttontosend calendar or browser.In order to function exAgenda, you must installtheBarcodeScanner application.This application is proposed for the Prize"JoaquinSama"Educational Innovation 2013 (Ministry of EducationandCulture,Government of Extremadura).
Agenda Móvil 1.6.1
IMPORTANTE: Para poder usar esta App,necesitauna cuenta para su Establecimiento Educacional, comuní[email protected]ón es privada y sólo de uso paraestablecimientoseducacionales y sus apoderados.Agenda Móvil tiene como objetivo mejorar la comunicaciónentre el colegio y sus apoderados, brindando una plataforma webymóvil que optimiza dicha interacción.Cuando los padres participan en la educación de sus hijos,seobtienen beneficios, tanto para los padres como para el niño,yaque frecuentemente mejora la autoestima de éste, ayuda a lospadresa desarrollar actitudes positivas hacia la escuela ylesproporciona una mejor comprensión del proceso de enseñanza.Un simple mensaje es suficiente!El profesor podrá enviar a todos los apoderados del curso odelcolegio una notificación informando acerca de, unaactividadgeneral: tareas, pruebas, materiales, reuniones, actos,unaconducta o actividad en particular de algún alumno.IMPORTANT: To usethisapp, you need an account for your educationalestablishment,contact [email protected] is private and only for use foreducationalinstitutions and their agents.Phone Agenda aims to improve communicationbetween the school and parents, providing a web and mobileplatformthat optimizes such interaction.When parents are involved in the education of theirchildren,benefits are obtained for both parents and child, as oftenitimproves self-esteem, helps parents develop positiveattitudestoward school and gives them a better understanding theteachingprocess.A simple message is enough!The teacher can send to all parents of the school year oranotification informing about a general activity: homework,tests,materials, meetings, events, behavior or activity of aparticularstudent.
Agenda 2017 pro 4.25
I tried make this application as closeaspossible to a real Daily Planner/Diary (to those of paper sotospeak, the one that still we can not abandon ...).So no synchronizations, no fields to fill, no events, etc..Only 365 pages can not be modified to go to write and findeasilyand safely what we want.Are appreciated suggestions, ideas, and confirmations workingonyour equipment, and any bugs found, thanks.More space for annotations + linesHours customizable with sound Reminderpersonalized timetables and quarter hoursbuilt-in calculatorWidgets to the screen (to keep tabs on the events of the day)Text search option (to quickly find what interests us)You can bar or check off notesReboot immediately (we will not have to wait for the start oftheAgenda)No advertising ....Import of all that you have already written agenda freeand more .....WARNING it is essential to activate at least one widget toworkthe reminders sound.ATTENTION for the proper functioning of the notifications youneedto disable the function Optimization App reached in theBatterysection of the Control Center Smart Manager, this stopstheoperation in the background of all applications, the batterylifewill remain unchanged .The supported languages ​​are Italian, English.French,Portuguese, Spanish, German, (Russian, Korean *)I remind you that we are the first version of the programandthen tell any inaccuracies or errors. I will provide tocorrectthem ...Have funThis application is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either onthefunctioning that the integrity of the data that may [email protected] 2016 ilpesceweb* translation almost complete
Sacapuntas Escuela Infantil 1.9.0
La Plataforma educativa de Sacapuntasmantieneinformada a las familias de toda la vida escolar de sushijos en elcolegio.ComunicaciónComunicación como eje principal de participación e integraciónconalumnos y familias. Toda la información escolar estructuradayfácilmente accesible.Gestión académicaInformación general del centro (alumnos, clases,profesores).Control de asistencia, Estadísticas de evolución dealumnos,Listados, Extraescolares…AulaboxPublica en Aulabox el material con el que trabajas en clase.Desdecasa los alumnos/padres acceden fácilmente y acaban sustrabajos,deberes, refuerzo…MotivaciónSiguiendo los objetivos que tengas marcados para el curso, ayudaamotivar a tus alumnos apoyando y reconociendo sus esfuerzos.¡Yfunciona!Agenda escolarInformación útil y muy completa para los padres. Personalizableacada etapa escolar.The educationalplatformsharpener kept informed families throughout the school lifeoftheir children at school.CommunicationCommunication as the main focus of participation andintegrationwith students and families. All school informationstructured andeasily accessible.Academic ManagementOverview of the center (students, classes, teachers). Controlofattendance, student development statistics,listings,Extracurricular ...AulaboxAulabox publishes the material they work in class. From homethestudents / parents agree easily and finish their work,homework,reinforcing ...MotivationFollowing the goals you have set for the course, helps motivateyourstudents by supporting and recognizing her efforts. Anditworks!School AgendaUseful and comprehensive information for parents. Customizabletoeach school stage.
Agenda Projeto Lápis de Cor
Agenda Color Pencil Project! The app that connects thosewhotransform education
KinderClose Profesor 3.2.1
KinderClose is the preferred schedule for Early ChildhoodEducationCenters
Teacher agenda 1.1.6
The ultimate agenda for teachers.
Agenda de aula - Grátis 1.6
Gerenciar o dia-a-dia das aulas podesetornartrabalhoso quando você tem dezenas de tarefas pararealizarno seudia fora e dentro da escola, faculdade ou cursinho.Parafacilitarsua vida criamos a Agenda de aula, com esteaplicativovocêpode:- Criar uma agenda de aulas- Controlar suas notas- Calcular suas médias- Receber notificações de datas de provas e trabalhos- Criar uma agenda de atividades escolares=== AJUDE A MELHORAR O APP ===Envie sugestões no campo avaliação, sempre quepossívelireiadicionar suas sugestões como novas funções.Managetheday-to-daylessons can become cumbersome when you have dozensoftasks toaccomplish in your day inside and outside theschool,college orprep school. To make your life easier we createdAgendaclass, withthis app you can:- Create a schedule of classes- Check your notes- Calculate your averages- Receive notifications of events and dates work- Create a schedule of school activities=== HELP TO IMPROVE THE APP ===Send suggestions in the evaluation field, whenever possibleIwilladd your suggestions as new functions.
Agenda do Estudante 5.1
Agenda do Estudante é um Aplicaticovoltadopara qualquer estudante que gosta de organizar suavidaacadémica.O aplicativo tem por finalidade ser uma ferramenta de apoioaosestudantes como um todo, tanto alunos de Universidade quanto aosdeescolas técnicas e colégios de ensino básico.A Agenda do estudante tem a vantagem de manter a suacontasincronizada com todos os seus dispositivos, podendo daracesso atodas suas informações em qualquer dispositivo móvel.A Agenda do Estudante possui, atualmente, as seguintes funções:1- Gerir horário2- Gerir disciplinas3- Gerir Testes e média por disciplina4- Gerir Trabalhos de casa5- Gerir perfil publicoStudent Agenda isaAplicatico facing any student who likes to organize theiracademiclife.The application is intended to be a support tool for students asawhole, both University students about the technical schoolsandbasic education schools.The student's agenda has the advantage of keeping yoursynchronizedaccount with all your devices and can provide access toall yourinformation on any mobile device.The student agenda currently has the following functions:1. Managing time2- Managing disciplines3- Managing tests and average per discipline4- Managing Homework5- Managing public profile
Agenda1 − Agenda escolar para 2.16
Sandro Gumz
Management of equipment for Teachers and Evidence, Tasks, JobsforStudents
School Assistant +
Gil Castro
School Assistant + is your personalschoolaide, keep your routine organized with it.Ever had your phone ring in class because you forgot tosilenceit?School Assistant + will notify you when a class has startedandautomatically mute your phone for you during class.Do you have trouble remembering when is your next test orassignmentor what to study for your upcoming exam?School Assistant + will remind you and even chart yourprogressthroughout the year!This version offers the following advantages over thefreeversion:• Main screen customization• Weighted grades and evaluation types• Better control and prediction on grades• Unlimited evaluation types• Google Calendar sync (one way)• Google Drive sync• Multi-user support• Events widget (Android 3 and 4 - can be added in the lockscreenin Android 4.2 and up)• Custom icons• Password protection• Schedule widget• No ads• Many more features coming soon...If you want to check if School Assistant + supports your needsandwants, you can try the free version first.Upgrading from the free version? Here is how to importyourdata:• Make sure you have the latest version of SchoolAssistantinstalled• Open the free version, go to Menu > Settings > Tools>Export > Export• Open School Assistant +, complete the initial setup and then gotoMenu > Settings > Tools > Import and followtheinstructionsDo you have ideas to make School Assistant better or have youfounda bug?Contact me and I'll implement/solve it as soon as possible.Leaving negative comments here won't help me solve the issue.Coming soon only in School Assistant +• Better Google Calendar integration• Smart event adding• User support• Many other features
Diário Escola Pais EI 4.1.03 Infantil
Diario Escola
Daily School Parents for Children's Education
Agenda Book - School Organizer 3.5
Organize your day with Agenda Book!Keeptrackof assignments and homework. This is the ultimatehomeworkplanningapp!Agenda Book allows you to store notes, and todos.Using your mobile device, you can bring your taskswithyoueverywhere. A To-Do List can vastly increase yourabilitytoorganize and keep track of your schoolwork.Agenda Book aims to replace the typical Agenda. Atypicalagendabook requires you to carry it and something to writewith.Mostpeople carry their phone around with them so this servesasaphysical replacement to the old fashioned agenda book.Targeted towards students, Agenda Book allows you to keeptrackofyour homework, having the possibilities to boost yourgrade. Youcanalso keep track of your notes for quickreference.In the newest version of Agenda Book we introducedcloudsyncing.With cloud syncing you can access your homework to-dolistANYWHEREin the world with internet connection.Agenda Book is more than your typical planner,homeworkorganizer,or todo list app. AgendaBook is a new way ofeducation.Our missionis to bridge the gap between organization,education,andtechnology.Agenda Book was made by students, for students. We are ateamofstudents at Bryan Station in STLP dedicated tomakingeducationeasier for students and teachers byintegratingtechnology.Stop wasting time! Download AgendaBook today!
MyGenda Student Planner 1.31
MyGenda is the perfect student planner/agenda for students inanyschool.