Top 4 Apps Similar to Skull ghost Flashlight

Ghost Light SPIRIT DETECTOR 1.03
#58 in Top New Paid Tools Apps! (2/12/2013)The Ghost Light utilizes sensors in your phonetodetectdisturbances. When an anomaly is found, the Ghost Lightwillflashbright white. Ghost Light allows you to work from EMForwhenanything taps/touches/moves/vibrates the device. Open theappandset your phone on any surface. Customizable sensitivityallowsyouto filter out room vibrations and variations in thesurroundingEMFfield. This is what is known by ghost hunters aslightsourcecommunication (LSC) or the flashlight experiment,onlyperfected.It is best to use the Ghost Box in an area freeoftraffic, trains,dishwashers, washing machines, magnetsandelectrical outlets.If you have any questions, comments, criticisms orconcerns,emailme at [email protected]. MyAndroid phoneis alwayswith me, and I'll get in touch with you assoon aspossible.Developers cannot respond to reviews or in appreports.Our courteousand efficient staff is on call 24 hours a daytoserve all yoursupernatural needs.
Anti-ghosts flashlight 1.4
Are you afraid at night whenusingtheflashlight in the dark?With the anti-ghosts flashlight in addition to havingapowerfulflashlight, you can detect if you have presences ofspiritsnear toyou. But don't worry, this flashlight includes aspecialbuttonrepellent of spirits.
Flashlight for Motorola MOTO 3.6
The Brightest Flashlight in the Market.
Flashlight Led - Action Lights
Easy and quick to use, with strobe light, fun objects andrealisticeffects.