Top 5 Apps Similar to Ruby Tutorials

Pocket Ruby 10
Abdul Rahaman
Pocket Ruby is used to eval rubycode.Rubyprogrammers can play with ruby code with this app. UsercantestRuby commands just by placing in the text field and clickingonrunbutton. It works similar to Ruby IRB.
Learn Ruby 1.5.2
We're moving to our new free All-in-One app! Get ithere: in a greatly improved learning environment with morelessons,real practice opportunity, and community support. LearnRuby in themost social and fun way, with SoloLearn! Learn Ruby, oneof today'smost in-demand programming languages on-the-go, whileplaying.Learning with SoloLearn is FREE! No in-app purchases. Noads. Jointhe fastest-growing global community of mobile codelearners andupgrade your skill level through learning solo orpeer-to-peerinteraction in the world of programming. Here you can:* LEARN Rubyconcepts by going through short interactive texts andfun follow-upquizzes. Currently, we cover the following topics:ControlStructures, Loops, Collections, Methods, ObjectOrientedProgramming, Modules, Mixins, and even more! * CODE! Thebest wayto learn to code is to code! Our beautifully designed codeeditorlets you make changes to existing code or write and compileyourown custom code - on any device, while going through thecorelessons or as a stand-alone activity. The more you play, thebetteryou get! * Check out our Q&A DISCUSSIONS to get help, ortohelp enhance the learning of peer SoloLearners. So don't wait;diveright in! Start coding with Ruby NOW!
Ruby On Rails (ROR) Tutorial 1.1
Purple Vision
Ruby on Rails is an extremelyproductivewebapplication Framework written in Ruby language. Thepurpose ofthisapp is to teach you how to develop custom webapplications. Ifyouare new to the subject, this tutorial will giveyou athroughintroduction for developing complete understanding onRubyonRails.This app is designed for beginners who want to get startedwithaRails application from scratch. This app will teachyoutheessentials of Rails framework.When you finish the Ruby on Rails tutorial you will be benefitedasaweb developer or technology entrepreneur.This tutorial takes an integrated approach to webdevelopmentbyproviding ample examples so that you will have asolidfoundationno matter what kind of web application you wanttobuild.Prerequisite: web development is a challengingsubject,especiallyfor complete beginners. This tutorial isoriginallydesigned forreaders with some prior programming or webdevelopmentknowledge.You will need to have a basic understanding onRubyandObject-Oriented Programming. In addition, you must befamiliarwithinternet and website programming. We’ve taken someimportantstepsin order to lower the barriers to get start withRails.Disclaimer: This Application is only intendedforeducationalpurpose for the learners, no commercial use ofthisapplication isintended, the intellectual property andthecopyrights remains ofthe sole owner.
Pocket Programming - Rails - 2.0.0
◇◆Application to Encourage InherentSkillsCreated Only for Beginners◆◇・10 questions a day, 4 weeks program・Study with a light heart by 3 choices type quiz of Questions&Answers. You don't have to type any code.・Analyze the fields that you are poor at by originalalgorithm・Support on overcoming methods of the fields you are notgoodat・Able to review anytime and many times・Specialize to globally popular Ruby and Ruby on Rails◇◆Solve the Biggest Problem for Beginners Thinking 'I Don'tKnowWhat I Should Do after This?' ◇◆Pocket Programming is the application specializing to Ruby andRubyon Rails, and it was created by researching everything abouthowprogramming beginners can go to the next stage frombeginnersmoothly.“As I finished tutorials, I want to make something by myself,butwhat should I do from…?”“I did as I learned, but some errors occurred, and I couldnotunderstand the reason, so I deleted all the codes andredo…”“I study programming with looking at some books, but I become fedupwith it because there are many difficult words. It is not easyforbeginners at all.”Have you ever experienced such things? Exactly now, you mayfeelsuch things.However, it's all right now.Programming is not difficult if you learn it well incorrectway.The application to learn programming essence efficiently inrightway for programmers.That is Pocket Programming.[Ruby]- Preparetion of Ruby- Basic Ruby- Variables- Integer, Strings- Arrays- Hashes- Basic Conditionals- Various Conditionals- Basic Loops & Iterators- Practical Loops & Iterators- Basic Methods- How to use Method- Classes- Errors[Rails]- Basic Rails commands- Basic Ruby on Rails- Basic View- How to use View- Basic Model- Model(retrieve data)- Model(Association)- Basic Controller- How to use Contoller- Basic Routing- How to use Routing- Directory Structure- Migration- Errors■Able to study in slight free timeIt is an old thought that the suite of studying programmingisPC.With relaxing on the sofa, in the train, break time atschool.Let's study programming by smartphone!■Really easy explanation without difficult words"The instance of the object..""As it is object-oriented, it is possible to inherit and domix-in,and use open class…"Such wastefully difficult words make you lose theprogrammingessence. As we are dedicated to write explanations inreally easywords in Pocket Programming, you can understandclearly.Of course, we explain necessary words easily and concretely.■Introduction of websites and books that every beginnershoulduse as referenceWhen you face the problems you cannot understand, you cannotfindany good website even if you search on the internet, andthesituation becomes more complicated.Have you ever experienced such thing?In Pocket programming, we support by the introduction ofwebsitesand books that "If you don't understand this completely,this isgood to use as reference." that we strictlyselectedoriginally.■Overwhelming price destructionThough there are really many programming books andprogrammingschools in the world, any of them are from some thousandyen tosome ten thousand yen. But, originally programming doesn'tcost somuch money.Our Pocket Programming is only $3. The price is one tenth ofbooksand one hundredth of schools, and we designed the applicationforyou to encourage your programming skills by the price.■Specialize to globally popular Ruby and Ruby on RailsRuby is one of the most popular programming language aroundtheworld. Also, one of the most famous framework as Ruby'sframeworkis Ruby on Rails.In Pocket Programming, we prepared various questionsspecializedthem. You can grasp your current programming level byeachquestion, and you are able to progress steadily.Now, let's take a step that you have never experienced byPocketProgramming!
Programacion Facil 1.4
Esta aplicación contiene cuatrocursosC++,Java, Python, Ruby actualmente solo se encuentradisponibleelcurso de C++ pero en la próxima actualización incluiréel cursodeJava en la siguiente el de Python y en la ultima el deRubygraciaspor descargar mi aplicación.Thisapplicationcontainsfour courses C ++, Java, Python, Ruby currentlyonly courseof C ++is available but the next update will include theJavacourse inthe following the Python and the last the Ruby thankyoufordownloading my application.