Top 14 Apps Similar to Princess Bedroom Designs

Princess Bedroom Ideas 5.0
Princess bedroom decorating ideas are verymuchin vogue among preteen girls and the trend has received afillipafter the release of Walt Disney princess movies featuringAurora orSnow White or Cinderella, the Barbie princess movies,Fairy utopiaand the Twelve Dancing Princesses. First of all, picka focal pointlike castle shaped bed or a bed with canopy orfantasy land muralpainted on the walls or a lovely princess castlewhich will bringout the theme.Princess bedroom decorating ideas will also incorporatethenecessity of storage through the use of pretty baskets thatcanhold dress up clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, toys and dolls andothersuch princess trinkets. You can even choose to showcaseyourdaughter's princess dresses on the walls.If you are inventive and creative, then you can make use ofhatboxes to create less than ordinary storage spaces for tiarasandfeather boa etc. To color coordinate the whole look, you canpaintthe storage items in the color of the main theme.For the bed, opt for silky satin bed covers in the color ofthetheme and the pillows should be embellished with sequins ortulleand other such fancy stuff. Nowadays pillows are availableindifferent fun shapes that will make your little princess screaminglee. A tulle or gauze canopy over the bed and gatheredtogetherwith a bunch of flowers will make your little darling feelon topof the world.Some of the items and accessories that can go into thecreationof a perfect princess bedroom are pink basket storage fordolls,pink princess dress on display, curtains in pink lace, pinksatinbed covers and pillow covers, pink personalized hat box,princesscastle, various kinds of pretty dolls in princess get ups,prettydoll houses etc.The color codes for princess bedroom decorating ideasusuallyhinge on pink, peach, lavender, white and other such softpastelhues which are traditionally known as feminine colors.
Ice Princess Doll House Games 9.0.0
Doll house game for all fans of princess room decoration games
Dollhouse Decorating Games 6.1.6
Design your own house and enjoy decorating your amazingdollhouseroom for free!
Doll House Design Ideas 3.0
Dollhouses are magical. In this tech-savvyagewhere endless new gadgets and toys are made every day,dollhousesremain popular not just among kids but many adults aswell. Theycan range from simple cardboard boxes stacked one abovethe otherto multimillion-dollar miniature houses displayed inmuseums.There is something about miniature houses with theirdetailedfurnishing and accessories that entices everyone. It is theperfecttoy for pretend play as it stimulates the child'simagination andallows him/her to create the perfect dreamworld.With so many types of dollhouses available in the market,fromthe traditional wooden dollhouses to modern-day Barbiehouses,picking the right one for your child can be reallyconfusing. Hereare a list of things that you need to consider whenchoosing adollhouse for your kid.Choose the Right MaterialDollhouses are made of either plastic, wood, orcardboard.Traditional wooden dollhouses, being quite popular, aremostly madeof 9 mm thick MDF board or plywood. Due to theirsturdiness anddurability, these dollhouses remain a favorite amongkids as wellas miniature collectors. Moreover, they can become awonderfulfamily heirloom that is passed on to the next generation.If youare looking for wooden dollhouses, then you should take alook atthe Melissa & Doug Multi-Level Wooden Dollhouse andKidKraftKayla Dollhouse. These dollhouses, however, are quiteexpensive,and some may not accommodate all your existing dolls.Apart from wooden dollhouses, modern plastic dollhouses alsofindfavor among kids since they are available in bright andcolorfuldesigns. Also, they are cheaper than wooden dollhouses.The hardplastic is durable, easy to clean, and can be moldedeasily forbeautiful details. Moreover, you can buy a range ofaccessories andfurniture for these dollhouses at lower prices.Some popular plasticdollhouses include: Barbie Dreamhouse, DisneyPrincess UltimateDream Castle, and Fisher-Price Loving Family -Family Manor.If you are interested in DIY crafts, then you can makecardboarddollhouses at home. Not only are they fun to play with,but canalso be made at virtually no cost. All you need is somecardboardboxes, colorful paper along with glue, scissors, and othercraftsupplies. Cardboard dollhouses made at home may not be sturdy,butthey are really fun to make, and you can easily customizethem.Consider the SizeVarious scaled-down versions of dollhouses are available inthemarket―1:12, 1:24, and 1:48. If the dollhouse is 1:12 in scale,itmeans the dollhouse and all its contents are one-twelfth thesizeof its life-sized equivalent. The 1:12 scaled dollhouses arethemost popular ones among kids. The other scales are usuallysmallerand are meant for collectors rather than for a child'splay.Larger-sized dollhouses, also known as playscale dollhouses,aremeant to accommodate play dolls such as Barbies. Usually thesearemade of plastic, but you can find some large wooden onesthataccommodate your existing dolls as well. These large dollhousesarereally handy when there are a group of two or more children atplayand can also store the child's toys as well. This meanslesserclutter.Choose the Right Styles and ThemesWhen buying a wooden dollhouse, you need to check the typeandstyles of dollhouses in the market. Usually, dollhouses aremodeledafter popular periods of architecture. This include:Georgian,Tudor, Victorian, Antique, and Edwardian dollhouses. Ofcourse,there are modern dollhouses as well. If you are a collector,thenit is a good idea to decide the period you plan to decorateandfurnish it in.
Doll House Ideas 2.0
Many children spend hours playingwithdollhousetoys, carefully arranging and dramatizing scenarios.Notonly arekids enthusiastic about it, but there arenumerouseducationalbenefits to playing with a miniature dollhouse:1. Imaginative Play: Dolls promote imaginative play,whichisdevelopmentally important for children. Adultsoftendiscountpretend play since it appears to have no purpose.However,it is akey component of learning for children of all ages.Researchhasfound connections between imaginative play andcognition,socialabilities, and language skills. This type of playallowschildrento practice their social skills, work through anytroublingorupsetting events, develop their conversationalvocabularies,learnempathy, and stretch their creativity.Some parents are troubled by pretending when childrenseemtoreject the "real" world. However, a child who insists heisasuperhero or she is a princess is not denying reality. Forachild,it's an intricate experiment to discover the limitsofimaginationand reality, along with exploring how someone elsemightsee,think, and feel. Logical rules still apply, and kidsoftenthink ofelaborate solutions to problems.When children play together with miniature dollhousetoys,skillslike having self-control, taking turns, sharing,listening,andimprovisation are further developed. Don't assumegames arelimitedby gender. Girls and boys both enjoy playing withrealisticfiguresand houses, since these reflect their own lifeexperiencesof theworld.2. History Lesson: Miniature dollhouses often haveanhistoriccontext, so each building - plus accompanyingdollhousetoys -portrays a particular time. Dolls can wearappropriateclothing anduse period furniture. It is an excellent wayforchildren to learnabout the past and how people lived. Theycanreenact a favoritehistorical event or scene from astory.Alternatively, open-endedplay is always possible.3. Coordination: Playing with a miniature dollhouserequiresfinemotor skills - the same ones that are important forwriting,playingmusical instruments, and other life activities.Dressingsmall dollsand organizing dollhouse toys also developshand-eyecoordinationand encourages concentration.4. Creativity: Dollhouse toys come in every possibleshape,fromtiny stained glass windows and paintings to cars.Aminiaturedollhouse could have an elegant garden, with arockinghorse in thenursery along with a dining table laden withrealdishes andintricate foods. Some children go on to make theirownclothing orfurnishings, further increasing their useofimagination,creativity, fine motor skills, and concentration.Theymay decideto collect pieces and develop a rewarding hobby.
Dollhouse Design Ideas 4.0
get the best doll house design here!
Doll House Designs 2.0
There are various types of dollhousesthatonecan collect. They can range from old,historicalarchitecturaldesigns up to the latest and moderncontemporary homesthat we seein cities like Los Angeles, Tokyo,London and Manila.There is nocertain type of dollhouse if we try toreally thinkabout it.Everything is up to you. It's pretty much likedesigningorchoosing your own house.A popular type of dollhouse is the so calledVictoriandollhouse.These houses are similar to what you would findin a citylikeParis. Usually, these houses are having extensivestructureswithgreat features such as a huge front veranda.Decorating aVictoriandollhouse should not be a problem given themany amazingways bywhich to do so. It's not difficult to findinternet storesandsites dedicated exclusively to the Victorianstyle doll houseandthe various decors that one can obtain for them.It's alsoveryeasy to construct an ideal Victorian house fromanotherage.Some dollhouse collectors particularly value theclassic,homelystyle of a Tudor hut. This type of doll houserepresentstheEnglish architecture. It has a traditional post fencethatprovidesa family atmosphere or feeling. Facilities like afireplaceor atwisting stairway are common in this type of dollhouse. MostTudorhuts or cottages are custom-made or personallycrafted bythecollector. However, there are also readily availableproductsoutin the market.On the other hand, Georgian doll houses are themostpopularvariety that is made of wood and the one you willalwaysencounter.This type of dollhouse is popular because it isusuallybig andstriking. The Georgian period is commonly associatedwiththeneoclassical style and was greatly influencedbyclassicalarchitectural designs. The Georgian Dollhouses havethreemajorclassification or themes. They are: Greece and Rome,TerracesandTown Houses, and Palladianism and Country Houses.During the 1700s, the wealthy Westerners began topourinvestmentsinto their homes. Country houses started toemerge,consuming vastareas of land for landscaping and parks. Ifyoudesire an imposingmansion dolls house, you could take it onaGeorgian era. There arequite a few styles of Palladiandoorobtainable in miniature andyou can acquire windows tocomplement.The fashion of these doorsand windows provide Georgianwooden dollhouses a very splendidatmosphere.Finally, one very enjoyable and well-liked dollhouse istheBarbiedollhouse. By the name itself, it is made particularlyforBarbies.It gives so much fun for children who enjoy Barbie andhermanyaccessories. There is an unlimited array of things toputinside aBarbie dollhouse. From furniture like sofa sets andbedsto soap anddishes, creating a Barbie dream home and a Barbiedreampersonalityhas become entertaining for females (and evenmales) ofall ages.Since it doesn't always have to be for the kids,playingwith aBarbie house makes collections so cool. This hobbybecomestimelessand irrelevant of age.Dollhouses made for miniatures are more and morebecomingpopular.There are even museums devoted to miniaturesanddollhouses.Miniatures are little models of standardeverydayhouses and thethings that go inside them. Some peoplespend somuch time and effortto furnish their miniature dollhousesasrealistically as possible.Things which are actually everythingonecan necessitate for dailyliving can be found forminiaturehouses.Regardless of all of the great varieties and amazingtypesofdollhouses custom-made for collecting, some hobbyistswouldratherbe specially original and innovative by constructingtheirvery owndollhouse. This is the only way to have an exclusivedesignallyour own. It doesn't really require a lot toconstructadollhouse.
Hair Salon Games for Girls 3.0.1
For all fans of hair makeover games enjoy making awesome hairstyles
Castle Theme Bedroom 3.0
One of the easiest, and perhaps best, waystodecorate a princess theme bedroom that will make your littlegirlfeel like the queen of her castle is to pick a particularprincessfrom your daughter's collection of storybooks and movies,and baseyour girls room decor around the world of that character.That way,you have all the color schemes, accessories, settings, andotherdesign elements already determined for you - handed to you onasilver platter, as it were.It is a perfect way to have a sense of coherency to yourkidsbedroom decor, to be sure that all the design elements you pickfittogether. And more, it is a perfect way to fulfill yourchild'sfantasy of living in her favorite world of make-believemadereal.Of course there is no greater inspiration for a princessandcastle theme room than the fabulous fairy tales given us bytheWonderful World of Disney. And so, to help inspire yourcreativityand help make the process of creating your little girl'sidealprincess theme bedroom, here - in no particular order - is alistof Disney princesses to choose from - both animatedandlive-action, both the more famous, popular, andobviousprincesses...:o Cinderella (Cinderella)o Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)o Ariel (The Little Mermaid)o Pocahontas (Pocahontas)o Mulan (Mulan)o Jasmine (Aladdin)o Belle (Beauty and the Beast)o Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)...and the lesser-known (but equally magical andinspiring)ones:o Anastasia (Anastasia)o Esmerelda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)o Guinivere (Quest for Camelot)o Rapunzel (Rapunzel)o Princess Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)o Maid Marian (Robin Hood)o Mia (The Princess Diaries)o Ella (Ella Enchanted)o Giselle (Enchanted)o Odette (The Swan Princess)As you can see from this list, not all of these inspirationsarePrincesses in the traditional sense, but every last one oftheselovely ladies is a shining princess in her own right, and seenassuch in the sparkling eyes and dreamy vision of every littlegirl.What's more, to help complete the inspiration for yourpreciouslittle girls room decor, every one of these timelesscharacterscomes with their own set of friends and foes (and let'snot forget,princes), as well as settings and accessories - all ofwhich makethe magic of each princess's own unique fairy tale worldcome tolife.The key element in any kids bedroom decor is, of course, thebeditself. Before you pick out any other princess bedroomfurniture,it is wise to start with the bed - a custom bed designedto be theprominent focal point of the room around which the rest ofthevision can then start to take shape.By selecting - either on your own or with your daughter's input-one or more of the above princesses (or any other princesses inthespecific stories she's enamored with) to form the inspirationforyour girls room decor, you can then sit down with an expertdesignerof custom girls beds and unique children's furniture, andhaveperfect princess castle bed or other theme bed built to designtherest of the room around.
Princess Bed Designs 3.0
When I was a little girl I rememberhavingaprincess bedroom theme. I had pretty striped wallpaperwithyellowflowers on my walls and an adorable white dresser setwithmatchingyellow plates on the front. I remember how excited Iwaswhen I gotmy day bed with a matching yellow comforter. It wasagreat roomfor a little girl.These days there are so many things you can do whendecoratingabedroom for girls. If you look at the princess themebedroomtheoptions for decorating are endless. Same with boythemes,butprincesses has to have the biggest range of bedroomdecor.Many of the princess decorations are based on theDisneymoviecharacters. This is great because if your daughter hasafavoriteprincess such as Belle from Beauty and the Beast,Tianafrom ThePrincess and the Frog, Jasmine from Aladdin, Arielfrom TheLittleMermaid, Cinderella, or Aurora from The SleepingBeauty, youcanfind a bedroom set based on that princess.You can get bedspreads, sheets, pillow cases,blanketsandmatching bed skirts for most of these popularcharacters. Manyofthem even have matching curtains and wall muralsto go withthem.You can even get a bunk bed in the shape of acastle. You canadd aprincess vanity set, table and chairs, dressersand otherfurnitureas well to go with.There are also all kinds of wall decals, stickers orwallpaperborders you can get to match her princess themed room.Walldecalsare great because you can add a castle to one of herwalls,apicture of Belle, Cinderella or any Disney charactertoanotherwall. What about putting up some flowers,butterflies,clouds,rainbows, whatever you can think of. Thesedecals can reallylightup the room.
Princess Bed Ideas 3.0
Best princess bedroom ideas just here!
Princess Bedroom Designs 1.0
princess bedroom designsGet the best princess bedroom designs here!princess bedroom designs apps is very much in vogueamonggirlspreteens and trends has received Fillip after therelease,andFirst, select a focal point such as a bed-shaped fort ora bedwithmurals canopy or a fantasy land that is painted on thewallorbeautiful princess palace that will bring out thetheme.Princessbedroom decor ideas will Incorporated Also the needforstoragethrough the use enough baskets could hold thedressclothes,jewelry, cosmetics, toys and dolls and otherparaphernaliadroughtdaughter. You can choose to display the factprincess dressyourdaughter in the wall. If you are innovative andcreative, thenyoucan use a hat box to create storage space lessthan usual forthetiara and feather boa etc. This color coordinateall views, youcanpaint storage items in the main theme colors.As for the bed, choose to sleep in silk satin covers inthecolortheme and pillows should be decorated with beads ordroughttulleand other luxury goods. Currently pillows are availableinvariousforms of fun that will make your little princessshoutedexcitedly.A tulle or gauze canopy over the bed and gettogetherwith a bunchof flowers will make your little darling feelon topof the world.Some of the items and accessories that can gointothe creation of aprincess perfect sleep is the storage ofpinkbasket for dolls,princess pink dress on the screen, lacecurtainspink, pink satinbed cover and pillow covers, pink privatebox hat,princess castle ,various kinds of dolls in pretty princessget-up,beautiful dollhouses, etc.The color code for princess bedroom designs apps usuallyrelyonsleeping princess pink, peach, lavender, white andothersoftpastel colors drought which is traditionally known asafemininecolor. If you're looking for some inspiration how todesignbedroomideas for teens, here is the solution. Withteenagers,there's onlyone thing you can be sure and that is thedifference.Teens make apoint to be different from each other andtheir parentsas humanlypossible. When searching for the perfectteenager bed, achoicemust be different as they are. Is your teentends funky,cool,artistic, fashionable, classic, or sportsfanatics, choice ofbedsrealistic sound offers a whole new worldjust waiting tobeheard.The ideas in the princess bedroom designs appsisabsolutelystunning and amazing. You can find the bedroom decorinfourdifferent theme colors (blue, green, purple, andpink).Especiallyfor ideas teen bedroom ideas whether boys orgirlsbedroom ideasbedroom. This app shows you a gallery ofideasbeautiful andcolorful teenage bedroom, design and decoration.Youcan get ahundred ideas teen bedroom and decorations for boysandgirls ofthis application
Castle Theme Bedroom 4.0
Discover the best bedroom castle here!
Pet House Decoration Games 7.0.0
Decorate house for adorable pets in this pet home design game