Top 25 Apps Similar to Medal Of Valor 4 WW2 PRO

D-Day 1944 (Conflict-series)
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: D-Day is a highly rated turnbasedstrategy game set on the Western Front during the SecondWorldWar.General Eisenhower has stepped down and you are in the commandofthe Allied invasion force - tank, airborne, infantry and airforceunits - and the object of the game is to break out from theD-Daybeachheads and liberate as much of German-occupied Franceaspossible, as quickly as possible. To have a chance to seize thetopspot in the Hall of Fame you need to skillfully encircleGermanunits commanded by Erwin Rommel, while battling both theregularWehrmacht divisions and the feared Panzer VI (Tiger I)tankunits.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefence performance, ability to cross rivers without losingextramove points.+ A wide variety of units under your command: Sherman M4tanks,American/British/Canadian infantry divisions, paratroopers,specialunits like US Army Rangers and Royal Marines CommandoBrigade, Crabmine cleaner tanks and air force units. Meanwhile, theGermanWehrmacht starts with coastal fortifications, and weakerostbattalions and static infantry units, but as the days pass,isreinforced with regular infantry, Waffen SS andPanzerdivisions.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup ofthereal 1944 Normandy landings - including the divisions thatsawcombat during the D-Day and the following Normandy CampaigninWorld War II.In order to be a victorious general, it is essential that youlearnto coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacentunitsgive support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groupsinorder to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely thebestidea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle theenemyand cut off its supply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: D-Day works, try out thefree15-turn version -- your fellow strategy gamers in turning the tide of theSecondWorld War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Gunship III - U.S. NAVY 3.8.7
Phanotek, Inc
This game is an expansion pack of the Gunship-III VietnamWarseries.
Battle of Bulge 1944-1945
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Battle of the Bulge is a turnbasedstrategy game set on the Western Front during the Second WorldWar.The historical battle took place in December 1944 inArdennes,Belgium, where American forces fought against a largeGermanoffensive. It was the largest land battle of World War II inwhichthe United States directly participated.In the game, you are in control of the US armed forcesandcommand American infantry, airborne and armoured divisions.Yourfirst task is to survive the initial German onslaught, known astheArdennes Offensive, while keeping your divisions in fightingorder.After regrouping, you must contain the German attack andpreventthe enemy from reaching Brussels, as this would allow them arouteto the strategic port city of Antwerp. Once you have stoppedtheenemy offensive, push back the German units and destroy as manyaspossible.The game is over if:+ Germans reach over 150 Victory Points, or+ Germans control less than 10 Victory Points.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game'ssmartAI technology, each game provides a unique wargamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your skills against others fightingforthe Hall of Fame top spots.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefence performance, ability to cross rivers without losingmovepoints.+ Challenging: Crush the enemy quickly and earn thebraggingrights on the forum.+ Settings: Various settings are available to alter the lookofthe gaming experience: Switch between terrain themes,changedifficulty level, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL)andcities (Round, Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on themap,change font and hexagon sizes.+ Two Icon Sets: Real or NATO-styled units.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup,anduses the names and locations of the divisions that saw combatduringthe Battle of the Bulge in World War II.In order to be a victorious general, it is essential that youlearnto coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacentunitsgive support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groupsinorder to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely a goodideato use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemyandcut off its supply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: Battle of the Bulge works, tryoutthe free 15-turn version your fellow strategy gamers in saving the Americanforcesfrom the surprise German onslaught!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Ardennes Offensive 1944
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Ardennes Offensive 1944 is aturnbased strategy game set on the Western Front during theSecondWorld War, essentially offering the German side of the BattleofBulge.The historical battle took place in December 1944 inArdennes,Belgium, where American forces fought against a largeGermanoffensive. It was the largest land battle of World War II inwhichthe United States directly participated.In the game, you are in control of the German armed forces andyourmain task is to reach Brussels, which would open to you a routetothe strategic port city of Antwerp. This would essentiallysplitthe Allies in two, hopefully causing enough political tensionstoforce the Allies to sign a peace treaty.The game is over if:+ Germans reach over 180 Victory Points, or+ Germans control less than 10 Victory Points.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your skills against others fighting fortheHall of Fame top spots.+ Challenging: Crush the enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various settings are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Two Icon Sets: Real or NATO-styled units.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup,anduses the names and locations of the divisions that sawcombatduring the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.In order to be a victorious general, it is essential that youlearnto coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacentunitsgive support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groupsinorder to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely a goodideato use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemyandcut off its supply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: Ardennes Offensive 1944 works,tryout the free 15-turn version your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course of WorldWarII history.Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
War 1944 : World War II 2.1.16
Base on World War II, 'War 1944' is a Shooting Defense game.
Gunship III - STRIKE PACKAGE 3.8.7
Phanotek, Inc
Flyable F-105D (F-105G coming soon), F-5E and F-111A in theVietnamWar
Kursk: The Biggest Tank Battle
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Kursk - The Biggest Tank Battle isaturn based strategy game set on the Eastern Front during theSecondWorld War.Historical background: In 1943 Germans hoped to shorten theRussianfront by eliminating the Kursk Salient, which had beencreated inthe aftermath of the Battle of Stalingrad. Wehrmacht,focusingmajority of their elite divisions on the Eastern Front onthisrelatively small area, envisioned Panzer spearheadsbreakingthrough northern and southern flanks of the salient toencircle theRed Army forces. However, the Soviets had excellentintelligence ofthe German plan, called Operation Citadel. This, andGerman delaysin waiting for new weapons, the Tiger heavy tank andthe Panthermedium tank, gave the Red Army time to construct aseries ofdefensive lines and gather large reserve forces. Thishugeconcentration of armed forces on both sides led into thebiggesttank battle of history on the outskirts of Prokhorovka on 12July1943. The question "could German Army have succeeded inthisoffensive", was kind of left unanswered, as Allied landinginSicily and the Soviet offensives elsewhere on the EasternFrontpressured Hitler to abort the Operation Citadel only after10days.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setupondivisional level.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefense performance, extra move points, damage resistance,abilityto hold their ground after a lost battle, etc.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.No risk: If you want to test the mechanics of this WW2 game,thereis a free 15-turn version available for freeat your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Tank Battle: Pacific 2.0.3
Capture the experience of being a tank commander in thePacificTheatre in WWII.
The Expanse 1.0.347
Strategy game about the colonization of the planet.
Frontline: Eastern Front 1.3.1
OFFLINE Tactical Scale WWII Hex TBS Panzer Strategy
Tank Battle: Normandy 2.4.3
Land your troops on the beaches of northern France, laybridges,avoid tanktraps
Firefight 7.3.4
Sean O'Connor
A real-time simulation of World War II close combat battles
Modern Campaigns - Mideast '67 1.01
A paid app in the Modern Campaign series with 14 scenarios.
American Civil War (Conflicts)
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: American Civil War is a highlyratedturn based strategy game set on the Southwest North Americaduringthe American Civil War.You are in the command of the Confederate armies during theAmericanCivil War. The object of the game is to conquer the Unionor atleast hold on to as much area as possible until the year1866. Tohave a chance to seize the top spot in the Hall of Fameyou need toskillfully encircle scores of Union units, while tryingto deal withthe meager Confederate resources.The game is over if:+ Either side controls all the cities, or+ The year 1866 begins.FEATURES:+ Two game modes:(1) NORMAL MODE: All the resources go to the resourcepoolautomatically (quick & easy).(2) SUPPLY MODE: You manually transport ammo to attacking units,andgold to major cities (requires more planning).+ Competitive: Measure your skills against others fighting fortheHall of Fame top spots.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefence performance, ability to cross rivers without losingmovepoints.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Inexpensive: An entire war for the price of a coffee!+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: American Civil War works, tryoutthe free 15-turn version -- your fellow strategy gamers in turning the tide of theAmericanCivil War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Korean War
Joni Nuutinen
Local war soon spirals out of control with US/UN and Chineseforcesjoining in
1943 Deadly Desert Premium 1.3.6
North Africa 1943. Lead your forces to victory in the mostintenseWW2 battle!
Panzer Campaigns- Smolensk '41 1.01
Smolensk '41 is a paid release in the TouchPzCseries. You should install and play the original free releasePzC:Panzer before installing this app as that will give you thechanceto test the game engine on your device and become familiarwith theinterface.This release includes 14 historical and hypotheticalscenariosbased on the PC Panzer Campaigns game of the same name.There are11 scenarios where you play the German commander and 3scenarioswhere you play the Russian commander, in all cases againsttheAI.While this version of Panzer Campaigns will run onlarge-formatAndroid phones, it is best on an Android tablet withscreen size of7 inches or more.
Gunship III 3.8.7
Phanotek, Inc
Immerse yourself into the Vietnam war as an US helicopter orafighter pilot.
Frontline: Western Front 1.7.9
Turn-based Tactical Warfare operational Strategy Wargame
Gunship III Vietnam People AF 3.8.7
Phanotek, Inc
This game is an expansion pack of the Gunship-III VietnamWarseries.
First World War: Western Front
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: WW1 Western Front is a hugeturnbased strategy game set on the Western Front of the FirstWorldWar.You are in command of the German armed forces - generals,infantry,cavalry, artillery and the first tank units - and theobject of thegame is to conquer the strategic parts of France asquickly aspossible.This is a huge game, and if you haven't played games fromtheConflict-series, you may want to start with Operation BarbarossaorD-Day before taking on the Great War of 1914-1918.If you want to test the strategy game and its mechanics, afree15-turn version is available at: Tactical Areas/Move Points: Some hexagons are connectedtogetherforming slowly evolving Tactical Areas, and you can movebetweensuch hexagons using Tactical MPs instead of regular MPs.This opensup a completely new tactical dimension.+ Economy & Production: You decide how to use theindustrialresources that you capture: Build railway networks,produce RailMPs, manufacture minefields, etc.+ Railway Network: To navigate the huge game area efficientlyyouneed to plan where to build railway network.+ Mud: Areas which see lot of troop movement and battles willturninto mud, which might consume extra move points, so you cannotgetbogged down on the war of attrition if you want to keep thefrontlines advancing.+ Generals: Generals support the closest units in battle at thecostof 1 MP, while the front line units located too far awayfromGenerals might lose 1 MP.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefense performance, extra move points, damage resistance,abilityto cross rivers without losing move points, etc.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Inexpensive: The entire WWI western front for the price ofacoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course of WorldWar1!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Tropical Stormfront - RTS 1.0.26
Noble Master Games
Tropical Stormfront is Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game inatropicalsetting. Take command and join the ultimate war ofgoodversusevil. Defend your freedom against the forces ofdarkness.Fightreal-time battles in the tropics and become theultimateleader.Play multiplayer games over LAN and internetincludingco-opmultiplayer. The game features a multitude ofpre-definedmissionssuch as survival mode, eliminate all the enemyforces,capture theflag, hold the flag, defend against incomingforces,capture theenemy general, sea battles, air battles as wellas tankfights. Tocomplete the objectives you take command of theUnitedDemocraticAlliance (UDA) and fight against the evil forcesofOrder,Discipline and Obedience (ODO). Choose the rightstrategiesforeach of the battles and you will claim ultimatevictory!IMPORTANT:Please note that the game requires a screenresolution of800x480pixels or higher. Although the game still runson alowerresolution, not all GUI elements will be renderedproperly.Thegame has been thoroughly tested and runs atabout30+frames/seconds. It is possible though that the applicationisslowon some devices. Please try the LITE version beforepurchasetoverify proper function. If you encounter any problemsrunningthegame, try (1) a device restart (i.e. turn off completely)aswellas (2) a complete re-install. The LITE version of thegameincludes4 campaign mission to allow you to evaluate the game.Thereis notime limit and the game does not contain any spyware,malwareorthird party software of such kind. Again, please trytheLITEversion first to verify the application works on yourdevice.Ifyou are having any problems or are not happy withyourpurchase,feel free to contact us via email at any time. For afullrefundplease include your order# with your message. Thank you&Enjoythe Game! noblemaster Twitter:
Front Wars 1.3.60
Front Wars is a turn-based strategy game.
Wars of the Roses 1.7.6
Wars of the Roses includes various battles throughout theMedievalages.
Rommel And Afrika Korps
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Rommel and Afrika Korps is aturnbased strategy game which takes place in the North Africantheaterduring the Second World War.After the Italian forces collapse in the North Africa, GermanHQsends in some German reinforcements - led by the famous DesertFoxErwin Rommel. Soon German Africa Corps (known in GermanyasDeutsches Afrikakorps, or DAK) springs from assumed defensivesetupto a lighting fast attack across the barren area, and in spiteofserious supply challenges, Rommel manages to threaten theBritishstrongholds of Cairo and Alexandria. Can you do better?If you want to test the game mechanics of Rommel and Afrika Korps,afree 15-turn version of Rommel & Afrika Korps is availableforfree. Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historicalsetup,including some of the related events, as Operation Flipper,BardiaRaid, sand storms, less than perfect collaboration withItaliantroops.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game'ssmartAI technology, each game provides a unique wargamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefense performance, extra move points, damage resistance,etc.+ Settings: Various settings to alter the look of thegamingexperience: different icon sets for units, what to draw onmap,etc.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Inexpensive: The classic WW2 strategy game campaign fortheprice of a coffee!Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course ofWorldWar II!Supply Rules: To keep your armored and motorized divisions onthemove you must use Fuel Trucks to transport fuel from Fuel Depotstofront line units. Fuel Depots can be refueled only from ElAgheila(unlimited amount) or Tobruk (limited amount). Meanwhileonly ElAgheila and Benghazi provide food supply, so units must havearoute to either of these cities after the British forceshavemoved.Tactical Routes: Some hexagons are connected together viagreenlines forming slowly evolving Tactical Routes, and you canmovebetween such hexagons using Tactical MPs instead of regularMPs.This opens up a completely new tactical dimension.How to Win: In order to be a victorious general, you must learntocoordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent unitsgivesupport to an attacking unit, keep your units in groups inorder togain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely the bestidea to usebrute force when it is possible to encircle the enemyand cut offits supply lines instead.Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!