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exPhil 1.0.0
Denne appen er uoppdatert, sjekkutAceEducation!Er du glad i å lese i exphil-læreboka? Brennerduforexphiltimene? Hvis svaret er ja er denne appen ikkenoefordeg.Vil du gå igjennom exphil-pensum fort og gærli er exPhilmidtiblinken. Studer smartere!I denne appen vil du allerede med en gang få tilgangtilallespørsmål. Vi har gjort det slik at så mye som muligskalværecustomizable. Dette fordi vi vet at forskjelligemenneskertrivesmed forskjellige måter å pugge på. Du kan selv velgehvilkeemnerdu blir testet i, lengden på testen, og sist men ikkeminstantallalternativer! Slik kan du selv velge vanskelighetsnivåetsompassernettopp deg best.Med exPhil kan du ta deg en rask test når det passer, detværesegnår du venter på bussen eller sitter på do. Så enkelterdet.Har du noen tips? Noen bugs du finner? Send gjerne [email protected] denne appen får du:*Tilgang til alle spørsmålene fra starten av*Over 100 kvalitetsspørsmål*Valgfritt antall alternativer per spørsmål, opptil seks*Fullstendig oversikt over hvilke emner du er best i oghvilkeduburde øve mer på*Stadige oppdateringer*Vennlige utviklere :)This app is holdonto,check out Ace Education!Are you fond of reading in Exphil-textbook? Burnforexphiltimene?If yes, this app is not for you.Will you go through Exphil curriculum quickly and gærliisExphilspot. Study smarter!In this app you will already immediately accessallquestions.We've made it so that as much as possible shouldbecustomizable.This is because we know that different peoplethrivewith differentways to cram in. You can even choose whichtopics youare tested,the length of the test, and last but not leastthenumber ofoptions! Here you can choose the difficulty levelthatsuits youbest.With Exphil please take a quick test when appropriate, beitwhenwaiting for the bus or sitting on the toilet. It'sthatsimple.Do you have any tips? Some bugs you find? Send [email protected] this app you get:* Access to all the questions from the start* Over 100 quality questions* Optional number of options per question, up to six* A complete overview of the topics you are best at andwhatyoushould practice more on* Pulse Updates* Friendly developers :)
Carmel School Bhagalpur 1.4.1
It was at the behest of Monsgr Mcgarry T.O.R, the PrefectApostolicof Bhagalpur that MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL was founded. ThethenSuperior General Mother Sylvia favoured this proposal withherconsent and the Patna Women's college started this filialhouse,providing for all its initial requirements. Thus thepioneeringgroup arrived on the 10th june 1958.They had neitherhouse normoney, for the new school. Monsgr Mcgarry lent them asmall housethat was bought for Franciscan Ashram at Mount Assisi.There wasacute shortage of accommodation. The house served as aschoolduring the day and sister's quarter at night. MOUNT CARMELwas thusformally opened on 23rd June 1958 with 11 students. ByDecember thenumber went up to 70. Bus transport was arranged inorder to bringstudents from neighbourhood. However the school madevery littleprogress and there was acute shortage of funds andaccommodation.This led to the feeling that the school could not bemaintained andit was on the verge of being closed. A paying concertwas put up inhonour of the visiting Superior General MotherTheodosia A.C. Theparents were so impressed and so was thedistinguished visitor thatsanction was granted to purchase land andto construct the buildingbut the severe paucity of funds delayedthe work and the questioncame up once again whether to continue theschool at all. These arebut teething problems of any institutionand ours cannot beexempted. There dawned a new ray of hope and nomore negativefeelings of any sort. 1961 - The land where thepresent buildingstands was bought with the help of Mr. Roderick.Mr. T.F.Lal &Mr. Himmatsingka. 1962 - The foundation stone forthe presentschool on the new site was laid with the uniting effortsandselfless service of Sister Adella, Sister Roseline and alltheother A.C Sisters. 1964 - The new school was ready and thestrengthwent up to 400. 1965 - A boarding house was opened. 1966 -Firstbatch of students appeared for middle school boardexamination.1969 - First batch appeared for the matric examination.The resultswere gratifying and the number on roll went up.Seventies producednew challenges. A large and very impressiveextension was put up,so that CARMEL SCHOOL is now one of the bestaccommodating schoolin the district. 1975 - Bulbul and girls guideand school band wasintroduced. In mid 80's the strength of theschool increased whichcreated a severe shortage of space. Thus theadmission of boys wererestricted. It could be fairly said now thatthe school is fullyprepared for the young girls of Bhagalpur toface the educationalchallenges offered by the 21st century. All thedifficulties andobstacle faced by Mount Carmel during its earlieryears have becomea part of history and a stepping stone to success.From its veryinception MOUNT CARMEL could be likened to a mustardseed, thesmallest of all seeds, that has grown to enormousproportion dueto, no doubt fruits borne of the constant efforts ofthe efficientadministration, the staff and the parents/ guardiansof thisprestigious institution. CARMEL is a garden and all thebeautifulflowers that grew in it are spreading their fragrance allover theworld as doctors, lawyers, engineers,educationists,administrators, politicians and above all as honestcitizens imbuedwith the values of Carmel, true to the Carmel Motto"Through Loveto Peace".