Top 16 Apps Similar to Diabetes Guide

Diabetes 1.0
While talking about diabetes, youmaybefrightened from the idea that you may have it. Or maybe,youmayhave it in the future. You want to know if you are atrisktodevelop diabetes and anxiously you’re looking to find ifyouhaveany diabetes symptom.Diabetes affects the manner in which thebodyhandlescarbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetescanhaveserious complications. The diabetic people have highbloodsugarlevel. The blood sugar level is regulated by insulin –ahormoneproduced by the pancreas, which depends on youreatinghabits.Diabetes is a serious disease. But the startling truthisthatdiabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the number one causeofchronickidney disease (CKD). This disease is a condition wherethebody isunable to automatically regulate blood glucoselevels,resulting intoo much glucose (a sugar) in the blood.Diabetes is achronicdisease that affects as many as 16 millionAmericans.Actually, there is no clear symptom for diabetes. Themostcommonsymptoms of diabetes are as follow:– being all the time thirsty– frequent urination– increased hunger– feeling all the time tired; having an excessive fatigue,On the other hand, there are some other symptoms ofdiabetesthatare prescribed as diabetes complications in fact.Thesesymptomsare:– vision changes;– recurrent skin infections very difficult to heal;– tingling or numbness you may feel in your extremities;– gums disorders;– Hair loss and many others.There are two different types of diabetes.Type I Diabetes (juvenile diabetes orinsulin-dependentdiabetes):The reason for type I diabetes is dueto pancreasunability toproduce insulin.Type II Diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes oradultonsetdiabetes): This diabetes is a result of bodytissuesbecomingresistant to insulin. It is usually hereditary.Type 2 Diabetes is more common than Type 1 Diabetes.Type2diabetes is a life-long disease marked by high levels ofsugarinthe blood. Conditions associated with type 2diabetesincludehyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Type 2 diabetes mayaccountforabout 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes.Uptotwo-thirds of people with type 2 diabetes have nosymptoms.Obesityis the single most important risk factor for type2diabetes. Anestimated 20% of all cases of new onset type 2diabetesare inindividuals between the ages of 9-19. The more youknow abouttype2 diabetes, the more you’ll be able to take the rightsteps totakecontrol of your condition.If neglected, diabetes can lead to various complicationssuchasdamage to the kidneys, heart disease, nervedamage,hypoglycemia(drastic reduction in glucose levels). Diabetesis aseriousdisease and there is no treatment of it. However, it canbebroughtunder control by proper diabet diet.
Diabetes Tips 1.0
Diabetes means a disorder ofthemetabolismcausing excessive thirst and the production oflargeamounts ofurine. Know what causes diabetes actually. It is notadeadlydisease but it may result in causing other dangerousdiseasesifproper treatment is not taken. Get a briefinformationregardingthe side effects of Diabetes. Get proper Dietplan andExercises todo for diabetic patients. Know how to controldiabetesfrom Natural& Home remedies in additional with veryUsefulmethods likeYoga and Acupressure.
Diabetes Diary 2.0
The Diabetes Diary is a self-management tool for patientswithdiabetes, developed by the Norwegian Centre for E-healthResearch(NSE) in Tromsø, Norway. You can use the app to recordbloodglucose, insulin, carbohydrates and physical activity. Overtime,the data that you enter will grow into a database withvaluableinformation related to your diabetes, giving you abetterunderstanding of events and situations that affect yourdisease andaiding you in decisions regarding food and medications.The app isa result of many years of research at NSE. It has beentested anddeveloped in close cooperation with users. The researchhas provedthat mobile applications can improve health and qualityof life forpatients with diabetes, and we have therefore chosen tomake ourapp available to the public. We are continuously improvingour appbased on input from users in ongoing research projects, aswell asinput from users here on Google Play. Updates will bepublishedregularly. All feedback will be considered in thedevelopment ofnew versions, and is highly appreciated. You willfind moreinformation about the Diabetes Diary, and NSE, on theInternet:http://www.diabetesdagboka.no Like uson Facebook: Data storage:Please notethat Diabetes Diary stores the information you enterabout yourhealth and habits, information that you might want tokeep private.It is possible to protect the information, forexample by lockingyour mobile device with a pattern or a code.Normally, the databasewith data entries is stored where it can beaccessed only byDiabetes Diary. However, if you choose to use thefeature forexporting the database, other applications may also beable to readthe database.
Diabetes Tracker 1.0
Record your diabetes on daily basis
Diabetes Cookbook 2.0
Need diabetic recipes? Get great recipes for diabetics for yournextmeal. Taste of Home has lots of delicious recipes fordiabetics.There are many restrictions for any diabetic what to eatand whatnot. Based the allowed food stuffs, we are presenting acollectionof diabetic recipes which can make your diabetic familymemberalways happy and healthy. Basically our indian food can beadjusteda little to make delicious recipes out of that.. If take abalanceddiabetic diet, you can reduce your medication and you cankeep youglucose levels normal. It is completely related with thefood youtake. If your diet and weight is normal and up torecommendedlevels, you can reduce the requirement of Insulin youneed. We havedeveloped this app keeping those points in mind sothat yourdiabetic levels remain normal but still you eat tasty anddeliciousfood. After all, being diabetic is not your mistake. Tryourcollection of diabetic recipes which feature sugar-freeandlow-sugar variations on everything from cheesecake toketchup.Delicious diabetes recipes to help you follow your diabetesmealplan. Diabetic-friendly cakes, cookies, and morelow-sugardesserts, plus dinner ideas. See more than 500 recipesfordiabetics.
Diabetic diet 1.0
Our diabetic diet application will helpnotonlystarting the diet but also provide you with recipesandinformationsto keep it always up. As we now have alargeexperience with dietplans we chose to do this diabeticdietapplication to help thepeople in need.For more than 15 years now, ADA has recognized thatpeoplewithdiabetes should eat in a way that helps them reachtheirbloodglucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weightgoals.So if you have the symptoms of diabetes and checkedwithyourdoctor lets help you leading a healthy lifestyle. Letfightbackagainst the diabetes symptoms.We also provide how to lose weight applications. So ifyousufferfrom diabetes because of overweight you might want tocheckitout.*Take advice before starting any type of diet
Diabetic Diet 3.0
Gato Apps
Diabetic Diet refers to the diet that is recommended for peoplewithdiabetes
Diabetes – A Complete Guide 1.0
Diabetes2me App containfollowinginformationregarding:Pre DiabetesType 1 DiabetesType 2 DiabetesGestational DiabetesGlycemic IndexDiabetes ManagementDiabetes SymptomsDiabetes TestDiabetes TreatmentDiabetic ComplicationsDiabetic Diet
Diabetes 1.01
Diabetes mellitus is a condition wherethebodyis unable to utilize glucose properly within the body.Learnallabout diabetes, and how Diabetes can be cared for,andpotentiallyreversed naturally, all within a reasonable timeframeand possiblywithout medication.*****Content and Features****Relevant articles relating to Diabetes mellitus and how totreatit’scondition.Video links showcasing exercises and subjects relatedtothiscondition.Content links to Wikipedia explaining whatDiabetesactuallyis.Contains product support items andrelevantinformationalmaterial.****Information Provided****The information provided is NOT a substitute forprofessionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment of anycondition, and shouldnot beused as such. If you have any questionsin regard totheseconditions, please consult theappropriatemedicalprofessional.****Advertising****This is a free informational app to use and distribute,butissupported by ads, third party affiliate links andproducts.Thereis no obligation to make any purchase for supportitemsormaterials, and no cost to participate in this app in anyway.This app is 100% FREE to use.****Support****If you find this app useful, please rate and contributeasyoudesire. Thank you.
Sos Diabetes 1.7
Gregor Samsa
Here you go to download SOS Diabetes, an application for peoplewithdiabetes to helping them in case of a possible attackofhypoglycemia. The operation is very simple. Just fill intheinformation that tells the application with your data andusefulinformation such as your name and contact hospital, typeofdiabetes or blood type, and settle the image in the phoneaswallpaper. Thus, in an emergency, anyone will know exactly whattodo just looking at the screen of your mobile phone and canquicklycontact the assistance you need. SOS Diabetes is a solutionthataims to make life easier for diabetics today.
Diabetes Insulin Calculator 1.2
Simple application for calculatingtheoptimalinsulin dosage for people with Diabetes Type 1. Withthehelp ofthis app you can improve your blood glucose numberswithoutthecumbersome math usually required when countingcarbohydrates.It works by entering the amount you will eat of a chosenfood(ingrams), together with a carbs-per-unit value (I:Cratio).Foods can be added and always saved together withthecarbs-per-unitvalue for the next time you start theapplication.Three differentpresets of you I:C ratio can be saved aswell.Additional features:* Calculating how much food you should eat,providedthecarbs-per-unit value and how many units of insulin thatyouaregoing to take.* Calculating a new carbs-per-unit value, providedthefoodyou ate and the amount of insulin you took to get agoodbloodglucose value.* Saving presets for carbs-per-unit value, for thosewhohavea different ratio for breakfast, lunch and dinner.This app is mainly focused to persons withtype1insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ("juvenile diabetes"),tohelpoptimizing insulin dosage and get great blood glucosenumbers;butit might work well for people with type 2 diabetesaswell.
Diabetes Information 1.0.0
All about diabetes is a app foreverythingyouwant know about diabetes, causes, effect andprevention. theriskfactor of diabetes and management. Diabetes wasthe seventhleadingcause of death in the United States in 2010 basedon the69,071death certificates in which diabetes was listed astheunderlyingcause of death. In 2010, diabetes was mentioned asacause of deathin a total of 234,051 certificates. So itscrucialfor everybody toaware about diabetes to prevent thisdeadliestdiseases. All aboutdiabetes can help you to know therealfact.
Diabetic Diet 1.0
On the off chance that you needtheuncommoncapacity to turn around the underlying driver ofdiabetesnormally"voluntarily,", then the Diabetic Diets applicationwillindicateyou precisely how to get a diabetic diet plan for FREE.Tap to introduce the Diabetic Diets App so you can gettheprojectcompletely free.Here's the best diabetic diet features:We've made a diabetes diet vault accessible online thatyoucanutilize today for yourself, or a friend or family member.However, this isn't for everybody.Dietary Guidelines for Diabetes, an instructiveapplicationmadeby FinalApps. An every day supper arrangement is acriticalpieceof your diabetes administration, alongsidephysicalmovement,glucose.This is what diabetic diet recipes mean:"Diabetic Diets" is an application consolidatingviabledietingprincipals you can use, alongside essential vitaminsandmineralsthat finish the inversion.There's a considerable measure to be had byintroducingthediabetic diet foods application. Also, individualswho knowtheseinsider facts are profiting quick.Presently it's a great opportunity to pick in case you'reinorout.Tap the "Introduce" catch to try it out danger free.The "Diabetic Diets" application is promptly accessible.Get Your FREE Diabetic Diet App Today!
Diabetes Management 1.4.5
ZinMed is a start-up companies base onFounderInstitute ( in the field of healthcareformanagement treatment diabetics. We give users the followingbasicfeatures:1. News for diabetics2. Tracking and monitoring diabetics index such as:Glucose,Insulin, Carbohydrate, Heart rate.3. Search for the nearby diabetes clinics and diabetesstores.4. Finding Diabetes Doctors5.Online shopping and services and products essentialfordiabetics.Besides the basic functions that ZinMed development continuestoserve the community more than 7 million people with diabetesinVietnam with the following advanced features:1. Support to backup personal information on servers orserverZinmed specified by the user (Dropbox, Box, Google Drive...)2. Share biographical information illness with relatives anddoctorswhen needed. The process can be done automatically orthrough theintegrated patient card (NFC)3. Support version physicians with the ability to monitor,diagnose,analyze and advise patients of the treatment regimen.With thisversion, the doctor can simply use the software as anapplicationZinMed diabetes care and full independence.4. Automatically connect to the monitoring device asbiologicalindicators to track movement, monitoring blood pressure,heart ratemonitor ...5. Support the store, clinic management needs ofcustomerinformation and broadcasting satellite services andproducts.For more information please contact:Dr. Hoang ChuDucFounder & CEOEmail: [email protected]: +84913060581Website:
DiaLog: Diabetes Logbook 1.3.18
DiaLog has been developed with the aim of simplifyingday-to-dayaccounting of insulin-dependent diabetics. Features: -Adding newrecords through a combined form. - Built-in configurableinsulincalculator. - Optional food database with nutritions. -Optionalonline cloud synchronisation with - Reminderfunction.- Display of old records in a list view. - Full textsearch forrecord notes. - Diagrams for glucose records. - Export ofreportsin HTML format. - XLS export into Microsoft Excel,OpenOffice,LibreOffice etc. - Optional data upload via FTP, SFTPand mail. -Simple PHP Frontend to view uploaded reports. - Basicstatisticsstill under development. - Support for differentmeasurement units.- Widgets displaying last records. - English,German and Danishuser interface. - Data backup and recovery on SDcard. DiaLogrespects your privacy and does not transmit anypersonal recordsover the internet; except you are using theoptional upload orcloud synchronization functions. The cloudservice is operated onprivate owned servers in Germany and usesstrong moderncryptographic systems to protect your sensitive data.All datatransfers are encrypted and the stored data can only bedecryptedwith your personal password. Your data always belongs toyou. Thepermissions to access the sd card are required for databackup andthe network access permission is used by the upload andcloudsynchronization functions. The vibrate and wacke lockpermissionsare required for the alarm function. Further details seedataprivacy statement. This application is a completelyprivatedevelopment during my spare time and still is in adevelopmentstate. Please send all your feedback and proposalsdirectly to meby mail so I can answer them. There is also a freedemo versionwhich can be used for 30 days without any furtherrestrictions. Ifyou like this app and want to continue using it,this paid versionhas to be purchased. Your data can be transferredby using thebackup and restore function. All returns directlyinsure to thebenefit of the software developer and therefore makean activecontribution to the future development of DiaLog. If yourun intotrouble with the Google Licensing service, please send me amailwith your Google Account name. Demo version on Google PlayStore:
Diabetes:M License 1.2
IMPORTANT: This is a license key toremovethe advertisements from Diabetes:M application. You mustinstallDiabetes:M application separately and keep this licensekeyinstalled in order to get advertisements removed.Please don't rate and write reviews here. Do that on themainDiabetes:M application page.--------------------------------Designed for smart phones and tablets this application isintendedto help diabetics to manage better their diabetes and keepit undercontrol. The application tracks almost all aspects of thediabetestreatment and provides detailed reports, charts andstatistics toshare via the email with the supervising physician. Itprovidesvarious tools to the diabetics, so they can find the trendsinblood glucose levels and allows users to calculate normalandprolonged insulin boluses using its highly effective,top-notchbolus calculator."Diabetes:M" can analyze the values from the imported datafromvarious glucometers and insulin pumps via the exported filesfromtheir respective diabetes management software systems.Supports Android Wear smart watches.