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Ciudad de Mexico (DF) 1.1
Travel Guide Mexico City (Mexico City)
Mexico City Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostofMexico City in the USA with a POI database and search builtin.This is the mappa map for Mexico City the capital cityofMexico,the largest city in North America.Districts on the Mexico City offline map: CentroHistorico-focused around the Zócalo or Plaza de laConstitución(includesAztec Templo Mayor); Chapultepec - Lomas;Polanco; ZonaRosa;Coyoacán; Condesa and Roma; San Angel; Xochimilco- Also knownasthe Mexican Venice; Santa Fe; Del Valle; Tlalpan andPedregal.Theouter area of Mexico City includes: La Villa deGuadalupe;CiudadSatelite and Interlomas.The Benito Juárez International Airport, theMetro,Metrobus,trolley bus and light rail systems are covered ontheMexico Cityoffline mappa map.Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa map forMexicoCity:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entirecityandPOI database to your phone and travel withoutanInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges.Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximumzoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes momentstodownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search adozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, alsohandyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transportstops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and streetnamesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latestOpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get freeupdates totheapp and map forever as long as we add newversions.Install your offline mappa map for Mexico City now!Follow us @Facebook:
Onda 2.0.0
Con la aplicación de turismo y cultura deOndaSinsalirde llevarás siempre contigo la guía de turismo, conaudioguías y videos explicativos en diferentes idiomas(Español,Valenciano, Inglés, Francés), agenda cultural,tiendas,restaurantes, negocios, empresas, además de las farmaciasdeguardia de Onda, el tiempo, rutas de senderismo, teléfonosdeinterés, galería de fotos de Onda, enlaces a redessociales,sorteos y podrás descargar los ejemplares de la revistaSinsalirde.La más completa guía turística, cultural y comercial deOnda.Ahora toda la información gratis en tu dispositivo móvil.Onda es una localidad situada en la provincia de Castellónaescasos 25 km de Castellón y de las zonas costeras de laprovinciay muy bien comunicada con la ciudad de Valencia.Representada,principalmente, por el Castillo y el Centro Históricodeclaradosconjunto histórico y Artístico y bien de Interés Culturalen1967.Con esta guía aplicación además de descubrir los encantos decadarincón de la localidad, disfrutar de la gastronomía, compras ytodoslos servicios que ofrece, podrás realizar rutas de senderismopor elParque Natural de la Sierra de Espadán y disfrutar de lanaturalezaque envuelve a la población de Onda.Entre los principales puntos turísticos de la localidaddestacamosel Castillo, el centro histórico, el museo del Azulejo yel museode Ciencias Naturales del Carmen. Onda además es elepicentro delanillo del maestrazgo del Camino del Cid.Onda es conocida internacionalmente por su antiguatradicióncerámica, que se trasladó posteriormente a la produccióndeazulejos.Los habitantes de Onda disfrutarán de toda lainformacióncultural, festivo y comercial y farmacias de guardia yademásservirá como guía turística para la gente que visitará ydisfrutaráde la población.With the implementationoftourism and culture of Onda Sinsalirde always carry with youtheguide, with audio guides and video tutorials in differentlanguages​​(Spanish, Valencian, English, French), cultural agenda,shops,restaurants, businesses, companies, plus the chemists ofwave,weather, hiking trails, telephone numbers, photo galleriesWave,links to social networks, sweepstakes and you can downloadcopiesof the magazine Sinsalirde.The most complete tourist, cultural and commercial waveguide.Now all free on your mobile device.Onda is a town in the province of Castellón just 25 kmfromCastellón and coastal areas of the province and very wellconnectedto the city of Valencia. Represented mainly by the Castleand thehistoric center declared Historical and Artistic and wellset ofCultural Interest in 1967.This guide also applying discover the charms of every cornerofthe town, enjoy the dining, shopping and all the servicesoffered,you'll go hiking in the Natural Park of the Sierra deEspada andenjoy the nature that surrounds Wave thepopulation. Among the main tourist attractions of the city include theCastle,the historic center, Tile Museum and the Museum of NaturalSciencesdel Carmen. Onda is also the epicenter of the ringmaestrazgo delCamino del Cid.Onda is internationally known for its ancient potterytradition,who subsequently moved to the production of tiles.The inhabitants of Onda enjoy all the cultural, festiveandcommercial information and chemists and also serve as a tourguidefor people who visit and enjoy the population.