Top 21 Apps Similar to Grade 10 Q & A

Life Sciences 10 Glossary 1.5
Exam Fever
About 200 biological terms applicable to Grade 10, based on theCAPSdocument.
Free 10th Grade Math English 1
This is our app title # 17 out of a total of42apps released till date.You can view the app video at these links:Practice Test Part 1 Test Part 2, 3, 4 Test Part 5, 6, 7 Test Part 8, 9, 10 you practice hard, you can excel !! QVprep Lite for grade10provides you many math and english problems with detailedanswerexplanations so that you can create a stronglearningfoundation.QVprep Lite Grade 10: Tenth grade Quantitative (Maths) andVerbal(English) Practice tests for 10th gradeQVprep Lite 10 helps students in grade 10 to practice, learnandimprove their knowledge in maths and english. The app hasmultiplechoice questions with answers in 20 practice tests onquantitative(maths) and verbal (english) ability.This app is ideal to not only improve grades in school butalsoto prepare for tests conducted by schools for admission intotheirhigh cap and gifted programs.Verbal (english) ability practice tests are on grade 10levelverbal analogy and analogies, antonyms, synonyms,readingcomprehension, vocabulary and word meanings.Quantitative (maths) ability practice tests are on grade 10levelmaths covering exponents, square roots, problem solving,algebra,equations, geometry, number sequence, inequalities,linearfunctions, non linear functions, linear equations,nonlinearequations, solving equations, factorization, variablesandequations, monomials and polynomials, quadraticequations,parabola, circle, permutations, combinations,statistics,probability, algebra II, square root, coordinategeometry.The QVprep Lite grade 10 app has ten practice tests eachinquantitative and verbal ability. Each practice test hassamplemultiple choice questions for you to try out.If you answer wrong, the correct answer with detailedexplanationis displayed which improves learning. If you like theapp, you canbuy the paid version QVprep 10.This app is FREE and is for kids in grade 10. The app enablesyouto perfect your maths and english skills on the go on yoursmartphones and tablets.PJP Consulting LLC* Our mission is to develop educational apps for everysubject,every country, every school and college so that today'smoderntechnology like smart phones and tablets is used foreducation andlearning of school, college and academiccurriculum.* This app is ideal for accelerated learning and improvesyourverbal reasoning and math fundamentals* Attempt questions and quiz that pose challenge in a testprepenvironment* With no games, this tutor on mathematics and englishreadingpresents challenging questions in a workbook /worksheetformat* Ideal for testing, learning, training, and tutoringforstudents
Math Expert 4.0.1
Markus Ide
Formula collection of math and physics
RSA NSC Life Sciences Matric 1.2
Guru-App Ltd.
800 multiple choice questions for LifeSciencespractice for South Africa National School Certificateexams.Functionality:1) Review questions and answers immediately2) Available for offline viewing3) No hidden charges4) No login required5) Advertising sponsored6) Past year papers and answersAny questions, please email [email protected]: Life sciences, South Africa past year papers,SAF,National Senior Certificate, NSC Biology, IGCSE, GCSE,Guru-App,Guru, App, Department of Basic Education, Grade 12
Maths School Guide 1.0.1
Lets Do
These are very useful maths formulas thatserveas a quick reference.This includes topics:Algebra:List of Squares, Cubes, Fourths & fifthsList of Percentages, Fractions, DecimalsLogarithmsExponentsQuadratic EquationsTrigonometryGeometryArea and Perimeter of Circle, Square, Rectangles,Parallelogram,Ring, Sector, Trapezoid, Equilateral TriangleVolume and Surface Area of Cone, Cube, Cylinder, Frustum,Pyramid,SphereTriangle Properties, Quadrilateral Properties,PentagonPropertiesCoordinate GeometryLine Equation, Line Slope, Line Midpoint, Slope of ParallelLines,Slope of Perpendicular LinesCircle EquationBinomial TheoremArithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression &HarmonicProgressionDivisibility RulesProbabilityand a lot more...This Maths School Guide has Maths formulas for SchoolStudents& College Grade/Higher Grade Students.It lists out all the important formulas/topics in Algebra,Geometry,Trigonometry. Regular review of these formulas/conceptswilldefinitely help improve your grades.Helps in following ways:Maths, Mathematics, Maths School, Maths Guide, Mathematicsguide,Mathematics school, Mathematics school guide, Mathsformulas,Mathematics formulas, Maths formulae, Mathematicsformulae
Math Formulas - Offline 3.0.6
All math formulas , calculator and tools
NSC Exam Prep - Maths 4.2.10
NSC past year Mathematics exam papers with fully workedoutsolutions
Grade 10 Math Learning Cards 1.0.4
Learn Math fast using Learnhive Smartlearningcards app. Gain confidence with practice exercises!Grade 10 Math Learning Cards app is a collection of powerpackedlearning cards and practice exercises. Each learning card iscolorcoded by topic and describes a key concept. Helps you toreviseimportant properties and formulae. No need to carryhugeMathematics books! The app comes with quick navigation toallowseamless navigation of each learning card and location ofcards bytopics and sub-topics.Practice exercises are provided for topics related to everycard.The app consists of practice exercise for each topic thatwillthoroughly test your understanding. Think you have masteredall theconcepts? Try the overall practice exercise that randomlypickspractice questions across multiple topics. Each exercise isdesignedto check and reinforce concepts described in the learningcard. Theexercises have been designed by experts with decades ofteachingexperience.Want more practice exercises? Enter the exercise numberdisplayedon the top left corner of the card in the companionLearnhivePersonal Concept Tutor free app (*) to attempt additionalpracticeexercises.Chapter List1. Number Theory1.1 Irrational Numbers1.2 Real Numbers1.3 Euclid's Division Lemma1.4 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic1.5 Matrices1.6 Arithmetic Progressions1.7 Logarithms2 Co-ordinate Geometry2.1 Distance Formula2.2 Section Formula3. Algebra3.1 Polynomials3.2 Graph of Cubic and Quadratic Polynomials3.3 Zeros and Coefficients of Polynomials3.4 Division Algorithm of Polynomials3.5 Solving Simultaneous Equations3.6 Quadratic Equations4. Geometry4.1 Similarity of Triangles4.2 Circle and its Properties4.3 Properties of Tangent to a Circle4.4 Symmetry4.5 Polyhedrons4.6 Cubes, Cuboids and Right Circular Cylinder4.7 Prism, Pyramid, Right Circular Cone, Frustum of a Cone4.8 Sphere, Hemisphere and Spherical Shell4.9 Surface Area and Volume of Combination of Solids5. Trigonometry5.1 Trigonometric Ratios5.2 Trigonometric Identities6. Commercial Mathematics6.1 Compound Interest6.2 Taxes6.3 Shares and Dividends7. Statistics and Data Handling7.1 Computation of Mean by Step Derivation7.2 Median and Mode of Continuous Frequency Distribution7.3 Quartiles7.4 Frequency Polygon7.5 Cumulative Frequency Polygon -- Ogive8. Set Theory and Probability8.1 Probability8.2 Geometric Probability8.3 Venn Diagrams8.4 Functions and Relations* About Learnhive Personal Concept Tutor app:The Personal Concept Tutor companion app can be downloaded forfreefrom the Google Play Store.
Biology Comprehensive Review 1.0
This Biology app contains thefollowingchapters:1. Biology Terms2. Cells Biology3. Molecular Biology4. Genes5. Organic and Inorganic Compounds6. Experimental Design and Photosynthesis7. Regulatory Mechanisms in Plants and Aanimal Cells8. Parasites and Pathogens9. DNA10. RNA11. Protein Synthesis12. Taxonomy13. Cells and Energy14. Energy, Control and Continuity15. Biology of Organisms16. Evolutionary BiologyThis comprehensive biology course introduces a broad rangeofbiology subjects including molecular biology, gene, cellbiology,organic and inorganic compounds, experimental methods anddesigns,regulatory mechanisms in plants and animals, pathogensandparasites, patterns of evolution and molecular biology. Italsoexplores DNA, protein synthesis and mutations and gene mappingandmore.This application is a practical guide for those working inlifesciences who want to refresh their knowledge of biology or foranystudent of biology studying the subject at second level oranyonewho wants to gain more knowledge and understanding ofthebiological world around us.Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of lifeandliving organisms, including their structure, function,growth,evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Modern biology is avast andeclectic field, composed of many branches andsubdisciplines.However, despite the broad scope of biology, thereare certaingeneral and unifying concepts within it that govern allstudy andresearch, consolidating it into single, coherent fields.Ingeneral, biology recognizes the cell as the basic unit oflife,genes as the basic unit of heredity, and evolution as theenginethat propels the synthesis and creation of new species. It isalsounderstood today that all organisms survive by consumingandtransforming energy and by regulating their internal environmenttomaintain a stable and vital condition.Subdisciplines of biology are defined by the scale atwhichorganisms are studied, the kinds of organisms studied, andthemethods used to study them: biochemistry examines therudimentarychemistry of life; molecular biology studies thecomplexinteractions among biological molecules; botany studies thebiologyof plants; cellular biology examines the basicbuilding-block ofall life, the cell; physiology examines thephysical and chemicalfunctions of tissues, organs, and organsystems of an organism;evolutionary biology examines the processesthat produced thediversity of life; and ecology examines howorganisms interact intheir environmentCell theory states that the cell is the fundamental unit oflife,and that all living things are composed of one or more cellsor thesecreted products of those cells (e.g. shells, hairs andnailsetc.). All cells arise from other cells through celldivision. Inmulticellular organisms, every cell in the organism'sbody derivesultimately from a single cell in a fertilized egg. Thecell is alsoconsidered to be the basic unit in many pathologicalprocesses.[19]In addition, the phenomenon of energy flow occurs incells inprocesses that are part of the function known asmetabolism.Finally, cells contain hereditary information (DNA),which is passedfrom cell to cell during cell division.
Learn Physics 1.0.15
Paul Cotarlea
Learn Physics with core concept tutorials, formulas calculatorandquizzes.
RSA NSC PhysicalScience Matric 1.1
Guru-App Ltd.
1600 multiple choice questionsforPhysicalSciences Matric practice for South AfricaNationalSchoolCertificate exams.Functionality:1) Review questions and answers immediately2) Available for offline viewing3) No hidden charges4) No login required5) Advertising sponsored6) Past year papers and answersAny questions, please email [email protected]: Physics, Chemistry, Physical sciences, SouthAfricapastyear papers, SAF, National Senior Certificate, NSC,IGCSE,GCSE,Guru-App, Guru, App, Department of Basic Education,Grade12
FREE Physics Grade 11 12 Vol 1 1.1
This is our app title # 29 out of a total of42apps released till date.FREE QVprep Lite High School and College Physics Volume 1 :LearnTest Review Physics concepts for Grade 11 12 and college,APadvanced placement SAT Subject test exam preparationThe QVprep Lite High School and College Physics comes in2volumes - Volume 1 and Volume 2.You can download Volume 2 at this store or at thebelowlink:http://CollegePhysics2.QVprep.comYou can watch app video at these links: Covered in QVprep High School and College PhysicsVolume1[1] Kinematics[2] Newton's Laws of Motion[3] Work, Power and Energy[4] Momentum and Impulse[5] Rotation[6] Simple Harmonic Motion[7] Elastic Properties of Solids[8] Fluid Mechanics[9] Waves[10] Gravitation[11] Heat and Temperature[12] Ideal Gas and Kinetic TheoryQVprep Lite High School and College Physics Volume 1 isidealfor* High School students (grade 11 and 12)* College Students majors* Schools* Colleges* SAT Subject Test (Physics) preparationQVprep Lite High School and College Physics Volume 1 is FREEandhas limited content. The app gives you the option to buy thepaidversion which has exhaustive content for preparation andgainingexpertise in High School and College level Physics. Pleasedownloadthis FREE app and try it out.Features:A) LEARN MODEThe app allows you to learn and review High school andCollegePhysics concepts in a very simple and user friendly manner.In the"Learn" mode of the app, you click on the "Concepts" button,reviewthe "concept text" and then answer multiple choicequestionsrelated to the Physics concept that you justreviewed.If you answer wrong, a detailed "answer explanation" willbedisplayed, which will reinforce learning. Proceed in this mannertocomplete a particular topic at your own pace.Thus, by referring to the "Physics Concept text" and thenansweringmultiple choice questions, your learning is fasterandcomplete.QVprep Lite High School and College Physics Volume 1 is FREEandhas limited content. The app gives you the option to buy thepaidversion which has exhaustive content for preparation.B) TEST MODEIn the "Test" mode, the app does not show the context text tohelpyou. Instead, you use your learnings from the app andattemptmultiple choice questions. Again, the app prompts you withdetailedanswer explanation in case you answer wrong. This provenprocessagain reinforces learning.Share your test score by emailing the scores to yourself orsomeoneelse. The app also allows you to post your score on yourfacebookpage or your twitter account.With an exhaustive content on High School and College levelPhysics,we are sure you will be able to learn, review and excelinPhysics.QVprep Lite High School and College Physics Volume 1 haslimitedcontent. The app gives you the option to buy the paidversion whichhas exhaustive content for preparation.QVprep High School and College Physics Volume 1 isusefulfor* learning Physics concepts* quick review of key terms and formulae* Revision of concepts to ace Physics exams* Practice tests on Physics* preparing for SAT Physics subject testPJP Consulting LLC* Our mission is to develop educational apps for everysubject,every country, every school and college so that today'smoderntechnology like smart phones and tablets is used foreducation andlearning of school, college and academiccurriculum.* This app is ideal for accelerated learning at your own pace,onthe go.http://CollegePhysics1.Qvprep.comFor details on Volume 2, please visit
RSA Grade 12 Exam Papers NOL 1.2
Are you in Matric/Grade 12?Do need help with your exam preparation?Want an easier way to work through the past exam papers?If you have answered YES to any of these questions thendownloadthis app NOW!Please let us know what else we can add to the App and if youarein Cape Town, watch out for New Oaks College opening in2017.After some time and permission from the Department ofBasicEducation, we at New Oaks Learning are proud to offer you thefirstand most effective grade 12 exam app. We wanted to keep itsimpleso its the exam paper as you would have it printed, but justonyour phone. So now you can work through them in your bed, onthetrain or just before you write the exam.
Chegg Textbooks & Study Help 10.0.5
Chegg, Inc.
With Chegg, you can get instant studyandhomework help, buy or rent textbooks for any class, andaccesseTextbooks — all on the go. Save up to 90% on textbooks whenyouuse Chegg to order the books and textbooks you need foryourclasses.*Looking for homework help, cramming for midterms or gettingpreppedfor a final exam? When you need study help, look no further.WithChegg Study on the Chegg app you can:• Tap into our massive library of over 2.5 millionstep-by-steptextbook solutions. From astronomy to zoology, we’vegot thehomework solutions you need for your toughest assignmentsandproblem sets.• Need study help with a problem that isn’t from your textbook?Snapa picture of it and submit it instantly to our community ofsubjectexperts. Get an answer back in as little as 2 hours. Nowyou’remaking progress on your problem set….• Search our archive of answers to millions of homework questionstoget math homework help or help in any other subjectyou’restruggling with.• Search for an online tutor who can help you out, 24/7Need to rent or buy college textbooks or other requiredclassroommaterials? We’ve got you covered:• Easily search for textbooks by title, author, ISBN or byscanninga barcode, so you can find your textbook rental ASAP. Bookrentalhas never been easier.• Rent textbooks and eTextbooks like a boss. Cheap textbookrentalshave never been easier.• Buy college textbooks with the tap of a finger; if you decideyouno longer need your book, you can easily sell your books backtoChegg at the end of the semester.• While your textbook rental is on the way, get 7-day FREEinstantaccess to your eTextbook* so you can get started on thatmathhomework or physics assignment right away.• Read eTextbooks on any device – desktop, tablet, smartphoneorcrystal ball.PLUS: Just in time for the end of fall semester/quarter, we wanttobuy textbooks from you to give you extra cash (and us,moretextbooks to rent). Scan your textbook ISBN to find out howmuchcash we’ll hook you up with. Print your your label, pop in themailand voila! More cash for you, more books for us.The Fine Print:Chegg Study subscriptions will be charged to your creditcardthrough your Google Play account. Your subscriptionwillautomatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours beforetheend of the current period. Subscription cancellations willtakeeffect following current active month. Manage your subscriptioninthe Google Play store.For bug reports or general feedback, email [email protected] or tweet @Chegg #androidapp*Save up to 80% on rentals and eTextbooks. Up to 90% onused.Savings calculations are off the list price ofphysicaltextbooks."
StudyBlue Flashcards & Quizzes 5.63
Online Flashcards, Class Notes, Homework Help, and Study Guide App
yHomework - Math Solver
Having trouble with algebra?Equations, inequalities and graphs leave you frustrated?Tried to solve the problem but you're not sure you gotitright?Meet yHomework - the math solver that actually works 100% ofthetime!No gimmicks, no fuss, no excuses - we simply give you the aninstantfull step-by-step solution and explanation.yHomework is an easy to use Math solver, just enter your questionorequation, and the app will immediately give you the answertogetherwith the full step-by-step solution!Say you have: 3x+5=8Not sure what to do next? Just type it into the app and getthestep-by-step solution with just one click!It's just that simple! 1.. 2.. 3.. and you're a math whiz!OVER 3 MILLION USERS CAN'T BE WRONG! DOWNLOAD yHomework NOW!Current material covers:Simplification, single unknown equation, 2 equation sets,quadraticequations, radicals, Inequalities and function graphs,GCD/LCM,prime factorization, trig and more.Questions? Comments? Contact us at: [email protected]
Life Sciences 11 Glossary 1.1
Exam Fever
About 200 biological terms applicable to Grade 11, based on theCAPSdocument.
Life Science Glossary 1.0
CPO Science
Life Science is the study of organisms andhowthey interact with each other and the environment. TheInteractiveLife Science (LS) Glossary app is a great review andstudy tool forlearning nearly 100 life science terms and concepts,presentedthrough simulations, video, science content, and flashcards.Categories include: Human Body, Ecosystems, Organisms andChange,Heredity, and Cells. The glossary presentation is gearedtowardmiddle and high school students and appeals to a wide rangeoflearning styles.Features:• Study by browsing and reviewing terms through simulationsandvideos• Learn the science behind the terms through videoandsimulations.• Quiz yourself with flash cards randomly or by lifesciencetopic• Wi-Fi or 3G is required for initial download, videos, andpreviewimages that haven’t been download yet (images are downloadwhenterm is tapped in the category view).• Search glossary terms by alphabetical order or lifesciencetopicAn Earth Science Glossary app is also available fromCPOScience.
5~8th Grade Math Test Free 7.0
Mathematics standards test practice for 5~8th graders. Noin-apppurchase.