Top 28 Apps Similar to Jami-al-Tirmidhi | Hadith

Hadith Collection (13 Books) 1.4
Div Stacks
This app has the ultimate collection of Hadith of ProphetMuhammad(ص).
Selected Hadeeths in English 2.0
Mohamed Anis
Selected Hadeeths..To deepen your religious knowledge ! (Prayer Times and Had 3.0.3
Ovais Khan
Prayer Times & Hadith App | Worldwide Prayer Times |39000+Hadith
Hadith 1.0
Qatar Charity
The most comprehensive encyclopedia of Hadith , this app offersthenine books of hadith that are available to browse offline.Theseinclude Sahih Muslim, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sunan Al-Nisa’i,SunanAl-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abi Dawood, MuwattaMalik,Musnad Ahmad and Sunan Al-Darimi. The app provides you withmorefeatures: *Indexing: The application displays the originalbookindexes in two levels, which facilitate ease of access tothehadiths. *Numbering: Hadiths are numbered as mentioned intheoriginal books. *Attribution: All hadiths are attributed totheirsources, number, and original and subtopic subject title.*Display:Each hadith is displayed on a separate page, and you canchangefont sizes as needed. *Browsing: You can easily navigatewithin onebook's hadiths. *Search: You can search all nine books,either witha single word or a set of words. It is also possiblesearch withmatching or similar words. *Sharing: The hadith can beshared as apicture to ensure the quality of the presentation andthe integrityof the text.
100 Hadeeth 1.7.3
Selective short ahadeeth for beginners for easy memorization(Free,no ads)
Hadith Companion 3.0.5
Tech Vitals
Your day to day Hadith reference companion and search app
Sunan Ibne Majah Hadiths Arabic & English 1.1.1
The Right Way
Sunan Ibne Majah is a collection of hadith compiled byImamMuhammadbin Yazid Ibn Majah al-Qazvini (rahimahullah). Itiswidelyconsidered to be the sixth of the six canonicalcollectionof hadith(Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet(ﷺ). Itconsists of4341 ahadith in 37 books. Some Exciting featuresofSunan IbneMajah... ♦♦ Full and Authentic Book. ♦♦ Completelyfree.♦♦ SunanIbne Majah Hadiths in Arabic and English. ♦♦ Userfriendlydesign tounderstand easily. ♦♦ User can share Hadiths andtodifferent socialMedia. ♦♦ Customize setting for Arabicfonts,style, size and color.♦♦ Customize setting for Englishfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦Application contains differentthemes aswell. Download this freeApplication today, Alwaysstayblessed.....
سنن الترمذي 4.2
Al-Reda Apps
'Jami' at-Tirmidhi' aka Sunan at-Tirmidhi Full, free and noads.[Arabic Only]
سنن الدارقطني 4.1
Al-Reda Apps
Sunan al-Daraqutni (سنن الدارقطني) book. Full, free and noads.[Arabic Only]
سنن ابن ماجه 4.1
Al-Reda Apps
Sunan ibn Majah book. Full, free and no ads. [Arabic Only]
Habbits of Prophet Muhammad 1.0
Habbits of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)
المنتخب من المعاني المستنبطة م 12.0
Pure Content
الشيخ الدكتور إبراهيم بن عبدالله اللاحم الأستاذ بكليةالشريعةوالدراسات
L'âme - ar-Rouh, Ibn Qayyim 1.0
The soul - ar-Ruh, Ibn Al-Qayyem Jawziyah
Islam: 40 Hadiths Qudsi
The Hadith Qudsi, or sacred hadith, haveaparticularly important status because their meaning isentirelyfrom Allah while the wording is that of the ProphetMuhammadhimself.This application is presenting 40 hadiths qudsi with thetranslationand the original hadith into Arabic.There is also the possibility to listen to each hadith intoarabicversion.If you have any question, feel free to email me.
Sunan Abi Dawood Hadiths Arabic & English 1.2
The Right Way
Sunan Abi Dawud is a collection of hadith compiled by ImamAbuDawudSulayman ibn al-Ash'ath as-Sijistani (rahimahullah). Itiswidelyconsidered to be among the six canonical collectionsofhadith(Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ).Itconsists of5274 ahadith in 43 books. Some Exciting featuresofSunanan-Nasa'i... ♦♦ Full and Authentic Book. ♦♦ Completelyfree.♦♦Sunan Abi Dawud Hadith in Arabic and English. ♦♦Userfriendlydesign to understand easily. ♦♦ User can share Hadithsandtodifferent social Media. ♦♦ Customize setting forArabicfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Customize setting forEnglishfonts,style, size and color. ♦♦ Application containsdifferentthemes aswell. Download this free Application today,Alwaysstayblessed.....
الألباني للحديث 2 AlAbani Hade 1.1
يوفر لك معرفة صحة الاحاديث النبويه ضمن كتب الألباني من خلالهاتفكبدون انترنت
Sahîh Mouslim "l’Imâm Mouslim" 3.0
Sahih Muslim by Imam Muslim collection of authentic hadiths.
Al-Mabaadi-ul-Mufeedah 1.3.0
The Beneficial Elementary Principles on the subject of Tawheed,Fiqhand Aqeedah
روض الأفهام 3.0
Pure Content
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم مقدمة الشرح إن الحمد لله نحمدهونستعينهونستغفره ونستهديه
سنن أبي داود 4.0
Al-Reda Apps
Sunan Abu Dawood book. Full, free and no ads. [Arabic Only]
40 hadiths (An-Nawawi)
This application contains "the forty hadithsofthe Imam Nawawi," which are a concise collection ofauthenticstatements of the Allah's Messenger: Muhammad (saw). Thesehadiths,highlight the most fundamental principles of the religionofIslam.The application is translated into several languages andtofacilitate learning, each Hadith is accompanied by itsphonetictranscription as well as its audio lecture.
Hadith Collection Pro - Sahih 3.0.10
Quarter Pi
Ultimate collection of Prophet Muhammad's (Peace Be UponHim)aHadith on Android
صحيح البخاري (أصح الكتب) 0.0.1-ramadan
كتاب صَحَيَحُ البُخُارَي لمحمد بن إسماعيل البخاري ويعد أصحالكُتُببعد القــرآن.
Maarif ul Hadith 1.5
Maarif ul Hadith by Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Naumani - Complete8volumes
Shama'il Muhammadiyah in English & Arabic 1.2
The Right Way
The Shama’il of Imām al-Tirmidhī is one of the mostextensiveandcelebrated works on the description and attributes oftheMessengerof Allah (s). The 415 narrations were carefullyselectedby thegreat muhaddith to craft a vivid depiction of theProphet(s).Through this, a portrait of his blessedphysicalappearance,habits, worship, daily routine, spirituality andmuchmore ispainted by those most beloved to him: his noblecompanionsandfamily members. Features of this Shama'il MuhammadiyahArabic&English app: ♦♦ Full and Authentic Book Completelyfree.♦♦Shama'il Muhammadiyah in Arabic and English. ♦♦Userfriendlydesign to understand easily. ♦♦ With searchhadithfunctionalityuser can easily search hadith from differenthadithchapters. ♦♦With Last read hadith functionality user caneasilynavigate tolast read hadith number. ♦♦ User can share Hadithsandto differentsocial Media. ♦♦ Customize setting for Arabicfonts,style, sizeand color. ♦♦ Customize setting for Englishfonts,style, size andcolor. ♦♦ Application contains differentthemes aswell. Downloadthis free Application Shama'il MuhammadiyahArabic& Englishtoday, Always stay blessed.....
Le Sahih d’al-Boukhari 1.0
Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari
Navavi 40 hadith 1.0.2
Navavi 40 hadith
Hadith Qudsi Arabic & English 1.8
My Qalam
Alhamdulillah, This book is a collection of 40 Hadith Qudsi.HadithQudsi differs from other hadeth in the sense that HadithQudsi arethe sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessingsof Allahbe upon him) as revealed to him by the Almighty Allah.Hadith Qudsi( Sacred Hadith) are named so because, unlike the otherAhadithwhich are sayings of Prophet, These hadith are considereddirectmessages from Allah, revealed to Prophet. Features: -Complete bookin Arabic language - Can change text font size - Dayand nightreading mode - Easy and quick index navigation - AutoBookmark(Last read topic & hadith) - No internet or onlineconnectionrequired for reading - Designed for both Android mobilephones andtablets Note: This free App is supported by Ads. JazākAllāh Khayr.