Top 40 Apps Similar to Morse Code

Morse Trainer for Ham Radio 2.28
Wolphi LLC
Learn or improve Morse code with Morse Trainer for Ham Radio.
Morse Code Flasher 1.11
Turn your phone or tablet into a morse code signalling device!
Koch Morse Trainer Pro 2.1.1
Bit Ninja
Due to changes to the law, please read our privacypolicybeforepurchasing this app. Take your morse code to the nextlevelwithKoch Morse Trainer Pro. The only trainer thatsupportsprosigns(procedural signals) and non-english extensionscharactersonAndroid. Learn or improve your morse code in a shortamountoftime. The Koch method is designed to teach you morse atfullspeed.There's no need to learn at slow speeds then re-learnallthecharacters again once you increase your wpm. If you wishtostartoff slow or simply want to pass your 5 wpm morse exam,thisapp hasadjustable speeds to suit your needs. KMT usesFarnsworthtimingslike the ARRL use for their transmissions andpracticetapes. Youcan increase the gap between characters so youstilllearn them atfull speed but not feel overwhelmed by thefrequencythey are sent.Main Features: ✓ Character and word speedsare fullyadjustablebetween 5 and 50 wpm ✓ Eight modes: random, 100commonwords, 1000common words, (German users can also select 100and 1000commonGerman words), QSO (includes prosigns),callsign,morseabbreviations, custom text (which also allows you toinput&practice prosigns also), and RSS Feeds ✓ Test yourself!Inputwhatyou're hearing and calculate your results to see howwellyou'redoing ✓ Warm up feature which plays the latestcharacterprior tothe main session ✓ Character setup option screentoinclude/excludecharacters, such as punctuation, prosignsandnon-englishcharacters - this also allows you to learnadditionalcharacters ✓Adjustable group size with option to fix sizein randommode ✓Adjustable pre-session delay and session time (1minute to30minutes) ✓ Adjustable tone frequency (200Hz - 2000Hz)✓Backgroundnoise (QRM) simulator ✓ Speak feature which tells youthelatestcharacter if text to speech is available ✓ Favourrecentcharactersoption for those new characters so they are playedmoreoften ✓Display character before or after it's sent ✓ Pluslotsofcustomisable options to change
G0HYN Learn Morse 8.0 - 20-Mar-2023
Learn morse code by listening and responding in acontrolledsequence.
IZ2UUF Morse Koch CW 2.0.36538
Morse code training application.
Morse Code CW 1.11
The application can allow anyone todiscoverthe universe of morse code thanks to different rubrics.- Learning : discover the morse code characters for eachnumberor letter of the alphabet- Answer a quiz : listen to the audio signal and selectthecorresponding morse character out of the choices from a listYou can also enter the text you want to translate and sendtheequivalent Morse signal immediatly.In case of emergency a SOS signal is pre-recorded and canbetransmitted instantly in various formats (audio,flash,screenlight, vibrations)
Morse Code & Flashlight 1.2.1.
Best Morse Code and Flashlightappavailable!Send Morse Code with the camera LED & yourscreen!The clean& easy to use interface makes you able totranslatetext toMorse Code with just one click! This carefullydesignedMorseapplication supports all letters and numbers. It hasseveralpresetMorse buttons as well as editable custom buttons andallowsyou tocode multiple sentences to Morse Code.FEATURES of Morse Code & Flashlight:- Professional, easy to use interface- Brightest and fastest Morse Code application- Three editable custom buttons (SOS can save your life!)- Textfield to translate text immediately to Morse Code- Multiple sounds to choose from (EnhanceyourMorseexperience!)- Made with International Morse Code standards- Transmit Morse Code via LED or sound- Different themes to choose from- Adjustable Morse Code speed- Regular Flashlight button- 100% FREE Morse Code application
Русская азбука Mорзе. Обучение 1.3
В отличие от других приложений, здесь имеется возможностьпоэтапногоизучения знаков на приём и передачу по методике, близкойк методикеДОСААФ СССР. Обучение состоит из десяти уроков по триупражнения вкаждом: Первое упражнение - "Запоминание". Звучание исостав знака.Второе упражнение - "Приём". Нужно на слух определятьзнак. Третьеупражнение - "Передача". Имитация работы на ключе.Нужно передаватьзаданные знаки. Переход к следующему упражнениювозможен только еслипредыдущее упражнение пройдено без ошибок.Переход к следующемууроку возможен только после выполнения трёхупражнений предыдущегоурока. В режиме тренировки можно отработатьдо автоматизма приём ипередачу пройденных знаков. Приложениезапоминает сделанные ошибкии, при последующих прохождениях, делаетакцент на знаках, в которыхбыли ошибки. Рекомендую для изученияазбуки Морзе с нуля. Приложениеписал для себя в связи с тем, чтоаналогов под Андроид не нашёл.Изучать морзянку с использованиемкомпьютера обычно некогда, ателефон или планшет всегда под рукой,желательно только иметьнаушники, чтобы не мешать окружающим. Всепросмотренные приложениядругих авторов по изучению азбуки Морзефактически предназначены недля обучения, а для улучшения навыковили для развлекательных целей.Приложение можно использовать и вкачестве игры из двадцати уровнейс увеличивающейся сложностью.Десять уроков по два упражнения. Не потри, потому что первоеупражнения в каждом уроке не требует действий— это простозапоминание без проверки. После прохождения десятиуроков,останется не только удовлетворение от пройденного, но ибазовыйопыт приёма и передачи букв и цифр посредством азбукиМорзе.Воспользовавшись режимом "Тренировка" можно отрабатыватьприём ипередачу отдельных символов до автоматизма. Настройкиприложенияпозволяют подобрать наиболее подходящую вам несущуючастоту искорость. По умолчанию, при прохождении каждогоупражнения,скорость возрастает и постепенно меняется с 60 до 90знаков вминуту. Приложение адаптировано для портретного иландшафтногоположения устройства, включая устройства с маленькимиэкранами илималенькими разрешениями. Если морзянка Васзаинтересует, товпоследствии, найдёте возможность выучить знаки,соответствующиезнакам препинания и специальным сокращениям, а такженайдётеприложения для тренировки приёма и передачи группзнаков.Приложение полностью бесплатное и в нём не будет рекламыилиплатных версий.
Morse Code 1.5
This app give you opportunitytotranslateenglish text into morse code and send this textusingcamera vibroor sound
Азбука Морзе 2.0.4
Program to translate text in general civil codes Morse code.
OpenGL experiment 1.0
Mobile OpenGL experiment
Morse Code Quiz 1.01
The application can allow anyone to test his knowledge of morsecodewith two kind of test : writing quiz and audio quiz. The goalis toselect the corresponding morse character out of the choicesfrom alist.
Morse Straight Key 1.0
TO USE THE KEYBOARD: (a) open main Android settings; (b)select"Language & input"; (c) check box next to "Morse StraightKey";(d) begin to edit text somewhere; (e) pull down Notificationbar,select "Choose input method"; (f) select "Morse Straight Key".Onolder versions of Android: (e) long-press textbox, select"Inputmethod"; (f) select "Morse Straight Key". This is a keyboardforyour Android device that imitates a straight key, a devicecommonlyused to send Morse Code. The straight key works like asimpleswitch, allowing the operator to close a circuit, and thelength oftime that the circuit is closed dictates the duration ofthesignal: short, producing a dot, or long, producing a dash. Thereisonly a single "SIGNAL" button which produces a dit whentappedquickly, or a dah when long-pressed, so your timing has to bejustright! Features two modes: - Practice: tap the SIGNAL buttonfor adit, long-press for dah. After composing a character, tap theGAPbutton to "transmit" the character (short gap), or long-presstotransmit the character and a space (medium gap). - Realistic:sameas practice mode, but now the system decides what is a dit andwhatis a dah based on how long you hold down the SIGNAL button.Gapsare inserted automatically between your signals. You can adjustthetiming for your own fist in the menu. Uses InternationalMorseCode: Other MorseCodestandards coming soon! Please note: for security, MorseStraightKey does not have permissions to access the network.
BF4 Lantern & Morse Solver 13
Rob Langston
Makes solving the Battlefield 4 Dice LA Camo Easter Egg easier&morse decoding.
Morse Decoder for Ham Radio 1.52
Wolphi LLC
Morse Decoder for Android
Morse Code Reader & Recorder - 5 06-Feb-2023
Decode to plain text, record, and playback audio morse.
SOS morse code send 1.05
set SOS morse code by screen lightorcameraledyou can input send wordsyou can adjust send speedyou can on/off camera ledyou can on/off screen lighthere is the morse code:A: ・-B: -・・・C: -・-・D: -・・E: ・F: ・・-・G: --・H: ・・・・I: ・・J: ・---K: -・-L: ・-・・M: --N: -・O: ---P: ・--・Q: --・-R: ・-・S: ・・・T: -U: ・・-V: ・・・-W: ・--X: -・・-Y: -・--Z: --・・1: ・----2: ・・---3: ・・・--4: ・・・・-5: ・・・・・6: -・・・・7: --・・・8: ---・・9: ----・0: -----.: ・-・-・-: : --・・--?: ・・--・・!: -・-・---: -・・・・-/: -・・-・@: ・--・-・(: -・--・): -・--・-
Morse Flasher 1.1.0
By using the light of the camera, you are emitting the Morse code.
Morse Flash 1.1
An easy-to-use morse flash translator
Morse Code 1.1
Morse Code translate your text into morse code.
Morse Code Teacher 1.0.6
Have fun learning Morse Code on yourAndroidSmart phone!Each lesson contains exercises that will help you memorize theCodethrough listening. Each new lesson will add a new character toyourvocabulary to help reinforce previous lessons.
Morse Communicator 1.0
OSCO Software
The purpose of the application is that the user can enter a textandsend it out via the display or sound encoding it in Morse codeorbinary code. In addition, the user can save the messages andselectthem later to avoid having to write the same again andagain.
Speak Morse code 1.60
Speak or type a text and send it as Morse code (audio, vibrateorflash light)
Morse Code Mentor 1.3
Have you even wanted to learn Morsecodebutdidn't know where to start? Morse Code Mentor is designedtomakelearning Morse both easy and enjoyable.Morse Code Mentor consists of a host of features whichincludes2training modes, 4 Morse code tools that allow the helptoutilizeMorse in a number of ways, an SOS feature and avarietyofdifferent options/settings. 3 difficulty levels areincludedtoaccommodate both beginners and advanced users.This application is an early release version soifanyissues/problems arise please contact me and i will addressthemassoon as possible. I am hoping to improve theexistingfeatureswhile also adding some extra functionality to theapp inlaterreleases.
SMS-Morse 2.2.1
Play back your SMS messages in Morse code!
Threema GmbH
Threema is the world’s favoritesecuremessenger and keeps your data out of the hands ofhackers,corporations and governments. Threema can be usedcompletelyanonymously, and offers a rich set of features. WithThreema Web,you can also use Threema from your Desktop.PRIVACY AND ANONYMITYThreema is designed to generate as little data on serversaspossible – this is a core part of our concept. Groupmembershipsand contact lists are managed on your device only, andnever storedon our servers. Messages are immediately deleted afterthey havebeen delivered. Local files are stored encrypted on yourmobilephone or tablet. All this effectively prevents the collectionandmisuse of your personal information, including meta data.HIGHEST ENCRYPTION STRENGTHThreema end-to-end encrypts all your communication,includingmessages, group chats, files and even status messages.Only theintended recipient, and nobody else, can read yourmessages.Threema uses the trusted open source NaCl cryptographylibrary forencryption. The encryption keys are generated and safelystored onuser’s devices to prevent backdoor access or copies.COMPREHENSIVE FEATURESThreema is not only an encrypted and private messenger butalsoversatile and feature-rich.• write text and send voice messages• share videos, pictures and locations• send any type of file (pdf, animated gif, mp3, doc,zip,etc.)• use Threema Web to chat from your Desktop• create groups• conduct polls with the unique poll feature• choose between a dark and a light theme• quickly and silently reply with the uniqueagree/disagreefeature• verify the identity of a contact by scanning their personalQRcode• use Threema as anonymous instant messaging tool• synchronize your contacts (optional)FULL ANONYMITYEach Threema user receives a random Threema ID for identification.Aphone number or email address is not required to use Threema.Thisunique feature allows you to use Threema completelyanonymously – noneed to give up private information or to open anaccount.TRUSTED CONTACTSWe let users confirm trusted contacts with a QR code or akeyfingerprint to prevent man in the middle attacks.INDEPENDENT COMPANYWe are a 100% independent and self-financed company in the heartofSwitzerland with its own servers and in-house softwaredevelopment.Switzerland is a country with some of the most userfriendlyprivacy laws in the world.PERMISSIONSThreema is a private messenger, but it still requires thefollowingpermissions (only used if the corresponding functionalityisrequested).• Read your contacts / modify your contacts: used for addressbooksynchronization. When the synchronization is turned off,yourcontact data is not read or modified.• Precise location (GPS and network based): used for "sendlocation"feature.• Add or remove accounts, find accounts, create accounts:requiredfor contact synchronization and integration in Android'saccountmanagement.• Modify or delete the contents of your USB storage: requiredforstoring media files (images, videos, audio).• Threema's functionality can be further extended byseparatelydownloadable plugins which may require additionalpermissions (e.g.access to camera, microphone).SUPPORT / CONTACTFor questions or problems please consult ourFAQs:
AOL Inc.
AIM is the best way to keep in touchwithpeople and groups, no matter where they are. Chat withfriends,start or join a group chat, share images and your location,andcontinue conversations with your desktop and webclientsseamlessly.Features:- Chat with your AIM friends- Chat with a friend or group of friends with the new "Start aChat"button- Customize your groups with features like add/kick members andeditgroup icon- Share photos and your location without leavingtheconversation- Copy and paste messages by long pressing on a message- Tap on icons to quickly view user details or groupchatsettings- Go "Off the Record" with a friend in your conversation- Clear your message history directly from theconversationmenu- Update your incoming message sound alerts- Update your LED notification color- AIM icon shows the number of unread messages (onselectdevices)- Reach your friends quicker using the shortcut feature (Go toachat, then choose ‘Add Shortcut’ in options)
IM+ supports simultaneously major IMservices,including Google Talk, Twitter DMs, Yahoo!, AIM/iChat,ICQ, Jabber(and Slack through Jabber), and many others.Below is thelist ofother IM+ features:- UI is optimized for both smartphones and tablet computers- Send text messages, photos, and voice notes- Group chats in AIM, ICQ- Chat history- Multiple accounts per service- Create personal and geo status messages- Customize your IM+ experience with different soundnotificationsand emoticons- Typing notifications- Option to set Master Password- Off-The-Record (OTR) messagingFollow @implus on Twitter and LikeonFacebook to get thelatestupdates from IM+ team
Trillian is modern and secure instant messaging forpeople,businessand healthcare. For over 20 years, Trillian hasbeenhelping peoplestay connected. Today's Trillian brings secure(andHIPAA-compliant)messaging to healthcare professionalsandbusinesses of all sizes.And true to our roots, if you'rejustlooking for free instantmessaging, we can help with that too!•FOR BUSINESSES: Does yourbusiness still rely on textingorcumbersome email chains? LetTrillian's modern and securebusinessinstant messaging modernizeemployee communicationwithoutcompromising on security or control.• FOR HEALTHCARE:Yourhealthcare organization needs secure instantmessaging,andTrillian's HIPAA-compliant secure messaging platformhasyoucovered. We help teams of all sizes improveclinicalcommunicationwithout breaking the bank. • FOR INDIVIDUALS:Stay intouch withfamily and friends without compromising yourprivacy.Your uniqueTrillian username can be used to send unlimitedmessagesfree ofcharge over your existing data plan and/or WiFi.Whetheryou'relooking to empower secure employee instant messagingor justtokeep in touch with family and friends, Trillian canhelp.Thanksfor checking us out!
Morse SOS 1.0.2
If you touch the icon will flash once the SOS in Morse code.
SOS: Morse Code 1.0.2
You have surely been many times in the situation of havingthenecessity of comunicating with other people at distances alittlebigger than your voice would help or the gesticulation, sothisapplication gives a helping hand giving you the possibilityoftransmitting, via Morse Code, a multitude of messages not onlyvialight, but also via sound. Moreover, if you are in adangeroussituation, you are gone on a trip and you are lost, or youareblocked in a place where you are not able to ask for help, itispossible that your gadget doesn't have signal, and even if itdoes,the ones that can help you are too far away; using thisapplicationallows you to transmit different messages to the peoplenearbywithout even using any connection (internet or signal). Whyuse theMorse Code? Because it is PRECISE and can be EASILYtransmitedusing LIGHT, SOUND or other ways and it is also easilyreceived dueto the fact that it consists ONLY OF 2 UNITS: the DOTand the LINE.Our application offers various facilities which helpyoucommunicate via MORSE CODE, FAST AND SIMPLE: - SENDINGcharactersor messages using Morse Code with LIGHT and SOUND SIGNALS-TRANSLATION of MORSE CODE messages into the LATINALPHABETCHARACTERS - RECEIVING messages by light using thephone'sfunctions (it has the maximum accuracy during NIGHT time) -ADOCUMENTATION regarding the MORSE CODE's units, its historyandvarious curiosities
Mini morse 1.3
Oscar GM
Transforms text in morse code automatically
Simply Morse 2.0
LCR Software
A small app that lets you learn Morse Code. It can generaterandomletters, words,phrases, numbers and punctuation. You can varythespeed of the more code to help you learn plus, if yourdevicesupports it, you can see, hear or feel the Morse code thatyou arelearning. You have the ability to enter your own sentencesto testyourself against, so totally configurable. Please contact meif youfind any bugs or wish any improvements. Thanks
Email AOL Mail App 1.5
Email AOL Mail App:With Email for AOL Mail we will enjoy all the amazingfeaturesAOLoffer us. You will be able to check all the emailaccounts youhavefrom different email services as ( Gmail, Hotmail,Yahoo,Outlook,AOL, Yandex and much more).Keep in touch with friends: With this app keeping intouchwithfriends and family is easier than ever, you can sendemails,reply,forward, send bulk emails and access to contactlist.Customization: You have many settings to customize the appatyourneedsFolders: You will have access to all the folders inyouremailaccounts, you can delete folders, create new folders,move,copyand more optionsInterface: We have a beautiful interface with atwodifferentthemes, very user friendly interfaceUnified Inbox: You can check unified inbox to see allyouremailsof every account you have synchronized to the appUnlimited Synchronizations: Possibility to haveunlimitedemailaccounts synchronized to the app.Search Emails: You can fast search emails inyouraccounts,options available, (Fast Search, Deep Search).Sound: You can also change notification sound, youcanchoosebetween a few sounds that comes with the app by defaultoryou canadd a custom sound.Cache: Once emails are loaded, they are automaticallysavedtoread later without internet connectionEmail Services: All email services are supported,includingthemost popular free email services as AOL, Gmail,Yahoo,Hotmail,Outlook, Yandex and more...
Simple Morse App 1.0
stiazla apps
A simple app for translating and playingmorsecode. Have fun!Features:- Translate text to morse code- Translate morse code to text- Play morse code in different speeds- Free & No ads!- No permissions neededIf you have any questions/suggestions/problems - just write meanemail.To help to improve this app, we kindly ask you to ratethisapp.(
Whatscan for Whatsweb
Whatscan for Whatsapp web – simply, scan theQRcode and that's it!+ Same WhatsApp account on mobiles and tablets+ Send and receive messages, pictures, videos even documents+ Secured with your Password.+ Multi Languages+ Send VoicesNOTE: Whatscan Support All Android Versions and Devices.Hint: Whatscan for whatsapp web is created by us, and it notanofficial WhatsApp application and not associated withWhatsAppInc.
Flashlight SOS Morse 1.0.3
The first flashlight with Morse functionandSOS signal.Simple, effective and powerful flashlight.- Light at maximum brightness LED or Xenon flash.- The display will also light.- Send a distress signal in Morse.- Type your message and emítelo in Morse by flash and sound.- Continued illuminating even although the device it lock, oryouopen another application.Totally Free !!If you like, helps other people voting and commenting ★★★★★Don´tforget +1 I like ; )
Morse Code Translator 2.1.0
Simple app with real time text-to-morse andmorse-to-texttranslation