Top 18 Apps Similar to Morning Star

Sense and Sensibility 1.0
Sense and Sensibility is a novel by theEnglishnovelist Jane Austen.The story is about Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of MrDashwoodby his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret,and anolder half-brother named John. When their father dies, thefamilyestate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left inreducedcircumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters totheir newhome, a cottage on a distant relative's property, wheretheyexperience both romance and heartbreak. The contrast betweenthesisters' characters is eventually resolved as they each findloveand lasting happiness. Through the events in the novel, ElinorandMarianne encounter the sense and sensibility of life andlove.
The Complete Sherlock Holmes and more
All Sherlock Holmes Novels and Short Stories in freee-book app
Pride and Prejudice 8.0
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Alice in Wonderland 7.4
It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole intoafantasy world
Jane Austen Book Collection 1.0
Your ultimate Jane Austen Book Collection. 11 free ebooks plusherbest quotes
Sense and Sensibility is a novel by theEnglishnovelist Jane Austen. Published in 1811, it was Austen'sfirstpublished novel, which she wrote under the pseudonym "ALady".The story is about Elinor and Marianne, two daughters ofMrDashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister,Margaret,and an older half-brother named John. When their fatherdies, thefamily estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women areleft inreduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwoodsisters totheir new home, a cottage on a distant relative'sproperty, wherethey experience both romance and heartbreak. Thecontrast betweenthe sisters' characters is eventually resolved asthey each findlove and lasting happiness. Through the events in thenovel, Elinorand Marianne encounter the sense and sensibility oflife andlove.-- This App is Created by "Android Book App Maker"
The Witch of Salem (Novel) 1.0
The Free App includes the illustrated ebook and the audiobookof"The Witch of Salem by John R. Musick", a historicalnovelaboutthe Salem Witch Trials (English Language). Available asaudiobookand e-book You have the choice of either listeningviaaudiostreaming from the internet or you can download the filestoyourdevice. * All files are streamed from theinternet(internetconnection needed to listen!) * You can alsodownload eachMP3 fileby using the download icon in the top rightcorner * Iffile isdownloaded, the app will serve the audio filedirectly fromyourdevice (no internet connection needed) * Audio(streamedanddownloaded) stops automatically when you receive a callThetextversion e-book are available as a HTML files (noebookreaderneeded). To zoom text within ebooks simply double tabinscreen.You can listen to the audio files while reading thetext.This is aFREE ad-supported app, but without anyannoyingpush-ads!***Disclaimer*** The text, as well as images,waspublished Audioand e-books are out of copyright and inpublicdomain since it waspublished in 1906
Robinson Crusoe 1.0
Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe, is partofthe Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offersqualityeditions at affordable prices to the student and thegeneralreader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, andpages ofcarefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkablefeaturesof Barnes & Noble Classics:New introductions commissioned from today's top writers andscholarsBiographies of the authors Chronologies of contemporaryhistorical,biographical, and cultural events Footnotes andendnotes Selectivediscussions of imitations, parodies, poems,books, plays, paintings,operas, statuary, and films inspired bythe work Comments by otherfamous authors Study questions tochallenge the reader's viewpointsand expectations Bibliographiesfor further reading Indices &Glossaries, when appropriateAlleditions are beautifully designedand are printed to superiorspecifications; some includeillustrations of historical interest.Barnes & Noble Classicspulls together a constellation ofinfluences—biographical,historical, and literary—to enrich eachreader's understanding ofthese enduring works.Widely regarded as the first English novel, Daniel Defoe’sRobinsonCrusoe is one of the most popular and influential adventurestoriesof all time. This classic tale of shipwreck and survival onanuninhabited island was an instant success when first publishedin1719 and has inspired countless imitations.In his own words, Robinson Crusoe tells of the terriblestormthat drowned all his shipmates and left him marooned on adesertedisland. Forced to overcome despair, doubt, and self-pity,hestruggles to create a life for himself in the wilderness.Frompractically nothing, Crusoe painstakingly learns how tomakepottery, grow crops, domesticate livestock, and build a house.Hismany adventures are recounted in vivid detail, including afiercebattle with cannibals and his rescue of Friday, the man whobecomeshis trusted companion.Full of enchanting detail and daring heroics, Robinson Crusoeisa celebration of courage, patience, ingenuity, and hard work.
Anna Karenina (english) 1.2
Anna Karenina (sometimes Anglicised asAnnaKarenin) is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy,published inserial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodicalThe RussianMessenger. Tolstoy clashed with its editor MikhailKatkov overissues that arose in the final installment; therefore,the novel'sfirst complete appearance was in book form.Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction,Tolstoyconsidered Anna Karenina his first true novel, when he cametoconsider War and Peace to be more than a novel. The characterofAnna was likely inspired, in part, by Maria Hartung(Russianspelling Maria Gartung, 1832–1919), the elder daughter oftheRussian poet Alexander Pushkin.[citation needed] Soon aftermeetingher at dinner, Tolstoy began reading Pushkin's prose andonce had afleeting daydream of "a bare exquisite aristocraticelbow", whichproved to be the first intimation of Anna'scharacter.Although Russian critics dismissed the novel on itspublicationas a "trifling romance of high life", Fyodor Dostoevskydeclared itto be "flawless as a work of art". His opinion wasshared byVladimir Nabokov, who especially admired "the flawlessmagic ofTolstoy's style" and the motif of the moving train,subtlyintroduced in the first chapters (the children playing with atoytrain) and inexorably developed in subsequent chapters(Anna'snightmare), heralding the novel's majestic finale. The noveliscurrently enjoying popularity as demonstrated by a recent pollof125 contemporary authors by Time magazine, published in 2007 inTheTop Ten, which declared that Anna Karenina is the "greatestnovelever written".
Les Miserable
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, is aFrenchhistorical novel first published in 1862. It is consideredone ofthe greatest novels of the nineteenth century. IntheEnglish-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to byitsoriginal French title, which can be translated from the FrenchasThe Miserables, The Wretched, The Miserable Ones, The PoorOnes,The Wretched Poor, or The Victims. Beginning in 1815andculminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris, the novelfollowsthe lives and interactions of several characters, focusingon thestruggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experienceofredemption. Examining the nature of law and grace, thenovelelaborates upon the history of France, the architecture andurbandesign of Paris, politics, moral philosophy,antimonarchism,justice, religion, and the types and nature ofromantic andfamilial love.
Jane Austen Sessions 1.0
*** FREE TODAY ****** 8 Books - all in eBook and Audio format ***Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) wasanEnglishnovelist whose works of romantic fiction, set amongthelandedgentry, earned her a place as one of the most widelyreadwritersin English literature. Her realism, biting ironyandsocialcommentary as well as her acclaimed plots havegainedherhistorical importance among scholars and critics.Austen lived her entire life as part of aclose-knitfamilylocated on the lower fringes of the English landedgentry.She waseducated primarily by her father and older brothersas wellasthrough her own reading. The steadfast support of herfamilywascritical to her development as a professional writer.Fromherteenage years into her thirties she experimentedwithvariousliterary forms, including an epistolary novel whichshethenabandoned, wrote and extensively revised three majornovelsandbegan a fourth. From 1811 until 1816, with the release ofSenseandSensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813),MansfieldPark(1814) and Emma (1815), she achieved success as apublishedwriter.She wrote two additional novels, Northanger AbbeyandPersuasion,both published posthumously in 1818, and began athird,which waseventually titled Sanditon, but died beforecompleting it.Austenhad many admiring readers in the 19th centurywhoconsideredthemselves part of a literary elite: they viewedtheirappreciationof Austen's works as a mark of their culturaltaste.Philosopherand literary critic George Henry Lewes expressedthisviewpoint ina series of enthusiastic articles published inthe1840s and 1850s.This theme continued later in the centurywithnovelist HenryJames, who referred to Austen several timeswithapproval and onone occasion ranked her with Shakespeare,Cervantes,and HenryFielding as among "the fine painters oflife".Several important works paved the way for Austen'snovelstobecome a focus of academic study. The first importantmilestonewasa 1911 essay by Oxford Shakespearean scholar A. C.Bradley,whichis "generally regarded as the starting-point fortheseriousacademic approach to Jane Austen". In it, heestablishedthegroupings of Austen's "early" and "late" novels,which arestillused by scholars today. The second was R. W.Chapman's 1923editionof Austen's collected works. Not only was itthe firstscholarlyedition of Austen's works, it was also the firstscholarlyeditionof any English novelist. The Chapman text hasremained thebasisfor all subsequent published editions of Austen'sworks. Withthepublication in 1939 of Mary Lascelles's Jane Austenand HerArt,the academic study of Austen took hold. Lascelles'sinnovativeworkincluded an analysis of the books Jane Austen readand theeffectof her reading on her work, an extended analysis ofAusten'sstyle,and her "narrative art". At the time, concern aroseover thefactthat academics were taking over Austen criticism anditwasbecoming increasingly esoteric — a debate that has continuedtothebeginning of the 21st century.
Godaan By Premchand in Hindi 1.0
Godaan published in 1936 and is the greatest novels of modernIndianliterature.
The Supernatural 1.0
Drawchill app
THE subject of the supernatural inmodernEnglish fiction has been found difficult to deal with becauseofits wealth of material. While there has been no previous bookonthe topic, and none related to it, save Mr. C. E. Whitmore’sworkon The Supernatural in Tragedy, the mass of fictionitselfintroducing ghostly or psychic motifs is simply enormous. Itismanifestly impossible to discuss, or even to mention, all ofit.Even in my bibliography which numbers over three thousandtitles, Ihave made no effort to list all the available examples ofthe type.The bibliography, which I at first intended to publishinconnection with this volume, is far too voluminous to beincludedhere, so will probably be brought out later byitself.It would have been impossible for me to prosecute the researchworkor to write the book save for the assistance generously givenbymany persons. I am indebted to the various officials ofthelibraries of Columbia University and of New York City,particularlyto Miss Isadore Mudge, Reference Librarian of Columbia,and to theauthorities of the New York Society Library forpermission to usetheir priceless out-of-print novels in the KennedyCollection. Myinterest in English fiction was increased during myattendance onsome courses in the history of the English novel,given by Dr. A.J. Carlyle, in Oxford University, England, severalyears ago. Ihave received helpful bibliographical suggestions fromProfessorBlanche Colton Williams, Dr. Dorothy Brewster, ProfessorNelsonGlenn McCrea, Professor John Cunliffe, and Dean TalcottWilliams,of Columbia, and Professor G. L. Kittredge, of Harvard.ProfessorsWilliam P. Trent, George Philip Krapp, and Ernest HunterWrightvery kindly read the book in manuscript and gave valuableadviceconcerning it, Professor Wright going over the material withme indetail. But my chief debt of gratitude is to Professor AshleyH.Thorndike, Head of the Department of English andComparativeLiterature in Columbia, whose stimulating criticism andkindlyencouragement have made the book possible. To all ofthese—andothers—who have aided me, I am deeply grateful, and I onlywishthat the published volume were more worthy oftheirassistance.
20000 Leagues Under the Seas F 11.08.01
The novel "Twenty Thousand LeaguesUndertheSeas", part 1 & 2, by the French science fictionwriterJulesVerne as an e-book app featuring voice output(TextToSpeech).● ENGLISH TEXT● ENGLISH VOICE OUTPUTTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (French: Vingtmillelieuessous les mers) is a classic science fiction novel byFrenchwriterJules Verne published in 1870. It tells the story ofCaptainNemoand his submarine Nautilus, as seen from theperspectiveofProfessor Pierre Aronnax after he, his servantConseil,andCanadian harpoonist Ned Land wash up on their ship.OntheNautilus, the three embark on a journey which has themgoingallaround the world.The description of Nemo's ship, the Nautilus, wasconsideredaheadof its time, as it accurately describes featuresonsubmarines, whichat the time were very primitive vessels.Thus,the book has been ableto age well because of itsscientifictheories, unlike some other ofVerne's works, likeJourney to theCenter of the Earth, which are notscientificallyaccurate andserve more simply as adventurenovels.Back in the late 1800s, ships of several nations spotamysterioussea monster, which some suggest to be a giantnarwhal.The UnitedStates government assembles an expedition in NewYorkCity to findand destroy the monster. Professor Pierre Aronnax,aFrench marinebiologist and narrator of the story, who happenstobe in New York atthe time, receives a last-minute invitationtojoin the expeditionwhich he accepts. Canadian masterharpoonistNed Land and Aronnax'sfaithful servant Conseil are alsobroughtaboard.The expedition departs Brooklyn aboard the UnitedStatesNavyfrigate Abraham Lincoln and travels south around CapeHorn intothePacific Ocean. The ship finds the monster after a longsearchandthen attacks the beast, which damages the ship's rudder.Thethreeprotagonists are then hurled into the water and grasp holdofthe"hide" of the creature, which they find, to their surprise,tobe asubmarine very far ahead of its era. They are quicklycapturedandbrought inside the vessel, where they meet itsenigmaticcreatorand commander, Captain Nemo.The rest of the story follows the adventures oftheprotagonistsaboard the creature—the submarine, theNautilus—whichwas built insecrecy and now roams the seas free fromany land-basedgovernment.Captain Nemo's motivation is implied to beboth ascientific thirstfor knowledge and a desire for revenge on(andself-imposed exilefrom) civilization. Nemo explains thathissubmarine iselectrically powered and can perform advancedmarinebiologyresearch; he also tells his new passengers thatalthoughheappreciates conversing with such an expert asAronnax,maintainingthe secrecy of his existence requires neverletting themleave.Aronnax is enthralled by the undersea vistas, butLandconstantlyplans to escape.E-BOOK FEATURES:● Standalone software - no eBook reader needed● Options menu+ Help page+ Settings page- Text color- Background color- Text size- Text padding- Reset+ Link to all iwpSoftware appsin Android Market+ Go to bookmark+ Set bookmark+ Set current image as wallpaper+ Link to image/item/description● General features+ Voice output(text to speech, TTS)+ Move to SD card+ Clickable table of contents+ English and Germanprogram language+ Contents rotate(portrait/landscape)+ Fullscreen imageson/off by long clickThis app is available as a FREE and a PRO version.TheFREEedition includes ads which finance the development whilethePROedition is completely ad-free. Apart from that bothversionsareequal. You can first check out the FREE edition withoutany riskinorder to to see if you like the app. If the ads annoy youoryoujust want to support this app's development, you can buythePROedition.
D. H. Lawrence Poems 1.11
Spirit Apps
Lawrence confronts issues relating to health, spontaneity,andinstinct.
Wuthering Heights 1.1
Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë's onlynovel.Written between October 1845 and June 1846, WutheringHeights waspublished in 1847 under the pseudonym "Ellis Bell";Brontë died thefollowing year, aged 30. Wuthering Heights and AnneBrontë's AgnesGrey were accepted by publisher Thomas Newby beforethe success oftheir sister Charlotte's novel, Jane Eyre. AfterEmily's death,Charlotte edited the manuscript of WutheringHeights, and arrangedfor the edited version to be published as aposthumous secondedition in 1850. Although Wuthering Heights isnow widely regardedas a classic of English literature,contemporary reviews for thenovel were deeply polarised; it wasconsidered controversial becauseits depiction of mental andphysical cruelty was unusually stark,and it challenged strictVictorian ideals of the day, includingreligious hypocrisy,morality, social classes and gender inequality.This work is in the public domain, and therefore has beenidentifiedas being free of known restrictions under copyright law,includingall related and neighboring rights.
العدو الغامض-أجاثاكريستي رواية 1.1
العدو الغامض(بالإنجليزية: The Secret Adversary)(هي رواية بوليسية من إنشاء وتأليف الكاتبة الإنجليزية أجاثا كريستيفييناير 1922ترتيبها 100 على روايات أجاثا كريستيتدور أحداث الرواية حول شخصين كانا عاطلين عن العمل وأرادا أنيكونامغامرين فأنزلنا إعلان في جريده وفي اليوم التالي تاتي رسالة منشخصللعمل وتلفظ الامرأه الأولى اسم [جين فين] فتفتح منها مغامره منحيثلا تدريتابع الرواية ..و لا تنس التقيمMysteriousenemy (English: The Secret Adversary) (Is the creation of the detective novel and written byEnglishwriter Agatha Christie in January 1922100 arranged on the novels of Agatha ChristieThe novel is about two people who were unemployed and wanted tobeadventurers Vonzelna ad in the newspaper and the next day cameamessage from someone to work and uttered the name of thefirstwoman [Jane Levin opens them adventure where you do notknowContinued the novel ..And do not forget Rating
Classics for IELTS 1.0
Pacific Lava
Prepare for IELTS by reading the bestofEnglish literature:-Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)-Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)This app makes reviewing for your exam easy and enjoyablewiththe following features:Integrated Definitions:When a common exam vocabulary shows up, you can click on it andfindits definition. No need to step away from the page and findadictionary. You will immediately see the meaning of the wordandhow these words can be used in a sentence in properEnglish.(Internet connection needed)Definitions in your language:For your convenience and reading ease, you can choose to viewthedefinitions of exam words in Arabic, Chinese(simplifiedandtraditional), Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi,Indonesian,Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish Portuguese, Romanian,Russian,Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese, and Urdu. (InternetConnectionneeded)Literary Masterpieces:These novels are a pleasure to read. You will not only be treatedtointriguing stories, but also to the authors’ impeccablewritingskills. This app is a tool to improve your score in bothReadingand Writing.Exam preparation can be difficult and stressful. Thisappsimplifies the process of learning new words, and combineslearningwith reading good books, so you can read, relax, and reviewforyour exam at the same time!