Top 16 Apps Similar to Mobile Phone Casing Design

Phone Case Design 1.0
The emergence of various typesofsmartphonestoday offset by a growing number ofcomplementaryaccessoriesadvent of smartphones, one case is oftencalled thecasing. Casingincludes accessories that many functions,can be usedas aprotective cell phone from scratches, bumps anddust, can alsobeused as supporting mobile phone display. Kind wasalsoverydiverse.Choosing a suitable casing for your phone, of course, youhavetoknow beforehand the types and their uses, so that casingthatyouchoose according to your smartphone and your needs.The types of casings for mobile phones:- Hard caseHard case is kind of hard casing and is usually made ofahardmaterial such as aluminum and plastic fiber. With ahardtextureand appearance somewhat shiny, kind of casing hp thisonewill makeyour mobile phone will look more solid and elegant.Inaddition,the hard case can also protect your smartphone frombumpsand alsomake make smartphones do not heat quickly because itisabsorbingheat. But the drawback, hard case vulnerable to crackandbreakwhen exposed to loud banging like falling to the floor.- Soft caseIf your smartphone requires more protection, soft case couldbethemost appropriate choice. Mobile phone casing whichoneisclassified as a type of casing that most interest today,becauseitis made of a material that software such as rubber,siliconeandfoam covered with cloth or leather, soft case hasanexcellentability to withstand collisions with absorb impactthem.Inaddition, the material is also very comfortable touchandnotslippery, so you will be more comfortable whenusingasmartphone.- Flip coverFlip cover is a type of mobile phone casing that covers thebackoncethe front so that it can also act as a protective screen.Thefrontis made of leather or fabric foaming, while the back ismadeofplastic fiber. Kind diverse, there is the whole frontisclosed,there is also equipped with a window at the front ofthecasemaking it easier for you to look at the clock and alsoseeincomingphone calls, without having to open the front.This application provides the latest mobile phonedesignandunique protector. Allows you to be different by designthatweprovide. May be useful….
DIY Phone Case Art 1.0
Keerun Apps
DIY Phone Case Art of smart Ideas craft and colorful
DIY Phone Case Art New 1.0
Case Mobile or the mobile phone casing isatoolused to melindungan favorite mobile phone orsmartphone.However,many also use mobile phone case to give theimpression ofa more coolor funny on his mobile phone and it isalso what makesCheap MobileCase is now much sought after.Case phone itself consists of two types, namely,HardcaseandSoftcase. In each case where the mobile phone hastheform,materials and function of different although itsprimaryfunctionto protect the mobile phone in the wrapper.
DIY Phone Case Ideas | Custom Crafts
DIY Creative Custom case for Phone easy step by step with latestartstyles!
Craft Of Ice Cream Sticks 1.0
You are looking for ice cream sticks ??Youarelooking for craft popsicle stick ?? craft popsicle stickisanapplication that contains a collection of images andpresentsinmaking handicrafts from ice cream sticks, Becausethisapplicationcontains over one hundred images and can beenjoyedoffline.Basic Materials craft products from ice cream sticksoftenknownpeople with home crafts home, place paper towelsetc.Handicraftfrom ice cream sticks is a craft that use rawmaterialsof icecream sticks neatly organized, so as to producegoods orproducedisposable items or objects beautifulornamental.In the past many ice cream sticks is wasted, becausemostpeoplethrow it away, but through the thoughts of someone'popsiclestick'can be a pretty good craft for home decoration. Suchastowels,houses are very nice.To be able to assemble the craft sticks in need ofcreativeideasfor the results of the crafts are made to satisfyallparties.Because to make this craft is like assembling a puzzle,sothe finalresult depends on the creativity of thesecraftseachpengrajin.Buatlah a popsicle stick crafts as uniqueaspossible,because of the unique handicrafts tend to havepricesabove theaverage. It was in due to make a creation of thriftinneed skillstinggi.Tetapi if you do not find the idea, thisappprovides ideasin making crafts out of ice cream sticks.May be usefulThat is all and thank you
Graffiti Design Ideas 1.1
You are looking for Graffiti DesignIdeas??Graffiti Design Ideas is an application that containsacollectionof images and presents ideas to be creative inmakinggraffiti,Because this application contains more than onehundredideas andimages can be enjoyed offline.Graffiti is an art activity that uses the compositionofcolor,line, shape and volume to write certain words on thewall.Thetools used are usually spray paint cans .Although withtheskilland equipment that is still simple, the concept paper andthewallbecame the most secure media to express opinions in secretatthetime.Graffiti itself is: An artistic creation expressed bytheartiststhrough the media wall or medium wood walls andconcretethat can bepainted in the form of letters, an image thathas aspecific meaningas the outpouring of the heart that made himpourit in the form oftext and images so that usually wears likepaintliquid dyes orreceive water compressor Brus.That kind of graffiti tagging graffiti that is often usedtofamea person or group. The more graffiti of this typewerescattered,the maker of this graffiti to be famous. Thereforethistype ofgraffiti or tagging requires the signature of the maker.Asort ofresponsibility to work.thank youHopefully this app helpful
Old Newspapers Craft Ideas 1.0
You are looking for old newspaperscraftideas?? craft of old newspapers is an application thatcontainsacollection of pictures to present ideas in makingcraftusednewspapers, Because this application contains overonehundredimages and can be enjoyed offline.One of the largest sources of waste in the environmentaroundusis a waste of paper. And one type of paper litter bins atmostthatof old newspapers. It's one of the reasons is because itisusuallynewspapers published every day, with the onlyinterestingnews onthat day. And when you're done reading, usually anewspaperwillnot be read again the next day, and just be thrownaway. Well,thistime we will share ideas for making use of wasteusednewspapersinto a variety of handicrafts from usednewspapers.But you know if we can make crafts of your newspapersunusedwecan process into a useful product or handicraft highvalue.Alreadymany businesses that make handicrafts from oldnewspapersinto awide variety of new products.To facilitate the artisans in making handicraftsfromusednewspapers into a wide variety of products this apppresentsapicture of the ideas in making handicraftsfromusednewspapers.May be usefulThat is all and thank you
flannel flower design ideas 1.0
You are looking for ideas tomakeflannelflowers ?? flannel flower design idea is anapplicationthatcontains a collection of images and ideas that arecreativeinmaking floral flannel, Because this application containsmorethanone hundred ideas and images can be enjoyed offline.Flannel is one of the ingredients to make a creativehandininterest to date. From the soft texture of the materialandthecolors are interesting to make flannel as one ofthemainingredients for making crafts are widely used. Fromthesofttexture of materials and colors that appeal to make aflannelasone of the main ingredients to create ideas that arewidelyused.Not only that, the fabric is also very easy to get aflannelin thenearby shops. Therefore, the business opportunitiesarenowstarting ogled the craft from various circles,especiallyforhousewives.Among the crafts that can be made of flannelisflannelflower.Of the various examples of ideas of flannel, flannelflowerusuallyis one of the favorites in this craft. on the one handit isverymuch in demand, perhaps because they are more likely towanttofeminism hand made creations that they, became one of the hallmark feminine sideof awoman.thank youMay be useful
Matic Motor Modification 1.0
You are looking for ideas Modificationmatic??Modification Matic is an application that contains acollectionofimages in presenting ideas motor modifications,Becausethisapplication contains over one hundred images and canbeenjoyedoffline.Matic motorcycle is a motorcycle that uses aCVTtransmission,many users who like because of its simplicity..Unlike the sportsmotorcycle or moped that still usemanualtransmission system andgear shifting. This type ofmotorcycleriding way is probably themost simple among themotorcycle ofanother class.Because it is easy to use, so the current number ofmotormaticnot lose much of the motorcycle. Motor matic isverycomfortable todrive on the streets of urban traffic jams.Needlessto passinggear clutch pulled, the motor matic, riders onlyhave totug gasonly. If the motor matic factory output alone is abad ride,howthe motor matic modified ??To facilitate matic lovers in finding the idea of​​modifyingitsmotor matic. This application provides imagesmaticmodificationsthat make you look elegant motor matic.May be usefulThat is all and thank you
Bedroom Design Ideas 1.0
You are looking for a bedroom design??BedroomDesign Ideas presents a collection of applicationsbedroomdesignmodern, simple and minimalist make your bed lookmorebeautiful. andmake your sleep more comfortably and soundlyatnight when yousleep.
DIY Phone Cases Ideas 1.0
aaron balder
Please take a break and get inspiredwiththisDIY Phone Cases Ideas images. We update it withnewpicturesfrequently.- Share app with friends (twitter, instagram,whatsapp,bbm,pinterest, facebook, email, MMS)- View lots of DIY Phone Cases Ideas pictures- Set images as wallpaper in your device- Direct rate the application to let users to know howamazeappis- Tablet support- Share the images with friends- Receive notifications when new wallpapers are uploadedIf you have any suggested features or improvements pleaseleaveacomment, or send me an email [email protected] case something is not working correctly please letmeknow,I'll be happy to fix that.It would be ideal if you post comments and feedback. Atthepointwhen posting low rating please describe what is wrong togivethepossibility to fix that issue.This applications utilizes Internet connection toloadimages.There are a lot of them so they could not be providedwiththeapplication. After first use images will load faster.
DIY Phone Case Design Ideas 2.0
You splash out hundreds of dollars on anewsmartphone or tablet, it’s crazy not to spend a little moreinorder to make sure it doesn’t get scratched or broken.Ourelectronic friends serve us faithfully until we drop them inthetoilet, leave them at the mercy of inquisitive toddlers, orallowthem to slip from our grasp and tumble down the stairs.Smartphones are getting tougher all the time and there arequitea few waterproof Android phones now, but the vast majoritywill notsurvive an accident unscathed. If you want to find out whatmighthappen should your phone meet with disaster, you can check outthenumerous drop and damage test videos posted online. Now thatyou’reconvinced that you need a case or cover for your device,let’sdiscuss how to pick one.A word on priceYou will rarely find the best price for a phone case on thecasemanufacturer’s website, the device manufacturer’s website, oracarrier website. The RRPs are frequently heavily discounted.Whenyou identify the phone case you want, do a comparison searchandshop around.Amazon and eBay are often the cheapest places to buy, but itpaysto cast your net wide. You also have to watch out forknock-offs,particularly on eBay.It’s worth mentioning that some phone case manufacturerswilloffer a lifetime warranty and they’ll handle exchangessmoothly,but only if you buy direct from the manufacturer, sothat’s apossible incentive to pay the full price.Do your homeworkRead reviews of the phone cases you are interested in. Evenifyou can’t find a review for your specific phone model,otherreviews for the same manufacturer will give you a generalsense ofthe quality. You can also find people discussing cases andpostingphotos of them in forums.Particularly important is confirming that the case hasprecisecut-outs. Sometimes cases are rushed out the door and theymiss aport, button covers are stiff, or there are problems withcameraflash reflections. If something like wireless charging isimportantto you, or you want to be able to dock your smartphonewith thecase on, then check with the manufacturer before youbuy.Choose your featuresThink about additional features you might want. For tabletcases,a landscape stand function could be vital. Some cases offermultiplepositions or even 360 degree hinges. For smartphones,you’llgenerally find kickstands that pop out the back, but makesurethey’re secure, because it can be annoying if they popoutuninvited. Write down what you feel is essential and keep it asachecklist while you shop.How much protection do you need?How clumsy are you? The first thing to work out is how toughyouneed your phone case to be. If you want to be able to drop itontoconcrete with impunity, or have it survive a dip, then you’llneedsome serious protection. If you’re careful and you just wantbasicprotection, then you don’t need to spend so much. There is acleartrade-off between the level of protection provided and thebulk andweight added.Rugged phone casesAt the top end in the safety stakes, you’ll find someseriouslyrugged cases, but they are going to be bulky and heavy.Theinclusion of air pockets and reinforced cornersdramaticallyreduces the risk of damage to your device, but itinevitably addsmore bulk. They should also be easy to grip, evenwith wet hands,but you might find that makes it harder to slidethem in and out ofpockets. You may need to buy a belt clip orholster to accommodatethe larger case.Rugged cases should cover every angle, including the buttonsandthe touchscreen, which can make buttons harder to press andreducetouchscreen sensitivity. Ultimately, rugged phone cases canmake ita little harder to actually use your phone.
DIY Bracelet Tutorials 1.0
You are looking for DIY Tutorial bracelet??DIYTutorial bracelet is an application that contains acollectionofimages and presents a tutorial in making bracelets,Becausethisapplication contains over one hundred tutorial imagesand canbeenjoyed offline.Bracelet, known as a sweetener for a hand other thanawatch.Bracelets made of various materials and designs,fashionbraceletmakes you more perfect appearance. Not only in theworld offashionhave turned out, it turns bracelet is believed tohavehealthbenefits, protection of self and social identitygroup.Simpleobjects that are often inherent in your hand, thespecial isalsoyes.The origins of the bracelet first appeared can notbeascertained,because each country has a history of the emergenceoffashion itemsthis one. But judging from history in general,thebracelet in aforeign language called the bracelet was derivedfromthe wordbrachile (Latin) which means 'the arm'. And at thattime,believed bythe people of Latin America that the braceletsprotecttheir babiesfrom the devil, for every baby will wear thebraceleton the arm.Slightly different from the Latin Americanpopulation,the populationin Asia and Europe have more confidencethat thebracelet protect aperson from misfortune. The wearer willbe keptaway from variousmisfortunes and much more fortunate thanthosewho do not wearanything on his arm. In Egypt, bracelets thanasequipment trustessential and sacred religion or belief theyalsoshow the socialidentity of the owner. The higher the degree ofthewearer, thebracelet will be more special, gilded and studdedwithjewels.With all the background bracelets with theirrespectivebeliefs,we now know a few kinds of bracelets with thedesignaccording tothe function that has shifted far enough.Braceletbetter known asfashion wardrobe. For that there arecurrently morethe manufactureof bracelets. And the material istailored tobenefit the bracelet.To facilitate the lovers banglebracelet inmaking this applicationprovides a tutorial images inmakingbracelets.May be usefulThat is all and thank you
Kitchen Design Ideas 1.0
You are looking for Kitchen DesignIdeas??Kitchen Design Ideas is an application that containsacollectionof pictures and presenting ideas to be creativeindesigning thekitchen, because this app contains over onehundredideas andimages can be enjoyed offline.The kitchen literally means a place, usually in the homeinwhicha person does the activity process and provide foodorfoodingredient. This event is called by cooking. Withthedevelopmentof culture and technology, the shape of the kitchenisalwayschanging. The kitchen is generally divided into twotypes,namelythe kitchen clean and dirty kitchen. Clean kitchen canbeplacedclose to the family room, or the dining table, becauseitfunctionsto put cooked food. As for the dirty kitchen, servestomake theprocess of cooking, so the location was at the back.Have a beautiful kitchen would be more complete ifweowncomfortable when using it. In fact, a major factor ofcomfortthanjust a beautiful course. To create the atmosphere oftheroomarchitecture and interior architecture of the kitchentobeconvenient for the users, a lot of things that have tobeadjusted.Starting from the size of the kitchen in proportion toitsbody,temperature in architecture and interiorarchitecturespace,adequate lighting, air circulation, as well aswater systemsandsewage, and electrical installation systemsforkitchenappliances.The kitchen as a cooking area should be spacious andneat,whilethe goods to support it very much. To save the cutlerycanbestored in the top of the kitchen appliance, whileforstoringcooking utensils, groceries and even gas cylinders canbeutilizedunder the kitchen table. Not all items in the kitchenmustenterthe closet. There are some that are good for display suchascups,spoons and bottle. For a small kitchen, while itemstobeaccommodated still takes place, can accommodate theseitemstohang.The kitchen can be divided into three main parts. The firstistheactivity of storing food. Required for storing foodstorageareas,namely cabinets and refrigerators. The second istheactivity ofpreparing materials, namely, washing, dispensing,andcutting food.For the purposes of this requires preparation areainthe form oftables and sinks (sinks). The third is cooking, inthiscase takesplace or area put the stove or microwave. The thirdareais ideallynot be placed haphazardly. There is a theoryknownlaying in thekitchen with a triangular shape. That is, thearea of​​preparation,cooking, and storage, should form atriangulargroove. So if the workwill be repeated plot will remainthe sameand does not interferewith other work.In architecture and interior kitchen kitchen space whenyouputyour device should not carelessly cook, consider avarietyoffactors to derive comfort and efficiency.May be useful.That is all and thank you
Pillow Cover Craft Design 1.0
Ngakho imali ku umcamelo entshaenkulufuthiwena sebeqala ukubona zonke izinzuzo kokutholaukhululekilenightssokulala. Qiniseka ukuthi wena ukuvikelautshalomaliyakhongokuthola izinga okusezingeni eliphezulu umcameloicalaukuvikelaumcamelo umzimba ngokwawo. Kukhona izintoezimbalwaokufanelesizibheke emzimbeni umcamelo ihlanganisa ngakhoakesibheke iziciezibaluleke kakhulu.Omunye izici key kubantu kakhulu ukuthiindwanguukhululekilekakhulu eduze ubuso babo. Njengoba uzobe eleleumcamelongoba cisheingxenye yesithathu yosuku, lesi sici kufanelemhlawumbekubephezulu ohlwini lwakho. Abantu abaningi bakhethaukulandelaabeyemvelo, impahla esiwuhogelayo ezifana ukotini eduzeubusobabo.Njengoba nje ne amashidi, ayanda intambo count,ngcono.Ezinyeumcamelo ezinkulu ihlanganisa futhi ihambisaneuziphuefihliwenakho kungaba wengeze induduzo.Qinisekisa ukuthi leli cala umcamelo yilonanobukhuluobufanelefor umcamelo yakho. Lokhu kungase avele esobala,kodwakuwufaneleisikhumbuzo ukubheka up ubukhulu umcamelo yakhobeseuphawuleUbukhulu kusukela kukhona ukwehluka okukhuluubukhuluphakathipillows ezahlukene ezinkulu iyatholakalaonline.Ubukhuluisilinganiso imayelana 20 "x 54", kodwa musaukuthathaizintokalula.Umcamelo ukukhilosha ihlanganisa - ukunakekelwa EasyEsinyeisiciesikhulu ukuba afune. Iningi umzimba umcamelonesembozokuyobaumshini washable, kodwa qiniseka ukuthi uhlole lesisicingaphambikokuthi wenze ukuthenga kwakho. Into yokugcinaofunakuyinto coverumcamelo ukuthi ayilutho futhi ibayalutho.Ngesikhathi uqalaukuthenga umcamelo yakho, ungase zitholeithubaukuthenga nesembozoezengeziwe ezenziwe ngokukhethekilemkhiqizo.Lokhu kungase kubeumqondo omuhle, ikakhulukazi umaumcamelo yakhokuyinto ubukhuluengavamile noma shape.Umcamelo cover of ekamelweni lokudlela design -Umauhlangabezananobunzima ekutholeni ezifanele ezinkuluumcamelonesembozo, ungaseuthande ukucabangela kwenza umuntu wena.Lenayindlela enhle ukuzeuthole umcamelo oyosisizalokubhalelaekamelweni lakho kanye.Uzodinga ukukala umcamelo yakhobesewengeza emasentimitheni ambalwamaterial kokubili ubudenobubanzi.Uzodinga ukuthenga i uziphu extraeside noma omunyecabangelauhlobo oluhlukile Ukuvalwa. Uma ungeyenauhloboukuthunga,kunabantu abayobe siko ukwenza umzimbaumcameloihlanganisa ukuthiungathola ngokusebenzisa ukuthungawendawo nomaizikebhe esitolonoma online. Ngeke sorry ukuthi wenzaumzamo ukuzeuvikele umzimbawakho umcamelo ngekhava okukhulu. Kulesiisicelo,uzotholanamashumi imibono mayelana cover umcamelo design,likecoverElisemqamelweni tutorial, umcamelo coverimpahla,ezimibalabalacover umcamelo izikebhe, zokuhlobisa umcamelocover,umcamelodesign imibono, umcamelo mockup,umcameloesiyingqayizivele,efekethisiwe, elula, vintage, Classic,zanamuhla, tutorials lula,ngezandla cover umcamelo design,babyumcamelo cover design,izikebhe creative, zokuhlobisaumcameloikhava.
Office Design Ideas 1.0
You are looking for an office designidea??Office Design Ideas is an application that contains acollectionofpictures and presenting ideas to be creative indesigningoffice,Because this application contains over one hundredideas andimagescan be enjoyed offline.Interior Design Office are the elements or furnitureconsistingofobjects home interior that was designed by thearchitecttocomplement the needs of the buildings or officebuildings.Using the right furniture could be a factor in determiningthemainsupporter of the chosen design style to a room. Butapartfromthat, there are some other things that should beconsidered,namelythe formation of interior space design that candeliver anoverallsense of space that is on the ceiling (roof),walls andfloors.In the Interior Design Firm, everyone has the desireandthecharacters are different. They want the officeatmosphereisdifferent from the other offices and wants to lookuniqueandharmonious. Because in modern times many new entrepreneurswhosetup offices and do not want to lose competitivenesswithpreviousoffice. Therefore, in Interior Design Office requiresacreativitythat is high enough to create an atmosphere anddesigndesired.Those who are entitled to participate in managingtheOfficeInterior Design is the architect, the owner of an officeorcompanyand an expert interior designer or designer. So theinteriordesignand office environments are planning thepreparationoflayout-layout rooms or units workplace an officerigorouslyinorder to increase employee communicationsandfacilitatecoordination and supervision.May be usefulThat is all and thank you