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Coloring Shapes For Kids 2.0
Coloring Shapes for Kids is acharminganeducational FREE coloring book app that will amuse yourkidswhilealso giving them a head start on their early geometryskills.Allthe basic shapes, square through triangle, are featuredhereinwacky scenes that will keep kids entertained for hours.Features:•?? fun pictures to color•Teaches children about shapes, a fundamentalconceptineducation•5 basic colors that can be mixed to create new colors•Stimulates creativity and teaches about boundaries•Exercises touchscreen skillsEverything is Made Up of Shapes!Parents, did you know that children have an inbornabilitytounderstand shapes? Even babies recognize mathematicalconceptslikeshapes long before they learn to add, subtract, orcount. Infact,shapes lay the foundation for future learning inmath,geometry,physics, and even calculus. By playing with shapesandcolors kidsbegin to understand how to describe an objectandcategorize it byits similarities or differences. Afterall,everything is made upof shapes!Kick-start Your Kids’ Early Childhood EducationParents want their kids to get a head start on theireducation,andkids just want to have fun. Coloring Shapes for Kidsdoesboth!Kids are easily fascinated by coloring, whichoccupiestheirattention and relieves stress. Coloringstimulatestheirimagination and gives them a goal to work towards togain asenseof accomplishment and a boost of confidence.At the same time, kids are learning about shapes, which issetsthefoundation for reading and math. Children who start schoolwithagrasp on shapes find school less confusing and lesspanicandself-doubt. Kids who start school knowing their shapesarealreadyahead of the curve, and are likely to continue tostayaheadthrough their early childhood education.Coloring for Fun and FundamentalsIn Coloring Shapes for Kids, children can enjoyexperimentingandplaying with mixing colors to make new colors.Bybetterunderstanding the makeup of colors, children arebetterprepared tounderstand the full spectrum of the color wheel astheygetolder.Teaching Children to use Touchscreen DevicesAlso, by using a touchscreen device at a young age,childrenarebetter prepared to understand how to operate tabletandtouchscreeninterfaces as they get older. This is anespeciallyimportant skillas these devices are becoming increasinglyimportantin our dailylives.GET SHARE WITH FAMILY & FRIENDSAs parents, we’ve all been there… your child has created aworkofart and you would love to proudly display it on Facebookorsimplysend copies to family. This is of course difficultwithoutgettingthe camera, scanner or photocopier out! once yourchild hascreatedtheir masterpiece, at the click of a button, youcan shareit withfriends & family via Facebook, Twitter, email,or simplysave asnapshot to your device.Got a suggestion? Email us at [email protected] to inconvenience! This free app is ad supported andmaycontainads in the notification tray and/or home screen.