Top 15 Apps Similar to Sixth Grade Kids Math Guru

아하수학 - 초등 6학년 1학기 1.0.5
김 현 옥
▶30000시간 강의 노하우! ▶대치동 학교 수업에서 가장 높은 수강료! ▶교과목 강좌 중 4년 연속 1등! ▶공개수업시가장 높은 만족도 (학부모 100%, 학생 98%)! [아하수학이 제안하는 체험수학] 공식으로 나온 것은 대부분원리가문자로 설명되어 있습니다. 이미지가 있으면 체험이 가능해 집니다. 문자만 읽고서 이것을 머릿 속에 그릴 수 있는아이들은생각보다 훨씬 적습니다. 그래서 이 영역의 보충을 위해 이미지가 필요합니다. 이미지가 있으면 체험이 가능해집니다. 거기다그것을 체험하도록 상상하도록 유도하는 코치가 있다면 더욱 더 효과적입니다. [아하수학의 학습방법] 질문과답은 반드시분리된 액션 질문과 관련된 이미지가 있을 경우는 같이 반응하도록 액션 의미가 있는 단어는 다른 색깔로 의미가있음을나타내기 배운 것을 아는지 모르는 지 확인할 수도 있는 ‘칸 칸 마스터 [왜 아하수학 앱북인가요?] - 한꺼번에나오지않습니다. 클릭할 때마다 등장합니다. - 스스로 생각할 여유를 줍니다. - 아는지 모르는지 확인까지 할 수 있는‘아하수학앱북’으로 편리하게 수학을 체험할 수 있습니다. - 수학은 두뇌로 체험하도록 해야 합니다. 그것은 바로상상력이고창의력입니다. - 개념을 꽉~잡아줍니다. - 머리 속에 쏙 챙겨도 줍니다. 아하~!! [아하수학 앱북의 3단계학습법]1. 동영상 재생 - 화면을 보며 선생님의 설명을 차근차근 들어보세요. - 어려운 개념도 참 쉽게 익힐 수있습니다. 2.내용 학습 - 화면을 한 장씩 넘겨가며 꼼꼼하게 읽어보세요. - 동영상을 통해 익힌 개념을 효과적으로복습할 수 있습니다.3. 확인 문제 - 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 답을 찾아 선택해보세요. - 방법은 간단하지만 모두 끝내고나면, 개념을 완벽하게나의 것으로 만들 수 있습니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : +82-32-832-2375
Ejercicios de primaria Premium 62
Elsa Developers
Ejercicios con preguntas de repaso queayudanaestudiar primaria en el colegio. Ideal para repasarejerciciosdematemáticas, lengua, conocimiento del medio einglés.Estaaplicación no lleva publicidadEsta aplicación servirá además de para estudiar,servirácomoapoyo a los profesores para enseñar a los alumnosejerciciosderepaso de varias asignaturas.Además es ideal para repasar ejercicios y hacerdeberesdurantelas vacaciones de verano y navidadCon esta aplicación los niños y niñas aprenderán,reforzaránymejorarán sus conocimientos del idioma inglés,dematemáticas,conocimiento del medio y demás asignaturas de 1º,2º,3º, 4º y 5ºde primaria. Válido para niños de 5, 6,7, 8 y 9 añosqueesténcursando primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto y quintodeprimaria.Pronto ampliaremos las preguntas para añadir máscursosdeEducación primaria: 6º de primaria.Válida para aprender inglés ya que ademas de preguntasdeprimariatiene preguntas en ingles y en español.Las preguntas de educación primaria son válidas para niñosyniñasde sudamérica y España: Chile, Argentina,México,Colombia,Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador y resto delatinoamérica yaque losniveles educativos entre todos los paisesson similares.Tambiénson válidas para niños de Inglaterra, EstadosUnidos (USA)ycualquier pais en el que se hable inglésAdemás, los adultos pueden usarlo como si fuera un trivialounquiz de preguntas para saber si saben más que un niñodeprimaria.Si eres un adulto deberías responder a casi todaslaspreguntas deforma correcta... si no lo haces es que no sabesmásque un niño deprimaria.En la materia de matemáticas se preguntaránsumas,restas,multiplicaciones y divisiones.En lengua se preguntan sinónimos, antónimos,verbos,comprensiónlectora, etc. Algunas de las preguntas estándiseñadasparafomentar la comprensión lectora de los niños, niñasparaqueaprendan a leer y comprendan lo que han leído. Selespreguntarápor vocales, consonantes, para que los niñosdesarrollenla lecturacomprensiva y aprendan a leer yescribircorrectamente.¿Cuánto sabes de primaria? ¿Sabes más que un niñodeprimaria?El número de preguntas y respuestas es bastante elevadoyprontoiremos añadiendo más preguntas y más cursos deprimaria.ASi tienes problemas en el uso, escríbenos un correoeintentaremossolucionarlo lo antes posible.Esta aplicación educativa para niños es válidaparacualquiertablet o móvil tanto HD como normal. Para jugar noesnecesariodisponer de conexión a internet ni wifi ya quelaspreguntaseducativas van incluidas en el terminal y no secargandesdeinternet.Exerciseswithreviewquestions that help to study elementary school. Greatforreviewingmath exercises, language, knowledge of the environmentandEnglish.This application does not carry advertisingThis application will serve well to study, will serveassupportfor teachers to teach students review exercisesofvarioussubjects.It is also ideal for reviewing exercises and doinghomeworkduringsummer vacation and ChristmasWith this application, children will learn, reinforceandimprovetheir knowledge of English, mathematics, knowledgeoftheenvironment and other subjects of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and5thgrade.Valid for children ages 5, 6.7, 8 and 9 who arestudyingfirst,second, third, fourth and fifth grade. Soon we willexpandthequestions to add more courses in primary education:6thgrade.Valid for learning English because besides primaryquestionshavequestions in English and Spanish.The questions are valid for primary school childreninSouthAmerica and Spain: Chile, Argentina, Mexico,Colombia,Venezuela,Bolivia, Ecuador and other Latin American aseducationlevels fromall countries are similar. They are also validforchildren inEngland, United States (USA) and any countrywhereEnglish isspokenIn addition, adults can use it like a trivial or quizquestionstosee if they know more than a primary school kid. Ifyou're anadultyou should answer almost all questions correctly ...if youdo notknow is that no more than a primary school kid.In the area of ​​math addition, subtraction,multiplicationanddivision will wonder.In language synonyms, antonyms, verbs, reading, etc.wonderSomeof the questions are designed to promote readingcomprehensionofchildren to learn to read and understand what theyread. Youwillbe asked for vowels, consonants, so that childrendevelopreadingcomprehension and learn to read and writeproperly.What do you know primary? You know that a child's primary?The number of questions and answers is quite high and soonwillbeadding more questions and more elementary courses. TheIf you have problems in using, send us an email and we willtrytofix it ASAP.This educational app for kids is good for any tabletormobileboth HD as normal. To play it is not necessary tohaveinternet orwifi since educational questions are included intheterminal andnot loaded from internet.
Matura matematyka 1.0
Wszystkie zadania zostały przygotowanezgodniezwymaganiami egzaminacyjnymi opracowanymi przezCentralnąKomisjęEgzaminacyjną.Zestawy testów zawierają ponad 600 zadań zewszystkichdziałówznajdujących się w podstawie programowejdlapoziomupodstawowego.Każde zdanie zawiera podpowiedź, która pomoże Ciwprzypadkuwystąpienia trudności z rozwiązaniem.Aplikacja M'13 - Matura Matematyka została specjalnieprzygotowanaiopracowana przez zespół doświadczonychegzaminatorów.Powodzenia!All taskshavebeenprepared in accordance with the requirements of theexamdevelopedby the Central Examination Commission.Test kits contain more than 600 tasks in all departmentslocatedinthe core curriculum for the primary level.Each sentence contains a hint to help you in case ofproblemswiththe solution.Application M'13 - High School Mathematics wasspeciallydevelopedand designed by a team of experiencedexaminers.Good Luck!
Kids Math 1.0.4
** Fun4Kids Kids Math **Please reach us @ [email protected] foranyfeedbackand support! We will be happy to hear back from youonanyissues.*********************Fun4Kids*********************Preschool years are a time of rapid learning as parentsbegintoprepare their children for the upcomingchallenges of school. Concepts and skills, such asletters,words,colors, numbers, and hand-eye coordination, can allbe taughtatthis age, and Fun4Kids provides parents with premiumapps tohelpwith this process.Learning math is a simple, easy to use appforpreschoolkids.Kids Math provides an easy way for kids to learn numbersandbuildbasic math skills.Numbers are spoken in kid-friendly English.Our goal is to make Mathematics easy for our kids.Ourapplicationsare designed by experienced pre-school teachers.Your kids will enjoy the following activities:-Learning numbers-Counting Objects-Playing Simple Math Game with Addition-Recognizing Numbers with Memory Game-Counting Objects with Fruits Game-Advanced Math Exercises with Chicken Quiz-Fun Balloon Game for Kids (Simple MathAddition&Subtraction)-Fun Game for kids where a number of objects are presentedonanimage. Kids are given 3 choices with only onecorrectanswerspecifying the number of objects!How Early you can start teaching MathMathematics is "the science of patterns." Sincebabiesnaturallylearn by looking for patterns, some simpleactivities canstimulatetheir minds.Preschoolers are ready for even more discoveries. Ifyouprovidethem with opportunities, then they will learn.Fun4Kidsprovideapplications to teach preschoolers math, patternrecognitionaswell as keeping them entertained for hours.Preschool is a terrific time to lay thegroundworkformathematical thinking and understanding. Create aclimateconduciveto learning. As your child explores the worldaround him,he'lllearn to question, to observe, and to seekanswers.Math opens the door to science, engineering, medicine.Itslogicalproblem-solving is useful in any discussion. You don’thaveto tellthe child all that though. It’s simply fun to showthechild hownumbers work as you play together – and the bonus tohisself-esteemwon’t hurt.Fun4Kids Preschool Applications are the result ofyearsofexperience and they are designed by experts to giveavitalcompetence and a great head start for school.*********************Keep your kids entertained while improving their letterandnumberrecognition skills.*********************Fun4Kids Preschool Educational Applications includehighqualityimages, animations and music with a kid-friendlysensitivetouchinterface specifically designed for preschoolchildren.*********************Fun4Kids Educational Games are comprehensive, funfilledmemorymatching games for preschool kids.*********************Our unique, educational and fun games reinforce thememoryskills,while helping with the concentration and therecognitionofobjects.*********************Fun4Kids ABC Series*********************Our award-winning educational applications makelearningalphabet,numbers, shapes and colors fun and easy. Letters,WordswithLetters, Finding Letters in a word, hundreds of simplewords,quizand fun games will help your kids learn while havingfun.Preschoolalphabet games that teach kids letters while they havefunplayingOur preschool alphabet games make learning ABC s funandeasy.*********************Building a solid foundation for future learning*********************Recognizing letters and numbers are early pre-literacyskillscrucialto the foundation of future learning. Children whocanidentifyletters and know letter sounds when enteringkindergartenwill bewell-prepared to learn how to sound out wordsand read. Aprint-richenvironment and experience with books willhelp childrenlearn toidentify letters and numbers and develop alove ofreading.
✦Kujon✦ Matematyka, Ortografia 1.47
✦ Kujon ✦ to aplikacja dla uczniówszkółpodstawowych ułatwiająca naukę w zakresie języka polskiegoorazoraz Matematyki.W skład ćwiczeń z języka polskiego wchodzą:✔ Testy ortograficzne obejmujące pisownię wyrazów z: ch-h,rz-ż,u-ó, ni-ń, si-ś oraz ci-ć.✔ Testy fonetyczne weryfikujące wiedzę na temat sylab,głosek,samogłosek oraz spółgłosek.Z kolei w zakresie Matematyki mamy do dyspozycji zadaniazArytmetyki:✔ Dodawanie,✔ Odejmowanie,✔ Mnożenie,✔ Dzielenie.Oprócz testu możesz również wziąć udział w wyzwaniu. Przekonajsięile poprawnych odpowiedzi jesteś w stanie udzielić w ciągu60sekund!Razem z ✦Kujonem✦ możesz również szlifować umiejętnościwprawidłowym porównywaniu liczbZakres liczbowy zadań z Arytmetyki oraz porównywania liczbmożnadostosować do wieku i umiejętności użytkowników 웃 - od 10do200.Powyższe moduły, tj.:✔ Ortografia,✔ Fonetyka,✔ Arytmetyka (w tym tabliczka mnożenia),✔ Porównywanie liczbumożliwiają pracę na dwóch poziomach trudności dla mniej ibardziejzaawansowanych.Ponadto ✦Kujon✦ umożliwia naukę odczytywania czasu zzegaraanalogowego.Dostępne są ćwiczenia z zegarem z liczbami arabskimi, rzymskimilubnieopatrzonego liczbami.Z ✦Kujonem✦ nie zapomnisz Twojego planu lekcji. Zapisz plan zajęćimiej go zawszez przy sobie.✦Kujon✦ to świetna apka pomagająca utrwalić wiedzęprzedkartkówką z tabliczki mnożenia czy teżdyktandemortograficznym.Polub Nas na Facebook i bądź na bieżąco z informacjami onowościachw apce!▶ Facebook:ęzyk polski, matematyka, ortografia, fonetyka,tabliczkamnożenia, dodawanie, porównywanie liczb, mniejsze,większe, równe,znak większości, znak mniejszości, znak równości,sylaby, głoski,litery, edukacja, polskie wyrazy, testy edukacyjne,matma,matematyka dla dzieci, matematyka dla dzieci, matematyka dladzieci7 lat, matematyka dla dzieci 8 lat, matematyka dla dzieci 9lat,ortografia polska, ortografia dla dzieci, ortografia dla dzieci7lat, ortografia dla dzieci 8 lat, ortografia dla dzieci 9 lat,planlekcji, szkoła podstawowa, matematyka szkoła podstawowa,ortografiaszkoła podstawowa, matematyka po polsku, plan lekcji popolsku,plan zajęć po polsku, plan zajęć, fonetyka po polsku,fonetykaszkoła podstawowa, nauczanie wczesnoszkolne, zegar, zegarrzymski,zegar arabskiSkilled ✦ ✦ isanapplication for primary school students to facilitate learninginthe language and Polish and Mathematics.The exercises with the Polish language includes:✔ spelling tests, including the spelling of words with: ch-h,r-f,u-bed, ni-s, s-s and ci-tab.✔ The tests verify phonetic knowledge of syllables, sounds,vowelsand consonants.On the other hand, in the field of Mathematics we have thetaskof Arithmetic:✔ Add,✔ Subtraction,✔ Multiplication✔ Division.In addition the test can also take part in the challenge. Findouthow many correct answers you are able to give within60seconds!Together with ✦Kujonem✦ can also hone skills in thecorrectcomparing numbersNumerical range of tasks in the Arithmetic and comparingnumberscan be adapted to the age and ability of the users 웃 - from10 to200.These modules, ie .:✔ Spelling,✔ Phonetics,✔ Arithmetic (including multiplication table)✔ Comparing numbersThey enable you to work on two levels of difficulty for the lessandmore advanced.In addition ✦Kujon✦ enables learning of reading time withananalog clock.There are exercises of a clock with Arabic numerals, Romanornieopatrzonego numbers.With ✦Kujonem✦ not forget your lesson plan. Save the scheduleandhave it zawszez with you.✦Kujon✦ a great apka helps solidify knowledge quiz beforethemultiplication tables or spelling dictation.Like us on Facebook and keep up with news in the APCE!▶ Facebook: language, mathematics, spelling, phonetics,multiplicationtable, add, compare numbers, smaller, larger, equalto, greater thansign, a sign of minorities, equality sign,syllables, sounds,letters, education, Polish words, testseducational, math, math forchildren, math for kids, math for kids7 years, math for kids 8years, math for kids 9 years, spellingPolish spelling for children,spelling for children 7 years,spelling for children 8 years oldspelling for children 9 years,plan lessons, primary school, primaryschool mathematics, spellingelementary school mathematics inPolish, the Polish timetable,schedule Polish, schedule, phoneticsPolish, phonetics primaryschool, primary education, clock, clock,Roman clock Arabic
Skumaj! matura matematyka 2016 1.0.3
Aplikacja wspierająca naukęrozwiązywaniatestów maturalnych z matematyki (Matura 2016).Głowisz się, jak zdać maturę z matematyki? Fiszkimaturalne,powtórki z równań i trudne zadania do matury nie dają Cispać ponocach? Mamy na to rozwiązanie! Aplikacja mobilna Skumaj!sprawi,że matura z matematyki stanie się banalnie prosta.Jak to możliwe?- Skumaj! jest wszechstronne. Przygotowaliśmy dla Ciebiezadaniamaturalne z matematyki, próbne testy maturalne… krótkomówiąc,skuteczne ćwiczenia maturalne ze wszystkich wymaganychdziedzin itematów – wszystkie zgodne z wytycznymi CKE.- Skumaj! jest skuteczne. Rozwiązuj testy maturalne zmatematykigdziekolwiek chcesz i kiedykolwiek chcesz – wystarczytylko włączyćaplikację. Powtórka do matury będzie szybka, skutecznai naprawdęprzyjemna!- Skumaj! jest wygodne w użyciu. Dzięki przejrzystejstrukturzeaplikacji znajdziesz wszystkie aktualne testy maturalnezmatematyki online, i to w jednym miejscu.Skumaj! – co Ci to da?- Zadania maturalne z matematyki, dzięki którym sprawdziszswojeumiejętności.- Teoria w pigułce. Lekkostrawnie podana.- Próbne testy. Matura na brudno, i to w zaciszu swojego domu–czemu nie?- Tablice wzorów, żeby zawsze były pod ręką.- Wyzwania na zadania. Ze znajomymi z FB albo z ławki obok.- Wyniki – żebyś z matematyczną precyzją mierzył swoje postępy!Skumaj! udowodni Ci, że przygotowanie do matury z matematykimożebyć szybkie i wygodne. Ulżyj swojemu mózgowi – użyj Skumaj! ibawsię nauką. Matura z matematyki – testy, równania, zadania…jużniedługo nie będziesz miał z nimi problemu. Już nasza wtymgłowa!The applicationsupportsscience-solving tests mathematics matriculation (Matura2016).Głowisz out how to pass a high school diploma withmathematics?Flashcards Matura, a repeat of equations and difficulttask forhigh school does not give you sleep at night? We have thesolution!We'll send skum! make baccalaureate in mathematics becomeschild'splay.How is this possible? - Skum! It is comprehensive. We have prepared for youthetask matriculation in mathematics matriculation test test ...inshort, the effective exercise Matura with all therequireddisciplines and themes - all in accordance with theguidelinesCKE.- Skum! It is effective. Solve matriculation tests inmathematicswherever you want and whenever you want - just turn iton. Replaythe baccalaureate will be fast, efficient andreallyenjoyable!- Skum! It is comfortable to use. Thanks to the clear structureyoucan find all current applications matriculation mathematicstestsonline and in one place.Skum! - What does that give?- Tasks matriculation in mathematics, so that you checkyourskills.- The theory in a nutshell. Lekkostrawnie given.- Trial tests. Matura on dirty, and in the comfort of your home-why not?- Tables patterns that have always been at hand.- Challenges for the task. With your friends on FB or thebenchnext.- Performance - with mathematical precision you measureyourprogress!Skum! proves you that preparing for final exams inmathematicscan be fast and convenient. Lighten your brain - useskum! andenjoy science. High school math - testing, grading, job... soonyou will not have a problem with them. Already we in thehead!
Math Sequences 1.0
Math Sequences is the most advancedapplicationfor solving sequences problems (arithmetic progression,geometricprogression, geometric series).There is a complete solution delivered for each issue tosatisfyevery teacher or student.With Math Sequences you can calculate:- properties of geometric progression: initial term, any mthtermand nth term, ratio, sum of n terms, general formula- properties of arithmetic progression: initial term, any mthtermand nth term, difference, sum of n terms, general formula- properties of geometric series: initial term, ratio, sumThe application solves every algebraic problem includingthosewith:- fractions- roots- powersyou can also use parentheses, decimal numbers and Pi number.An advanced validation of data entry allows you to find theerrorsquickly and corrects them for you immediately.This application not only gives you the solution, it also showsyouall the formulas which had been used.Tags: math, school, sequences, series, arithmeticprogression,geometric progression, geometric series
Math Games 1.0.1
Learn With this application you developmajoroperations such as removing both your mind and collectbetterway.This application suitable for all ages that we are completely free.It is a very easy to use application.There are four operations, including subtractionmultiplicationand division sums in question.Each of the 50 questions vardır.topla 200 questions arewaitingfor you.
قواعد اللغة العربية سادس علمي 1.0
قواعد اللغة العربية للصف السادسالعلمالامتحانات الوزار ية
Free Grade 3 Math English 3rd 1.1
This is our app title # 3 out of a total of42apps released till date.If you practice hard, you can excel !! QVprep Lite for grade3provides you many math and english problems with detailedanswerexplanations so that you can create a stronglearningfoundation.QVprep Lite Grade 3: Third grade Quantitative (Maths) andVerbal(English) Practice tests for 3rd gradeQVprep Lite 3 helps students in grade 3 to practice, learnandimprove their knowledge in maths and english. The app hasmultiplechoice questions with answers in 20 practice tests onquantitative(maths) and verbal (english) ability.This app is ideal to not only improve grades in school butalsoto prepare for tests conducted by schools for admission intotheirhigh cap and gifted programs.Verbal (english) ability practice tests are on grade 3levelverbal analogy and analogies, antonyms, synonyms,readingcomprehension, vocabulary and word meanings.Quantitative (maths) ability practice tests are on grade 3levelmaths covering numbers, place values, addition,subtraction,multiplication, division, mixed operations,statistics,probability, fractions, decimals, geometry, perimeter,area,measurement, time and money calculation, variables,equations,mental maths, puzzles, logic and reasoning.The QVprep Lite grade 3 app has ten practice tests eachinquantitative and verbal ability. Each practice test hassamplemultiple choice questions for you to try out.If you answer wrong, the correct answer with detailedexplanationis displayed which improves learning. If you like theapp, you canbuy the paid version QVprep 3.This app is FREE and is for kids in grade 3. The app enablesyouto perfect your maths and english skills on the go on yoursmartphones and tablets.PJP Consulting LLC* Our mission is to develop educational apps for everysubject,every country, every school and college so that today'smoderntechnology like smart phones and tablets is used foreducation andlearning of school, college and academiccurriculum.* This app is ideal for accelerated learning and improvesyourverbal reasoning and math fundamentals* Attempt questions and quiz that pose challenge in a testprepenvironment* With no games, this tutor on mathematics and englishreadingpresents challenging questions in a workbook /worksheetformat* Ideal for testing, learning, training, and tutoringforstudents
Math Mind 1.0.3
Stimulate your brain with mental arithmetic
Discrete Mathematic Calculator 1.3
Calculators function: - Euler numbers of first kind - Eulernumbersof second kind - Stirling numbers of first kind - Stirlingnumbersof second kind - Bell Numbers - Catalan numbers - Factorial-Binomial coefficient - Permutations with repetition -Permutationswithout repetition - Combination with repetitions Leaveme acomment and rate. Thanks
Learn Harry Mathematics 1.0.0
Through this application to check yourchildrento learn math.Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division operationsina simple way to learn.Thanks in the examples to improve the intelligence.Pre-school is a very nice application.Math Learning application is for boys and girls.
Calculo Schola learn math 2.7
Learn math the 'write' way!Mathematics in a simple but fun manner.You can write down your answer and Calculo Schola will telliftheanswer is correct. Take up the challenge and see if youarefasterthen your child!- Perfect letter recognition- Game mode and free mode- Landscape and Portrait mode- Set your own level (number ranges)Have fun!Tags: calculate math numbers learning writeaddingnumberssubtract divide multiply
6th Math / PSLE Ratios & Props 1.7
This app is optimized for both phonesandtablets.It would be nice to have simple Math learning tool that willtellthe kids, where they stand on each topic for Sixth kids andhelpthem measure themselves, where they stand in order to focus ontheweak topics. There is an App, its called Sixth Math / PSLE -Ratios& Proportions from Teeneinstein - will tell the kids,where theystand on each topic for Sixth kids.Teeneinstein's Sixth Math / PSLE - Ratios & Proportionshelpsbuild confidence & mastery in Math and facilitates Mathlearningfor Grade Six kids.App helps the student to perform well in Grade Six Math exams,inbuilding the Math fundamentals, plus future SAT preparation.Tip: Math is all about basics and hard work, and its unique,itcannot be mastered by light reading, one has to learn thebasicsfirst, techniques and mastery comes by daily practice andmorepractice the better. Before working on any problem, spend timetounderstand the problem and start solving them using paper &pen- no shortcuts and do as many as problems as possible withfullconcentration. This helps in building confidence and masterycomesover a period of time.Math requires 1-1 concentration; it requires full attentionandno distractions and positive frame of mind, make sureallnegativity is blocked and always be an optimist with full of candopositive frame of mind.★ Feedback - please forward feedback and suggestions to [email protected]★ Intended for - Sixth kids★ What Topics are included?Confirms to World wide Sixth Standards & Singapore'sMOEStandards.1. Ratios & ProportionsApp has more than 200 questions with more than 20 Graphs and hastwolevels 1. Basic and 2. Advanced plus lot of unique featureslikesetting the limit for the number of questions the studentwould liketo answer. It has plenty of beautiful graphs to explainthe studentswhere they stand and how they are progressing in eachtopic and theycan share the reports and graphs with their parentsand friends byemail and SMS.★ App Features -Confirms to worldwide Sixth standards & SingaporeMOEStandards.Future SAT Preparation200+ Questions20+ GraphsFacilitates solid Math foundationKeywords: 6th, 6th MathTo download the App, please click on the URL below-