Top 14 Games Similar to SUPER BABY PUZZLE 2

Barbapapa and the shapes
Barbabeau, the artist of the family, is ataloss of inspiration : “How can I become a great artist?”,helaments. Even biscuits cannot cheer him up, the creativetormenthas taken away his appetite. He looks at them, observesthem,looses himself in the diversity of their shapes. Some areround,others squared or even triangular…suddenly his face litup:“Abstract art! This is my path!”.Follow the Barbapapas in all sorts of environments anddiscovergeometric shapes. In the countryside, in town, at thebeach…thereare everywhere!AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books. Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautiful animationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of children literature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustrates the theme as wellasan access to tens of other games on the website.Languages: English, Français, Italiano, Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어, Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Barbapapa musical instruments
Barbabright wants to get acquainted withmusic.His almost exclusive hobby being science he never took thetime tolearn any instrument. It is high time it changes, hebelieves he hasan artistic talent himself and all the scientificgeniuses learnedmusic, he must definitely dedicate some of histime to it.Barbalala is glad to hear it and she’s happy to tell him aboutthepercussion, the strings, the brass, and all the othersbutBarbabright is still hesitant, which one of these instrumentsismeant for him? The violin like Albert Einstein ? The flutelikeIsaac Newton ? What a dilemma…AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books. Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautiful animationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of children literature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustrates the theme as wellasan access to tens of other games on the website.Languages: English, Français, Italiano, Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어, Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Solve the puzzle, wherever you are!Suitable for children over 30 months.The kids train for understanding the forms and their motorskillshaving to place the pieces in the right of the drawing.Play with your child !At the first play, the child may not be able to find the locationofpieces.Play the game with your baby consistently for a few days orweeks,and you will be surprised at the mobile development of yourchild'shand .This game must be played in the presence of a parent, and itisencouraged for you to guide the child through play at first .★ When to play!○ When the child is irritable or will not stop crying , playingthisapp can keep the attention of your child. ( The various sounds,animated animals , and the vibrations stimulate the curiosity ofthechild. )○ This application can show better results than rattlesordolls.○ This application is particularly useful for parents who spendallthe time with their children , but can not figure out how tofillthat time.※ attention○ Play the question of an excessive amount of time or leavethechildren alone with the device is not encouraged.○ Be cautious of injury due to falling unit . ( Place the deviceona flat surface or hold it in your hand. )バーバパパ 世界をまわる Baabapapa sekai wo mawaru
Barbapapa the states of water
The Barbapapa are having a good timeatthemoutain. Barbabeau seize the opportunity to practiceicesculpting.Complete he installs his statue in the chalet nexttothefireplace. The good boy wants to offer it to his mum. Herunsforher. But when he is back, what a tragedy, thestatuehasdisappeared ! There is no clue, this is a completemystery.Water can transform just like the Barbapapa. In whatshape?Underwhat conditions? This book will reveal you a few ofitssecrets.AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books.Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautifulanimationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of childrenliterature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustratesthe theme aswell as anaccess to tens of other games on thewebsite.Languages: English, Français, Italiano,Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어,Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Find the differences between the picturesofBarbapapa!Suitable for children over 30 months.The kids train for understanding the forms and having tofinddifferences between the two images.Play with your child !At the first play , the child may not be able to findthecorrespondence between the images .Play the game with your baby consistently for a few days orweeks,and you will be surprised at the mobile development of yourchild'shand .This game must be played in the presence of a parent, and itisencouraged for you to guide the child through play at first .★ When to play!○ When the child is irritable or will not stop crying , playingthisapp can keep the attention of your child. ( The various sounds,animated animals , and the vibrations stimulate the curiosity ofthechild. )○ This application can show better results than rattlesordolls.○ This application is particularly useful for parents who spendallthe time with their children , but can not figure out how tofillthat time.※ attention○ Play the question of an excessive amount of time or leavethechildren alone with the device is not encouraged.○ Be cautious of injury due to falling unit . ( Place the deviceona flat surface or hold it in your hand. )
Barbapapa and the numbers
One, two, three, four, five sheeps areleapingin the field ; six, seven, eight, nine Barbapapas havetransformed.You can count everything in this book…provided you knowthenumbers. But don’t worry, every number has its dedicated page.Youwill only find pairs on the page dedicated to the number two:twopigs, two dogs, two rabbits, two cats, two birds, two kids…andtwoBarbapapas of course. The numbers are quietly taken oneafteranother until an exceptional event changes the face of theworld ofthe Barbapapas…AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books. Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautiful animationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of children literature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustrates the theme as wellasan access to tens of other games on the website.Languages: English, Français, Italiano, Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어, Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Barbapapa and the computers
Computers and electronic gadgetshaveinvadedthe world but not the house ofBarbapapa…untilrecently.Barbabright has unrolled the Internet inthe neighborhoodfor somescientific purposes. He didn’t imagine thiswould turnupside downthe everyday life of the Barbapapa.All the Barbababies are throwing themselves into thisnewnumericalworld. Computer assisted creation, videogames,selfies…these arethe only words that come out of their mouthnow.They have almostforgotten about reality, much to the distressofBarbapapa that isvery attached to family life. Will he managetounhook them?AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books.Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautifulanimationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of childrenliterature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustratesthe theme aswell as anaccess to tens of other games on thewebsite.Languages: English, Français, Italiano,Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어,Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Barbapapa and the colours
The garden’s fence needs a serious coatofpaintbut why paint it in plain white when there is aninfinitenumber ofcolors, let’s pick a joyful one. What aboutusingseveral? Let’s takethem all instead, it’s even better.TheBarbapapa go to the shop andstart the work. OddlyenoughBarbabravo favors red, he draws atomato, a red fish and ared car.The fence is now cheering up but itis far from being done.Everybarbababy adds his touch to thisgigantic collective piece ofartthat doesn’t stop expanding.AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books.Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautifulanimationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of childrenliterature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustratesthe theme aswell as anaccess to tens of other games on thewebsite.Languages: English, Français, Italiano,Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어,Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Barbapapa and the gardening
In our plate, we briefly meet somefruitsandvegetables. All these shapes and colors, this isbeautifulanddelicious but where do they come from? From the cartonboughtatthe supermarket? Yes maybe, but well, before that? Theydon’tgrowby themselves in a carton like the little boys in thecabbages!Follow the fruits and vegetables with the Barbapapa fromtheseedto the plate.AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books.Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautifulanimationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of childrenliterature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustratesthe theme aswell as anaccess to tens of other games on thewebsite.Languages: English, Français, Italiano,Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어,Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Avec ses univers tendres, malins etrigolos,l’appli Piwi+, c’est la meilleure des récrés pour les 3-6ans!Plongés dans un décor 3D, les enfants découvriront des jeux etdesactivités autour les héros de la chaîne Piwi+ : RobocarPoli,Barbapapa, Ariol, Stella et Sacha, Kioka, RastasourisIls y découvriront des épisodes et des chansons de leursdessinsanimés préférés ainsi que des jeux (puzzle,différences,memory)Dans l’atelier créatif, les enfants pourront faire dejoliscoloriages, y coller des gommettes ou encore s’amuser àécrirecomme des grands ! Les parents pourront conserver leurscréationsou les publier sur les réseaux sociaux … en toute sécuritégrâce aucontrôle parental !La cabane de Zac et Zig sera l’occasion de s’amuser toutendécouvrant les animaux : épeler leurs noms grâce àl’alphabet,apprendre à les dessiner facilement, ou encore s’initierà leurhabitatDans le coffre à jouets de Piwi+ se cacheront égalementdessurprises pour permettre à l’enfant de s’éveiller au monde :unestimulation musicale pour petit mélomane, une veilleusepours’endormir sous les étoiles ou encore un jeu deréflexionillustrant les saisonsLes enfants s’amuseront à découvrir les animations cachées dansledécor de l’appli : Oh ! Ici un arc en ciel ! Là des fleursquipoussent comme par magie …L’appli de Piwi+, une expérience interactive en totaleautonomie,des surprises pour s’éveiller au monde, créer et s’amuser…en toutesécurité !With its softuniverse,smart and funny, the application Piwi + is the best récréfor 3-6years!Immersed in a 3D setting, children will discover gamesandactivities around the heroes of Piwi + channel: RobocarPoli,Barbapapa, Ariol, Stella and Sam, Kioka, RastasourisThey will discover episodes and songs from their favoritecartoondrawings and games (puzzle, differences, memory)In the creative workshop, children can make pretty colors,includingstick stickers or fun to write alike! Parents can keeptheircreations and post them on social networks ... safe withParentalControls!The hut and Zig Zac will be an opportunity to have funwhilediscovering the animals spell their names with the alphabet,learnto draw easily, or to learn about their habitatIn the toy box Piwi + also hide surprises to allow the childtodiscover the world: a musical stimulation for little lover, anightto sleep under the stars or a puzzle illustrating theseasonsChildren are sure to love hidden in the background of theanimationapp: Oh! Here a rainbow! There flowers that grow likemagic...App Piwi +, an interactive experience in total autonomy,surprisesto discover the world, create and have fun ...safely!
Barbapapa and the sport
Barbabelle always wants to betheprettiest,what a coquette! Sport is the best way to keep inshape,especiallywhen you change shape all the time, you may say !Barbabravo the sportsman of the family, is a coach atheart,thisis good luck.Here we go! Let’s run, jump, slide! athletics,gymnastic,teamsports…they try them all at a frantic pace.Of course this is very demanding, will Barbabelle be abletocopewith this.AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books.Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautifulanimationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of childrenliterature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustratesthe theme aswell as anaccess to tens of other games on thewebsite.Languages: English, Français, Italiano,Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어,Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Barbapapa first English words
Hello! How are you? Do you likeEnglish?TheBarbapapas initiate you to the alphabet with the helpofthelanguage of Shakespeare. To be able to read and writeisveryimportant and it is never too early to start especiallywhenyou doit with this multicoloured family. Let’s take a walkwiththeBarbapapa and learn how to associate letters to Englishwords:Alike ‘airplane’, B like ‘boy’, C like ‘cake’. Little bylittleawhole world of words opens to you.AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books.Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautifulanimationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of childrenliterature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustratesthe theme aswell as anaccess to tens of other games on thewebsite.Languages: English, Français, Italiano,Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어,Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Barnabé jeux édu. FREE 1.1
Jeux éducatifs (5) pour les enfants de 2à10ans. Voix et textes en FRANCAIS./ Membre du programme"DesignedforFamilies" de Google / Jeux (dans sa version gratuite)incorporésàplusieurs tablettes par défaut, dont la "KidsPad 2".- VERSION LIMITEE GRATUITE -[Connexion à internet nécessaire pour charger les musiquesetlesconsignes parlées]Merci de laisser un commentaire et une évaluation(bien-sûrtrèspositive !) :-)>> Retrouvez "Barnabé", un petit chien courageux,danssonaventure et ses rencontres... La particularité de ce jeuestqu'ilpropose une véritable petite histoire, liée par8mini-jeux.L'enfant choisit s'il veut faire toute l'aventure,ous'il veutjuste jouer aux mini-jeux. Toutes les instructionssontorales (enfrançais), et l'enfant est parfaitement autonome danssonjeuéducatif.Il y a 8 modes de jeux :- un jeu de calcul, lors duquel l'enfant devra aiderBarnabé(lepetit chien) à compter les oiseaux qui volent dansleciel...- deux jeux de psychomotricité (coordination)danslesquelsl'enfant aidera Barnabé, à retrouver des petitsmarcassinset desbébés tortues, qui se sont perdus...- un jeu de répétition ; à la nuit tombée, Barnabéregardelesétoiles qui jouent de la musique... l'enfant devrareproduirelesnotes de musique en cliquant sur les bonnesétoiles...- deux jeux ludiques de coordination ; l'enfantdevraguiderBarnabé à sauter au bon moment par dessus despetitsobstacles(fleurs, buissons, champignons...) jusqu'àlaligned'arrivée...- un jeu de calcul et de coordination ; Barnabé aide uncanardàattraper des pommes qui flottent sur la rivière, enfaisantbienattention de ne pas attraper les poissons...- et un jeu de reconnaissance et d'identification,danslequell'enfant devra retrouver des fleurs particulières, dansunchampfleuri, pour composer un joli bouquet...Chaque mini-jeu évolue progressivement, et chaquevictoireestencourageante pour l'enfant, accompagnée pardesapplaudissements,une musique et des "bravo !".../* Si vous constatez un "bug", n'hésitez surtout pas àm'envoyerunmail : réponse assurée *//* les mots d'encouragements sont aussi très très appréciés */Pour l’anecdote, ce jeu a été réalisé pour ma fille de 3ansetdemi (très important, le "demi"). Et croyez-moi, ma filleesttrès"directe" (pour ne pas dire "sans pitié")... et je ne metssurleStore que les jeux qui ont passé sa "validation"...Devantsonsuccès, je l’ai mis sur le « Play Store ». Je suis sûrqu’ilrendravos enfants tout aussi heureux d’y jouer…N'hésitez pas à consulter mes autres jeux pourlesenfants.Celui-là est le cinquième de la série.En cas de problème, envoyez-moi un email, je répondstoujours:[email protected] games(5)forchildren 2 to 10 years. Voices and texts inFRANCAIS./ProgramMember "Designed for Families" Google / Games (inits freeversion)incorporated several tablets default, the "KidsPad2".- LIMITED FREE VERSION -[Internet Connection required to load musicandspokeninstructions]Thank you leave a comment and rate (of course verypositive!):-)>> See "Barnabas," a brave little dog in hisadventureandencounters ... The particularity of this game is thatit offersatrue story, related by 8 mini games. The child decideswhethertomake any adventure, or just wants to playmini-games.Allinstructions are spoken (French), and the childiscompletelyautonomous in its educational play.There are 8 game modes:- A set of calculation, in which the child will helpBarnabas(thelittle dog) as the birds flying in the sky ...- Two sets of psychomotor (coordination) in which thechildwillBarnabas find small piglets and baby turtles that werelost...- A repetition of game; at night, Barnabas look at thestarswhoplay the music ... the child will reproduce the musicalnotesbyclicking on good star ...- Two fun games coordination; the child should guideBarnabastheright time to jump over small obstacles (flowers,shrubs,mushrooms...) to the finish line ...- A set of calculation and coordination; Barnabas help aducktocatch apples floating on the river, making sure to notcatchfish...- And a set of recognition and identification, in whichthechildwill find particular flowers in a flower field, to composeaprettybouquet ...Each mini-game is gradually changing, and every winisencouragingfor the child, accompanied by applause, musicand"bravo!" .../ * If you find a "bug", do not hesitate to emailme:guaranteedresponse * // * The words of encouragement are also very much appreciated*/For the record, this game was made for my 3 year olddaughteranda half (very important, "half"). And believe me, mydaughter isvery"direct" (not to say "no mercy") ... and I do notput on theStorethat games that have passed its "validation" of itssuccess... I Iput it on the "Play Store". I'm sure it will makeyour kidsjust ashappy to play there ... Feel free to check out my other games for children.Thisoneis the fifth in the series.In case of problems, send me an email, Ialwaysanswer:[email protected]
Baby musical instruments free 1.0.8
Baby musical instruments free is anapplicationdeveloped both for babies and elder kids, mainlypreschoolers. Theapp is free and is available for Android devices.This applicationcan become the first introduction to the world ofreal music to yourchildren. Drums, piano and xylophone are waitingfor your child. SO,what you need to do is just click on the screenso that one of themusical instruments will start playing. Colorfulbackgrounds withmonkeys, chicken, bears and other animals playingmusical instrumenttogether. Your baby will recognize the sounds ofthe instrumentsjust after several times of listening. Childrenwill love themusical rhythms presented in this app. Moreover,there are manybackground songs that your child can listen whileplayingfascinating games. The animates scenes shown while playingthemusical instrument will impress your child. This application isanimportant part of children development and broadeningtheirknowledge. It can even become the start of musicalskillsdevelopment. The next step after this app can be theintroductionto the world of classic music. Develop your child invarious fieldsand areas. Download the application and take yourtime.