Top 8 Games Similar to SUPER BABY PUZZLE

Barbapapa musical instruments
Barbabright wants to get acquainted withmusic.His almost exclusive hobby being science he never took thetime tolearn any instrument. It is high time it changes, hebelieves he hasan artistic talent himself and all the scientificgeniuses learnedmusic, he must definitely dedicate some of histime to it.Barbalala is glad to hear it and she’s happy to tell him aboutthepercussion, the strings, the brass, and all the othersbutBarbabright is still hesitant, which one of these instrumentsismeant for him? The violin like Albert Einstein ? The flutelikeIsaac Newton ? What a dilemma…AppsGo is offering a new standard in interactive books. Spendsomequality time with your child watching the beautiful animationsanddiscovering emblematic characters of children literature. Thestorycomes with an original game that illustrates the theme as wellasan access to tens of other games on the website.Languages: English, Français, Italiano, Español,Português,Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, 日本語, 한국어, Svenska,Dutch,Deutsch, 华文, 華文
Avec ses univers tendres, malins etrigolos,l’appli Piwi+, c’est la meilleure des récrés pour les 3-6ans!Plongés dans un décor 3D, les enfants découvriront des jeux etdesactivités autour les héros de la chaîne Piwi+ : RobocarPoli,Barbapapa, Ariol, Stella et Sacha, Kioka, RastasourisIls y découvriront des épisodes et des chansons de leursdessinsanimés préférés ainsi que des jeux (puzzle,différences,memory)Dans l’atelier créatif, les enfants pourront faire dejoliscoloriages, y coller des gommettes ou encore s’amuser àécrirecomme des grands ! Les parents pourront conserver leurscréationsou les publier sur les réseaux sociaux … en toute sécuritégrâce aucontrôle parental !La cabane de Zac et Zig sera l’occasion de s’amuser toutendécouvrant les animaux : épeler leurs noms grâce àl’alphabet,apprendre à les dessiner facilement, ou encore s’initierà leurhabitatDans le coffre à jouets de Piwi+ se cacheront égalementdessurprises pour permettre à l’enfant de s’éveiller au monde :unestimulation musicale pour petit mélomane, une veilleusepours’endormir sous les étoiles ou encore un jeu deréflexionillustrant les saisonsLes enfants s’amuseront à découvrir les animations cachées dansledécor de l’appli : Oh ! Ici un arc en ciel ! Là des fleursquipoussent comme par magie …L’appli de Piwi+, une expérience interactive en totaleautonomie,des surprises pour s’éveiller au monde, créer et s’amuser…en toutesécurité !With its softuniverse,smart and funny, the application Piwi + is the best récréfor 3-6years!Immersed in a 3D setting, children will discover gamesandactivities around the heroes of Piwi + channel: RobocarPoli,Barbapapa, Ariol, Stella and Sam, Kioka, RastasourisThey will discover episodes and songs from their favoritecartoondrawings and games (puzzle, differences, memory)In the creative workshop, children can make pretty colors,includingstick stickers or fun to write alike! Parents can keeptheircreations and post them on social networks ... safe withParentalControls!The hut and Zig Zac will be an opportunity to have funwhilediscovering the animals spell their names with the alphabet,learnto draw easily, or to learn about their habitatIn the toy box Piwi + also hide surprises to allow the childtodiscover the world: a musical stimulation for little lover, anightto sleep under the stars or a puzzle illustrating theseasonsChildren are sure to love hidden in the background of theanimationapp: Oh! Here a rainbow! There flowers that grow likemagic...App Piwi +, an interactive experience in total autonomy,surprisesto discover the world, create and have fun ...safely!
Polo. Jeux éducatifs 3 - 7 ans 1.5.26
4 jeux éducatifs, un clip musical et undessinanimé pour jouer et voyager dans l’univers magique etpoétique dePolo. Un environnement musical apaisant pour unepause« jeu » intelligente et relaxante ! Pour les3-7ans.★ 1 jeu d'adresse pour aider Polo à sauter de nuage ennuage(gratuit).★ 1 grande chasse au trésor dans l'océan parmi lespoissonsmulticolores.★ 1 labyrinthe végétal pour apprendre à se repérer dans l'espaceàla recherche de jolies fleurs à cueillir.★ 1 atelier musical pour s'initier à différents rythmes etdécouvrirle son des instruments.★ 1 épisode complet du dessin animé, pour un voyage inoubliabledansl’univers merveilleux de Polo.★ BONUS : le clip musical de Polo sur une musique deL’histoire de la création de Polo : Les histoires dePolosont nées dans le magazine Les Belles Histoires en 2000. C’estundoux petit chien aventurier et rêveur. L’auteur Régis Fallerinviteparents et enfants à imaginer les dialogues :« L’universde Polo est vaste, intemporel et bourré desurprises… Je sais qu’ilest attachant parce que moi-même, j’aimem’y réfugier pour laissergaloper mon imagination. »Aujourd’hui les aventures de Polo existent en livres,dessinsanimés et application****Attention : Non compatible avec une tablette SamsungTab7****4 educational games,amusic video and a cartoon to play and travel in the magicalworldand poetic Polo. A soothing musical environment for a break"play"smart and relaxing! For 3-7 years.★ 1 game of skill to help Polo to jump from cloud tocloud(free).★ 1 big treasure hunt in the ocean among the colorful fish.★ one maze to learn to navigate through space in search ofbeautifulflowers to pick.★ 1 music workshop to learn about different rhythms and discoverthesound of the instruments.★ 1 full episode of the cartoon, for an unforgettable journeyintothe wonderful world of Polo.★ BONUS: music clip music by PoloThe story of the creation of Polo: Polo's stories were borninthe magazine Les Belles Histoires in 2000. It is a sweet littledogadventurer and dreamer. The author Régis Faller invites parentsandchildren to imagine the dialogues: "The universe is vastPolo,timeless and full of surprises ... I know he is endearingbecausemyself, I like to take refuge let my imagination gallop."Today the Polo's adventures come in books, cartoonsandimplementation**** Please note: Not compatible with Samsung Tab 7 tablet ****
Find the differences between the picturesofBarbapapa!Suitable for children over 30 months.The kids train for understanding the forms and having tofinddifferences between the two images.Play with your child !At the first play , the child may not be able to findthecorrespondence between the images .Play the game with your baby consistently for a few days orweeks,and you will be surprised at the mobile development of yourchild'shand .This game must be played in the presence of a parent, and itisencouraged for you to guide the child through play at first .★ When to play!○ When the child is irritable or will not stop crying , playingthisapp can keep the attention of your child. ( The various sounds,animated animals , and the vibrations stimulate the curiosity ofthechild. )○ This application can show better results than rattlesordolls.○ This application is particularly useful for parents who spendallthe time with their children , but can not figure out how tofillthat time.※ attention○ Play the question of an excessive amount of time or leavethechildren alone with the device is not encouraged.○ Be cautious of injury due to falling unit . ( Place the deviceona flat surface or hold it in your hand. )
James’ amazing adventures
Join James and his friends onamazingunderwater adventures! This magnificent interactivelyanimatedcartoon brings together 10 educational games for kids up to6years.These games are fully aligned with pre-schoollearningrequirements."This is one of the best applications I have reviewed". James got5stars - Educational App Store.comIf you thought the underwater world is a silent place, youarewrong! In this world all citizens are music addicts andeveryonehas a role to play like in an orchestra. But one day, awhale witha cold lets out such a gigantic sneeze during one of theconcertsthat it causes a huge storm. The instruments are allscatteredacross the ocean. Now a big search is underway that willlead tounexpected encounters and beautiful friendships…** The games will allow your kids to:**1. Answer questions relating to LOGIC and MEMORY from agrouchycrocodile2. Develop FINE MOTOR SKILLS by guiding a boat through a mazeofislands and rocks3. Mix the correct COLORS to prepare a magical soup4. Enjoy crazy SOUND MEMORY games with baby birds5. Learn how to recognize FORMS and COLORS withunderwaterTetris6. OBSERVE and LOCATE a saxophone hidden at the bottom oftheocean7. Develop REFLEXES by tapping on the heads of some prettykookyfish8. Reconstruct GEOMETRIC SHAPES in a mix of a puzzle andatangram9. Conduct an orchestra in a MUSICAL GAME10. And last but not least, kick-off with 5 mini activitiestoenable them learn to touch, slide, move...AN EDUCATIONAL PROJECT:« James’ amazing adventures » is a game that has been developedincollaboration with 12 childhood education specialists(teachers,psychologists, child psychiatrists, etc.).Together we created specific functionalities customized totheparticular needs of younger childrens:- 4 Difficulty levels adapting to the kid’sindividualcapabilities- An intelligent and discrete assistance tool encouragescontinuousprogress of your kid- The Results of each game are saved to motivate kids toadvancestep by stepAbout Chaudron Magique :- As a parent of two young children I am entirely committedtogiving our little ones the best possible education to helpthemprogress in life at their own pace. If you share this passion,I’msure you do, Chaudron Magique might assist you effectively onthispath.- We strive to bring education to life through ourchild-friendlygame apps. At Chaudron Magique. We are not onlypassionate aboutfun games, but we strongly believe that they mustincludeeducational content to be meaningful to both kidsandparents.- To make sure our games are fully aligned with theeducationalneeds of kids we work in close partnership withteachers, childpsychiatrists &psychologists and also speechtherapists whobased on their own experience and knowledge provideus withvaluable insight. This is our view key to the ongoingsuccess ofour game (for several week on the top 10 of educationalapps infrance)- As a side note, we are pleased to tell you that our game «James’amazing adventures » is even used by speech therapists intheirsessions, which encourages us to keep inventing.- But beyond the purely educational aspects of our apps, wetakeparticular care in the appearance and feel of our games:realmusicians, hand drawn scenes, numerous video sequences…everythingis done in order to plunge the child into a magicaluniversebursting with laughter and filled with crazy andsurprisingcharacters.Stay alert for news, promotions and competitionsat us at
Solve the puzzle of Barbapapa, whereveryouare!Suitable for children over 30 months.The kids train for understanding the forms and their motorskillshaving to place the pieces in the right of the drawing.Play with your child !At the first play, the child may not be able to find the locationofpieces.Play the game with your baby consistently for a few days orweeks,and you will be surprised at the mobile development of yourchild'shand .This game must be played in the presence of a parent, and itisencouraged for you to guide the child through play at first .★ When to play!○ When the child is irritable or will not stop crying , playingthisapp can keep the attention of your child. ( The various sounds,animated animals , and the vibrations stimulate the curiosity ofthechild. )○ This application can show better results than rattlesordolls.○ This application is particularly useful for parents who spendallthe time with their children , but can not figure out how tofillthat time.※ attention○ Play the question of an excessive amount of time or leavethechildren alone with the device is not encouraged.○ Be cautious of injury due to falling unit . ( Place the deviceona flat surface or hold it in your hand. )バーバパパ 世界をまわる Barbapapa sekai wo mawaru
Kids Animals Jigsaw Puzzles 33.2
Fun puzzle game for the whole family, more than 140 puzzles!
Stava 1.9
Examine secret chests, meet exciting animals and learn thealphabet.