Top 10 Apps Similar to ZooM

Cozmic Zoom 2.6.2
The whole universe in your hand!
Word Trek - Word Brain streak 1.4.24
**Best Game of 2018** Free WordBrain Game for a Daily Dose ofBrainExcercise
JW Crush 3.4
The wonderful juicy kingdom of fruits is all set for thedeliciousadventurous and tasty challenges with “JW Crush”. The game“JWCrush” is the most exciting match 3 puzzle gamedesignedbeautifully with mouth watering 3D graphics of fruits andjuicysound effects. The game is very simple to play with simpletouchmode swiping gaming controls. Swipe over the juicy fruits tomakethe match of 3 and score points. Match more than 3 juicydeliciousfruits for the exciting bonus points and nutty surprises.!The gamematch 3 puzzle game “JW Crush” comes with a twist of TriviaQuiz.Get ready for the challenging Trivia Quiz after each level.!Thegame comes with hundreds of challenging levels with lots ofjuicyfruits of different kinds. The challenges increases when youneedto answer correctly to the Trivia Question after each level.TheTrivia quiz is based on the Bible and taking up the TriviaQuestionyou can expand your Bible knowledge base. The game “JWCrush” isthe perfect app to learn the Bible knowledge with lots offun. Youwill enjoy playing the awesome juicy Match 3 Fruit Puzzlegame andtake up the Bible based Trivia question. “JW Crush” is themostaddictive stress buster game for all age group players. Getreadyto crush down the juicy fruits and score the maximum points.Takeon this delicious “JW Crush” saga game and share your scorewithfriends to check out who can get the highest score! FEATURES✓Awesome 3D graphics with juicy sound effects ✓ Hundredsofadventurous levels with delicious fruits ✓ Challenging Bibletriviaquiz twist ✓ Strategic match 3 juicy puzzle game ✓ Competewithfriends for highest score Download the game “JW Crush” andgetready for the unlimited fun with the delicious Saga match 3puzzlegame along with the trivia quiz game. Go crazy on thenuttiestfruity world.! We are constantly working hard on making the“JWCrush” app better with more advanced and exciting features. Weneedyour constant support to get going. Please feel free tocontributeand email us for any queries/suggestions/problems or justto sayhello at [email protected] and please follow us onInstagram@jwcrush. We would love to hear from you. If you haveenjoyed anyfeature of the “JW Crush” app, do not forget to rate uson playstore and share among your friends.
Improvement 1.8
"Perfection of saints" is a biblical gamewhichaims at encouraging Men in general and particularlyChristians toread their bible.In the Old Covenant, Joshua, servant of God, receivedinstructionsconcerning the revealed and written Word ofYAHWEH:« This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; butthoushalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observetodo according to all that is written therein: for then thoushaltmake thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have goodsuccess.»Similarly in the New Covenant the Apostle Paul encouraged hisgodsonTimothy:«Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation,todoctrine»According to the prophecies of the bible, we are living theendtimes. Biblical truth is been crushed and tampered onearthespecially in public. Men and even Christians rely on othersourcesto understand the world in which they live."Perfection of saints" challenges Men and particularly Christianstogo back and dig in the Pure and inexhaustible Source that isTheBible."Perfection the Saints" is a tool to challenge every Christianabouthis/her level of knowledge and his/her relationship with theHolyBook.
Zoom for BlackBerry
Only download this app if you are a BlackBerrycustomer.Specificallydesigned for the BlackBerry Dynamics securemobilityplatform, thisapp allows both Zoom and BlackBerrycustomers totake advantage ofZoom features in a secure BlackBerrydeployment.If you are not aBlackBerry customer, you can downloadthe mainZoom Androidapplication from the GooglePlayhere: you go – start or join a secure meetingwithflawless videoand audio, instant screen sharing, andcross-platforminstantmessaging - for free! Zoom is #1 in customersatisfactionand thebest unified communication experience onmobile. It's supereasy!Install the free Zoom app, click on "NewMeeting," and inviteup to100 people to join you on video! Connectwith anyone onAndroid basedphones and tablets, other mobiledevices, Windows,Mac, Zoom Rooms,H.323/SIP room systems, andtelephones. VIDEOMEETINGS FROM ANYWHERE-Best video meetingquality -Easily join ameeting or start aninstant meeting withphone, email, or companycontacts COLLABORATEON-THE-GO -BestAndroid device content andmobile screen sharingquality-Co-annotate over shared content-Real-timewhiteboardcollaboration on Android tablets UNLIMITEDMESSAGING (WITHPHOTOS,FILES, AND MORE) -Reach people instantly toeasily sendmessages,files, images, links, and gifs -Quicklyrespond or reacttothreaded conversations with emojis -Create orjoin publicandprivate chat channels MAKE, RECEIVE, AND MANAGEPHONECALLS-Effortlessly make or receive calls with your businessnumber-Getvoicemail and call recording with transcripts -Usecalldelegationto make/receive calls on behalf of others-Setupauto-receptioniststo autonomously answer and route calls ANDMORE….-Safe drivingmode while on the road -Use your Android app tostartyour meetingor for direct share in Zoom Rooms -Join ZoomWebinars-Works overWiFi, 5G, 4G/LTE, and 3G networks ZOOMLICENSEINFORMATION: -Anyfree or paid license can be used with theapp-Zoom Phone is anadd-on to paid Zoom licenses -A paidZoomsubscription is requiredfor certain product features Follow usonsocial @zoom! Have aquestion? Contact us atHTTP://
Meeting Schedule for JW 3.96
Simão Lúcio
Making the Jehovah’s Witnesses meetings schedules
Zoom Rooms Controller 5.14.2
Bring simple, scalable video conferencing to any meeting spacewithZoom Rooms.
Question Quran 0.0.5
A categorical classifications of answersofquestions that rise in our daily life, in the light of Quranbyusing up most commonly used translations.The most commonly available translations are used and effortsareunder way to provide all translations. However we stronglybeliefthat there are no wrong translations but its just the choiceofwords used by the translators that either enhances or reducestheimpact of message given in the Ayats e.g there are certainArabicwords like Hadees, Wali/Aulia etc. that are used in Urdulanguageand if are not translated can have more direct impact oftheAyat.There is no personal opinion involved and only the Ayat’sofAllah, related to that question are placed before thereaders.
Alphagram-R : Anagrams Free 3.6.936 (Signy)
Find the words matching your draws on letter games
Lectura Global ( aprende a leer de forma distinta) 1.14
Lectura Global: Es una app dirigida a aprender a leer de unaformadistinta. Dirigida a personas con problemas de aprendizaje,comoniñ@s con TEA, TEL, síndrome de Down, personas de avanzadaedad,etc... pero también útil para cualquier niño que estéaprendiendo aleer. Podrás : * Puedes crear palabras nuevas yasociarles imágenespropias con tu propia voz para asociar palabraescrita con audio eimagen. * Puedes elegir entre varios niveles dedificultad en losque según avanzas te va desapareciendo la ayuda. *Puedes asociarnúmero a cantidad, con o sin audio, tu propia voz *Trabajar conlas sílabas de las palabras que vas creando. * Puedeselegir entremayúscula o minúsculas y varios tipos de letras. *Puedes crearsecuencias de imágenes, textos y tus propios audios amodo dediapositivas, para poder por ejemplo, enseñarle los miembrosde tufamilia, los compañeros de clase, poder anticipar acciones,comovisitas al médico, o poder contar en la asamblea del colegio detuhijo lo que el niño ha hecho el fin de semana de una forma fácil.*Puedes crear usuarios para para trabajar con diferentes perfiles,ypara cada usuario crear sus propias palabras con imágenes yaudios( tu voz ) propios. * Puedes ver el avance de cada usuarioporqueguarda estadísticas para cada usuario y por cada día. *Puedesconfigurar la lista de palabras de cada usuario a tugusto,ocultando o mostrando palabras, según el nivel o el usuario.*Puedes crear palabras nuevas con imágenes que tengas en tu móvilotablet, o descargarlas de un repositorio en internet conimágenespara esta app. Qué es la lectura Global? La lectura globalsedirige a la percepción y el reconocimiento global de laspalabrasescritas. En esta primera etapa los alumnos se aproximanallenguaje escrito como código comunicativo. No se persiguequelleven a cabo el proceso de lectura en sí, sino tan sólo queseancapaces de reconocer palabras escritas y adquirir conciencia dequela escritura sirve para representar el lenguaje oral.Sedesarrolla, por tanto, la habilidad para reconocer palabras deunmodo global, percibiéndolas como un todo y relacionándolas consusignificado. Esta app está dirigido a aquellos alumnosquerequieren una primera aproximación al lenguaje escrito. Lalecturaglobal puede utilizarse también en los casos de alumnos congrandesdificultades para aproximarse al lenguaje escrito,especialmente sise trata de alumnos mayores, que no puedan seguirel aprendizajeléxico-fonológico a través de los libros de lecturapor carecer dehabilidades para desarrollar el proceso lector en sí.También esutilizado para enseñar a leer a niños con distintostiposdiversidad funcional, como autismo entre ellos, de hecho eselmotivo principal que me ha llevado a crear estaaplicación,dirigida a mi hijo con dificultades para adquirir ellenguaje. Elaprendizaje debe ser siempre lo más funcional posible.