Top 21 Apps Similar to Raw Food Diet

Yovana's Healthy Recipes 4.0.5
TouchZen Media LLC
***Top Selling Food and Drink App*** Yovana'sHealthyRecipescontains over 120 delicious, easy to follow recipesfromthekitchen of Yovana Mendoza. From juices, smoothies,salads,anddishes, Rawvana has you covered. All recipescomewithhigh-resolution images and step-by-step instructions. Youcanalsofollow along by watching videos directly fromRawvana’schannel.The app comes equipped with a shopping listfeature thatallows youto add ingredients from any recipe or createyour owncustom list.You can also save your favorite recipes intoacollection for aneasy and quick reference. Example recipesinclude:• Raw VeganHamburger • Thai Rice • Red Cabbage Tacos • RawPizza •PastaBolognese • Asian Salad With Mango Dressing • MangoTostadas •AguaDe Horchata • Juice for Radiant Skin • Coconut CreamCookies•Smoothie For Kids • Weight Loss Smoothie • BellPepperChipotleSauce • Hummus Veggie Dip • Chia Pudding Keyfeatures: •NEW - Nowover 120 raw vegan recipes! • Shopping List •Watch Videos• EmailRecipes & Shopping List • High-resolutionimages •Step-by-stepinstructions • Personalizedfavoritespage-----------------------------------------------------------------------We'dLoveto Hear From You! - Share your creations with#YovonaApp#Yovana -Please share your thoughts in a review! Yourexperiencematters tous. - Need tech support? Contact [email protected] -Check us out onFacebook! - Follow us onInstagramandTwitter@TouchZenMedia-----------------------------------------------------------------------Thisappis not intended to provide medical advice. Allcontent,includingtext, graphics, images, and information in thisapp arefor generalinformational and educational purposes only.Thecontent in this appis not intended to be a substituteforprofessional diagnosis ortreatment. The authors and publishersofthis app are not responsiblefor any adverse effects that mayoccurwith the use of theinformation in this app. You areencouraged tomake your ownhealthcare decisions based on yourresearch and inpartnership with aqualified healthcareprofessional.
Raw Food Diet Guide 3.0.0
Raw Foodism is a dietary approach of only eatinguncooked,unprocessed foods.
Совместимость продуктов 1.0
Интерактивная таблица раздельного питания, позволяет быстровыбиратьпродукты и смотреть насколько они совместимы друг сдругом.Употребление совместимых продуктов позволяет быть болеездоровым иэнергичным, избежать сонливости после еды и многоедругое.Возможности приложения: • фильтр продуктов, совместимых совсемивыбранными • списки совместимости продуктов по 3методикамраздельного питания Раздельное питание — диетологическаяконцепция,основанная на идее совместимости и несовместимостипищевыхпродуктов. Специалисты по диетологии и физиологии отрицаютналичиенаучного обоснования этой системы питания. Системараздельногопитания получила известность благодаря американскомунатуропатуГерберту Шелтону (Herbert M. Shelton) и — в меньшейстепени —врачу-хирургу Уильяму Говарду Хею (William Howard Hay).Большуюроль в распространении и популяризации теории Шелтонасыгрализвёзды Голливуда, многие из которых также были егопациентами. В1928 г. Г. Шелтон издал книгу «Правильное сочетаниепищевыхпродуктов», в которой предложил ряд единых для всехлюдейрекомендаций. Основной постулат системы раздельного питанияШелтонасостоит в том, что условия, необходимые для перевариванияразличныхвидов продуктов, кардинально различаются. Идеологираздельногопитания заявляли, что при поступлении пищи одного видаферменты,расщепляющие её, работают наиболее эффективно, чтооблегчаетпроцесс пищеварения и дальнейшего метаболизма питательныхвеществ.Утверждается, что при употреблении традиционной смешаннойпищиактивность пищеварительных ферментов якобы тормозится ипроцессыпереваривания нарушаются, что вызывает брожение или гниениепищи,нтоксикациюорганизма, повышенное газообразование,обменныенарушения. Таким образом, по гипотезе Шелтона, приправильномпитании следует избегать определённых комбинацийпродуктов, вчастности нельзя комбинировать: - углеводную пищу скислой пищей; -пищу, богатую белком, с пищей, богатой углеводами; -дваконцентрированных белковых продукта; - жиры с белками; -кислыефрукты с белками; - крахмал с сахаром; - разные крахмалы; -дыни иарбузы с другой пищей; - молоко с другой пищей. Крайнимпроявлениемидеи раздельного питания является монотрофноесыроедение.Монотрофное сыроедение (сыромоноедение, моносыроедение,монотрофия,СМЕ) — это сыроедение, при котором за один приём пищиупотребляетсятолько один вид растительного продукта безтермообработки(комбинация сыроедения и раздельного питания)(c)Раздельное_питание
greenfoody - Vegan & Rohkost 1.9.47
Die greenfoody App informiert rund um das Thema Rohkost undveganeErnährung. Rezepte, Seminare und Events,Hintergrundinformationensowie spezielle Deals für greenfoody AppNutzer. Erfolgreiche undleckere Rezepte sind immer griffbereit.Wichtige News z.B. Termine,Events oder Angebote werden per PushNachricht direkt auf dasSmartphone gesendet.
Рецепты — Случайные рецепты 1.0.6
"Что сегодня приготовить?" Снимитеэтотнасущный вопрос с помощью этого приложения в котором отобранысамыезамечательные и легкие рецепты.Вам нужно лишь выбрать категорию и вы получите рецепт блюда.Наширецепты весьма просты, не отнимут много времени и несодержатэкзотических ингредиентов.Понравившиеся рецепты можно добавлять в избранное.Рецепты хранятся в приложении, для отображения картиноктребуетсяподключение к интернету.Бесплатные категории рецептов:• Салаты и закусоки• Первых блюда• Вторые блюда• Выпечка• Десертов• Напитки• Вегетарианские блюда• Рецепты на HalloweenПлаатные категории:• В микроволновой печи• Завтраки• Пицца• Соусы• Алкогольные коктейли• На природе• Сыроедение"What to cooktoday?"Clear this pressing issue with this application in whichselectedthe most outstanding and easy recipes.You only need to select a category and you will get the recipe.Ourrecipes are very simple, does not take away a lot of time anddonot contain exotic ingredients.Liked the recipes can be added to favorites.Recipes are stored in an application for displaying imagesrequiresan internet connection.Free search recipes:• Salads and snacks• entree• Main Dishes• Baking• Desserts• Drinks• Vegetarian dishes• Recipes for HalloweenPlaatnye categories:• In the microwave oven• Breakfast• Pizza• Sauces• Alcoholic Cocktails• In Nature• Raw food diet
Живое питание и Вегетарианство 1.1.9
По любым вопросам, проблемам и предложениям пишите напочту[email protected] ---------------------------------- "ChildofNature: Живое питание и Вегетарианство" - приложение,объединяющеев себе разные форматы полезного контента для людей,вставших напуть осознанного питания. Внутри вас ждут: - статьи оивидео-ролики о вегетарианстве и сыроедении; - рецептыблюдвеганской и сырой кухни; - обзоры полезных и вредныхсвойствэко-продуктов; - интерактивный калькулятор совместимостипродуктов;- поиск рецептов по подборкам продуктов; - каталогэко-магазинов(пока только РФ); - встроенная площадка для знакомстваи общенияпользователей приложения. Приложение полностью бесплатное:безвсплывающей рекламы и платного контента. Наша цель - помочькаждомупользователю делать свой осознанный выбор в различныхспорныхвопросах по теме. Для этого мы стараемся датьмаксимумразносторонней информации - чтобы каждый мог принять своерешениесам. Надеемся, что приложение принесет вам пользу иудовольствие!
Пошаговые рецепты борща 1.0.1
Борщ — украинский суп, который считаютрусскимво всем мире, кроме Украины. Вообще свекольный суп — одинизнемногих гастрономических предметов, о которых в наших краяхлюдиспособны спорить ожесточеннее, чем о политике. Но правда — даженакухне — не одна, и, кто бы что ни говорил, рецептовсамогоправильного борща существует примерно столько же, сколько имненийо нем. Свой насыщенный цвет имеют борщи, сваренные изобычнойсвеклы с добавлением кислоты. Южные борщи часто бываютсветлыми —на них идет розовато-белесый, почти несладкий сорт.Наоборот, оченьсладкий, но тоже блеклый — получается из сахарнойсвеклы. На каждыйвкус и цвет борща есть любители.Существует много региональных разновидностей борща. В целомже,борщи можно разделить на два вида:Горячий (красный) — этот вид борща является распространеннымвкухне разных народов, особо популярен в России и на Украине;Холодный борщ, который готовят в основном весной/летом.Красный борщКрасный готовят из картофеля (со второй половины XIX века),капусты,моркови, лука, петрушки, укропа и, обязательно, — свёклы(укр.буряк), благодаря которому борщ становитсятёмно-красным(свекольным). Красный борщ, как правило, варят намясокостномбульоне, хотя исторически он был простой пищей крестьян,и мясодобавляли в блюдо только на праздники, в будни же —добавлялитолченое сало с чесноком и луком.При подаче борщ почти всегда заправляется сметаной,исключаянекоторые разновидности, например, одесскую. Также подаютсвежий,как правило ржаной хлеб, или пампушки с чесночнымсоусом.Во время поста борщ готовят без применения сала или мяса,толькона подсолнечном масле, с грибами, иногда с рыбой. На УкраиненаРождество традиционно готовят грибной борщ с «ушками» —небольшимиварениками из яичного теста с начинкой.Холодный борщХолодный борщ готовят преимущественно весной/летом. Основуегосоставляет маринованная либо варёная свёкла, в некоторыхрегионахдобавляют кефир (либо аналогичные кисломолочные продукты),всепрочие ингредиенты добавляют сырыми — свежую зеленьукропа,зелёного лука, петрушки, чеснока. После приготовлениядобавляютсметану, круто сваренные яйца. Едят охлаждённым, нередко сварёнымкартофелем вместо хлеба.В приложении собраны лучшие рецепты борща. Ниже выможетеознакомиться со списком лучших рецептов борща, которые есть вэтомприложении:Борщ с копченостямиБорщБорщ с курицейБорщ вегетарианскийБорщ украинскийБорщ мяснойБорщ московский со свежей капустойБорщ с черносливом, фасолью и копченой грудинкойНастоящий украинский борщ с копченым саломБорщ украинский на свиных ребрахБорщ с чесноком и зеленьюБорщ по‑мариупольскиБорщ холодныйЗеленый борщ с рисомБорщ нежирный на курином бульонеБорщ по‑украинскиЗеленый борщ со щавелемХолодный борщ (Saltibarsciai)Борщ овощнойЛитовский холодный борщСтарорусский борщБыстрый постный борщ с укропомБорщ с говяжьей грудинкой и свиными ребрамиБорщ летнийБорщ со свежей капустойЛетний борщБорщ на говяжьем бульонеУкраинский зеленый борщЗеленый борщПряный вегетарианский борщБорщ с квашеной капустой и фасольюЛетний борщ с цветной капустойБорщ с хреномБорщ на овощном бульонеБорщ с селедкойБорщ с мидиямиХолодный борщБорщ из печеной свеклы с шотландской сельдьюБорщ с копченой грудинкой по‑литовскиБорщ с саломБорщ с гречневой крупойБорщ с квашеной капустойВегетерианский борщБорщ с черными гренками и чеснокомСвекольно-яблочный борщ со сметаной и фетойХолодный борщ с норвежской сельдьюБорщ из вымоченной свеклыБульон-«борщок»Грибной борщ с черносливомРусский зеленый борщПостный борщ с коньякомРецепт борща от Le Cordon BleuСамый красный борщБорщ с зеленой сметанойБорщ посладкийБорщ со свининойБорщ с фасольюБорщ по‑украински (оранжевый)Борщ холодный со сметанойБорщ на мясном бульоне с лимонным сокомБорщ с грибными «ушками» по‑литовскиБорщ для сыроедовБелый борщBorsch - Ukrainiansoup,which is considered the Russian around the world, exceptforUkraine. Generally beet soup - one of the few gastronomicobjects,which in our area people can argue fiercely than aboutpolitics.But the truth is - even in the kitchen - not one, and whowould notsay, very correctly borscht recipe has been around as muchandopinions about it. Its rich color are borscht, boiled beets outofthe ordinary with the addition of acid. South borscht often light-they are whitish-pink, almost unsweetened variety. On thecontrary,very sweet, but too pale - is obtained from sugar beets.For everytaste and color of borscht there are fans.There are many regional varieties of borsch. In general, borschtcanbe divided into two types:Hot (red) - this type of borscht is common in the kitchenofdifferent peoples, especially popular in Russia andUkraine;Cold soup, which is made mainly in spring / summer.Red borschRed is made from potatoes (from the second half of the XIXcentury),cabbage, carrot, onion, parsley, dill and necessarily -beets (Ukr.Buryak), whereby soup becomes dark red (beetroot). Redborschusually cook on meat and bone broth, although historicallyit was asimple peasant food, and the meat was added to the dishjust for theholidays, also on weekdays - added pounded fat withgarlic andonions.When serving soup is almost always dressed with sourcream,except for some species, such as Odessa. Also serves fresh,usuallyrye bread or dumplings with garlic sauce.During Lent soup cooked without fat or meat, only sunfloweroil,mushrooms, and sometimes fish. In Ukraine, traditionallypreparedfor Christmas mushroom soup with "ears" - small dumplingsof doughwith egg.Cold soupCold soup prepared mainly in spring / summer. The basis of itisboiled or pickled beets, some regions are added yogurt (orsimilardairy products) all the other ingredients are added to raw -freshdill, green onions, parsley, garlic. After cooking, add sourcream,Hard Boiled Eggs. Eat chilled, often with boiled potatoesinsteadof bread.The annex contains the best recipes for borscht. Below you can seealist of the best recipes for borscht, which is inthisapplication:Borscht with smokedBorschtSoup with chickenVegetarian SoupUkrainian borschBorsch meatBorsch with fresh cabbage MoscowBorsch with prunes, beans and baconThis Ukrainian borsch with smoked baconUkrainian borsch on pork ribsBorsch with garlic and herbsBorsch in MariupolBorsch coldGreen soup with riceBorsch low-fat chicken brothBorsch in UkrainianGreen soup with sorrelCold borscht (Saltibarsciai)Vegetable SoupLithuanian cold soupOld Russian soupQuick vegetable soup with dillBorsch with beef brisket and pork ribsSummer BorschBorsch with fresh cabbageSummer soupBorsch in the beef brothUkrainian green borschGreen borschSpicy vegetarian soupSoup with sauerkraut and beansSummer soup with cauliflowerBorsch with horseradishBorsch in the vegetable brothBorsch with herringSoup with musselsCold soupBorsch of baked beets with Scottish herringBorsch with bacon LithuanianBorsch with baconBorsch with buckwheatSoup with sauerkrautVeggie soupBorsch with garlic croutons and blackBeetroot and apple soup with sour cream and fetaCold soup with herringBorsch of soaked beetBulon- "borschok"Mushroom soup with prunesRussian green borschtVegetable soup with cognacBorscht recipe from Le Cordon BleuMost red borschtBorsch with sour cream greenBorsch posladkyBorscht with porkBorsch with beansBorsch in Ukrainian (Orange)Cold Borscht with sour creamBorsch in meat broth with lemon juiceMushroom soup with "ears" in LithuanianBorsch for raw foodistsWhite borscht
Raw Food Diet Free 1.5
New year, new you! Raw Food Diet Freeprovideshealthy raw food recipes to help you detox and live ahealthier,more organic life.★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★"Amazing Recipes!!! - I've recently become infatuated withthebenefits of a raw food diet and have downloaded tons of apps inthepast. Raw food, vegan, vegetarian, healthy cooking, etc. NONEofthem have recipes like these!! The pictures are beautifulandincredibly inspiring!!- Ashley Dondero"Great and simple to read - Great range of meal ideas!"- Sacha Meriaud"Great app - The app delivers what it promises and that istonsof raw recipes. It is easy and fun to use this app."- Christian Betty"I really love this app!"- LaTasha Royal"Great - I am actually a Paleo diet enthusiast, but I cantdenythat there are a lot of good tasty looking recipes here thatarehealthy by most likely anyones ideals."- Dean Nobb★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★The raw food diet is a derivative of most vegan andvegetariandiets, and it is based on the belief that the mosthealthy food forthe body is uncooked. Although most meals are eatenraw, heatingfood is acceptable as long as the temperature staysbelow 40 °C(104 °F) to 46 °C (115 °F).Cooking is thought to denature the enzymes naturally presentinfood. According to raw foodists, enyzymes are the life force ofafood, helping us to digest food and absorb nutrients. If weconsumetoo much cooked food, our bodies are forced to work harderbyproducing more enzymes. Over time, a lack of enzymes from foodisthought to lead to digestive problems, nutritiondeficiency,accelerated aging, and weight gain.Cooking food can also diminish its nutritional value.Forexample, the cancer-fighting compounds in broccoli,sulforaphanes,are greatly reduced when broccoli is cooked. Certainvitamins, suchas vitamin C and folate, are destroyed by heat.Cooking also promotes the formation of potentiallyharmfulcompounds in food during high heat cooking, such asadvancedglycation end products and heterocyclic amines.A raw food plan is by nature low in fat, and this cookbook isafree and easy way to get your started on leveraging the powerfoundin eating these super foods.★ Features an elegant and intuitive interface★ A brilliant introduction to raw food dieting★ Recipes for all meal types including: breakfast, lunch,dinner,snack★ Star your favorites for easy reference★ Filter menu to sort★ Search feature to quickly find your favorite recipeDownload the Raw Food Diet FREE app and eat healthier today!
Raw Food Diet Pro - Organic 1.5
New year, new you! Raw Food DietProprovideshundreds of healthy raw food recipes to help you detoxandlive ahealthier, more organic life.---------------------------------------"Amazing Recipes!!! - I've recently become infatuatedwiththebenefits of a raw food diet and have downloaded tons of appsinthepast. Raw food, vegan, vegetarian, healthy cooking, etc.NONEofthem have recipes like these!! The pictures arebeautifulandincredibly inspiring!!- Ashley Dondero"Great and simple to read - Great range of meal ideas!"- Sacha Meriaud"Great app - The app delivers what it promises and that istonsofraw recipes. It is easy and fun to use this app."- Christian Betty"I really love this app!"- LaTasha Royal"Great - I am actually a Paleo diet enthusiast, but Icantdenythat there are a lot of good tasty looking recipes herethatarehealthy by most likely anyones ideals."- Dean Nobb---------------------------------------The raw food diet is a derivative of most veganandvegetariandiets, and it is based on the belief that themosthealthy food forthe body is uncooked. Although most meals areeatenraw, heatingfood is acceptable as long as the temperaturestaysbelow 40 °C(104 °F) to 46 °C (115 °F).Cooking is thought to denature the enzymes naturallypresentinfood. According to raw foodists, enyzymes are the lifeforce ofafood, helping us to digest food and absorb nutrients. Ifweconsumetoo much cooked food, our bodies are forced to workharderbyproducing more enzymes. Over time, a lack of enzymes fromfoodisthought to lead to digestive problems,nutritiondeficiency,accelerated aging, and weight gain.Cooking food can also diminish its nutritional value.Forexample,the cancer-fighting compounds in broccoli,sulforaphanes,are greatlyreduced when broccoli is cooked. Certainvitamins, suchas vitamin Cand folate, are destroyed by heat.Cooking also promotes the formation ofpotentiallyharmfulcompounds in food during high heat cooking, suchasadvancedglycation end products and heterocyclic amines.A raw food plan is by nature low in fat, and this cookbookisafree and easy way to get your started on leveraging thepowerfoundin eating these super foods.- Features an elegant and intuitive interface- Over 100 raw food food recipes- Recipes for all meal types including: breakfast,lunch,dinner,snack- Star your favorites for easy reference- Filter menu to sort- Search feature to quickly find your favorite recipeDownload the Raw Food Diet Pro app and eatinghealthiertoday!
Raw Food Diet 1.1
Download it for free*** If you like it, please do not hesitate tosupportusclassification Us 5 stars***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **To start a raw diet regimen? It's time to stay healthy.There are simple steps that can help you succeed in therawfooddiet.Learn to follow the raw food diet, how to make tasty dishesfromrawfood, from the most famous cook food intheseapplicationvideos.In this application, we can help you learn Step by StepHowtoFollow the Raw Food Diet:1- What is the Raw Food Diet?2- What Foods live?3- What are the effects of Nutritional Eating Raw Food?4- Raw Food Myths5- How to Start a Raw Food Diet6- How to Detox with a Raw Food Diet7- 3 Diet Tips Raw Food8- How Raw Food Diet Affects digestive enzymes9- How to be a vegetarian or vegan is the Raw Food Diet10- Can I Heat Food is the Raw Food Diet?11- How to dry food12- How to Be a fruitarian13- How to eat sprouts as part of the Raw Food Diet14- How PICKLE Raw Food15- What is Juicing?16- How do I substitute Ingredients17- Staples is the Raw Food Diet18- Essential kitchen utensils and accessories19- How to deal with farting caused by raw food diet20- Is Raw Food Diet Expensive?21- Can I drink tap water?22- Can Freeze Food?23- children should go to the Raw Food Diet?24- How to avoid dental problems25- How to Avoid B-12 deficiency26- Can Ingest too much fruit sugar?27- How to Slim Down28- Why Raw Food Diet is good for the planet29- How do you get enough protein30- How to Make a Green Smoothie31- How to get chia porridge32- How do I get the Sunflower Scramble33- How to get Buckwheat Granola34- How to Make Raw Burger35- How to Make Chicken Salad Sunflower36- How to make Kale Salad37- How to get Portobello Fajitas38- How to Make Zucchini Spaghetti39- How to make lasagne40- How to get Jicama Nachos41- How to make chocolate mousse42- How do I make cookie dough pie "
Йога Жизни. Магия. Трансерфинг 0.1
Приложение - книга длятрансерферов,сталкеров,йогов, веганов, сыроедов и прочих сильныхлюдей,вставших на путьличностного развития!Йога жизни - это демо приложение и оноявляетсяознакомительнойверсией книги "Сила Звёздной Пыли". СилаЗвёзднойПыли - это перваяв своем роде живая книга, информация внейпостоянно обновляется:добавляются новые главы, техники,методики,идеи и многое другое.Эта книга реально исполнит ЛЮБЫЕ вашижелания,не ограничивая вас вих количестве! Но для того, чтобы этосталореальностью необходимонезамедлительно ДЕЙСТВОВАТЬ, ДЕЙСТВОВАТЬИЕЩЁ РАЗ ДЕЙСТВОВАТЬ!Только дисциплинированное и безукоризненноевыполнениеприведенныхв книге техник гарантированно даст вамположительныйрезультат!Читайте и наслаждайтесь.Appendix -bookfortranserferov, stalkers, yogis, vegans, raw foodistsandotherpowerful people, embarked on the path of personaldevelopment!Yoga is life - this is a demo application, and it isanevaluationversion of "The Power of the Star Dust" book.Thestrength of theStar Dust - this is the first of its kindlivingbook, theinformation in it is constantly updated: newchapters areadded,technology, techniques, ideas and more. Thisbook is reallyfulfillall your desires, you are not limited intheir number! Butin orderfor this to become a reality it isnecessary to actimmediately, ACTand more time to act!Only a disciplined and faultless performance ofthetechniquespresented in the book are guaranteed to give youapositiveresult!Read and enjoy.
Jason’s 3-Day Juice Challenge 5.3.0
Juice Master
Lose up to 5lbs in just 3 days with Jason Vale's 3-DayJuiceChallenge.
Гречневая диета 1.11
Эта диета обладает сразу двумяважнымидостоинствами. Она эффективна — худеют на гречке быстроисбрасывают до 7 кг за одну неделю. Она неголодная — естьгречкуможно практически в неограниченном количестве. Какиерекомендациипо похудению на гречке дают специалисты? И какие отзывыо гречневойдиете дают те, кто уже испробовал ее в действии?Поговорим об этомподробнее. Скачайте наше приложение и узнайте всео похудении припомощи гречневой диеты!This diet has justtwoimportant advantages. It is effective - to lose weight quicklyandbuckwheat dropping to 7 kg per week. It is non-fasting -therebuckwheat can be almost unlimited quantities. What aretherecommendations for weight loss experts to give buckwheat? Andanyreviews about buckwheat diet given by those who have tried itinaction? We'll talk more about that. Download our app and findoutall about losing weight with the help of buckwheat diet!
Diet Plan for Weight Loss 2.2
Do you want to lose your weight in a week?? Hit install and getthesecrets.
Правильное похудение, диета. 1.93
Правильное питание.Похудение или голодание как очищение организма, этооченьэффективный вид снижения веса. Существует огромныйпереченьупражнений для похудения, похудения в домашних условиях, ноневсегда их применяют правильно.В приложении собрано очень большое количество диет, условийдляпохудения, меню для похудения, рецепты для похудения ипохудениеотзывы и тд.все разделено по группам и видам диет:диета дюканадиета малышевойдиета на неделюбелковая диетадиета для ленивыхгречневая диетаи т.д.В нашем приложении отсутствует какая-либо реклама, пользуйтесьназдоровье!Proper nutrition.Weight loss or starvation as the cleansing of the body, it isavery effective form of weight loss. There is a huge listofexercises for weight loss, weight loss at home, but notalwaysapply them correctly.Appendix collected a very large number of diets for weightlossconditions, the menu diet recipes for weight loss and weightlossreviews, and so on.all divided into groups and types of diets:Ducan's dietdiet MalyshevaDiet for a weekprotein dietDiet for the lazybuckwheat diet etc.  In our application, there is no advertising, useofhealth!
Best Vegetarian Diet 1.0
Get the best Vegetarian diet planner apponthestore! Packed with tasty recipes this app will help youplanyourmeals as well as give you a complete diet plan for yourweightlossprogram.Vegans are frequently misunderstood as fringe eaterswithanunnatural passion for animal rights. While many vegansdofeelpassionately about animals, its time for others to see thatavegandiet and lifestyle go way beyond animal rights.Followingahealthy, balanced vegan diet ensures a host of healthbenefitsaswell as prevention of some of the major diseases thatmanypeoplesuffer.Best Vegetarian Diet Plan Features:- Complete diet plan for a full week- Loads of recipes to help you in the process- Compatible with beginners and experienced dieters alike.- Compatible for both men and women- Personalised weight loss program- Works as your personal dietititanGet inspiration in your chicken with our brilliantrecipes!Someof our rock start recipes:- Leek, Asparagus and Herb Soup Recipe- Pasta with Parsley Walnut Pesto- Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing- Seared Polenta with Chunky Blueberry Sauce- Roasted Vegetable Pasta- Loads more!How does the vegetarian diet works?The vegetarian diet is straightforward enough: Vegetarians donoteatmeat. Some people who avoid beef and pork but still eatpoultryorfish mistakenly consider themselvesvegetarians.Althoughvegetarianism has varying degrees, the diet'scoreprinciple isabstention from all meat.There is, however, plenty for vegetarians toeat.Lacto-ovovegetarians eat fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts,seeds,legumes,dairy and eggs. They eat meat substituteslikesoybean-based tofuand tempeh, and seitan, a wheat protein.Ethniccooking's growingpopularity has also opened up a world of newveganfoods tovegetarians and meat-eaters alike.We hope you reach your goals with our weight lossplan.Don'tforget to check out our tasty recipes!
Raw Food Secrets 1.5
*** Over 50,000 downloads, thank youverymuch!!! ****** Same great content, brand new user interface - far easiertoread on all devices - no internet connection required to readthecontent! ***Learn the secrets of a raw food diet in this beginners,easy-to-readguide. Find out how raw food will benefit you, improveyour skin andkeep your digestive system healthy. There'sinformation on how tochange your diet for the better, and what toexpect from your food.With an emphasis on naturopathy, there'sinformation on differenttechniques, juicing and sprouting. Alsohow to make sure you getenough calcium in your diet, and it's nothow you think! Finally,get yourself started with some recipes.There's 45 pages ofnutritionist-approved information, so why notfind out more?This is an ideal guide for those just starting out, or wantingtoexplore a raw food diet or lifestyle. It explains in detail whyaless-processed diet benefits us, something that whether you wanttogo fully raw or not, you'll appreciate.There are a few sample recipes, just to give you a startingpoint,and yes, one even includes bread! But not bread as we knowit, theheavy, wheat-laden basis of modern life. This is sproutedbread,available from any good health food store and a totallydifferentexperience!
Eat This Much - Meal Planner
Automatic meal planner with personalized diets, grocerylists,calories & macros
Eat Vegetables 1.0
Eat vegetables is one of the best waysoutthereto live a healthy lifestyleWe really want our children to like fruits and eatvegetablesratherthan to eat fish, chicken or meat.It is good to make the switch and eat a diet made up ofmainlyrawfoods. This includes any food that is in its uncookedstate.Becauseraw foods contain a high amount of nutrients,especially ifthe rawfoods are also organic, it can help clear upcertain healthproblemslike obesity and heart disease and cause youto live alife that isfilled with energy and free of diseaseIn this Raw Food Diet guid you will learn the truthabouteatingvegetables as Raw Foods that most people have never toldyouandjust don’t know about!
تغذیه جنسی 1.2
یکی از روش‌‌های بهبود مشکلات جنسیایجادتغییراتیساده در سبک زندگی است. تطابق با سبک زندگی سالم همچونترکسیگار،فعالیت بدنی منظم، کاهش استرس و تغذیه مناسب تمام آنچیزیخواهد بود کهبرای رهایی از مشکلات جنسی نیاز است.این برنامه به شما کمک می کند تا مطالب مفیدی در رابطه باتغذیهمناسبجنسی ویژه آقایان و خانم ها یاد بگیرید و از تاثیراتموادغذاییگوناگون و گیاهان دارویی بر رابطه جنسی سالم تر آگاهیپیداکنید.همچنین در این برنامه مطالب کاربردی در رابطه با مشکلاتنازاییوناباروری و روش های درمان سنتی وگیاهی مطرح شده است.همچنیناینبرنامه به خانم های باردار کمک می کند تا از رژیم غذاییمناسب درزمانبارداری بهره مند شوند.One way toimprovesexualproblems simple changes in lifestyle. Consistent withahealthylifestyle, such as quitting smoking, regularphysicalactivity,stress reduction and nutrition will be everythingthat isneeded toget rid of sexual problems.This app helps you to useful content about sex, especiallymenandwomen to learn proper nutrition and the effects ofvariousfoodingredients and herbs on safe sex find more information.Alsoonthe program content and applications on the problemsofinfertilityand infertility treatment is consideredtraditionalvegetable. Theprogram also helps pregnant women benefitfrom properdiet duringpregnancy.
Crudo Vegan 2.1
La prima applicazione italianadedicatainteramente al crudismo, adattata ai prodotti che possiamotrovarein Italia.Più di 100 DELIZIOSE RICETTE crude e vegane. Facili,appetitose,sane e veloci!Scopri nuovi piatti con la possibilità di: aggiungere le tuefotoalle ricette, creare la tua lista della spesa e votare letuericette preferite per averle sempre a portata di mano.Vuoi mangiare più cibi crudi, ma non sai cosa preparare?Stai cercando nuove idee per i tuoi pasti all’insegnadelcrudismo?Sarebbe più semplice scegliere quale ricetta preparare apranzomentre sei al supermercato?Qui puoi trovare le risposte che cerchi, deliziosericettesalutari e facili da preparare da inserire nella tuadietacrudista, dai condimenti al dolce.Qualunque percentuale di cibi crudi deciderai di inserirenellatua alimentazione, sai che ne trarrai comunque giovamento,meritidi avere una salute e una forma fisica eccellenti senzastress conquesta applicazione a darti una mano. Per essere più sanosenzarinunciare al piacere del cibo.Cosa hai con questa app:- Oltre 100 ricette vegane crudiste e altre ancorasarannoaggiunte!- Cucina crudista semplice: ricette così deliziose e facilichetutti possono prepararle.- Scegli le ricette per categoria: creme, salse econdimenti,primi piatti e piatti unici, bibite e frullati…- Scegli le ricette per ingrediente: cerca la preparazioneinbase all’ingrediente che hai già o di cui hai voglia.- Scegli in base alla valutazione che hai dato alle ricette,cosìpuoi ritrovare subito le tue preferite.- Aggiungi la foto della tua preparazione alla ricettausandodirettamente la fotocamera del tuo device o dal tuorullino.- Inserisci le tue ricette.- Possibilità di aggiungere più di una foto per ricetta.- Nessuna connessione internet richiesta per farfunzionarel’app.- Se i tuoi amici non hanno ancora questa fantasticaopportunità,puoi inviare loro la ricetta, anche con la tua foto,via maildirettamente dall’applicazione.- Shopping semplificato grazie al salvataggio degliingredientiper singola ricetta.- Possibilità di aggiungere altri ingredienti alla listadellaspesa.- Possibilità di inviare via mail la lista della spesa- Imposta il timer per raggiungere la perfetta “cottura” coniltuo essiccatore.***NOTA: Per favore contattaci a [email protected] per ognidomanda,dubbio o suggerimento. Vogliamo aiutarti per far si che iltuopercorso nel crudo sia il più possibile semplificato!***Inviaci le tue ricette con il tuo nome a [email protected] peresserepubblicato nel prossimo aggiornamento.- ora puoi inserire le tue ricette- puoi inviarci le tue ricette per essere pubblicato nell’app- possibilità di aggiungere più di una foto per ricetta- aggiunta la possibilità di inviare via mail la listadellaspesa- aggiunta la possibilità di aggiungere altri ingredienti allalistadella spesaThe firstapplicationdedicated entirely to Italian raw food adapted to theproducts thatwe can find in Italy.More than 100 DELICIOUS RECIPES raw and vegan. Easy, tasty,healthyand fast!Discover new dishes with the ability to: add your own photostorecipes, create your shopping list and vote for yourfavoriterecipes to have them always at hand.Do you want to eat more raw foods, but do not know whattoprepare?Are you looking for new ideas for your meals full of rawfood?It would be easier to choose which recipe to prepare lunchwhileyou're at the supermarket?Here you can find the answers you need, delicious and easytoprepare healthy recipes to be included in your diet rawfood,condiments to dessert.Whatever percentage of raw food you decide to include inyourdiet, you know that it will derive benefit, however, deservetohave a health and fitness excellent stress-free withthisapplication to give you a hand. To be healthier withoutsacrificingthe pleasure of food.What you have with this app:- Over 100 Vegan Recipes crudiste and more will be added!- Cooking raw food simple recipes so delicious and easythatanyone can prepare.- Choose recipes by category: creams, sauces andcondiments,pasta dishes and stews, beverages and smoothies ...- Choose recipes by ingredient: search preparation accordingtothe ingredient that you already have or that you want.- Choose based on the assessment that you gave to the recipes,soyou can immediately find your favorites.- Add photos of your preparation for the recipe directlyusingthe camera on your device or from your film.- Enter your own recipes.- Ability to add more than one photo per recipe.- No internet connection required to run the app.- If your friends do not yet have this fantastic opportunity,youcan send them the recipe, also with your photo, via maildirectlyfrom the application.- Shopping simplified with the rescue of the ingredients foreachrecipe.- Ability to add other ingredients to the shopping list.- Ability to email your shopping list- Set the timer to achieve the perfect "cooking" withyourdryer.*** NOTE: Please contact us at [email protected] foranyquestions, concerns or suggestions. We want to help to makesurethat your path in raw and simplified as much as possible!***Send us your recipes with your name [email protected] tobepublished in the next update.- Now you can enter your recipes- You can send your recipes to be published in the APA- Ability to add more than one photo per recipe- Added the ability to email your shopping list- Added the ability to add other ingredients to shopping list