Top 9 Apps Similar to David Gray Project #6

Shy Bladder Paruresis Pee Pipi 1.0
Paruresis, also known as shy orbashfulbladder,is the inability or difficulty to urinate in thepresenceof otherpeople, when under time pressure, or on vehiclessuchastrains orairplanes.The affected person can sometimes passurineonly at homeand when there are no guests. It is thought to beverycommon, aphobic condition ranking second to the fear ofpublicspeaking.Paruresis may be due to some embarrassingincidentconnected withdifficulty in urination, be it teasingbyschoolmates in the publicurinal, or abuse as a child. Thisthencauses the person toanticipate the failure to void in apublicsetting, and somehow thefear becomes self-fulfilling. It isalsotermed psychogenic urinaryretention, since the urinarysphincterresponds to stress and fear byconstricting instead ofrelaxing.There is mounting emotional andmental stress whenever theneedarises to urinate without absoluteprivacy being possible.Thepeople affected are characteristicallyshy and sensitive toothers’disapproval or judgment. It is a form ofperformance anxietywhichturns into an active phobia. The symptomsare characteristic.Inmoderate to severe cases, they may include acompulsion toensuretotal privacy during the act of urination. Thusthe affectedpersoncannot tolerate even the possibility of othershearing thesound ofurine hitting the urinal or the water in thetoilet. Theperson hasa morbid conviction that he is unable toinitiateurination infront of others.In order to avoid thepossibility ofhaving to goto a toilet outside the home or visit apublic urinal,the affectedperson will refuse to drink fluids if hehas to go outshortly. Hemay reject all invitations to socialevents, and refuseto taketrips. In milder cases, the affectedperson will not be abletostart peeing when in proximity to someoneelse, as happensatpublic urinals. He will search for a vacantrestroombeforetrusting himself to urinate.White Noise Music TherapyWhite noise contains all the frequencies your ear can hear,mashedupand played randomly together. Examples of white noiseincludeawaterfall, the hiss on a radio, the sound of the sea,andleavesrustling in the wind.The brain is capable of listening to several things atonce,andpicking out one to focus on. However when you havethousandsofdifferent noises, even your powerful subconscious mindcannotpickthem all out. White noise helps distracting noises fadeintotheother noises so that they no longer distract. They blendintotherest of the white noise sound. Then there are no soundsthatstandout and catch your attention.Many people believe thatwhitenoisecontains special therapeutic qualities because it isasimilarsound to what we hear in the womb. This makes sense asmanyparentsnotice that their babies settle to the humming sound ofacarengine, or even the noise of a vacuum cleaner. What doesithelpwith? White noise therapy helps filterdistractingbackgroundnoises. This is why many people experiencerelaxation andpleasurefrom listening to heavy rain. White noisehelps calm yourmind anddistract it from intruding sounds andthoughts. This is whypeopleoften use white noise therapy, eithernatural sounds or manmadewhite noise, to relax and meditate.Many people find that white noise helps them to gettosleep,concentrate when studying, ease stress, and helpwithmeditationand self hypnosis. Why is it called “white noise”? Itiscalledwhite noise because of it’s relationship with light.Whitelight isa combination of all the colours in the spectrum. Thisiswhy arainbow is formed when the sunlight hits the rain, asthecoloursare split up. White noise is made up of all thesoundscombinedtogether. Many people have alleviatedconsiderablydisorders withWithe Noise Therapy. This app was createdafter anaccurate andimportant qualitative study of white noise,wereselected soundsmore effective to treat paruresissyndrome.
Shy Pee Free 9.0
Want to pee but can't? Feel the urge to go, but it just won'tflow?Shy Pee is here for your assistance - just start the app andlistento the amazing sound of nature's relieve - and there you go:) Havefun with the app - it is intended to be funny and helpful atthesame time :)
Baby Poop & Pee Assistant 1.6
** When was your last time helping yourlittleone to pee/ to poop?** How was the potty training process?** How long does it take?This app is perfectly designed to assist busy parents to dopottytraining / toilet training for babies and kids.WHY "Baby Potty Training Assistant"?**Simple one touch super cute user interface**Forget about lengthy wordings and complex series of functions,wemake it quick and easy that your little one can also start usingitwithout your help during potty training time.**Background excitement color**We understand all the hard work and yes, potty training can befun,it doesn't have to be bored or stressful. Our backgroundchangeeverytime you start your app.**Simulate real human, sound plays continuously every2secs**Tired of unlocking your phone and keep pressing the re-playbuttonagain and again? You can now forget them, completely.Our goal is to help you shorter the time needed, createfunexperience while soothing your baby to ease the peeing andpoopingprocess. We have experienced, played and repeated overhundreds ofdifferent sounds. We tried and tested them on real casesto selectand integrate only the two that work best.We hope our app can help during your most precious time.We'd love to hear from you, the team will continue toversioningbased on your feedback and comments. Thanks for allyoursupporting!
Help Me Pee! 1.1.3
For when you really need to pee, this appisforyou! The bladder-inducing tinkle of a bathroom sink, orthesound ofrushing water from a river will help get thejuicesflowing. Forfree!Sounds include:- Sink- River- Fire Hose- Fountain- Sprinkler- Ocean- WaterfallThis app is also great to produce ambient noise tohelpyourelax...
Healthy Color Of Pee 1
David Gray
The pale gold pee color tells us that weneedtodrink more water.Take this to the restroom: Urine is a byproductofbodilyfunctions. When there is a malfunction it contains cluestotheproblem. The color of pee can often be a helpful indicator.Thatiswhy your doctor always wants a sample.Here we display the various different shades of peeandtheirmeaning, encouraging you to drink more water, less waterorbeworried.
Pee Starter 1.02
Banda House
Shy bladder (paruresis)? Having problemspeeingin public places? Have no fear, Pee Starter is here!Press the button to play one of 5 built-in pee-in-a-toiletsoundsthat might just get your wee going all over the place.Or, you can just turn it on when you're in the bathroom andyoudon't want anyone to come in!
iUrinal - Shy Bladder App 1.1
iUrinal - Shy Bladder App is the numberoneappcreated to help men overcome their shy bladder syndrome,alsoknownas paruresis.If you are reading this then more than likely you sufferfromabashful bladder and know how difficult and frustrating itistourinate in a public restroom. (Note: it has been reportedthat1out of 10 men have some symptoms of a bashful bladderorparuresisso you are not alone.)What iUrinal – Shy Bladder App does is take the pressureofftheperson that is trying to pee in a public bathroom bymakingthepeeing sound through your phone’s speakers to mimic thesound asifyou were actually going. Those around you, either veryclose orfaraway, will think you are actually urinating.Many people suffering from peeing stage fright have beenabletourinate while using this app because anyone around thepersonwiththe bashful bladder will think they are actually going;thustakingoff the mental pressure from the person who suffers fromthistypeof stage fright.In this customized app you are able to choose 4 peeingsoundsfromthe most commonly used urinals and toilet. 1: thewaterlessurinal 2:the urinal with mid-level amount of water 3: thelongurinal and 4:the standard toilet. So no matter where you areyoucan find thesound that fits the toilet you are using.The custom controls allow you to stop the peeing soundatanytimemaking it a seamless transfer over from yourphone’sspeakers makingthe sound to you actually “going.” No one inthebathroom will everknow you were first using iUrinal- ShyBladderApp to make theurination sound.We are proud to help men all over the world go peeinpublicrestrooms again!
Upper Pee Dee YMCA 8.3.0
Daxko Inc
Upper Pee Dee YMCASearch exercise schedules, get new program information,seefacility closings and more!Upper Pee Dee YMCA - EXERCISE SCHEDULES* Have a class in mind? Search class times based on your classname.Find a list of classes, instructors, descriptions,andlocations.* Daily class schedules.Upper Pee Dee YMCA - AQUATICS SCHEDULES* Search water aerobics schedules based on class name, datesandmore.Upper Pee Dee YMCA - PROGRAMS & EVENTS* See upcoming YMCA programs such as sports registrations,newclasses, new videos and more.* Share this info via email with your friends and family.Upper Pee Dee YMCA - FACILITY STATUS* Need to know if a sports practice or game is canceled?Thefacility status service gives you up to the minutestatusinfo.* Pool closed? Snow closures? We can tell you.* Get Push Notifications of practice and game cancellations.Our focus is to strengthen communities and we are committedtonurturing the potential in kids, promoting healthy living,andfostering a sense of social responsibility in all that wedo.
Simple Baby 1.3.2
Simple baby uses Artificial Intelligencetohelpyou understand your baby's routine. It has very simpleuserinterfaceto take details of baby's activities such as:Feeding--"breast feeding"-"bottle feeding"SleepPee and PooSimple baby use its AI logic, which starts working after 5daysofdata entry. Gives you probability of activity, that yourbabymightbe doing, at any given time of day.More data you feed in, more accurate AI will be togiveyouprobability.It also has normal features like:Editing, viewing, deleting each entries.Adding remarks with each event.Set reminder for next feeding.Total time spent for activities during past in day wise format.We would appreciate genuine feature request andsuggestion.Ouraim is to make simple baby simpler and efficientalways.Feel free to drop us a line.