Top 1 Apps Similar to David Gray Project #12

One More? 1.0
Do you want to enjoy yourselfwithoutfinishingwith your head over the toilet bowl and anexcruciating headache the next day? Do you want to knowifyourdrinking will make you alcoholic? Do you want to knowifyourdrinking habits, even at small amounts, will haveconsequencesonyour social life?"One more?" is based on a set of highlysophisticatedalgorithmsthat enables you to manage and monitor theeffect ofalcohol onyour social life today and in the years to come.All youhave to dois to make the avatar drink at the same time youdo."One more?" Manage your risks!"One more?" it's:- A personalized and dynamic system for calculatingyourbloodalcohol content (BAC);- A module to help you set up a limit and decide if you canhaveonemore drink;- An estimation, based on your current consumption, of theriskofvomiting and of the intensity of the next day'shangover;- A personalized estimation of your risk ofbecominganalcoholic;- A personalized estimation of your risk ofhavingsocialconsequences of your drinking such as arguing withfriendsandfamilies, having troubles at work, low moodandlegalproblems;- Small games to assess how alcohol is affecting your brainandyourreflexes;- Statistics on your consumption such as average,frequency,numberof days of heavy drinking, preferredalcohol...- A tool to help you set up goals and stick to it."One more?", when science meets entertainment. Theapplicationisbased on a strong scientific content wrapped inafriendly,intuitive, entertaining package.The risk assessment algorithms used in theapplicationweredeveloped and funded by PUBLICHEALTHEXPERTISE(, a consulting company createdbymedicaldoctors. These algorithms were developedusingadvancedepidemiological technics, and are based on data fromtheNationalEpidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and RelatedConditions.Thedevelopment required month of research incollaboration withpublichealth specialists and recognizedpsychiatrists and resultedisscientific papers that are currentlybeing consideredforpublication in good scientific journals. Theresult isoriginalalgorithms that assess the risk of socialconsequences andalcoholdependence based on current alcoholconsumption.