Top 2 Apps Similar to David Gray Project #5

Room Lighting Design
David Gray
By the time you reach 75 years old, youwillneed four times as much light as a 20 year old, in order toseesatisfactorily.INCANDESCENT, full spectrum is the most desirable type oflight.It can be achieved with energy efficient “T” seriesFLUORESCENTbulbs with a high color rendering index (CRI)90-100.For bulb selection1. you need to know the dimensions of the room;2. how BRIGHT you want room lighted as measured in LUX;3. the COLOR of light in KELVIN;4. and the QUALITY of the light measured by the colorrendering(CRI) index.5. select the appropriate bulb and note how many LUMENS of lightitwill produce.Then calculate the number of florescent bulbs with the yourCRIrating as necessary to accomplish the task and withpowerconsumption in mind (WATTS), select the type of fixture.LUX (Lx) BRIGHTNESS IN LUXOne Lux - is one lumen per square meter.3.4 lux - twilight50 lux - living room80 lux - office hallway100 lux - overcast day350-500 lux - office lighting400 lux - sunrise1000 lux - overcast day10,000-25,000 - daylight32,000-130,000 - sunlightKELVIN (K) is the COLOR of the LIGHTcalled COLOR TEMPERATURE3000K – warm white4200K – cool white5000K - daylight2700 K - residential lighting (Incandescent light)3000-3500 K - neutral-white4100 K - cool-white in offices5000-6500 K - blueish-whiteCRI is the QUALITY of the lightcalled the COLOR RENDERING INDEXand is a measure of how well colors can be perceived.100 CRI - incandescent lamp50-100 CRI - fluorescent tubes82-100 CRI - natural color (full spectrum)POWER CONSUMPTIONas measured in Watts. Incandescent lights are full spectrum butareenergy hogs. Florescent lighting is more energy efficient.The high efficiency bulbs are labeled with “T” - T12, T8,T5etc..."T" is the diameter of the tube in the lamp.Typicallynarrower the lamp diameter the more efficient it willbe.T12’s have not bee manufactured since 2012.Seniors - Printed materials are not as clear as before, inpartbecause the lens in your eye becomes less flexible withtime.Changes within the lens in your eye cause light entering theeye tobe scattered rather than focused precisely on the retina,thuscreating more glare. The normally clear lens located insideyoureye may start to discolor making it harder to see anddistinguishbetween certain shades of colors. The tear glands inyour eyes willproduce fewer tears.Increasing the the amount of light, brightness called LUXcanimprove vision.Bright Light Therapy - is used to gradually shift sleepingpatternsto what we consider normal. For treatment, the timing oflightexposure uses a full-spectrum light (90-100 CRI) usually10,000 LUXin intensity, for 30-90 minutes.Blue wavelengths -- boost attention, reaction times, and moodareabout 5000 degrees Kelvin.As published in the The Journal of the American MedicalAssociationresearchers learned that bright light resulted in amodestimprovement in dementia symptoms. Specifically, the use ofbrightdaytime lighting:· Reduced cognitive decline on a mental status exam by arelative5%.· Cut depression symptoms by a relative 19%.· Calmed slow increases in functional limitations by slightlymorethan half (53%).Dementia and Alzheimer's - For these people shadows in adarkenedroom can become something else, often menacing, and canlead toconfusion and depression. A dark rug in a dimly lightedroom beforea door may become a deep well.I installed 800 LUX of light – when I throw the light switch,Ifeel a burst of energy like I am waking up and my mindbecomingclear.
ThinkFree Mobile Pro 7.0.170125
End of Sales & End of Life NoticesDear customers,In order to provide the best software and productsupportforourcustomers, we must periodically retire olderversionsofthesoftware. This enables us to dedicate allourresourcesindelivering the latest features, enhancements andsupporttoourcurrent version used by most customers.Thinkfree Mobile Pro will be no longer availableinGooglePlayStore for a new purchase, while existing customercanstillaccesstheir previous purchase from Google Play Store.End-of-Sale Announcement for Thinkfree Mobile ProThinkfree Mobile Pro will be not be available forpurchaseasofFebruary 28th, 2017. Customers using this product canupdatetothelatest version of Thinkfree Mobile Pro after January26,2017andcontinue to use it without expiration.FAQI have purchased Thinkfree Mobile Pro earlier. Will Ibeabletore-install ThinkFree Mobile Pro in the future?After February 28th, 2017, you may install ThinkfreeMobileProbysearching for “Thinkfree Mobile Pro” in Google PlayStoreofyourAndroid smartphones or tablets.Benefits:'Thinkfree Mobile Pro' provides the fastest andeasiestwayofdocument work on Android mobile devices.Main Features:■ Preference- OS : Android 4.4.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x, 7.0■ Thinkfree Mobile Pro highlights1. Word processor- Bullets/Numbering- Header/Footer, Footnote/Endnote- Comments- Equation/Picture/Shapes- Page Layout2. Spreadsheet- Charts- Borders- Format Cells- Objects (Shapes, Picture, Object styles)- Conditional formatting- Freeze Panes- Switch Sheet Direction- Auto Filter- Show/Hide comments3. Presentation- Comments- Insert Video- Charts- Image- Shape Style- Dot Laser Pointer function support4. PDF- Insert comments on PDF file- Highlights and comments- Insert Text Box- Insert Shapes and Arrows■ Supporting file formats- Import : txt, rtf, dot, doc, docx, dotx, wbk, hwdtcsv, xls, xlt, xlsm, xltx, xlsx, cell, cbkpptx, ppt, potx, pot, ppsx, pps, show, sbk- Export : txt, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, cell,pptx,ppt,show■ Notes- In case application is shut down when create newdocumentorcreatedocument with template, pleasereinstalltheapplication- You can only open document read-only when openfilesfromSDcard