Top 7 Games Similar to Five Nights and Five Days

New Spider Hero Legend 3D 1.0
You know the new spider hero?Once the city seized the villains, everything wasdestroyedandcaptured! It can be stopped only by hero Spider! Youmust onceandfor all put an end to this. And remember that the web-yourelement!Show the villains who's a superhero - use a rope! Crushthevillainsand otvoyuyte city back! There are many ways toachievethe goal.You can make a rope from the web, you can arrangethebattledirectly to the crime scene,You can move on the roofs of a rope! But the villains,toostrong!And you have to beat them, because everyone shouldbeheldaccountable for a crime! Good luck!Features:1) sorted out with the help of a rope from the web on theroofsandcatch the villains!2) epic battle directly to the scene of the crime3) The real strength of a superhero - you can turnthemachine!4) Explore the city - you will need5) Realistic Villains
Strange Hero Bat Battle 3D 1.0
In your city supervillains prevailed.Thepolicedo not cope, and the city is seized with panic! Butthenthere was abeta hero, and you had a chance to play forhim!Fly on your wings, jump on houses, win in battles and savethecityfrom the villains. You are the last hope of humanity!BecomeanStrange hero!You will have to overcome many difficulties! Every villainliesinwait for you everywhere! But you can do it, because youareanStrange beta hero! You have every chance of winning! Crushtheeviland free the city!So, who will win? An Strange superhero, orpatheticsupervillain?Everything depends on you!Features:1) Epic Battle2) Excellent graphics3) Realistic supervillains
Hero Rangers Battle 3D 2.0
Hero Ranger rushes to the rescue!The city is finally destroyed. The inhabitants did not havetheslightest hope of salvation. It seemed, nothing could stopthevillains.But the help comes superhero ranger, and you had a chance toplayfor him! Arrange battles with villains, use super abilitiesandbecome the greatest hero of all time!From villains you are distinguished not only by super abilities,butalso by purposefulness. You will surely be able to crushthevillains! You are not just a superhero - you are a ranger!You can arrange a battle with the villain, use superabilities,destroy criminals and much more!To be a superhero ranger, it's not necessary to have superabilities- just download this game!Are you ready to start a battle with the villain? Then-forward!Features:1) excellent graphics2) More than 10 characters, including a super ranger3) Simple operation4) Realistic Super abilities5) Epic Battle
Futuristic Robot Titan Pro 1.0
Futuristic robot Titan is ready tobattlewithrobots dinosaurs!After an accident occurred in a secret bunker,afuturisticrobot-dinosaur was released! This combat monster gotoutofcontrol, and only the specially created titanium canstopit!Travel around the city, look for futuristic robots, lookthroughthewalls of X-Ray with eyesight, participate in epicbattles,transform... You are given a goal, and you can solve it inmanyways!Stop evil - it's in your hands! But remember that the enemycanalsobe transformed and endowed with X-Ray vision, so stoppingitwillnot be easy. Remember that you are a titan, and youmustdestroythis futuristic robot by arranging a battle withit.The authorities are counting on you, and we hope that youwillnotfail them! Prove that you are worthy of being a titanbyfulfillinga mission. Are you ready to participate in thebattlewith therobot using X-Ray vision and transformation? Goodluckthen!Features:1) Take part in battles with real Futuristic robots.2) Become a Titan3) Realistic X-Ray vision4) More than 10 types of transformation
Russian Superhero Battle 3D 1.0
Two Russian superhero face offinabattle!This is a great confrontation between two superheroesareendowedwith very powerful abilities. The first superhero isverystrongand is able to fly, and the second character can beinseveralplaces at once. You play as a superhero and first youneedto findthe second character, and blow it up.In this game, active city with its own infrastructure, andyouwillfind the second hero. He could be anywhere, on land and intheair.Defeat him, and become the best superhero!Features Russian Superhero Battle 3D:1. Play for the strongest superhero2. Open City with cars3. Several super abilities, from flight to hook cat
Crime Driver Simulator 3D 1.0
City of panic-stricken - weakenedpoliceandcriminals have gained the upper hand! Take part inthiscriminalactivity! Be-offender driver, arrange the chase andsavedfrom thepolice!You can become the driver of a criminal-century - no policewillnotstop you! Are you ready for the chase? Good luck!Features:1) Become a driver, go away from the police, start a chase -allyoucan!2) It is - chase simulator, the best of its kind!3) Wipe your nose to its competitors - all in thissimulatorwithimpunity!4) The best graphics and gameplay are waiting for you!
Six Nights in City of Toys 1.0
It is not known how it happened - yougotintoan abandoned city of horror. Without memory, withouttheslightesthope of salvation, without any weapons, you havetosurvive forfive nights!This building is crowded with monster toys, including Freddie-arobotic bear! If it seems to you that it is simplyimpossibletosurvive, you are wrong. You need to hold out for aboutfivenights- on the sixth day you will be saved!Such horror you have not seen!Remember that toys want to destroy you. Hide from them,studytheiractions, and, most importantly, do not fall intoFreddie'seyes!He'll kill you!You must survive at all costs - hide, distract toys, runawayfromFreddie and stay for five nights in a city of horror! Wewishyouto stay alive!Features:1) Frightening atmosphere2) Five nights of survival with Freddie3) Incredible gameplay4) Horrifying toys