Top 15 Apps Similar to Exterior House Design Ideas

Home Exterior Design Ideas 2.2
Find out your incredible and favorite home exterior designideashere!
Best 3D Home Plan 3.0
Your 3D home plan idea is truly a reflectionofwho you are. It is a place where you can relax, enjoy, eat,sleep,but most of all a place where you can be in your elements.Iremember the last time I decided to refurbish my home, Ithoughtthe first thing that I needed was a professional designerand so Ihired one. I got too caught up with the ideas that thedesignershad been showcasing and advocating. However, the day I sawtheentire plan on the blueprint, I realized that although thedesignlooked great, it did not appeal to me as my own home. Thatwas themoment I decided to do away with the designers, and takecharge ofthe designing process myself. Designing your own house canbe quitea task, but totally worth it since it enables you to givethe placea personal touch. Designing a house can include both theprimaryarchitectural elements as well as the interior designingelementsthat follow. In this article we will cover both the aspectthatwill assist you while designing your own 3D home plan idea.Architectural DesignArchitectural elements are vital if you are planning to buildahouse from scratch. The first thing that you need to doisundertake a detailed study of the space available toyou,requirement of rooms, the possibility of multiple stories,theroofing, as well as the locations of window and doors. In caseyoufind this intimidating, and are still willing to work withoutaprofessional architect, there are a number of softwareapplicationsthat can help you with this task. A simulation of yourplot areaand the possible positions and areas of multiple rooms canbe triedout using these designing software. You can easily drag thewallson the virtual interface until you finalize the layout andcome upwith your own final blueprint of the house plan.Once the house plan is ready, you can hire services of agoodresidential building company to materialize your blueprint intoanactual finished structure. While handing over the reins tothem,make sure you explain them the plan carefully and askforsuggestions. Once the plan is finalized and the builders areatwork, have a word with them on a daily basis so that thefinalproduct comes out just the way you wanted. However it isadvisablenot to interrupt their work very frequently and trust themwiththeir job.The FurnitureThere is a lot of variety in furniture available today-steel,wrought iron, contemporary, antique, and much more. Toavoidconfusion, finalize the theme or the look that you want foryourhouse and buy the furniture accordingly. In case you arewilling toshell out a few extra bucks you can get your furniturecustom-madeas well. Do think of the durability of the furniturealong with itsaesthetic appeal- you need both. Do not clutter yourspace with alot of furniture, instead define your storage andseatingrequirements and get the furniture that fits the bill justright.It is a common tendency that people pick out the most fancysofa orthe most extravagant center table for the living room. Whileyou dothat, think about the comfort factor as well as themaintenance.For example a white leather sofa might look veryappealing at thestore, but maintaining and cleaning it at home tokeep it sparklingmight be a big headache. Think chic but thinkconvenient as well!The bedroom, kids' room or the study furnitureshould be finalizedwith the same perspective, but shouldincorporate individualtastes.
Make Your Home 1.4.2
Home decoration and fresh ideas.
Room Creator Interior Design 3.4
Brain Vault
Create your room in less then 10 minutes and walk throughinrealistic 3D walk!
Home Exterior Design Ideas 1.0
Home Exterior Design IdeasHome exterior design ideas. The right combination todecoratingexteriorWhile we all want a spectacular home that stands out among therest;we also want a home that blends with its surroundingsandneighborhood.Designing the exterior of a home can be a complicated processofcolor choices, materials, balancing shape and lines.Do you ever wonder what makes a home exterior visuallyappealing?Why are there certain homes on the street that make youstop inyour tracks and gawk in awe of its beauty? It is more thanlikelythat those jaw-dropping homes have followed some keydesignprinciples. Yes, every design, interior or exterior, needstofollow some simple “rules” of design in order for the finaloutcometo be visually appealing.1) Balancing Shapes With SymmetryLike in all types of design, balance and symmetry play animportantrole in achieving a well-designed space. The facade ofevery homeneeds some semblance of balance and symmetry in order toappearpleasing to the eye and properly designed.Whether it is the eye-catching appeal of a symmetricalGeorgianhome, where the door is centered and the windows equallyflankeither side, or a home where the balance is achievedthroughpointed roof lines or dormers that are equally placed amongtheexterior.There are numerous ways to achieve a proportional homeexterior—somethrough obvious symmetry, while others are not asapparent. Eitherway, a properly designed home has an exterior thatis proportionaland balanced.2) Form Follows FunctionLouis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright’s mentor, coined the phrase,formfollows function. Essentially, this means that the purpose ofthebuilding should be the starting point of the design.What is the purpose of your home? What do you plan to use yourhomefor? Consider all your families needs and then decide whatisrequired in your home in order to accommodate those needs.The exterior of your home will mimic the form of theinteriordesigns that you have chosen. Maybe you are an artist whochoselarge windows because you need natural lighting topaint/create.Maybe you needed a granny suite over the garage, sothe exterior ofthe home has a dormer in order to make the window inthat room lookbalanced. Always remember that your interior designaffects theexterior one, as well.3) House Materials and TexturesWith the plethora of options, it is very difficult to decidewhatmaterials we should use on our home exterior. Betweencedarshingles, vinyl siding, aluminum, brick, wood, stucco,steel…how dowe choose?It is best to balance durability with aesthetics. Of course,youwant the exterior of your home to reflect your personal style—areyou a country guy/girl? Then you may want tumbled stone andcedarshingles. Are you a modern minimalist? Then you may preferthelines of sleek steel or simple wood panels.In order to avoid costly mistakes, it is always best to consultwitha skilled design architect. There are also a lot of onlinevisualtools that can help you see what your material choices willlooklike before you make that final financial investment.4) Exterior Color CombinationsOh, the cornucopia of color choices! How do you decide what istheright color for your home exterior? Do you go bold or basic? Asinall decorating, color choice is vital—it can hide flaws orwhendone poorly, draw attention to flaws. Either the lighter orthedarker shade could be used for the body and the opposite forthetrim. The a third contrasting accent color could punctuatethedoor.Color can play up so many features of your home exterior. Paintyourfront porch a bright fresh white to draw the eye to thecozyentrance, or make your too-tall home look shorter with a darkcoloron top and a lighter color on bottom. The ways that color cantrickthe eye and play up the positive are endless!
Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden 4.6.3
Bring all your outdoor design projects to life!
Planner 5D: Design Your Home 2.6.5
Planner 5D
6,723 décor items to design your house or room interior. 3DFloorplan creator.
3D Small House Plans Idea 1.0
3D small house plan design gives you bestideasin building a good home interior and exterior. There are anumerousimages that will be useful. So, don't be worry again aboutyourbudget and money because you can made a simple and small homeplans.Planning forms the basis of each and every activity may itbeproduction of goods or construction of houses. We need toalwaysplan for the future and be prepared for the worst. Peoplealwayshave a backup plan ready in case of any emergency and similaristhe case with construction of small houses.If we are to construct a small house firstly we need to planfor,what kind of house do we need? Which locality will suit us?How manyrooms do we require in the house? And many such questionsneed to beanswered before hand. Once we are clear with thesequestions we needto put all the things on paper and design a houseaccordingly.One of the most important things to keep in mind is how youaregoing to use the space. Plan ahead for things such as ahomeoffice, exercise room, or media room. Try to take into accountafuture expansion of your family, and whether you will needextrabedrooms. Finally, you want to think about resale. We allbuild ourdream home thinking it will be our forever home, butunfortunately,jobs, family, and needs change. So keep in mind thatmost peopleare interested in a minimum of a three bedroom/ twobathroom house.This will help you be able to appeal to a widervariety of peopleif and when you need to sell.Of course there are some things to consider when you areplanningto build a smaller home. Here are some important tips andideas tokeep in mind that will help you to make the most of yoursmall housefloor plans.The Importance of Thinking AheadFirst of all, you'll find that it is very important that youthinkahead when it comes to drawing up small house floor plans.Onewrong move while you are building can cause a problem later onwhenyou are in the home. You need to start thinking about thingsnow.Thinking ahead can help you to make sure you have a good ideaofwhere everything is going to go within the home. Carefulplanningis essential if you are going to come up with plans for asmallerhome that work.Have an Architect to HelpTrying to come up with your own small house floor plans may beamistake. So, it's best to have an architect to help you out. Agoodarchitect can be so helpful, since they are well trained in howtouse space. They'll be able to foresee some of the problems thatmayoccur in the future with a small space. You can sit downtogetherwith your architect and together you can come up with goodplansfor the home that will work, even though the space you havemay besmall. So, although it may cost you a bit to have anarchitect helpyou out, it will be well worth it in the end.What Do You Really Want in a Home?You love the advantages of a small home design, right? Theideaof saving money while building, saving energy year after year,andthe convenience of keeping that small home neat and tidyareappealing benefits.But, what are you willing to give up? You simply can't havethesame number of rooms or the same size rooms, or all thesamefeatures you're accustomed to in that larger home. Somethinghas togive. What do you really want in your home and what areyourpriorities? It comes down to, what's a must, and what cango?The smaller the house does not mean the lesser the home, butthesmaller the bill the better! Since less house space means lessoutof pocket costs and more energy to share with others,considersmall house plans, for yourself and the world at large.
minimalis thouse design 1.0
Getting good design for your home is thebestsolution to present your masterpiece. One of favorite designsinthis era is minimalist. Besides simple, it also gives anelegantsensation for everyone who sees it. Besides choosing gooddesign,you also have to show an architectural sense of yourhouseappearance. One of important spots of minimalist house isexteriorarea. It is because the first spot that can be looked bypeople isexterior. So, you have to give good design for yourexterior house.It can strengthen your house concept.Some beautiful example of Inspiration from the best inthearchitecture design industry. Most of the minimalisthomespresented in this application are located in beautifulnaturalsettings; some of the projects open up to their environmentwiththe help of massive windows, offering unobstructed views.Theoverall interior arrangements let out an impression ofsoberness,yet in some examples this feeling is diminished by somewell chosendetails. Small vividly-colored decorative objects or thepresenceof wood are just some of the ways you can add cheerfulnessto aminimalist modern home. There would always be updates when itcomesto designs and eventually, house designs too. We’d always haveourown preferences as to what type of house we’d want to bebuilt.Some would prefer the contemporary way or classic perhaps.Thereare also those who would already prefer Modern HouseDesignsapplied to their dream houses. This type of design allowsyou tolive in the modern era where minimalism is a hit, comfort isa plusand glass means elegance. Modern Houses say goodbye to thetypicalcolorful way of houses may it be the interior or theexterior part.Since a house is the very first extreme investment,there arestandards to meet although it would still consider themodern tasteof the owner.The concept of minimalist architecture is to stripeverythingdown to its essential quality and achieve simplicity. Theidea isnot completely without ornamentation, but that all parts,detailsand joinery are considered as reduced to a stage where noone canremove anything further to improve the design.The considerations for ‘essences’ are light, form, detailofmaterial, space, place and human condition. Minimalistarchitectsnot only consider the physical qualities of the building.Moreover,they look deeply into the spiritual dimension and theinvisible, bylistening to the figure and paying attention to thedetails,people, space, nature and materials. Which reveals theabstractquality of something that is invisible and search for theessencefrom those invisible qualities. Such as natural light, sky,earthand air. In addition, they open up dialogue with thesurroundingenvironment to decide the most essential materials fortheconstruction and create relationships between buildingsandsites.There are certain distinctions in modern house designsthatyou’ll notice in this collection. From the lighting used, tothelandscapes and even the peculiar shapes of the house exterior.Thearchitecture of today has really evolved where there arealreadytoo many options to choose from to make that house lookmodern mayit be made from wood or other architectural materials.Take a lookand be amazed!
Home Exterior Design Ideas. 1.0
Arroya Apps
While we all need an amazing homethatrisesamongst the rest; we moreover need a home that blendswithitssurroundings and neighborhood.Designing the exterior of a home can be a complicatedprocessofcolor choices, materials, balancing shape and lines, it isnotajob for novice designers.Do you ever ponder what makes a home exterior visuallyappealing?Whyarrive certain homes in the city that make you stopin yourtracksand stare in amazement of its magnificence? It ismore thanlikelythat those stunning homes have taken after somekeyconfigurationstandards. Yes, each configuration, insideoroutside, necessities totake after somestraightforward"guidelines" of outline all togetherfor the lastresult to beoutwardly engaging.Nothing is more satisfying than an inviting, completed,verymuchdelegated living space that mixes individual style withhues,linesand compositions in a way that says "this is me." Justasimportantis the exterior design of your home - thedetails,dimension andcontrast of your exterior reflect yourpersonal styletoo. AtExterior Portfolio, we're energetic aboutapplyingopenconfiguration ideas to the outside of your home. Wewelcometheforce of building points of interest. Furthermore, werealizethattrim, siding, shading, entryways and windows can allworktogetherto create beautiful exterior designs that reflect whoyouare andwhere you live.We additionally know now and again the decisions areoverpoweringandit's difficult to know where to begin. In any case,we canofferassistance. With our online tool, Dream Designer,ourexterior designresources, and our decades of experience asthecategory leader ininnovative exterior design products, wecanoffer you some assistancewith mixing and match surfaces, huesandstyles to make impressiveexteriors.
Modern House Designs 1.8
The characteristics of today's home the past, about thepastandpresent are shortly houses; Our house we found that peace,ouronlynest in the evening when we pulled the rest. Given thehistoryofthe houses were very old people in homes as it is today.Butthesehouses showed many differences compared to those oftoday.Thefirst people in homes made of wood or cave is quitelargeandmodern homes today that yaşarlark of these houses hasalreadytakenplace. Present approached thanks to evolvingtechnologyandincreased technical knowledge homes showed greatprogressandchange. Developments in the field ofarchitecture,architectshigher education in a technical school, alsoplayed amajor role inthe development of home the necessity ofmodern life.As humanbeings everywhere in the house was alwayslooking forsomethingbetter. This being the state began to be moreadvancedthan luxuryhomes every day. If you are looking for a modernhome ofyourdreams? If you want to design a modern home? Ourmodernhousedesigns application is for you. Our modernhousedesignsapplication will find the house of your dreams. Nowourmodernhouse designs application download
3D Home Design 1.0
Asher ACE
3D Home Design Looking for the best 3dhomelayout? 3D home design, 3d home plans, 3D house floor plans,modelhouse design ideas and photos. Home design for everyone.Thelargest collection of modern house plans in 3D interior designandHouse Plans in 3D view decorating ideas on the Internet.classichome plans, 3D model homes, 3D house layout, Home remodelingorwant to visualize your dream home? 3D home plans free is ahomedecorating and interior design site where you see countlessdesign3D room layout ideas and you can be the 3D HouseBlueprints.Whether you want to redecorate, plan house 3D, virtualhome design,3D floor plan design, redesign or ideas of small houseplans ofyour dreams, The perfect app for you!Note- Fast Download- Share Image
770 Проектов домов бесплатно
Мобильное приложение "770 проектовдомов(unicator) 3.0"Это приложение представляет собой бесплатную коллекцию проектовотнебольших дачных домов до огромных загородных коттеджей.Проектыдомов и коттеджей площадью от 30 до 400 кв.м. Добавленыновыепроекты. Данное приложение пригодится тем, кто собираетсяпостроитьдом, занимается строительством.Любые вопросы, предложения, пожелания принимаются по e-mail. атакже телефону, viber, whatsapp: +7 (960) 777-999-5Наш сайт https://myplan.storeMobile application"770Projects of houses (unicator) 3.0"This application is a free collection of projects from smalltolarge country houses country houses. Projects of housesandcottages ranging from 30 to 400 sq.m. Added new projects.Thisapplication is useful for those who want to build a house,isengaged in construction.Any questions, suggestions, requests are accepted by e-mail. aswellas phone, viber, whatsapp: +7 (960) 777-999-5Our site
Проекты домов и коттеджей 1.1
Строительство индивидуального жилого дома—непростое ответственное дело. Начинается оно сархитектурногопроекта. Именно на этапе архитектурногопроектирования формируетсяхарактер вашего будущего дома.Наша специалисты занимаются проектированием домов уже более 10 лет.Индивидуальный, креативный подход к каждому проектудома.Бесплатные консультации от разработчиков. Дома по проектамкомпаниистроятся по всей Беларуси и в России.Архитектурное проектирование:Проекты домов и коттеджей на любой вкус: одноэтажные, двухэтажные,смансардой, с гаражом. Каждый проект адаптируется подучастокзаказчика.Также компания выполняет индивидуальное проектирование.Проектразрабатывается по запросам заказчика.Дополнительно выполняется: 3D-визуализацию, составлениегенплана,согласование проекта, получение разрешения настроительство.Разрабатывает «работы под ключ» (проектирование +стройка).Дизайн интерьера:Команда «ADcube-studio» выполняет заказы любой степенисложности.Специалисты имеют опыт работы с разными стилями дизайна.В готовыйпроект входит весь комплекс документации и3D-визуализация.Состав проектной документации: эскизный проект, АР(архитектурныйраздел), КР (конструктивный раздел).АР (Архитектурный раздел):· Эскизный проект;· Лист общих данных;· Планы этажей (с расстановкой мебели);· План кровли;· Разбивочный план;· Фасады;· Разрезы;· Архитектурные узлы и детали;· План фундамента;КР (Конструктивный раздел):· Архитектурный раздел;· Опалубочный чертеж фундамента;· Схема расположения верхней и нижней арматуры фундамента;· Кладочный план 1-го этажа на отметке +0,000 сведомостьюперемычек и узлами;· Кладочный план 2-го этажа с ведомостью перемычек и узлами;· Разрезы узлов;· План перекрытия 1-го этажа, козырьков, балконов;· План деревянных балок под стропильные конструкции сузлами;· План кровли с сечениями и узлы;· План раскладки стропил;· Спецификация кровельных элементов;http://www.adcube-studio.byConstruction ofindividualhouses - a difficult undertaking. It begins with thearchitecturalproject. It is at the stage of architectural designforms thecharacter of your future home.Our experts are engaged in designing homes for over 10 years.Individual, creative approach to each project at home.Freeadvice from the developers. Houses are built on thecompany'sprojects in Belarus and in Russia.Architectural design:Projects of houses and cottages for every taste:one-storey,two-storey, with an attic, with garage. Each project isadapted tothe customer's site.The company also performs custom design. The project isbeingdeveloped at the request of the customer.Additionally performed: 3D-visualization, preparation ofthegeneral plan, coordination of the project, obtainingbuildingpermits. Develops "turnkey" (design + construction).Interior design:Team «ADcube-studio» carries out orders of any complexity.Expertshave been working with different styles of design. Thefinishedproject included the entire range of documentsand3D-visualization.The composition of the project documentation: sketch design,AR(architectural section), the Kyrgyz Republic (theconstructivesection).AR (Architectural section):· Draft project;· Common data sheet;· Floor plans (with furniture);· Plan of the roof;· The Center Plan;· Facades;· Cuts;· The architectural components and spare parts;· Foundation plan;KR (Constructive section):· The architectural section;· Formwork drawing of the foundation;· Arrangement upper and lower fittings of the foundation;· Masonry plan of the 1st floor at the level of 0.000, withtheknowledge jumpers and nodes;· Masonry plan 2nd floor with the knowledge jumpersandnodes;· Cuts nodes;· Plan the overlap of the 1st floor, canopies, balconies;· Plan of wooden beams under the truss with the nodes;· Plan of the roof with the sections and units;· Plan the layout of rafters;· Specification roofing elements;
Exterior Designs Ideas 1.3
This app collects a variety of ideasfordecorating outdoor spaces of your home, you will find a varietyofideas for innovation in your garden, swimming pool, zen place.There are over 1000 images to decorate your garden, poolorpatio.Categories: Garden, Patio, Pool, Garden Zen.FeaturesEnjoy plenty of ideas and tutorials ....High quality images.Share with your friends the ones you like (Email, Facebook,twitter,MMS)Downloading images to have them on your mobile when you havenointernetAbility to zoom on images to see them in detail.----------------------------------------This application contains ads and uses your Internetconnectionto load images.If you have any suggestions or improvements please leaveacomment or send an email to [email protected] send comments and suggestions. If you register alowscore, describe the problem in order to solve the sameDo you want to remove links & photos from ourdirectory?Contact [email protected] and submit your website andlinks tophoto page.By downloading this application you agree to our terms ofservicethat can be found at: