Top 17 Apps Similar to Engagement Rings

Engagement Ring Designs 5.0
Buying diamond engagement rings isprobablyoneof the biggest and most expensive purchases that youwill evermake.You want to ensure the piece you choose is going toprovideyourfuture bride with a timeless elegance, a unique styleandsomethingshe can wear on her finger with pride for the rest ofherlife.There are a number of important factors to takeintoconsiderationwhen it comes to buying diamond engagement rings,notonly to ensureyou buy a style that is going to appeal toyourfuture bride, butalso to ensure you buy the best qualitypiecebased on yourparticular budget.The good news is that there is an extensive rangeofdiamondengagement rings, which means that you will probablyfindaselection within your budget, giving you the ability toreviewandcompare to find that perfect match, something yourfuturebridewill want to wear on her finger moving forward.One of the first things you are going to want to do whenitcomesto selecting that one perfect diamond engagement ring istoidentifya shape. Diamonds come in a host of shapes, so youwillfind thatone match that meets your future brides uniquetasteandrequirement. There is a host of shapes from oval toroundtoprincess cut to emerald cut and so much more. It's advisabletotryand identify what meets her needs and then choosethecutaccordingly, ensuring you provide her with a ring she isgoingtowant to show off moving forward.Next you are going to have to focus on the size ofthediamond.Remember this will be based on your budget. Biggerisn'talwaysbetter and depending on the style of the ring and theshapeof thediamond, you will be able to find one that meets yourbudgetinterms of style, size and shape.The quality of the diamond engagement ring isimperative.Spendinga lot of money on a poor quality ring is notthe best wayforward. Infact, this is a step that you need to payvery closeattention to.The best way to identify the quality of anydiamondengagement ringis to look at the colour of the diamonditself. Thediamond should becolourless, these are the rings thatcome at thehighest value. Aring with shading or not completelyclear is goingto be cheaper andnot as high value as a ring that iscompletelyclear.The diamond in the ring should have no flaws or blemishes.Agooddiamond engagement ring will be clear in colour andbecompletelyflawless. When you are unsure on whether you areaboutto purchasethe right ring, you can always have itassessed,getting a valuationand a thorough assessment can help youensureyou are buying agenuine product that not only matches yourbudget,but is also thebest quality within your chosen budget.The final decision should be based n the carat of thediamond.Alldiamonds are given a carat weight, the higher the caratweight,themore expensive the ring. Focus on what carat thediamondengagementring is that you are considering and ensure thatit is adecentweight which is going to impress your future brideandprovide herwith a ring she is going to wear and show offtoeveryone she knowswith complete pride at all times.
Engagement Ring Design Ideas 3.0
Buying an engagement ring for your loved oneisa sublime gesture. An engagement is a symbol of unconditionallove,boundless affections, and a commitment that unites the twosouls.Make this occasion in your life all the more special bylearning allthat you need to know about engagement rings.An engagement ring reflects the perpetual love and commitmentyoushare with your partner. The Engagement ceremony does hold alot ofimportance in a woman's life. It is believed that a vein,popularlyknown as the love vein, runs through the third finger ofthe lefthand leading to the heart. Well, this is probably why itis referredto as the 'ring' finger. Buying an engagement ring foryourlady-love is, indeed, a task to accomplish. It is not in theleast,an easy affair to execute. Well, for all those men who haveplannedto spend their lives with the love of their life, thisarticle wouldserve to be a mini guide.In today's day and age, in an epoch where women are nomorecocooned and sheltered; it is suggested that you buy theperfectring that makes your woman fall in love with you . . . allthe more. . . all over again. After all, women are the one'sresponsiblefor keeping a man's bank balance 'liquid' most of thetime! Yes,let's face it: Women are a bit fussy, especially aboutthe bandthey flaunt. But worrying is not the solution to this, myfriend;treading along the path carefully and tactfully, sureis!Here are some pointers on how to buy an engagement ring andsometips you would like to employ while you are on a mad-dashmissionof buying the right ring for your sweetheart.First and foremost, don't just consider buying the perfect ringforyour mate; in addition, consider your circumstances andthesituation. The cost of the ring should be a factor lookedinto.Don't think that you are placing price over passion. It isapreferable choice to bestow a band that conforms to beingclassy,elegant, yet affordable. To do this, devising a budget isthe firststep. Buying a band on a budget should be calculated byconsideringthe salary or the remuneration package that you earn,and thesavings you can afford to make. This factor will fall intoplacewhen you club the salary, or the savings of two or threemonths,and estimate the cost you would incur to buy the engagementring.Thus, the amount you spend should not pose any problem, as younowknow the method to compute the same!Here are some pointers on how to buy an engagement ring andsometips you would like to employ while you are on a mad-dashmissionof buying the right ring for your sweetheart.First and foremost, don't just consider buying the perfectringfor your mate; in addition, consider your circumstances andthesituation. The cost of the ring should be a factor lookedinto.Don't think that you are placing price over passion. It isapreferable choice to bestow a band that conforms to beingclassy,elegant, yet affordable. To do this, devising a budget isthe firststep. Buying a band on a budget should be calculated byconsideringthe salary or the remuneration package that you earn,and thesavings you can afford to make. This factor will fall intoplacewhen you club the salary, or the savings of two or threemonths,and estimate the cost you would incur to buy the engagementring.Thus, the amount you spend should not pose any problem, as younowknow the method to compute the same!
Engagement Ring Ideas 1.1
The most beautiful engagement rings arethemostobvious symbols of a couple's commitment to each other. Itisanextremely personal display of affection, and your ringsshouldbe orrepresent something you find beautiful, and want toassociatewithyour significant other. Usually the woman'sengagement ring isthemore expensive and flashy of the two, but ofcourse both menandwomen can have beautiful wedding rings, also.Whether you are looking for traditional diamond ringsorareconsidering venturing out into the wide world ofweddingringstyles, from simple platinum bands to elaborateandsentimentalold-fashioned or heirloom rings, this guide willshowyou some ofthe many ring options you have, as well as thingstoconsider abouteach style of wedding ring.- Traditional Diamond Rings. It's true that many womencanonlyfathom a beautiful diamond ring, the bigger the better,ontheirring finger. Diamonds are lovely, of course, but they arealsothemost expensive option. Take a step back and try to figureouthowmuch of that desire is what you really want, and how muchiswhatsociety thinks you should have.- Tension Rings. For a more modern twist on theengagementring,consider a tension ring. Instead of being held inplace byclaspsand prongs, these elegant alternatives stay in placeby thesheerpressure of each end of the ring. Your tension ring willneedto becustom made, partly because everyone's tension levelswilldiffer,but mostly because you need a perfect fit. Because ofthephysicsinvolved, you're never going to be able to resize atensionringwithout destroying the band.- Eternity Rings. Meant to symbolize life commitment, theseareringsthat have a continuous stream of precious gems,usuallydiamonds,around the band. Instead of one gem beingthecenterpiece, theemphasis is on a smoothness and harmony.Somewomen choose to have aneternity ring instead of a moretraditionalengagement or weddingring, but some will wear allthreerings.- Heirloom Rings. Also called vintage rings, this isjewelrypasseddown from you or your fiance's family. It has a greatdealofemotional significance, and can be a wonderful way ofshowinghowimportance familial connections are to you, but they canalso beaguilty drain if you don't love the ring.- Tattoo Rings. Obviously outside the borders oftraditionalrings,tattoos are a permanent way to mark yourcommitment toanotherperson. They are an edgier way to celebratemarriage, andare acommon choice by people who have other tattoosandbodymodifications. ModBlog has a great post on lots ofdifferenttypesof commitment tattoos, including tattooedrings.- Celtic Knots. The design of Celtic rings is verycarefullythoughtout. If you or your significant other's heritage isCeltic,you mayalready have a traditional family knot that you canuse indesigningyour ring. If not, however, there are many designstochoose from,and many couples engrave symbols, dates, andwordsthat aresignificant to them in their Celtic knot rings.These are really wonderful right? Make your engagements’dayasthe most beautiful day with the bestengagement’sringdesign.Engagement Ring IdeasSource of fashionable engagement ring ever!
engagement rings ideas 1.0
Is a circular ring finger jewelry. Ringwornbyboth women atupun men. Traditionally rings are usuallymadeofprecious metals; such as gold, silver, and platinum.Othermetalssuch as stainless steel, chrome, iron, bronze,brass,dantembagaalso commonly used. Can ring-shaped smooth, carvedorinlaid withdiamonds, gems, or agate. Now the ring is made ofmanymaterials,such as plastic, wood, bone, jade, glass, rubberandothermaterials.Engagement Rings gallery app for android Site DesignFind a diamond engagement ring or set bride dreams ofdesignerstyleoptions. Choose from classic solitary with thetraditionalround orprincess - cut diamonds, sparkling halo framedAsscher orcushion -cut diamond, which means three stone looks,andmore.
Engagement Ring Styles Ideas 1.0
Arroya Apps
Engagement ring - Giving andreceivinganengagement ring is a time-honored process that kicksoffanexciting time in your life. Getting drew in islikewiseaconceivably touchy time given the quantity ofdesiresandceremonies encompassing this real point of reference.Take inthedifferent parts of behavior encompassing the themeofengagementrings to help you make the right decision foryourparticularsituation.Engagement ring - With so many options for engagementrings,it'scritical to consider an assortment of decorumrelatedcomponentswhen choosing what sort of ring - if any - isideal foryourrelationship and how to make this essential buy.An engagement ring isn't required to propose; somecouplesgetengaged and then shop for the ring together so that thewomancanchoose her own ring. Different couples escape withanunconstrainedproposition much sooner than a ring isacquired.Attending to aring is a smart thought if a few needs tospare cashfor anextraordinary ring however wouldn't like to hold upto getreadyfor marriage. Obviously, there's likewise the choiceofprevious anengagement ring altogether. While these types ofringsaretraditional, they are certainly not absolutelynecessary.Engagement ring - Traditional engagement etiquettedictatesthatthe groom buys the engagement ring. However, somecouplesdecide tosplit the cost. Men should consider theirfiancée'spersonalitybefore suggesting she contribute to the ringpayment, aseven somevery modern women expect the man to buy thering. If thewoman isgenerally a romantic, it is highly likely sheexpects herfiancé tocarry out this tradition. When couples decideto share thecost ofthe ring, planning andbudgeting can be a goodopportunity togetinsight into one another's economic viewpointslong beforethemarriage, which can help form the basis for ahealthyfinancialfutur.Engagement ring - While traditional engagement rings aresetwithdiamonds, newer rings can be set with any gemstone, oracombinationof gemstones. Traditional looks can at present bekeptup by havinga focal jewel confined with diverse accent pearls,orconsider amore cutting edge or bolder look of a shadedgemstoneencompassed byprecious stones. The most imperative thing istofeel good with aring that suits you.
Engagement Rings Wedding Rings 1.0
Engagament rings, wedding rings, mens wedding bands photosgalleryare here.
Wedding Ring Jewelry Designs 3.0
Beautiful engagement and wedding ring ideas for as CreativeCoupleRing!
Best Wedding Ring Ideas 2.0
Trying to find the perfect wedding ringdesignfor your beloved? Sure you can go with the traditional goldband,complete with diamonds and heart shapes. That's traditional.Or youcould give them something unique: something special. Youcould giveyour loved one a ring that will forever connect the twoof you.You know, a smart wedding ring design.Smart wedding ring design aren't incredibly new, and most ofthetime they are offered as an alternative to the bulkysmartwatchesflooding the market. But today Omate announced a newkind ofwearable smart technology. The Ungaro ring is a stylish ringthatwill notify you when one, and only one, contact messagesyou.Talk about true love.The Ungaro wedding ring design was made by Omate incollaborationwith Emanuel Ungaro, a fashion firm named after thefamous Frenchfashion designer. The Ungaro comes in several modelsand is eitherplated in 18K gold or silver. There are also severaldifferentgemstones including sapphire, ruby, opalite, topaz, andonyx. Due tothe wide variety of choices, the cost of the Ungaroring ranges from$500 to $2,000. That's a pretty steep charge foranyone looking tosimply add an accessory to their phone. But, forthose of youlooking for a ring to seal the deal, it might actuallysave you somemoney.Tech wise, the Ungaro ring operates on Bluetooth LE, andthebattery can last up to 5 days (which pretty much crushes all ofitssmart watch competition). The ring will vibrate any timeyoureceive a text or phone call from your single contact. As ofnow,the Ungaro ring will only work with iOS devices, but itisscheduled to work with Android in early 2016. What thecompanyneeds to do, is to promote this product and market itaccordinglyso that as many people as possible become aware of thiscool littlegadget.The Ungaro wedding ring design may seem frivolous, but itmarksthe beginning of a push for premium wearable technology ofallshapes and sizes. Plus, as a tech nerd, I kind of wish thiswasaround when I got married in my search for a wedding ring.Who says technology can't be for everyone? This is justthescratch of the surface. We've seen companies developingsmartwedding ring design for consumers. This tech may be theperfectmatch for the family who lives in the connected home.
wedding ring ideas 3.1
put a ring gorgeous and beautiful, in the moment when the wedding
engagement rings for women 4.0
style design
we will present some examples ofdesigndrawings latest models of wedding rings in 2017 that thefuturecould be an inspiration to anyone who is confused lookingmodelswedding rings or engagement rings models.Some examples of wedding rings presented images ranging fromsimplemodels wedding rings, wedding rings unique model, themodelengraving wedding rings, wedding rings couple models, untilthemodel is luxurious and elegant wedding ring.Do not worry, you do not need to be glued to the specificationsofthe wedding rings of our design, you can customize to yourliking,for example ring silver material is replaced by a yellowring ofgold, gold ring and white, or ring palladium, models weddingringseyed replaced without eyes , or a wedding ring model withearlyfinish or sheen replaced doff doff full and vice versa, or youjustwant to order a single ring? Yes, of course.examples of design drawings latest models of wedding ringsanduptodate.
Luxury Engagement Ring 1.0
Engagement ring made of stones moreutilizedasa part of wedding rings today, normally dry preciousstones.Theyare extremely tough, with a hardness of 10 onMohsscale,essentially they can't be scratched by some othermaterial.As aresult of this and different qualities, they arebrilliantstonesfor men wedding bands, however the drawback is thattheyareexceptionally costly, and the cost becomes exponentiallybysize.simple engagement rings are exceptionally uncommon thusweareconstantly entranced to see what 'genuine living'princesseswillget when they get ready for marriage. The regaldecisions formenengagement rings are frequently reflected in thepublic eye.Theoffer of emeralds expanded when Princess Mary, thePrincessRoyalgot an emerald wedding band in 1930 and who canoverlook thesurgeon the offer of sapphire rings after Lady Dianaring bywrapping itin a coordinating radiance setting.From around the fifteenth century, the precious diamondringhasbeen the image of engagement rings between two beaus -asanantecedent to marriage. Be that as it may, this raisesanethicalissue with regards to the morals behind wheretheyreallyoriginate. Indeed, will undoubtedly be innumerable,honesttogoodness precious stone mines in those all themoremonetarilycreated nations, for example, in Yellowknife, Canada,yetthedominant part of our jewelry originate from a portionoftheslightest created nations on the planet wherelaborersaresignificantly more defenseless against abuse.Furthermore, something that you should never,everunderestimate,is the outline of the ring. You should givecarefulconsideration toall the plan components that areconsolidated toframe the engagmentrings. Check for the sorts ofrocks that havebeen layered on it andthe state of the ring itselfor choose thecustom engagement rings.There are some, for example,the silvertopaz and smoky quartzaffordable engagement rings whichhave theloose diamonds on themwhile there are those like thelimitlessnessand leaf rings that arejust designed. On the offchance thatessential, ask a specialist,for example, the retailer tofurnishyou with exhortation on thebest one to go for.
antique engagement rings 4.0
although generally looped aroundthefingerseither right hand or left hand. Ring used by allgenders:male andfemale. Traditionally rings are usually made ofpreciousmetalmaterials, such as platinum, silver, gold andothermetalmaterials. As for other metals such as brass,chrome,stainlesssteel, bronze, iron, and copper also is commonlyused.Ring can beshaped or carved patterned, plain or studded withmutiaor agate.In the process, we usually find the ring is now madeofmanyvariants of materials, such as wood, jade, plastic,bone,rubber,glass, and other materials that tend to be easy to setup(orcarved) so add artistic impression when the fingers inacircularfashion.The tradition of giving and receiving a ring kono hasbeeninexistence for over 4,800 years ago. Wedding ringsaregenerallyworn on the left ring finger. This tradition grew fromthebeliefof the 16th-century Tudor who believed that the ringfingerof theleft hand in direct contact with the blood vesselsthatdirectlyterseambung to the heart organ. Thus, by wearing it ontheringfinger is a symbol that the wearer is in the midstofamarriage.Well, in addition to functioning as asupportingappearance,traditionally, the ring is usually a part of aritual orornamentin a wedding ceremony. Awarded as weddings,engagements, oras asign that is given as an expression of the oath,loyalty,andaffection
engagement rings 3.1
made engagement rings are unique in every way because theyaredesigned with the individual characteristics of the wearer inmind.Knowing that her ring is completely unique, individual, andmadeespecially for her makes it worth every second spent to createtheperfect ring for that perfect person. A customized designistailored to her personality and lifestyle. It signifies yourlovefor her and complements her elegance and personal style likenoready-made ring could. It's a special choice that wasdesignedespecially for that one person and no one else Today, it isalsoeasy to choose the most wonderful wedding rings material.Peopleoften for yellow gold, white gold or platinum as pertheirpreferences and budget. This makes the ring even morebeautiful andcan complement the wedding attire at the same time. Ifyou want,you can go for the higher quality materials that arebothaffordable and trendy, too. However, most people choose ,becausethey cannot afford diamond rings. No doubt, engagement ringsaremuch more affordable than any other diamond or platinumjewelryring, and look good also. wedding rings look highlycolourful arethe perfect choice for the people. A high-caratdiamond can lookhuge in a engagement ring, like in our ModernDiamond jewelleryRing, so if you have a small budget, then this isperfect to getthe most bang for your buck. Here are some insidetips engagementring to make sure that nobody is able to look awayfrom yourdiamond engagement ring. common wedding engagement ring іѕthеdiamond wedding engagement ring. stones ѕuсh аѕ rubies,sapphiresаnd emeralds the coming this fashion but are brides аndgroomsѕtіll prefer thе classic аnd tradition diamond weddingengagementring. Thіѕ іѕ uѕuаllу а significant investment, ѕо it'simportantim understand thе basic elements іn а quality diamondbеfоrе уоuopen are jewelry bring amazing . there is another form ofdiamondengagement rings, that is attractive along with romantic.It'scalled past, present future ring. They define love aseverlastingthe other which was previously will be in the currentand will begenerally there in the foreseeable future. wedding ringsactuallyis made of three stones of diamond. The style of the ringcan bejust like a center piece of diamond with 2 pieces around, oreventhe three pieces of diamond grouped with each other. stonediamondengagement rings are one type of engagement rings, whichisstylish. This kind of engagement ring is actually attractiveandalso elegant. They are going well for ladies.
2016 Wedding Ring Design 1.0
Mueeza Apps
2016 Wedding ring design is anapplicationabouta hundreds ring design for your wedding orengagement.In this application, you will find a wide selection ofunusualandunique wedding rings for women. Each wedding ring hasbeencarefullyselected not only for its unique design, butalsoaccording toquality and customer satisfaction. We hope youfindjust the ring youhave been searching for!So you know you want to propose to your girlfriend but youwanttodesign your own engagement ring. First off,congratulations!This isan exciting enjoy it!The customization options for engagement rings arealmostendless,but don't get overwhelmed. This app will share withyouthe top manythings you need to know before designing anengagementring of yourown. This app will also outline the mostpopular waysin which peopledesign engagement rings.A diamond is forever, so when it comes to buyingadiamondengagement ring or a diamond wedding ring, make suretochoose onethat has a very special symbolic meaning. The ringyoupurchasewill be a lifetime representation of your feelings,thefeelingsthat you will always have for your loved one. One ofthemostpopular rings today, is a 3 stone diamond ring.The significance of a 3 stone diamond engagement ring isthatitis representative of your past, present, and moreimportantlyyourfuture symbolized with a jewelry. Whether it's anengagementringor a wedding ring, this choice is perfect for thesentimentyouwant to express. The 3 stones are also representativeofyourlifetime together and may be referred to as an eternityring.Thering symbolizes how timeless your relationship to eachotherwillalways be.
Beautiful Engagement Ring 2.0
Ring worn by women or men.Traditionallyringsare usually made of metal Majesty; Such as Gold,Silver,andPlatinum. Other metals such as stainless steel,chrome,iron,bronze, brass, and copper are Also Often used. plainring canbeshaped, carved, or encrusted with diamonds, gems, oragate. Nowtherings are made of many materials, such as plastic,wood,bone,jade, glass, rubber and other materials.Applications This beautiful engagement ring is used tolookfordifferent types of diamond engagement rings can be usedfortheselection of designer wedding style.
Ladies Accessory 1.01
Ahil Sultan
1.Jewellery,2.Diamond Stud Earrings,3.White Pearl Stud Earrings,4.Hoop earrings,5.Fun Earrings,6.Dressy Dangle Earrings,7.Pearl necklace,8.Diamond Pendant Necklace,9.Statement Necklace,10.Metal Chain Bracelet,11.Metal Dress Watch,12.Cocktail Ring,13.Handbags,14.Tailored Tote Handbag,
Best Wedding Ring Sets 1.0
The wedding ring is one of themostseasonedmarital conventions known to man. It is trusted thatourancientprecursors would tie surges, twigs and grass aroundlowerlegs andwrists of the lady of the hour. Thissymbolizedcompanionship anddependability and was intended to givethe lady ofthe hour lifespan and secure the spirit.In spite of the fact that advanced adornments strategiespermitamore noteworthy scope of conceivable outcomes than theCeltshadamid the season of the Romans, finding an uncommonCelticcustomrings at a nearby gems store may not be conceivable.The bestplaceto hunt is on the Internet, which has thevastestdetermination.Today you can discover wedding bands for womenmadewith platinum,or white and yellow gold highlighted withpreciousstones. Theabsolute most delightful rings are bi-metal,where thebunches areone shading, for example, white gold, while theedge ofthe ringmay be yellow gold. There is an extensive variety ofclassandcost.Gold wedding ring is an image and as importantasweddinginvitations all through time has symbolized love,commitmentandeven an understanding between families. The physicalstructureofthe womens wedding band has changed as varioushumanadvancementshave transformed it to look increasinglywonderful. Afew materialsare all the more dear like valuable metalsand arethought to be ofmore prominent esteem - consequently maymean more.However theimportance behind the image has kept with itall throughtime andover mainlands. "I cherish you" "I wish to bewith youalways" and"You are mine."A wedding ring is the enchantment fixing in onecouple'smarriage.Wearing a diamond bands is a path for both menandladiesexperiencing passionate feelings for to keeptheiraffectionguarantee, and a roundabout ring symbolizes thelife'sendlessness.Generally, mens wedding bands are worn on thethirdfinger of theleft hand, on the grounds that the Egyptianstrustedthat thisfinger through the veins of heart can accomplishtheexecutive ofaffection - your heart.Loose Diamond ring. Care ought to be taken whileconsideringaprecious stone wedding bands in the matter of how tohaveyourjewels set. This ring will be on your finger constantly,forbothwork and play. Sensible and hard wearing settingsareprescribed.Clear set jewels, and bezel set precious stonesareprevalentsetting for womens wedding ring, while channel,strain,andwanderer style settings are down to earth wedding ringformen.