Top 14 Games Similar to اجمل اذان في رنتك بدون نتAthan

Beautiful Azan Adhan download 2.2
If you want to enjoy the most beautifulandfascinating voices of muezzins in the islamic world, you havetodownload Adhan or Azan application of diverse places athanfrommecca (makkah ) or medina or al masjid al-haram, Adaan Saudi,ezanfrom Egypt, Al quds ( Jerusalem ) Athan.Adhan application is a simple and quick software that worksonAndroid’s phones and allows to its users to listen to thelatestmuazzins’s incredible voices and enjoy the beauty anddeepwordsEzan is a call for prayer (Salat) and by using this freeapplicationyou will never skip a prayer and you will practice thefive prayersat the right time and the right place.For over than 1400 Athan are called out by the muezzins inthemosque to all muslims to pray to Allah 5 times a day. And wearetrying to help you to achieve prayer discipline by collectingmorethan 30 different sounds of adhan mp3 which you can setasRingtones or SMS or wake up sound for Fajr and sobh Salat Alarmorreminder.By downloading this ADAN application, you will be allowedtoaccurate prayer times based on your location with multiplesettingsavailable and you will have the right to choose yourfavouritemuezzin and listen to whom you like .The prayer call in Arabic :.Allah'u Akbar .(twice)Allah'u Akbar.(twice)Ash'hado ana la illa ila Allah.(twice)Ash'hado ana Mohammad'n rasool Allah.(twice)Haiya al'a al salah.(twice)Haiya al'a al falah.(twice)Allah'u Akbar.(twice)Ash'hado ana la illa ila Allah.(once)Translation :God is Great (twice)God is Great (twice)I testify that there is none worthy of worship exceptGod.(twice)I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.(twice)Come to prayer!(twice)Come to success.(twice)God is Great.(twice)There is none worthy of worship except God.(once)The most known muezzins :Muazinines: al Ghamidi, abd el basset abd essamad, Ali ibn Ahmadalmala, issam Boukhari, Sheesha, Mahmoud al Khalil, et RashedMisharyAlafasy Ibrahim al Arkani mansoor Az Zahrani Hamad alDeghrerimajed hamathani nous fait en sorte de rassembler tousceuxmuadinine partir chaque coin de la Wold islamique:Arabie,algérienne, égyptienne, Sudani, irakienne, marocaine,yéménite,syrienne, Tunisiann somalienne, Émirats unis,Jamahiriya,jordaniens, palestiniens, mauitanian, Koweït, omanin,quatari,Bahreïn
Azan Sound & Alarm mp3 3.2
Famous Ring
Enjoy you Azan mp3 & ringtonesapplicationoutside Ezan times / waqt salat (alFajr, doher ,alasser, almaghrib or el aichae) , free athan download mp3 and setthe athansounds as contact ringtone ; sms ringtone or even alarmadhan forwaking up ;in your mobile iphone or android Samsung galaxy.This application of azan mp3 ringtones collect all the bestarabreciters and (mouazinins) that you like absolutely ;) so youfindnow a great application that you need for sure ,which allowsyou tolisten athan all the time for free and without need tointernet.Azan mp3 sound contains adan of :Azan Nasser Al qtamiAzan Abdul Majid SrihiAzan Abdul Basit Abdul SamadAthan Abdul BasitAthan Mashary alafasiAthan de Mahmoud ali al-BannaAthan Mahmoud Naji al kazazAdhan Nassif saleh fidaAdhan Saad Al-GhamdiAdhan Ali ibn Ahmed Al-MullaAdan Essam Al-BukhariAdan Mahmoud Khalil AlhasiriAdan Ahmed al madiAl Adan Juma Al RajhiAl Adan Faisal NomanAlso l’azan of the most famous mosque like Alharam Mecque (adanmaka) , medina mosque et, l’adan of Géorgie mosque and adan delaMosquée Al-Aqsa
أحكام الوضوء والصلاة 3.1
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ((وأقم الصلاة إن الصلاة تنهى عنالفحشاءوالمنكر)) صدق الله العظيم يحتوي هذا التطبيق على معلوماتمفيدةللكبار والصغار حول الوضوء واحكام الاذان واحكام الصلاةوكيفيتهاواركانها ويحتوي أيضا بعض المعلومات عن صلاة النوافل وصلاةالجماعةوصلاة الجمعة. تم جمع هذه الرسومات الجميلة من النت ولم استدلعلىمصدرها الأصلي ولكن تم مراجعتها من قبل المركز الإسلامي ... نسالاللهان يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال. هذا التطبيق مجاني ولايحتويعلىإعلانات فأننا نبتغي به مرضات الله تعالى.
الآذان مع موجه القبلة و ادعية adhan
تحذير !! :المرجوا ضبط الإعدادات بل الإستعمال !تأكدوا من تشغيل GPS لتحديد الموقع و ضبط المنطقة الزمنية .Warning !! :Please adjust the settings before use!Be sure to run the GPS to determine the location and adjust thetimezone*************************************************.تطبيق صلاتك هو رفيقك للحفاظ على صلاتكعن طريق تحديد موقعك تلقائيا، بإمكان هذا التطبيق أن يعلمكبأوقاتالصلاة، أقرب المساجد إلى موقعك وكذلك تحديد اتجاه القبلةتطبيق صلاتك يستعمل عددا مهما من الطرق الحسابية المعتمدة فيأغلبالعالم الإسلامي.اعتمادا على موقعك، يختار التطبيق طريقةالحسابالمناسبة، المدرسة الفقهية و الأذان المناسبيمكنك تغيير هذه الاختيارات يدويا في نافذة الإعداداتلتحديد الموقع بدقة، عليك التأكد من أن إعدادات الموقع الجغرافيمشغلةو أنك متصل بالإنترنت أو جي بي إس الخاص بكميزات البرنامج:- التوفر على قاعدة بيانات هامة من المدن العالمية، مع إمكانيةالحصولعلى مكان الهاتف عن طريق ال GPS.- التحويل إلى الوضع الصامت تلقائيا، مع توفر الإعدادات لكل صلاةعلىحدة.- إمكانية تحديد طريقة الحساب، مع توفره على أهم الهيئاتالعالميةبالإضافة إلى وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلاميةالمغربية.- تنبيه بقرب موعد الصلوات- تضم قاعدة بيانات من أحاديث مأخوذة من صحيح البخاري.- توفر البررنامج باللغتين العربية والفرنسية.- ويدجت لإظهار الوقت المتبقي للصلاة القادمة.لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم• Hisn'ul Muslim (la citadelle du Musulman): receuil de duasetd'invocations*************************************************في هذا التطبيق الجديد نجمع لكم موسوعة من الأدعية الصحيحةالتيتذكر في المناسبات .يحتوي التطبيق على ادعية مستجابة منها :• الدعاء المستجاب• الدعاء من القران الكريم و السنة النبوية للرسول صلى الله عليهوسلم• أحاديث نبويةالذكر بعد الوضوءالدعاء يوم عرفةدعاء جميل و اكثر من رائعسيد الاستغفارقضاء الدينللرزق والعافيةدخول السوقلراحة البالمناسك الحجالسفريخافه الشيطانمن دعاء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلمدعاء للام والابزيادة الرزقللاستغفارالاستفتاحلبس الثوب الجديدالتعزيةمايقال بعد الدفنوإن كان الميت صبياًالدعاء للميت في الصلاة عليهمايقول من مات له ميتتلقين المحتضرمايقول من يئس من حياتهمايقال عند زيارة المريض ومايقرأ عليه لرقيتهالدعاء للمولود عند تحنيكهالدعاء قبل الجماعمايقول ويفعل المتزوج إذا دخلت عليه وزجته ليله الزفافمايقال للمتزوج بعد عقد النكاح• وصايا الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم• ايات من القران الكريم• السيرة النبوية• أحاديث الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلملاجتياز الامتحانالنجاحللمذاكرة والحفظتفرج الهم والكرب والحزن• أدعية لا ترد• اجمل الادعيه الدينه• دعاء للميت• اجمل ادعية الاستغفار و التسبيح• الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم• اذكار الصباحالمساءلكل زمان و ومكانالدخول الى المسجد• اذكار النوم• ابدون انترنيت• ادعية لا تحتاج انترنيتdouaa**************************************Salaat First permet d'avoir les horaires des prières avecsupportdu GPS et activation du mode silencieux automatiquementpour chaqueprière. L'application donne les horaires selon laméthode de calculdu Ministère des Habous et des AffairesIslamiques marocain en plusdes autres organisations connus àtravers le monde. Lesfonctionnalités de l'application:- Support du GPS pour avoir la localisation.- Permet d'activer le passage automatique en mode silencieux, etdespécifier la durée de passage pour chaque prière.- Possibilité de mettre à jour lalocalisationautomatiquement.- Afficher des notifications de rapprochement de laprièresuivante.- Intègre une base de données d'Ahadiths tirés de SahihAlBoukhari.- Multilingue (Arabe et Français et Anglais)- Widget affichant le temps restant de la prière suivante, etunautre affichant les prière de la journée.- Adhkar Assabah, Almassae et Annawm, avec option d'affichagederappels.يقوم البرنامج بحساب مواقيت الصلوات بدقة جيدة إن شاء الله،ويتميزبإمكانية الحصول على المواقيت بطريقة وزارة الأوقاف والشؤونالإسلاميةالمغربية بالإضافة إلى الطرق:1- جامعة أم القرى2- رابطة العالم الإسلامي3- جامعة العلوم الإسلامية بكراتشي4- الهيئة المصرية العامة للمساحة5- الاتحاد الإسلامى بأمريكا الشماليةWarning!!:. Please adjust the settings, but to use!Be sure to run the GPS to determine the location and adjust thetimezone.Warning !! :Please adjust the settings before use!Be sure to run the GPS to determine the location and adjust thetimezone*************************************************Apply your prayer is a companion to keep your linksUsing automatically determine your location, this applicationcanteach you the prayer times, mosques closer to your site, as wellasdetermine the direction of directionWhatever your prayers application uses a number ofcomputationalmethods adopted in most of the world Alasalama.aatmadaon yoursite, the application selects the appropriate methodofcalculation, the school of jurisprudence andappropriatesoftwareYou can change these options manually in the Settings windowTo determine the precise location, you must ensure thatthegeographical location and operator settings that you areconnectedto the Internet or GPS yourThe program features:- Availability important data base of global cities, withthepossibility to get a place phone through the GPS.- Conversion to silent mode automatically, with the settingsforeach offer prayers separately.- The possibility of determining the method of calculation,providedwith the world's most important bodies in addition to theMinistryof Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of Morocco.- Alert the impending arrival of prayers- Includes a database of conversations taken fromSahihBukhari.- Provides Alberr.s. in Arabic and French.- And the time to show the remaining time for the nextprayer.Do not forget me of good prayers• Hisn'ul Muslim (la citadelle du Musulman): receuil de duasetd'invocations*************************************************In this new application we collect Encyclopediacorrectsupplications that is reminiscent of the events.Application on Duas Mostagabp of which contains:• pray unmet• supplication of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the MessengerofAllah, peace be upon him• sayings of the ProphetMale after ablutionPray for the day of ArafahCreative prayer and more wonderfulMr. seek forgivenessPaying off debtLivelihood and well-beingEnter the marketFor peace of mindRites of pilgrimageTravelFear of the devilA prayer of the Prophet, peace be upon himA prayer for the mother and fatherIncrease livelihoodFor forgivenessOpening du'aaWearing new clothesCondolenceMaigal after burialAlbeit dead boyTo pray for the dead in prayer for himMaicol died of his deadTeach the dyingMaicol from despaired of his lifeMaigal when visiting the patient and Maigro him to RgithPray for the newborn when ThanikhSupplication before intercourseMaicol and done if married him and his wife, Fawzia enteredthewedding nightMaigal for married after the marriage contract• the commandments of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him• verses from the Koran• Biography of the Prophet• sayings of the Prophet peace be upon himTo pass the examSuccessFor study and conservationRelease worry and anguish and sorrow• Prayers is not listed• beautiful benedictions Aldenh• Prayer for the dead• nicest Duas for forgiveness and praise• prayer on the Prophet, peace be upon him• Citation for morningEveningAnd every time and placeAccess to the mosque• Citation for sleep• Abdon Internet• Duas do not need Internetdouaa**************************************Salaat First permet d'avoir les horaires des prières avecsupportdu GPS et activation du mode silencieux automatiquementpour chaqueprière. L'application donne les horaires selon laméthode de calculdu Ministère des Habous et des AffairesIslamiques marocain en plusdes autres organisations connus àtravers le monde. Lesfonctionnalités de l'application:- Support du GPS pour avoir la localisation.- Permet d'activer le passage automatique en mode silencieux, etdespécifier la durée de passage pour chaque prière.- Possibilité de mettre à jour lalocalisationautomatiquement.- Afficher des notifications de rapprochement de laprièresuivante.- Intègre une base de données d'Ahadiths tirés de SahihAlBoukhari.- Multilingue (Arabe et Français et Anglais)- Widget affichant le temps restant de la prière suivante, etunautre affichant les prière de la journée.- Adhkar Assabah, Almassae et Annawm, avec option d'affichagederappels.The program calculates the exact timings of prayers are good,Godwilling, and is characterized by access to meeqaats way theMinistryof Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of Morocco in addition toways:1. Umm Al Qura University2. Muslim World League3. University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi4. Egyptian General Authority of Survey5. Islamic Union of North America
Mumti Dua 1
Talking Slides and Quizzes to teach a collections ofDua(supplications) +extras
Salat MV
Prayer times application for the Maldives.
Jami-al-Tirmidhi | Hadith 2.1
is a collection of hadīth compiled by Imām Abu `IsaMuhammadat-Tirmidhī
حجاج ليبيا 1.1
Facilitate the Hajj and Umrah according to the march of Libyan Haj
رياض الصالحين - قراءة صوتية 1.0.5
The first application of acoustic reading of Riyad righteous bookofwords of the messengers nuclear imam.
Beautiful islamic Nasheed 2.2
Islamic nasheed contains the top mostbeautifulislamic songs of 2015 more than 50 Anachid of the worldbestmunshidins ( islamic singers ) like : Maher Zain, al afasy,FadelShaker, Sami Youssuf, Mesut Kurtis, we also added someIslamic duaand Arabic songs and islam for kids ( songs for kids ).With Islamic nashid you can set any Nasheed as ringtone foryourandroid phone also oyu can change you SMS tone to anIslamicnasheed or nachid or a duaa for exemple.Islamic songs and music has became very popular in the past 5yearsespecially in the holy month of Ramadan,This Beautiful islamic songs & ringtones containsalsoIslamic Anasheed or Nashid of famous Mounshidins from all overthearab world and also India Malysia Bangladesh North AfricaDownload Anasheed islamia and listen to 50 islam songs from(Egyptian, Malaysian, Indian, Bnagla, etc.. ) and put themasringtones.List of Nashids : tala al badru alayna, baraka allahu lakuma,yanabi salam alayka, nouri ktamal, Ya taiba, ilahi anta,allahrabona, arkan islam, assalamu alayka, assalamu alayka maherzain,mawlaya sali wa salem, months in islam song, Ramadan Songs,hayatikoloha lilah, al karam song.Subhana Allah (Turkish Version), Baraka Allahu Lakuma, YaNabiSalam Alayka, Ku MilikMu (Bahasa Version), aghani dinia,KamalUddin – Illallah, Kamal Uddin - In the Name of Allah,ahlanRamadan.Appli Features:===========- Set as ringtone- Set timer to wake up for prayer the sound : you can put any ofthesounds to make you- Alarm Ringtones : set any Islamic sound as adhan to wake upforassubh prayers.- SMS Ringtones
Kids Maths 1.5
"Kids Maths" or "Junior Maths" is anexcellentmobile application that will help to provide basic andfundamentalkids maths concept to your little one. It is designed insuch a waythat your child can visualize the maths with the realworld. Thistool will help your child to build the strong foundationonmathematics through the medium of play. Even, parents andteachershould use this application to teach mathematics withexcellentvisual concept to kids. It is an excellent tool for juniormaths.This application includes all the major mathematics topicsfor akids, that includes1) Learn Numbers2) Learn Counting3) Backward Counting4) What comes after, what comes before and between concept5) Familiarization of Mathematics Signs like greater than, lessthanand equal6) Learn Addition7) Learn Subtraction8) Simple Solution (Quiz)9) Descriptive Problems (Addition and Subtraction)10) Table of Addition11) Table of SubtractionThis app will be useful to kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2 grade3kids.Key Word: Kids Maths, Kids Mathematics, Maths for Kids,TeachMathematics, Junior Maths, Teach Maths, Maths Quiz,KindergartenMaths, grade 1 maths, grade 2 maths, juniormathematics, KidsNumbers
Kisah Nabi Adam Interaktif
Educa Studio
Kabi kembali hadir untuk menemanianakanda menikmati cerita islami tentang Nabi Adam As. KisahNabiAdam As merupakan aplikasi buku anak yang didesain khususuntukanak-anak dengan tampilan yang interaktif disertai desainvisualmenarik yang disukai anak-anak.RINGKASANNabi Adam, adalah manusia pertama yang diciptakan oleh AllahSWT.Ada yang tau Nabi Adam diciptakan dari apa? Yaa.. benarsekali.Nabi Adam diciptakan dari segumpal tanah liat. Setelah itu,Allahmemerintahkan agar seluruh malaikat dan jin bersujud kepadanabiadam. Dan ternyata, Iblis membantah perintah Allah. Ia tidakmaubersujud kepada Nabi Adam.Bagaimanakah kisah selanjutnya? Apa yang terjadi pada Iblis?Danbagaimana kisah kehidupan Nabi Adam selanjutnya? Ayoburuandownload KABI™ - KISAH NABI ADAM sekarang juga.MODE CERITADi dalam aplikasi ini disediakan 2 mode yaitu Baca Sendiri danBacaOtomatis. Di dalam mode Baca Sendiri, anak-anak bisamembacasendiri dan berinteraksi di dalam setiap lembaran bukudenganinteraktif. Anak-anak juga bisa berlatih kemampuanmembaca.Sedangkan di dalam mode Baca Otomatis, anak-anakyang belumlancar membaca tetap bisa menikmati cerita dengan baikdisertaidengan narasi yang lengkap dan animasi yang otomatis.ANIMASI INTERAKTIFBeritahu anak untuk menyentuh bagian-bagian karakter di dalamsetiaphalaman. Maka animasi interaktif akan muncul disertai dengansoundeffect yang menarik.PERMAINAN EDUKATIFDi dalam aplikasi ini tersedia 4 permainan edukatif yaitu:- Bermain Dress Up- Bermain Pukul Iblis- Bermain Puzzle Bentuk- Bermain Tebak kataTENTANG KABI DAN EDUCA STUDIOKABI™ merupakan BRAND yang dimiliki Educa Studio untuk aplikasibukucerita anak interaktif. Materi yang diangkat khusus untukkisahislami dari AlQuran dari Nabi Adam sampai Nabi Muhammad,Fabelcerita hewan, Sahabat, Sejarah Perjuangan, Inspirasi MotivasidanMutiara Islam. Diharapkan, melalui aplikasi ini umat muslimdapatmengambil hikmah dan teladan yang tersembunyi sehinggamenjadipelajaran dan koreksi bersama. Aplikasi ini diproduksi olehEducaStudio™, pengembang aplikasi dan permainan edukasi. Semuailustrasidan gambar dalam aplikasi ini murni hanya sebagaiilustrasi saja.Agar anak-anak lebih mudah untuk memahami. Namuntentu saja, paraNabi, Rasul dan Sahabat tidak akan digambarkandalam bentukmanusia.PENTINGAplikasi ini dapat diunduh dan semua fitur dapat dimainkansecaragratis. Aplikasi ini juga menayangkan iklan. Jika andatertarikuntuk menghilangkan iklan tersebut, anda bisa melakukanpembeliandi dalam aplikasi.HUBUNGI KAMIKami juga terbuka terhadap masukan dan saran yang dapatmembantumeningkatkan kualitas produk-produk kami. Jika adafeedback, bisalangsung mengirimkannya ke#Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Educa Studio:#Website: @educastudioSalam Hangat,Tim Educa StudioKabi again presenttoaccompany your children enjoy stories about the Prophet AdamAsIslamic. The Story of Prophet Adam As is a children's bookappdesigned specifically for children with an interactive displaywithvisually appealing designs that appeal to kids.SummaryAdam, the first man created by Allah SWT. Anyone know Adamwascreated from what? Yaa .. absolutely right. Adam was createdfrom alump of clay. After that, God commanded that all the angelsandjinns prostrate to Prophet Adam. And in fact, Satan deniedGod'scommand. He did not want to prostrate to Adam.How happens next? What happens to the devil? And what aboutthestory of the life of Prophet Adam's next? Come game downloadKABI ™- THE STORY OF PROPHET ADAM now.STORY MODEIn this application are provided two modes, namely Auto ReadAloneand Read. In the mode Read Alone , children can read on theirownand interact within each sheet with interactive book. Childrencanalso practice reading skills. While in the mode Read Auto,children who have not read fluently can still enjoy a goodstoryaccompanied with complete narration andanimationautomatically.INTERACTIVE ANIMATIONTell the child to touch the parts of the characters in eachpage.Interactive animations will then appear with an interestingsoundeffect.Game educativeThis application is available in the four educationalgames,namely:- Play Dress Up- Playing At Devil- Play Puzzle Shapes- Play Guess the wordON KABI AND STUDIO EducaKABI ™ is owned BRAND Educa Studio's interactivechildren'sstorybook app. The material is appointed specifically fortheIslamic story of the Quran from the Prophet Adam toProphetMuhammad, Fabel animal stories, Friend, History of theStruggle,Motivation and Inspiration Islam Mutiara. Hopefully,through thisapplication Muslims can take the wisdom and example arehidden sothat it becomes a lesson and correction together. Thisapplicationis produced by Educa Studio ™, application developersandeducational games. All illustrations and drawings inthisapplication is purely for illustrative purposes only. Thatchildrenare easier to understand. But of course, the Prophets,Apostles andCompanions will not be represented in human form.ImportantThis application can be downloaded and all features can beplayedfor free. These applications also serve ads. If you areinterestedto get rid of these ads, you can make purchases insidetheapp.CONTACT USWe are also open to feedback and suggestions that can helpimprovethe quality of our products. If there is feedback, candirectlysend it to#email: [email protected] information about Educa Studio:#website: Http:// Https:// @educastudioWarm regards,Tim Educa Studio
Muwatta Malik 2.1
is the first written collection of hadith comprising the subjectsofMuslim law
Adzan MP3 5.0.1
Adzan MP3, This app allows you to listen, set as alarm and setasring tone.