Top 13 Apps Similar to Diy Gift Box With Lid

DIY Gift Box 5.0
In the contemporary world, everyoneisbusymaking it to the end. While a lot of people are workinghardfortheir salaries, there are some who are chasing theirdreamsofbeing the best. In the lives of all these people, thereareloadsof stress and they need someone who can listen to theirbanterandto their problems and bring them stuff that makes themfeelbetter.Cards and other items like chocolates are the best waytoexpressyour gratitude and love towards a person. You neednotutter how youfeel about them; your expensive item is goingtoexplain them yourfeeling with a lot of intricacies.Presents and materialistic offerings are going toimproveyourrelations with your colleagues and with your bosses. Youcanalwayswrap up the present in exquisite gift boxes andimpressivetheperson. You need to showcase your love and care forthepersonhence you will have to go that extra mile and packallyourpresents in picturesque gift boxes.Best gift boxes to make your gift more special• Cap top boxes: Cap top boxes of varied patterns can beusedtopack gifts for various occasions. These gift boxes aretheperfectfor formal offerings, where you don't want to expressyourfeelingsprofoundly.• Jewelry boxes: If you are gifting someone a set ofjewelrythenpacking it in a jewelry box is going to make it morespecial.Packyour offerings in exquisite boxes and make therecipientrememberyour present for a long time.• Plastic pillow box: Plastic pillow boxes are perfectforgiftingcandies and toffees on the occasion of birthdays or onanyinformaloccasion. These plastic pillow gift boxes look veryfunkyandbeautiful.• Gable boxes: Gable boxes are very handy. You canpackmanypresents in these gift boxes. Gable boxes are alsoavailableinvaried patterns and styles. Polka dot pattern gableboxes canbeused for a wedding ceremony in varied colors. Gableboxesprintedwith heart shapes in wine red color is a perfectpick.• Polka dot heart boxes: Packing items in boxes accordingtothetheme of the occasion is going to make it morepicturesqueandmemorable. Polka dot heart shaped gift boxes are theperfectpickfor the occasion like a wedding ceremony or Valentine'sDay.Youcan find this box in varied shapes to present yourpartner.
DIY Gift Box Ideas 3.0
The pattern of gift boxes vary according totheceremony, occasion and the event. The appearance of gift boxesalsodepends on the person whom you are gifting. For example,womenprefer more of ornamentation while men love simple andchastedesigns.Normally, we present gifts during festive seasons likeChristmas,Halloween, Easter, etc. However, making gift boxes athome will be adifficult project for people who have no affinityfor arts andcrafts. The necessary guidance for making homemadeboxes will beprovided to you in the upcoming paragraphs.Christmas Gift BoxesWe all love to give and receive Christmas gifts. Packingcookies,dollies, candies, stockings, candles, etc., duringChristmas timeis a well practiced trend. Pack the stockings in areusable giftwrapper. Use colorful papers for the external coating.Tie a satinthread over the lid and gift it away. While packingeatables youhave to extra careful. Make sure the gift box ismoisture proof.Leakage of moisture would spoil the eatables. Useair tightcontainers for packing cookies, candies, biscuits, doughnuts, andbrownies. For extra protection, wrap them with aluminumfoils.Packing dry fruits in cardboard boxes is also a good idea.Lid thebox and wrap a clean white paper for a simple look.Wedding Gift BoxesWedding gifts are packed with bright embellishments. Expensiveitemsare parceled in beautiful velvet boxes. Always remember thatthewrapping of the gift matters a lot in making the giftspecial.Similarly, you can make some beautiful boxes for weddingcards. Geta silver box from any jewelry shop and then start thedecoration.You will require the following things, viz, velvetpaper, tinymirrors, satin ribbons, gum, and glitters. First wrapthe entirejewelry box with velvet paper. Utilize your artisticinstinctswhile doing the mirror work and spraying the glitter. Makeitethnic so that it appeals to the wedding ceremony. Metal boxesforwrapping jewelry is also a good option as they not onlylookbeautiful, but also traditional. Apparels usually come in boxesandall you need to do is, wrap them with cellophane or any typeofgift wrappers and then tie a satin ribbon around it.Birthday Gift BoxesA birthday is a special occasion and you can try a lot of thingstomake the gifts attractive. You have so many things to presentonbirthdays, right from pets to toys. Gifting pets is auniquebirthday gift idea. I must tel you that putting pets inside agiftbaskets is easy. You have to ensure that there is enough spaceforthe pet to move and breathe. Big cardboard boxes withplentifulspace is the perfect box for pets. Ready-made boxes aresold inarts and crafts stores and they make wonderful packagingforbirthday gifts. Make Chinese food boxes and hat boxes forgiftingchocolates and cookies. Well, expensive birthday giftslikelaptops, cell phones, camera, iPods, etc., come in cushionedcasesthat ensure no damage is caused to the electronic pieces. Wrapthecardboard boxes and then place the gadgets along with thecasebefore gifting away. Utilize the same ideas for makingValentine'sboxes.Make innovative and unique gift boxes to make your dear onesfeelspecial.source:
Homemade Gift Box 1.0
Life is like a box of chocolates. Everytimeyouopen a box you get different surprises to satisfy yoursweettooth. Agift box is a beautiful packaging for yourfavoriteindulgence -candy.Packing in candy gift boxes is a beautiful way topackageyourgifts. They are delicately made boxes filled withedibles ofthefinest candy that no one will find irresistible. Suchgiftsareperfect for any occasion. They can also be used asanelegantjewelry box or for other small gifts or a keepsake.The candy lover will absolutely love you for giving themtheverygift that satisfies their sweet tooth. They will beecstatictoreceive their favorite sweet treats in a beautifully madecandygiftbox.These boxes are perfect opportunity to packageyourfavoritehomemade or purchased candies from your favoritecandystore. Yourgift box can be filled with chocolates, toffee,peanutbutter,lemon, peppermint, licorice, sour candies,caramel,pralines,nougats, cream filled chocolates-and the list goeson.You can use these boxes for all occasions such as abirthday,agraduation, anniversary, Valentine's Day,Christmas,wedding,Mother's Day, Easter, a baby shower, babychristening oreven abridal shower. On some occasion, you can givegift boxes tosay"thank you," "I love you," or "I'm sorry." A box ofcandies isaperfect gift no one can resist.Giving candies as a gift packaged in a candy box canalsobeperfect as a small token for a teacher or a friend. It canalsobeideal giveaways.Making your own candy gift box can be an excitingproject.Yourimagination, personal style and creativity will giveyouabeautifully finish product you can be proud of.Here's how you can begin making your own gift box:• Choose a template for a candy-box pattern online.• Trace your template on cardstock or elegant board paper andcutoutthe pattern. Cut on solid lines and fold on dottedlines.• Glue together the flaps and taps.• Embellish you box with anything you like. Allow the glue todryforfew hours.You can have extensive selection of paper, colorsandpaperdesigns you can choose from. Use bright colors likered,powderblue, pink, chocolate brown, black, ivory, green, white,goldorsilver.Top-off your candy gift boxes with laces, beads,silkribbons,lace ribbons, satin ribbons, colorful yarn, gold orsilverstrings.You now have a beautiful gift box for anyoccasion!
Homemade Gift Box Ideas 1.0
Yoanteez Apps
Homemade Gift Box provides many ideasbyseeingphoto gallery of DIY Gift Boxes Templates. Womenespeciallyfeelhappy when they see a tiny jewelry gift box justwaiting tobeopened. They try to guess if there will be gold orpearlsinside?Or is it a ring, earrings, or bracelet? Opening thegift ishalfthe fun for most women.DIY Gift Box tutorial makes it easier for you to presentthegiftto the person you are gifting and builds a mystery aroundwhatisinside. You will love the look of the person openingthewrapping inanticipation of its contents. There are so manydesignsand colorsyou can choose from today and you can complete thelookby addingthe appropriate ribbons to it.Easy Paper boxes are some of the options you have foryourgift.The good thing about them is that they areveryprofessional,elegant and stylish at the same time. It is alsoacolor that youcan confidently use for anybody, whether maleorfemale.Do it yourself gift boxes are not so important forsomepeoplecompared to the gifts that they hold. But for some itisequallyimportant as the gifts packed inside it. Basically itaddsto theexcitement which is related to getting gifts and not onlyisthatthey also help in keeping our precious gift in goodconditionandsafe.DIY gift box making can be of great help especially whenyouarerunning short of time. It really helps you in saving lotofyourtime. These days you also have the option to select thegiftboxesmade of different kind of materials. These boxes arealsoavailablein glass, plastic, gold, silver, oxidized metal andevenpreciousmetals.Wedding gift boxes are one of the ways to personalizethegifts.For example a heart shaped red colour box is considered tobethebest for valentine day present or even for the purposeofproposingyour sweetheart for the first time. It also comes withsomanyvarieties of decorative patterns such as ribbons, crepeetc.whichmakes it look more attractive.Birthday gift boxes are one of the most usefulandbeautifuldevelopments. Well, there has to be some sort of methodofgivingthe souvenir besides just handing her a bracelet andsaying"Hereyou go". But, it is really more than making a specialgiftlookbeautiful. So what are you waiting for ? Download and makeyourowncool gift box !!!!
DIY Gift Box 3.0
When presenting a gift box toahostess,teachers, friends or family, I love creating a charmingboxfull ofdelicious goodies, and of course a bouquet offlowers!!There’ssomething special about a gift box that shows a lotof loveandthoughtfulness was put into it! For this box, I went withafoodand lemon theme since we have the most beautiful lemonsgrowinginthe back! I sought out all products that werelemonyandrefreshing, and added a few lemons from home too. Tofindproducts,I often head to food boutiques, Williams-Sonoma oronline.Ifyou’re in LA, Joan’s on Third has great items for a DIYfoodgiftbox! So here are 3 of my favorite tips for creatingtheperfectgift box!1. Pick a theme! This helps when deciding which productsshouldgoin the box, and you can choose a theme the gift receiverwilllove.Some of my favorite themes are chocolate, olive oil,wine,lavender,rosemary, cucumber and for the holiday, gingerbreadorcinnamon arealso be great. There are SO many fun themes!!!2. Have a variety of items in the diy gift box…somethingsavory,something sweet, a drink, something fresh andlocal, orpicked fromhome.3. Add a small bouquet of fresh flowers to the corner.Eitherpickthese from home (depending on the time of year!), or buysomefromthe grocery store and rearrange them in a small vase.
Gift Box Tutorials 2.0
Shopping for the perfect gift forsomeonemightbe easy, but what happens when wrapping the gift turnsout tobeimpossible? Well, this may be the reason that wrappingpaper isathing of the past. Most shoppers opt for a gift boxinstead.There'sno wrapping paper involved, which saves you a lot oftimewhilestill finding a neat, elegant way to present your gift.DIYgiftboxes are easy and simple to make and may even be betterthanbuyinga gift box.PersonalThe greatest appeal in making these boxes yourself is thatyougetto make it personal. It won't just be a box, like alltheothers thatare discarded once the gift is taken out. The wayyouchoose todecorate your gift box can convey a lot to thereceiver.You canwrite on it, add pictures to it, share an insidejoke ortwo, andmake the gift giving experience personal andspecial.While all theother gifts came in generic boxes, yoursalone willbe unique.OptionsMaking your own gift box gives you a lot of freedom.Youcandecorate it however you wish and you can customize itaccordingtothe taste and likes of the person receiving your gift.Thiswillmake the box almost as special as the gift it contains,whileatthe same time adding a lot of sentiment to it to make surethatthereceiver knows that you put a lot of time and thoughtintoitbecause you care so much about them.CostYou can create these boxes out of almost anything youfindaroundyour house. Most tutorials on the internet will teachyouhow to usea cereal box to make a gift box. But depending onthesize and shapeof your gift, you might need to get hold ofothercardboardboxes.This is much cheaper than buying gift boxes from stores asyouareusing boxes that you already own to make them, and youcandecoratethem without spending lots of money as well.Environmentally FriendlyAn added advantage is that you are doing your bit tokeeptheEarth green by recycling paper. If the receiver of the giftisanature lover, then your best way to show that you knowandcareabout their passions is to make your own gift box.
DIY Gift Box Making Gallery 3.0
White Clouds
OFFLINE DIY Gift Box Making Gallery
DIY Gift Wrapping Ideas 2.0
If we look out for the most differentgifts,then why not gift wrap them differently too? Gift wrapping isasimportant as selecting the most appropriate gift. A wellwrappedgift shows the person's efforts in personalizing the gift.Apersonalized gift, brings out the person's love and interestingifting. An artistically wrapped gift also sets the mood.Giftwrapping ideas are vast. You can gift wrap with various kindsofpaper, materials such as lace, tulle, wool, myriad kinds offabricsand so on. The whole point of gift wrapping ideas, is tomake thegift look aesthetically beautiful. Let's see what are someofincredible gift wrapping ideas. Read more on how to wrap a gift.Gift Wrapping Ideas for Every OccasionFabric:If your gifts are cylindrical in shape, then fabric is thebestoption. Say for instance, you are looking for gift wrappingideasfor a wine bottle, let's see how to work around fabric. Takeacloth piece, that is longer than length of the bottle. Hold oneendof the cloth against the length of the bottle and warp itaround.See to it that even the bottom gets covered. Tie a thinwoolenstring around the neck of the bottle. We usually, use thosecardsto address the gifts. Instead, dried leaves, flat shells ortheremaining part of the ribbon also make great options to writethename of the person. Fabrics like tulle and satinlookattractive.Cartoon Characters:Children absolutely love colorful attractive gifts.Cartooncharacters are always a hit amongst little kids. If you arelookingfor gift wrapping ideas for birthday party of a girl, thenBarbiedolls can never go wrong. Make a face on the wrapped paper,withthreads, sequins, toilet paper, sparkles, flannel pieces and soon.I am sure the kid will love the wrapping more than the gift!Greatidea to save money too.Gift Bags and Baskets:Some gifts can never be wrapped. For instance, bakedgoods,perfume bottles (I prefer not to wrap them), a dress (bestnot towrap it since it gets wrinkled) and generally items thataredelicate and fragile in nature. For gifts like these you needbagsor baskets. If you are looking for gift wrapping ideas forbakedgoods, baskets are the best options. The easiest way to do itis,arranging the baked items in the basket and wrapping a plasticfoilaround it. Then tie a ribbon (any color of your choice) aroundit,et voila, your present is ready to be presented! You willfindnumerous gift bags in malls. Just pick the most elegant oneandplace your gift in it. Attach a small note to it, and give itaway!Read more on how to wrap a present.Boxes:Boxes and gift wrapping ideas with ribbons have been usedforgifting purposes since time immemorial. Today, you can gettheseDIY kits for paper boxes, which catch the eye with theircuteprints. Just place the gift in the box, tie a ribbon around itandthe job is done. You also get these metallic boxes with locksandkeys, which the person also can use later on.
DIY Gift Box Ideas 3.0
find the most beautiful gift box in this application!
DIY Gift Box 2.1
In a creative need brilliant ideas aresourcedfrom outside our thinking . With the application of this DIYGiftBox can help you in finding the idea.The advantages of this application :- Simple view that does not make you confused .- Easy to use.- Images can be enlarged.- This app does not require an internet connection .- 100 % FreeWaiting for, get downloading this application . Hopefullythisapplication is useful for all .
DIY Gift Wrapping 1.0
DIY Gift Wrapping is the act of enclosingagiftin some sort of material. Wrapping paper is a kind ofpaperdesignedfor gift wrapping. Gifts may also be wrapped in abox.They may beheld closed with ribbon and topped with adecorativebow (anornamental knot made of ribbon).In Western culture, gifts are often wrapped in wrappingpaperandaccompanied by a gift note which may note theoccasion,thereceiver's name and the giver's name. In the UnitedStates,anadditional 5 million tons of waste are generated overtheChristmasgift-giving period; four million tons of this iswrappingpaper andshopping bags.Some people attempt to avoid this by unwrapping gifts withcaretohopefully allow the paper to be reused, while othersusedecoratedcloth gift sacks that can be easily reused manytimes;both of theseconcepts are part of the Green Gifting trendthatencouragesrecycling. Additionally, some people use oldnewspapersinstead ofwrapping paper.
Gift Box Ideas 1.1
how to make a gift box:1. To make a scheme forms the first step in cardboard boxes tobemade.2. Next, cut the cardboard in accordance with a scheme thathasbeen made earlier.3. Then the next fold all the corners side of the box4. Then glue the two sides of the cardboard with glue FOX5. Then lengketkan both sides of the corner, again at thealreadyglued earlier.
Easy Crafts for Kids 1.0
If you are looking for an easy craftsforkids,here is the application you must install on yoursmartphone.Itprovides you a lot of creative and easy handmade craftfor kidsyouneed. One of the things that people often say to me is,“Iwouldlove to make creative projects with my kids, but I’mjustnotcrafty. I don’t even know where to start!” My replyisalways,“Trust me…you do NOT need to consider yourself ‘crafty’tostartgetting creative with your children!” There arehundredsuponhundreds of craft projects that you can make withyourchildrenthat require NO special skills or tools and that takelessthanhalf an hour of your time. In fact, most of these quickandeasykids craft project ideas that I’ve rounded up here takelessthanFIFTEEN minutes to make!A recent study revealed that creative interactionbetweenparentsand young children engaging in activities like artsandcrafts notonly provides immediate and lasting cognitivebenefits,but alsocreates a unique bonding experience, whichcreateslifelongmemories. Taking time to be creative with yourchildren isa topicthat we are incredibly passionate about. We knowfirsthandthebenefits that children reap when they are exposed toarts andcraftsactivities, and in an age where arts are in a declinein theschoolsystems, it is even more important than ever forparents totake theinitiative to introduce art activities to theirchildren.Moreover,there is nothing nicer than a homemade gift fromaspecial child inyour life, and if you can encourage the kidstomake presents fortheir grandparents and other family they willbetreasured forever.But it is hard to think of something thatwillbe useful as well as"handmade". We've collected someideastogether below, but there aremany other crafts on theapplicationwhich can be adapted into giftsso have a good lookaround.Kids of all ages love craft time! Whether you're kids arepartofa religious or public school, there's tons of crafts you candowiththem to teach them about religion and faith. You can saveandshareall craft ideas for kids images. This application showsyouthegalleries of simple, beautiful, easy to advance craft ideas.Ifyouhave an idea about craft for your kids, this applicationcanhelpyou. Whether you’re looking for a gift for your child tomakeforChristmas, a birthday, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day,you’resure tofind some great ideas here.Quick & easy kids crafts that anyone can make.Installitfree! Download and Enjoy!This app contains the various types of craft ideas forkidssuchas- seasons : Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas,Valentine,EasterCrafts- animals : bunny, fish, bird, elephant, pig,giraffe,frog,owl- Father's day, DIY- paper, buttons, wooden, paper bag,- spring, summer and more.For Example:DIY Heart Pattern BraceletEasy tutorial for shirt and tie cardPenguin Craft for KidsFriendly Tea Cup CardsDIY Flower Lights Using Egg CartonsHow to make Paper FlowersDIY Plastic Bottle Flower VaseEasy Valentine Crafts for PreschoolersCool Craft String Easter EggsDIY Nursery Decor IdeasPaper Plate Pizza CraftToilet Roll Love Bugs3D Paper Rainbow Kids Craftdiy paper house tutorialEasy Paper Plate Flower CraftDIY Cute Little Teddy BearOld T-shirts Braided ScarfHow To Make Friendship BraceletsDIY Pom Pom Easter ChicksHow to make this cute bug craftdiy dream catcher braceletEasy DIY Scrapbook Ideascrochet 3D daisy tutorialMakeover the SneakersCute Paper Santa Claus DIY ProjectsDIY Monogram LettersDIY Colorful Summer Bracelet flowersMake DIY snow globes3D Umbrella Rainy Day Card for KidsDIY paper butterfliesToilet Paper Roll Santa Claus Christmas craftflower pop-up cardDIY spring decoration Yarn Bottle VaseOctopus Recycled toilet paper Roll CraftDIY Round Gift BoxFinger puppetFall Tree Craft Using a Dish BrushBubble Wrap Sheep Craft for KidsDIY Glass Bead Candle Holder