Top 37 Apps Similar to Ciphed

PGPTools 1.31
SJ Software
The application is intended for 1. PGP keys generation.2.Importingof the existing PGP keys. 3. Encryption ofoutgoingmessages. 4.Decryption of incoming messages. 5. Support foranyKey Server bothpublic and requiring authorization 6.Sendencrypted text to a file.Which eliminates the use of a copypastePGPTools means simplicityand convenience! Here are themainadvantages of the application.You won’t have to surf the netforother PGP keys-generatingsoftware. Now everything is atyourfingertips! By simply touchingthe screen you will be abletocreate a key to encrypt a message andsend it to the subscriberina way convenient for you. In twoclicks, you will encryptordecrypt messages that are securelyhidden from onlookers.Perhapsyou already have private keys and youwant to maintain anactivecorrespondence with their use. Ourapplication can do this.WithPGPTools you can import or export apair of keys for furtheruse.Simplicity and convenience are themain advantages of PGPTools.
DecryptoPro 1.1.5
Benoit V.
Encrypt or decrypt a text thanks to the most knownencryptiontechniques.
Secure Notes Elite: Encrypt No 1.1.0
Write notes and store any type of files professionallyencryptedwith AES 256
OpenKeychain: Easy PGP 5.8.2
heylogin GmbH
Encrypt your Files and Communications. Compatible with theOpenPGPStandard.
Crypto - Encryption Tools 5.1.1
Get in touch with cryptography. Learn, try & applycryptographicfunctions.
Boxcryptor 2.122.1101
Secomba GmbH
Secure your files in the cloud - fast and easy encryptionwithBoxcryptor
SSE - File & Text Encryption 3.1
Encipher files, texts (messages, notes, …) & use secureofflinepassword manager
DigiSafeGuard Secure Vault 3.35
For who is this app? Basically anyone who actually caresabouttheirprivacy and security and is just fed up with allthehacks,eavesdropping and censorship. You can use this app tosendandreceive encrypted RSA 4096 voice, text, messages andpicturesthatare created on the fly. DigiSafeGuard app is part oftheSecuryptoBlockchain project. This is perfect for you if you wanttosend andreceive sensitive data, store personal and privatemessageson yourphone, whistleblowers and journalists and anyone inbetweenthatcares about their data. And not to forget theair-gappedbasedencrypted cryptocurrency wallet, also known asHardwareWallet.Basically all you need to protect your funds anddata in onesinglesecure app. Several features of the app: Encryptedvoicememo’s:Send and receive military grade encrypted voice memo’swhichonlyyou and the receiver can play. Even if the encryptedmessageisforwarded to an third party, they won’t be able to play itas itisONLY intended for the by you selected receiver only.Secureimagesharing: Forget apps with fake sense of security whereyourimageis still stored somewhere on the phone having onlytheextentionschanged. Take a picture inside the app and encryptitimmediatelyfrom the memory and send it to the designatedreceiver.Thereceiver and only the receiver can open it. It would beuselesstosend or forward the encrypted message to someoneelse.AnonymousMessaging: You will talk completely anonymously.Beingimpossibleto be identified or recognized. Received animportantmessage andyou want to save it? Just choose a title forit, encryptand saveit to your archives and access it anytime youwant whenopening offcourse your secure vault. Password vault: Typeandencrypt yourpasswords on the go, either in 1 vault ormultiplepasswords indifferent vaults. Unlimited amount of vaults: 1vaultfor yourpasswords, another one for your crypto keys andthenanother onefor storing encrypted images of confidential files(stopmakingpictures of your ID and saving them on your SD card, youareaskingfor identity theft!). Protect your data: Ever wanted tojustsave apiece of text and you end up taking a picture from itorworse saveit in your memo (really??… how bad are you looking togethacked?).Just type whatever you like and save it in yoursecureencryptedarchive. This is VERY handy forjournalists,whistleblowers andanyone who wants to type and save onthe fly inan encryptedenvironment. Insurance: 4096 RSA encryptionon the flymakes itimpossible to break ( if you can, you can claim10 bitcoinsas partof our bounty!) Simple and Lightweight: We’vedevelopedanapplication to make it as simple and light as possible.Nofancyand intrusive functions. Global: The applicationisconstantlyupdated with new languages and available worldwideforusers. Takeback control over your privacy no matter where youare.Encryptedbackups: Create universal encrypted backups from yourdataandtransfer it to another (offline)device, so even ifyourphonebreaks, your data is always safe! 💠 Features inheavydevelopment:Crypto wallet, Securypto blockchain baseddatatransfer. 💠
KeePro Unlocker 4.2
Contribution app that encourages the development of OpenSourcesoftwares
PortoDB Database 2.4.4
A very simple database application
C# & SQL 2.14
Directory of standard, frequently used operations in C# andSQLQueries
FlowCrypt Encrypted Email 1.4.7
Easy to use PGP email encryption
Conion 2.8.7-76+ccr
Privacy is a challenge in digital world, we made it easy for you!!!Conion is the most secure messenger and keeps your data out ofthehands of hackers, corporations and governments. Conion can beusedcompletely anonymously , and offers every feature one wouldexpectfrom a “Secure” state-of-the-art instant messenger.ZEROCONFIGURATION Most of secure communication applicationsrequirevery high level of user defined configuration. Especially,Whenconfiguring application over a custom server and connecting toaVPN or TOR NETWORK, a deeper knowledge of complicatedtechnicalsettings is required. Because of this complexity, 99% ofpeople cannot manage to configure such applications. We took careof this foryou. We made it easiest possible to configure and use.Privacy,Security and Anonymity Conion is designed to be anonymousandsecure. Conion has TOR libraries built in it that doesn’teffecttraffic of other applications on your smart phone. Keepingyoucompletely anonymous, Conion sends all your data withhighestBEST-in-CLASS encryption – this is a core part of ourconcept.Group memberships and contact lists are managed on yourdeviceonly, and never stored on our servers. Your contacts areneveruploaded. Anything leaves you smartphone it goes throughOnionNetwork and with Highest END-to-END encryption. Allthiseffectively prevents the collection and misuse of yourpersonalinformation, including meta data. Highest EncryptionStrengthConion end-to-end encrypts all your communication,includingmessages, images, voice notes, group chats, all files.Only theintended recipient, and nobody else, can read yourmessages. Conionuses the most trusted OMEMO cryptography libraryfor encryption.The encryption keys are generated and safely storedon user’s’devices to prevent backdoor access or copies. Even noencryptionkeys are ever sent to our servers only public keys areshared amongusers who wants to establish OMEMO encrypted session.ChatAnonymously: No Phone Number Required Each Conion usergenerates aID of his choice at first use. No phone number or emailaddress isrequired in order to use Conion. This enables you to useConioncompletely anonymously. Comprehensive Features: Conion is notonlyan encrypted and private messenger but also versatileandfeature-rich. • World class anonymity bundled with toplevelsecurity. • Talk using anonymously DarkWeb with zeroconfiguration• Remain highly anonymous as well as highly secure. •Higheststandard of encryption with OpenPGP and OMEMO. • write textandsend voice messages • share videos, pictures and locations •sendany type of file (pdf, animated gif, mp3, doc, zip, etc.) •useyour Conion account to chat from your Desktop (selected clients)•create groups • choose between a dark and a light theme •useConion as anonymous instant messaging tool Friend with NoBenefitsNo Ads, No Investors, No Conflicts of Interest !! We do notsellyour privacy to advertisers. Conion is ad-free, and it willalwaysstay that way. The company is fully funded by yourdonations,Conion is not dependent on any investors. We are onlycommitted toour users. Conion uses following permissions: 1.Microphone: Forthe recording of voice notes. 2. Location: If userwants to sendlocation to his/her friend. 3. External Storage: Ifuser wants toshare some file from External Storage (sdcard, usbdevice). 4.Battery Optimization: It is needed for receivingmessagesseamlessly. 5. Contacts: If user wants to share contactwithhis/her friend. There are no other hidden permissions presentinthe app. Credits: Original application “Conversation” iswrittenand manage by Daniel Gultsch. All credit goes to him. Conionis thepatched version of Conversation in which updated Tor binariesareintegrated within application. Tor binaries are managed andhandledby Conion serviceitself.
KeePassDX 4.0.5
Secure and open source password manager compatible withKeePassfiles.
EDS Lite
Hide and protect your files inside an encrypted container.
TermBot - SSH with YubiKey, Ni 1.9.6-151-464c55c-termbot
heylogin GmbH
SSH client that works with YubiKeys, Nitrokeys, OpenPGP cardsoverNFC and USB
EDS – encrypt your files to k
Hide and protect your files inside an encrypted container.
LastPass MFA 1.11.0
LogMeIn, Inc.
Before you download LastPass MFA, make sure aren't lookingfortheLastPass Authenticator, a free two-factor authenticationapp.Onlydownload LastPass MFA after receiving an invitationfromyourcompany! Are you a business user with a subscriptiontoLastPassMFA or LastPass Identity? If yes, LastPass MFA is foryouand yourusers. Give your employees safe & easy access tocloud,legacy,and mobile apps through the LastPass MFA app. All theyneedistheir fingerprint or face. No password required.Thesolutionleverages biometric factors such as fingerprint, face,andpattern,coupled with contextual factors such as geolocation andIPaddress,to seamlessly authenticate users while alsodetectingsuspiciouslogin activity. LastPass MFA works across cloud,mobile,on-premiseapps and VPN, and with a unique security-by-designmodelensuresbiometric data remains private and secure. The LastPassMFAmobileapp is available for businesses of all sizes, and worksforbothLastPass MFA and LastPass Identity product lines.
Cryptomator 1.10.0
Skymatic GmbH
Put a lock on your cloud: Take the security of your data intoyourown hands
Ninox Database 3.4.4
Ninox is a user-friendly database that runs on allyourdevices.Create business apps for you and your team. With Ninoxyoucanorganize anything, optimize your work process andbecomemoreproductive. Easily create business applications withoutwritingasingle line of code. Start with a template and adapt ittoyourapplication. Ninox is used by individuals, largeandsmallbusinesses, startups, agencies in many areas:CRM,events,invoices, warehouse management, real estate and more.►CLEARPURCHASING RECOMMENDATION "With Ninox, I have foundanimpressivecompanion for the growth of my business. Value formoneycould notbe better. " - epicstudio - SO MUCH MORE THAN ADATABASE"Thisdatabase is simply brilliant and really easy to use.And bestofall , it's constantly evolving. " - trailer-man -EXCELLENTPRODUCT/ FUNCTIONALITY " I've been working with Ninoxsince 2014and I'mvery excited about the intuitive user interfaceandfunctionality.The application is really great! " - arwis -►TEMPLATES •Inventory • Invoices and Accounting • MeetingsandEvents • CRM •And many more! ► 100% CUSTOMIZABLE • Createforms,data fields andtriggers • Links between tables • Calculationswithvisual formulaeditor ► WORKING ON TEAM • Invite others toworktogether • Setrole and rights • Real-time syncing on alldevices ►DATA FIELDS •Rich Text • Selections • Date / Time • And15+ more! ►YOURDATABASE ON ALL DEVICES Ninox is available for •Android •iPhone •iPad • Mac • and on the web You can install Ninoxonmultipledevices. To keep all your devices in sync you can getaNinox Cloudsubscription which also gives you access to Ninox ontheweb. -Privacy Policy: - TermsofUse:
SAASPASS Authenticator 2FA App 2.2.30
SAASPASS Secure Single Sign-on & Multi Factor Authentication
Oversec 1.5.15
Oversec transparently encrypts and decrypts any text in any appYoucan use it to exchange private encrypted and covert chat- oremailmessages or store your own encrypted notes on your phone. Seeourdemo videos:Introduction:[]EncryptingEmails:[]EncryptingImages:[]Oversecis completely agnostic of the subjacent app, it workswithWhatsapp™, Line™, Snapchat™, Instagram™ or any other chat app.Italso supports sending and receiving PGP encrypted messages withtheGmail™ or any other Email app. End-to-End Encryption wasyesterday.Oversec introduces "Eye-to-Eye" encryption. Encrypteddata is onlydecrypted while it is shown on the screen! No cleartext is everpersisted and thus cannot be extracted from the filesystem oraccidentally be backed up into the cloud. We alsocarefullydesigned Oversec so that it doesn't require internetaccess.Because of that, you can rest assured that no decryptedinformationcan ever leave your device. How it works: Oversecconstantlymonitors the text on your screen. When it finds anencrypted text,it tries to decrypt it and then shows the decryptedtext as anoverlay in place of the encrypted text. Conversely, itcan readtext out of an input field, encrypt it, and then put theencryptedtext back into the input field. In order to encrypt atext, Oversecshows a button next to an active input field. Afterhaving enteredthe secret text, tapping that button makes Oversecread the text,encrypt it and put back the encrypted text into thefield. It isnow ready to be sent in the subjacent app as usual -the appdoesn't even know that it is sending encrypted data! Oversecalsofeatures a unique way of encoding the encrypted messages. Itstoresthe encrypted text in invisible (zero-width) characters andlet'syou add decoy text at the end. That way, a message will justshowe.g. "The sun is shining!" with no visible sign of anyencryption,whereas in reality it contains a hidden encryptedmessage. You mayalso encrypt and send photos through Oversec - itsunique cameramode even allows you to take and send an encryptedphoto withoutever storing the original photo on the device. Oversecencryptsyour data either using symmetric keys (using ChaCha20cipher +Poly1305 MAC ) or using asymmetric PGP encryption (makinguse ofthe OpenKeychainapp[]).Oversecis now open source and the code can be foundhere: This app usesAccessibilityservices.
Biocoded 8.3.3
Biocoded encrypted communication solution for your Android device
CCNA Security Exam 210-260, Test Prep. 2020.4.8
This test preparation app is specially designed to help yougetready for the CCNA Security Exam 210-260. It offers acomprehensivereview through hundreds of practice questions withconciseexplanations that refer to core security concepts. Thecoveredtopics relate to all CCNA Security exam objectives,includingsecure network infrastructure, access management, VPNencryption,Firewalls, intrusion prevention, and more. Using thisapp, you willaccess an interactive learning and practicingenvironment, thatprovides hundreds of sample questions, a glossaryof key terms, andlots of electronic flashcards to streamline yourstudy time andexpand your resources. The CCNA Securitycertification tests yourknowledge of secure network installation,monitoring, andtroubleshooting using Cisco security hardware andsoftwaresolutions. Essentially, it validates you as a networksecurityprofessional. If you are looking not only to pass the exam,butalso to succeed in the field, then this application is for you -donot hesitate to install it and test yourself! Whether youchoosethe 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 or the more challenging 𝐏𝐑𝐎 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧, therearemultiple questions for every level to help you assessyourpreparedness for the exam and any possible improvement areas. - Super Simple VPN keeps you safe on Public Wi-Fi with no fiddling or fuss.
Sophos Secure Workspace 9.7.3081
Sophos Secure Workspace is the place where you canaccessyourcompany’s documents or corporate websites. All data isstoredwithAES-256 encryption, matching military graderequirements.SophosSecure Workspace is designed to prevent dataloss if yourdevicegets stolen or lost. Sophos Secure Workspace canbe managedbySophos Mobile, an Enterprise Mobility Management(EMM)solution.Sophos Secure Workspace runs inside the Sophoscontainerand theSophos Mobile administrator can enforcecorporatesecuritysettings. Sophos Secure Workspace is fullycompatible withSophosSafeGuard Enterprise (SGN). Sophos Mobileintegration ensuresthatusers can access SGN encrypted files andaccess full diskrecoverykeys from their mobile devices. Feature setMANAGE FILES INCLOUDOR ENTERPRISE STORAGE • Manage all your filesfrom variouscloudstorage providers. • Seamlessly access encryptedfiles usingthekeys from your SGN synchronized keyring. • Applycommonfileoperations, like move or delete. • Add and encryptdocuments,ordecrypt them. • Take and encrypt photos that are notavailabletoother apps. • Edit PDF or text files. • Use filesoffline.DATAPROTECTION • Store files with AES-256 encryption. •Createlocalencryption keys or use the keys that are included intheaccesseddocuments. • Protect app access with a passcodeoryourfingerprint. WEB FILTERING/ANTI-PHISHING • Web linksindocumentsare checked for malicious, undesirable or illegalcontent.MANAGEDMODE Additional features if Sophos Secure Workspaceismanaged bySophos Mobile: • Enforce an app password. • Auto-locktheapp afterbeing offline for a certain time. • Remotely lock theappif asecurity breach occurs. • Restrict app access based ongeo,timeand Wi-Fi fencing. • Define allowed storage providers.•Publishcorporate documents on a WebDAV server or distributethemthroughSophos Mobile. • Restrict file sharing, offline useorclipboarduse. • Corporate Browser: Enable your users tosecurelyaccesscorporate websites. All browsing data is stored inencryptedform.• Corporate keyring: Enable your users to accesstheir SGNkeys forseamless encrypted file access. • Provide recoverykeys forSGNmanaged BitLocker and FileVault disk encryption. •EditOfficeformat files using the integrated Polaris Office Library.•Secureexternal sharing with password protected files, wrapped inanHTML5format. NOTE: If you have any problems withSophosSecureWorkspace, please check our monitored support forum forhelpbeforeleaving a1-starreview:
Password Generator - UltraPass 1.10.33
Tobias Schiek
Secure and strong random passwords according to yourindividualrequirements
Binders | Database 5.371
All-in-one data manager
Cryptography Pro - Learn Crypt 1.0
Learn the different ciphers in Cryptography. Decrypt andencryptmessages.
Infomaniak Auth 1.7.1
Enhance and simplify the security of your Infomaniak accounts
MYeBOX® 3.0.0
The APP of MyeBOX, the portable network analyzer 2.0
NetSfere Secure Messaging 6.3.0
Cloud-based enterprise messaging with encryption, control androbustdelivery
Aruba Utilities 166
Aruba Utilities includes a number oftoolsuseful for characterizing and troubleshooting wireless LANsfromAruba Networks. Some tools work with any WLAN, others areclientsfor Aruba’s AirWave management system, Analytics &LocationEngine (ALE) and Mobility Controllers.Support is through email to the developer, or via theArubaCommunity site user guide is available Utilities includes:• A Wi-Fi Monitor showing the Wi-Fi environment, includingthecurrent access point, dynamic signal strength andRSSImeasurements, other access points audible to the deviceandhandover events.• A Telnet/SSH client that works with Aruba mobilitycontrollers,allowing network configuration and monitoring from amobileplatform.• An AirWave client that downloads the floorplan image andAPdetails from the network’s AirWave WLAN management system.Seewhere APs are located relative to your position, and touch APiconsfor details of current loading, channels and power.• The AirWave client also offers a locally-generatedestimatedheatmap and a site survey function that links actualcoveragemeasurements to locations on the floorplan.• Device information (Wi-Fi, IP, DHCP, cellular status) isdisplayedalong with an implementation of the Airwave ManagementClient (AMC)that reports device information and scanned APs toyour AirWave WLANmanagement system.• A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) scanner reports nearby iBeaconsandother BLE devices with UUID, index values and signalstrengthmeasurements.• Android versions of iPerf, Ping, DNS and mDNS offer networktestfunctionality.• Measurements are written to a plain-text log file and variouscsvreport files that can be emailed for use later.Aruba Utilities was developed by the CTO Group in Aruba Networksasa testbed for our research into WLAN measurement andoptimizationtechniques. It will be of interest to network engineerswithmulti-AP WLANS, especially Aruba Networks WLANs.
Dynatrace 2.1.219
Dynatrace LLC
The Dynatrace mobile app provides real-time alerts onyourAndroiddevices when performance problems are detected inyourapplicationenvironment. As a key component of theDynatraceapplicationperformance monitoring system, the Dynatracemobile appprovidesreal-time root-cause analysis—from yourcloud-basedinfrastructureall the way down to individual lines ofapplicationcode—that yourdevelopers can use to accelerate problemresolution.You must havea Dynatrace account to use this app. Toregister foryour freetrial account, visit with artificial intelligenceDynatrace is afull-stackperformance and availability monitoringsystem thatenables yourDevOps team to monitor the health of yourentireapplicationenvironment, from the cloud-based datacenterlevel, tothe servicesthat your applications rely on, all the waydown to thecode-level,Dynatrace monitors it all. With real usermonitoring,Dynatraceeven provides real-time performance insightsinto yourcustomers’mobile and desktop experiences with yourapplication.Dynatraceuses artificial intelligence to significantlyreduce thetimerequired to identify the root causes ofsystemperformanceproblems. Rather than overload you withambiguousalerts, Dynatraceprovides you with complete, pre-analyzedproblemsthat show youboth the full impact and the cause of eachdetectedproblem.Artificial intelligence enables Dynatrace to learnthebaselineperformance of every component in your environmentandtherebyinstantly detect performance problems and theircauses.Dynatracecontinuously monitors the health of your hostsandnetwork,cloud-based services, hypervisors (including VMwareESXiand AmazonWeb Services), and service infrastructure to keep youandyour teamin control of the health of your applicationenvironment.Keywords- Monitoring - Application performancemanagement (APM) -Servermonitoring - Real user monitoring (RUM) -Apdex -Virtualizationmonitoring - Correlation metrics - Operatingsystemmetrics -Network metrics - Real user experience metrics-Synthetic-usermonitoring (SUM) - Production environmentmonitoring- Fullmonitoring of technology stacks - Hypervisormonitoring(VMWareESX, Amazon AWS) - Database monitoring
OONI Probe 3.8.6
Measure Internet Censorship, Speed & Performance
Barracuda CloudGen Access 2.3.1
Fyde, Inc.
Secure access to apps and web sites
aWallet Cloud Password Manager
• Securely stores your passwords, creditcardinformation, e-banking credentials, web accounts and othercustomdata.• Synchronizes encrypted data with your own cloud account:Dropboxor Google Drive.• There is a built in Editor for changing or creating newdataCategories with custom icons.• Search within fields.• Contains no advertisements.• Supports backup and restore of the encrypted data file totheAndroid USB device.• Export of unencrypted data in CSV format to the USB device.• There is an Auto lock feature that can be preconfigured foraspecific period of time.PRO FEATURES, included:• Unlock with fingerprint (on a compatible device withAndroid6)• Password Generator• CSV ImportSECURITY FEATURES• All data is encrypted, including Entry names, Categorydefinitionsand the data itself.• Encrypts data using AES and Blowfish algorithms with key sizesof256, 192 and 128 bits.• When the data file is decrypted, up to all combinationsofalgorithm, key size and cipher mode of operation (CBC, CFB, OFBandECB) are tried with the Master password to unlock the datafile.This was inspired by TrueCrypt and makes brute forceattackslonger. The app itself does not store any hint to theactualcipher, key size or cipher mode of operation.• Uses a randomly generated 'salt' combined with theMasterpassword. Salt helps to protect from off-linedictionaryattacks.• The key to open the data file is created by combining yourmasterpassword with the 512-bit 'salt'. The result is hashed 1000timesby SHA-256. Repetitive hashing makes a brute force attackmoredifficult.• Supports auto destruction of the data file after apredefinednumber of unsuccessful unlocks have been tried.For more info see you like this App, rate it in the Google Play. If you haveanysuggestions, just let me know.Tags: password manager, keeper