Top 3 Apps Similar to Crochet Rose Ideas

Crochet Snowflake Ideas 1.0
Needle felting is a great way toexperimentwithfelt and add a unique touch to your finished knittedandcrochetedprojects. All you need to have to get started issomekind of foamblock so that you don't hurt your hands andsomeroving which is woolthat has not been spun into yarn. It'sjustplain and actually youcan use yarn. If you want to you canuselittle pieces of yarn or tocover more area you'll want to buysomeroving from your local yarnstore.Take your knitted object and lay a piece of the roving on topofyourknitting and underneath place the foam block. You willalsoneed aspecial needle called a felting needle which has tinybarbson oneend and a little bent end to hold onto. Be careful,thebarbs arereally, really sharp. When you use the needle topokethrough theroving into your knitted piece, basically thebarbsmake the woolfelt.The barbs draw the wool in and compact them holdingthemtogetherjust like felting when you accidentally shrink asweater inthewashing machine only this time you're doing it withoutwaterorsoap. For this reason needle felting is alsocalleddryfelting.Take your needle felting needle and jab it repeatedly upanddownthrough the roving and your knitted item down into thefoambelow.Now please, please watch your fingers because eventhoughitdoesn't look very sharp if you poke yourself it is goingtohurtreally bad so which I am sure you will probably do one timeandonetime only.You'll need to tack down the layer of roving first of alluntilit'ssecurely in place. Then to make smaller details you cantwistthepiece of yarn, roll it up if you want and lay it over thetopofyour knitting and just poke the needle down in and outoftheknitting until it stays securely. Give your needle felteddesignatug to make sure that it's securely fastened toyourknitting.You'll also want to go over the whole area to makesurethat it'sfastened down.Some ideas of things that you could needle felt are: it'salwaysfunto needle felt little snowflakes. You can just take apiece ofwhiteyarn, and cut it into six little pieces and thenneedle feltalittle start laying one piece of yarn over and thenanothercrossingit and then another at an angle and then make tinyarrowsfor thetips of the snowflake. Just make sure thatespeciallyaround theedges you poke the needle felting needle inmany timesso that it'sreally secure.People like to needle-felt sheep as well. Those can be afunadditionto say some slippers or slipper socks that you'vemade.There'sreally no limit to the designs that you can make. Justmakesure thatyou use 100 percent wool because anything else willnotfelt. Acrylicfibers don't have the same capacityforfelting.You can also do needle felting onto other felting. Forinstanceifyou've made a felted bag, a felted purse, feltedslippers, youcantake a small piece of the yarn or a contrastingyarn or somerovingand do a little swirly design. You can do aflower. You cando asnowflake - whatever you want. You can even putsomeone'sname.Let's say you want to make them a pair of slippersfor thehouse.You can needle felt their name using a piece of woolyarn.It'sreally up to your imagination, so have fun!
Handmade Roses Tutorial 1.0
It's easier than you think to makeelegantandsophisticated leather flowers! Never fading, you canwearhandmadeleather flowers as jewelry or hair accessories, dressup abag orbelt, or fix them to wire or dowel stems to make astrikingandpermanent bouquet.In contrast to many other leather crafts, you actuallyneedverylittle equipment to start making leather flowers.The first thing you'll need, naturally, is some leather.Trytochoose leather with a smooth surface on the reverse side - ifitisa little ragged then you can gently go over it withsandpaper,buttoo much sanding may make the leather less absorbentand preventitfrom soaking properly. You can buy leather for thepurpose fromacraft store, or recycle unwanted shoes, bags orleatherclothing.Match the weight of your leather to the type offlower youaremaking - the more delicate the flower, the thinnerleather youcanuse. This gives your handcrafted leather flowers amorenaturallook.A pair of strong sharp scissors is a must. For best resultsyourcutsshould be neat and clean. I use a good qualitypairofgeneral-purpose craft scissors.For moulding the leather, you need to soak it until itissaturatedand flexible. A simple bowl of warm water will dothetrick. A bainmarie or double-boiler can speed up theprocess,though you shouldtake care as the hotter the water the morestiffand prone tocracking your finished product may be.Most moulding can be done simply with your hands and alittleeffort,but you may wish to experiment with using forms.Thesedon't have tobe expensive purpose-made forms, you could usetheback of a spoon, alarge marble or rubber ball, or smooth rocks,asrounded and ovalforms.Though not absolutely essential - if you don't have manyholestomake you can use an awl or even a hammer and nail - agoodleatherpunch comes in very useful if you plan to work withleathera lot.The rotary type with long handles makes punchingvarioussizedholes even is several thick layers a breeze.You'll also need some way of fixing layers and partstogether.Rubbercement works well for gluing, if you want to sewyourflowers -either in construction or to attach them to thingslater- then punchholes for the stitches and sew together with astoutneedle and waxedthread. Leather will wear through normalsewingthread fairlyquickly.
DIY Quilt Tutorial 1.0
While it is true that the idea ofquiltingisreserved more for the older generation, you will besurprisedatthe sight of many youngsters who are fond of quilting -notbecauseof their mother's prodding, but they do sowillinglybythemselves.To be exceptionally good at quilting, you need to know thebasicsofthe craft. Before emerging as an expert, you need tobeguidedaccordingly with a short beginners' guide toquilting.Definitely, the techniques of quilting are things you willlearnasyou go along the way. You can join a quilting class if youlike.Ifit is offered in school or at your village, it is best tojointhemsince group classes in quilting can be more inspiringthanlearningit like a DIY project. Further, with so manyreferencesthat youcan get from the web, it is impossible not toaccess videosandtutorials that will detail out what you need toknowaboutquilting.Start with unique quilt patterns; patterns that youcanalreadyvisualize what the final product will look like,butinterestingenough for you to do on your own step by step. Therearea lot ofunique quilt patterns that you can buy either from ahobbyshop oran online store that specializes particularly onsuchpatterns forquilting.Aside from having a unique quilt patterns to use, you betterhavethetools you need so you can do the techniques and the stylesthatmostpros are capable of doing. Have your shears ready, yourruler,yourpins, your rotary cutter, threads, seam ripper and amat. Haveasmall shelf or container that can keep yourfabrics.Know the different stages of making a quilt too. Thesestagesaregenerally trimmed down to 4 - preparation, making thequilttop,quilting and the last is binding. For a beginner, youcanbuyguided quilting kits so you know how to execute the stepswithaguide that will show you how. Whether it isstitching,creatingpatchworks, marking lines, cutting squares, orusingappliqués, aguided quilting kit for beginners can help setthedirection ofyour quilting hobby.There are definitely a lot of perks when you consider quiltingasahobby. For one, you can invest on it and make it a businessasyouimprove your craft. You can sell your products tointerestedandcaptivated buyers, Second, quilting is one of fewrelaxinghobbiesyou can invest in. You can channel your creativeenergiesand seethe final product with gusto. Third, quilting is ahobbythat willmake you realize just how far your imagination cango. Ifyou arelooking for a new activity to immerse yourself in,consideraddingquilting to the list.