Top 17 Apps Similar to ChatToGo

ItaliaInChat - La Chat Sicura 0.1
ItaliaInChat è un'app dimessaggisticafocalizzata sulla velocità e sulla sicurezza.Puoi inviare un numero infinito di messaggi, foto ,video eognitipo di file (.doc, .zip, .pdf, etc.). I gruppi diItaliaInChatpossono avere fino a 5000 membri e puoi creare canaliperdiffondere messaggi ad un numero illimitato di iscritti.Perché passare a ItaliaInChat ?VELOCE: ItaliaInChat è l'app di messaggi più veloce almondoperché utilizza infrastrutture con centri dati distribuite intuttoil globo per connettere utenti al server più' vicinopossibile.SICURO: La nostra missione è fornire il servizio dimessaggisticapiù sicuro. ItaliaInChat cripta pesantemente tutti ituoi dati conalgoritmi testati da tempo.ARCHIVIAZIONE CLOUD: ItaliaInChat si sincronizza senzaritardiattraverso i tuoi dispositivi, così puoi accedere in modosicuro aituoi dati. La tua cronologia è archiviata gratuitamentenel cloud.Non perderai più i tuoi dati!CHAT DI GRUPPO E CONDIVISIONE: Con ItaliaInChat , puoicrearegrandi chat di gruppo (fino a 5000 membri) e liste broadcastfino a100 contatti, condividere velocemente lunghi video,documenti(.doc, .ppt, .zip, ecc.), e inviare tutte le foto che vuoia gliamici.AFFIDABILE: progettato per consegnare i tuoi messaggiimpiegandoil minor numero di byte possibile, ItaliaInChat è il piùaffidabilesistema di messaggistica mai creato. Funzionaperfettamente anchecon le connessioni più lente.100% GRATUITA: ItaliaInChat è gratuito e lo sarà per sempre.PRIVACY: Prendiamo seriamente la tua privacy e non daremo maiaterzi l'accesso ai tuoi dati.Per quelli veramente interessati alla privacy, ItaliaInChatoffrele Chat Segrete. I messaggi delle chat segrete possonoessereautodistrutti automaticamente da entrambi i partecipanti. Inquestomodo ogni tipo di contenuto inviato può sparire - messaggi,foto,video e anche i file. Le Chat Segrete usano lacrittografiaend-to-end, per assicurarsi che ogni messaggio sialetto solo dalsuo ricevente.ItaliaInChat messagingappis focused on speed and security.You can send an unlimited number of messages, photos, videosandall kinds of files (.doc, .zip, .pdf, etc.). TheItaliaInChatgroups can have up to 5000 members, and can createchannels todisseminate messages to an unlimited number ofsubscribers.Why Switch to ItaliaInChat?FAST: ItaliaInChat app is the fastest messages to theworldbecause it uses infrastructure with data centers distributedaroundthe globe to connect users to the 'close as possibleserver.SAFE: Our mission is to provide the most securemessagingservice. ItaliaInChat heavily encrypts all your datawithalgorithms tested by time.CLOUD STORAGE: ItaliaInChat syncs without delays throughyourdevices, so you can securely access your data. Your historyisstored in the cloud for free. You'll never miss your data!CHAT GROUP AND SHARING: With ItaliaInChat, you can createlargegroup chats (up to 5,000 members) and lists broadcast up to100contacts, quickly share longer videos, documents (.doc, .ppt,.zip,etc.), And send all the photos you want to friends.RELIABLE: designed to deliver your messages using as few bytesaspossible, ItaliaInChat is the most reliable messaging systemevercreated. It also works perfectly with slower connections.100% FREE: ItaliaInChat is free and always will be.PRIVACY: We take your privacy seriously and will never givethirdparties access to your data.For those really interested in privacy, ItaliaInChat offerstheChat Dungeons. The secret chat messages can beautomaticallydestroyed themselves by both participants. In this wayall types ofcontent submitted can disappear - messages, photos,videos and evenfiles. Le Chat Dungeons use encryption end-to-end,to ensure thateach message is read only by its recipient.
Inksweet 0.1
Ale Developer
Inksweet is the new free chatthatwillfascinate you. Instant messages, group chat, sendfiles,secretchat and more ...With Inksweet keeps you connected with your friends andfamilyaroundthe world.Try it, do not wait !!Important note: For iOS and WP users, download Telegram.Youwillbe able to chat with Inksweet users on Android.LinkiOS:
Free Chat Messenger 1.3
Free Chat Messenger is the rightapplicationtokeep in touch with the people you know .Features:- & Lt ; The cloud-based technology- & Lt ; stickers- & Lt ; hashtags- & Lt ; group chat- & Lt ; Dungeons chat- & Lt ; completely FREEAnd many more cool features
free Vibe, secret chat 0.1
By accessing to the secret chat of freeVibe,messages are automaticaly deleted after been seen, sendnoworryabout your pictures ,you are notified in caseofscreenchort.Chating in the secret chat of free Vibe, userssendteporarymessages , videos and pictures ...Get in nowanddiscoverit...
ShadGram 0.1
Shaishad Labs
Shadgram is a messaging application focusedonspeed and security. It is super fast, simple and free.With Shadgram, you can create group chats with up to 200 people,soyou can connect with them all at once. Also, you can sharevideosof up to 1GB, send pictures and any multimedia file resendyoureceive instantly. All your messages are in the cloud, so youcanaccess them from any of your devices.For those interested in the utmost privacy, add Secrets Chatswithencryption mobile-to-mobile, to ensure that the message can bereadonly by the recipient we want. When it comes Chats Secret,nothingis stored on our servers and you can schedule messages tobeautomatically destroyed from both devices so that there isnorecord of it.We create Shadgram for secure messaging back and so you canregainyour right to privacy. Why switch to Shadgram? FAST:Shadgramapplication is the fastest on the market, because it usesadecentralized infrastructure with data centers positionedaroundthe globe to connect people to the closest possible server.SAFE:Failures Security in popular applications like WhatsApphaveachieved lot of bad press lately, so we made ​​our missiontoprovide the best security in the market. Cloud storage: Do notloseyour data again! Shadgram offers free unlimited cloud storageforall your messages and media files, which can be accessedsecurelyfrom any device. GROUPS OF CHAT AND SHARE: With Shadgramcan chatform large groups (up to 200 members) quickly share videosof agigabyte and send all the pictures you want to yourfriends.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in the minimumpossiblebytes Shadgram messaging system is the most reliable evermade. Iteven works with the weakest mobile connections! 100% FREEANDWITHOUT WARNING: Shadgram is free and will always be free. Noplanto sell ads or introduce subscription fees. PRIVACY: We takeyourprivacy seriously and never give third parties access to yourdata!SUPPORT: For real-time support, please go to settings Shadgramandchoose "Make question "to send a message directly to oursupportteam (telephone number 42434). You can also send us an
Privatext - Private Text Chat
Send secure texts and pictures withPrivatext,the only reliable way to deliver confidential informationsafelyand securely and ensure it is completely deleted when youwant itto be.Keeping personal and professional communication private isvital.Private text messages and pictures sent via Privatext aredeletedfrom all devices and Privatext's secure servers wheneveryou choose-you can even delete messages before they are read.Erase textmessages and pictures automatically between 30 secondsto 24 hoursafter they are sent. You have complete control over whosees whatand for how long.Messaging with Privatext works like regular SMS textswithseveral added layers of security. Password lock yourconfidentialmessages or change your secret PIN at any time toensure securityand privacy. Private text messaging conversations donot showcontacts’ PIN on-screen, rendering screen capturesfutile.Confirmation Texting allows you to make sure your messagesare onlyviewed by the intended recipient.Have full control of who sees your messages, for how long,andfeel secure knowing they will be deleted permanently.Privatextdoesn't simply hide messages from a device- it wipes alltraces ofthe message forever. Keep your conversations private andsecurewith Privatext.Privatext Features:Secure Messages• Password lock Privatext to ensure no one else readsyourmessages• Secret chats are sent just like your SMS messages withextrasecurity• Private pictures aren’t just hidden - they aredeletedpermanently• Delete messages from your device and your contacts’ device• Private text conversations do not reveal contacts’ PIN• Secure texts and photos with an adjustable lifespan -permanentlyerase them from any device and the Privatext serverswhenever youwant to• Privacy guard your messages from being traced - your PIN cannotbe screen captured with your messagesConfirmation Texting• Secure texts only go to the intended contact. Never send amessageto the wrong person again.• Private messages can be deleted before the text is evensent• Secure safe texting - Confirmation Texting asks foryourpermission to send the message, letting you see if you’resendingthe right message to the right contact.Delete Pictures with Privatext• Confidential and secret photos stay secret behindyourpersonalized password lock• Delete pictures you’ve sent off of your device and yourcontact’sdevice at any time• Private photos taken using the Privatext camera are not savedtoyour camera roll• Temporary messenger with privacy - Privatext does not storeyourchatsSecret Chat with Anyone• Secure texts never leave the app. Privately chat to anyoneyouwant about anything you want.• Invite friends, family or coworkers through SMS, e-mail,Twitteror Facebook• Private text with anyone using their custom Privatext PIN tokeepthe conversation going• No Facebook or real names are required for sign up, ensureyouridentity is protected• Block contacts you no longer wish to communicate with bychangingyour PIN at any timeKeep your private messages safe behind a personal password inasecure text app. Leaked texts and photos are no longer a worrywithPrivatext – everything is secure and under your control.Why run the risk of having information fall into the wronghands?Other chat apps won’t give you as much control over yourprivatemessages or photos. Private text with the peace of mindprovided toyou by Privatext. Download the app today.
Parlay Messenger 0.1
If a fan of Clash?You do not want to let a second even when Messages?Here is the app of themed messaging for you.- - - - - - And many more cool features.FAST: it is the fastest messaging app on the store because itusesadecentralized infrastructure with data centers positionedaroundtheglobe to connect people to the closest possibleserver.SAFETY: Safety Falle in most known apps have recently hadabadreputation, so our mission is to become the providethebestsecurity on the market.CHAT GROUP AND SHARING: you can form large group chats (upto1,000members), quickly share videos with the size of agigabyte,andsend all the photos you want to friends.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in as few bytes,itisthe most reliable messaging system ever made. It works evenontheweakest mobile connections!100% FREE
visAvis Messenger 0.6
Fatures of visAvis● You can send files & documents to your friends&family.● You can send more than 10 photto.● You have a secret chat and u can lock it with passcode.● You can send the location, your files and conversation arefullprotected.● You can create a group and a secret group.● You can put profile picture and cover picture.Created byGeraldina L.L.C Game & App Studio.
App to chat 1.0.2
App to chat is an app to chat with yourfriendsand family.So,lets switch from sms to sendphotos,videos,anddocument messages.Why to use App to chat:*MULTIMEDIA: Send and receive photos,videos and documents*GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group chats with your contacts so you caneasilystay in touch with your friends and family.*Secret chatting: Do secret chatting with your friends andfamilywhen they are online.
Venos Chat 0.1
Venos Chat é um novo aplicativodemensagensinstantâneas com ele você pode enviar mensagens,imagens,videos,stickers e muito mais- Envia mensagens, imagens, videos, documentos e muitomaissemlimite de tamanho- Possui criptografia de ultima geração (end the end)- Possui chat segredo com timer de auto destruição (vocêpodedefinirum tempo para as mensagens se destruirem deambossmartphones)- Possui sistema que avisa ao outro usuário quando vocêrealizaumacaptura de tela (válido apenas para o chat secreto)-Possui sistema que economiza dados móveis- Usa base de dados do Telegrame muito mais...DESENVOLVIDO POR: WILLIAN VIEIRA CORRÊADOM PEDRITO- RIO GRANDE DO SUL- BRASILVenos Chat is anewinstantmessaging application with it you can sendmessages,pictures,videos, stickers and more- Send messages, images, videos, documents and more withnosizelimit- Has encryption of last generation (end the end)- Has a secret chat with self destruct timer (you can set atimeforthe messages to destroy both smartphones)- Has a system that alerts you to another user when youperformascreen capture (valid only for the secret chat)-Possui System that saves mobile data- Use Telegram databaseand much more...POWERED BY: WILLIAM VIEIRA CORRÊADOM PEDRITO- GREAT RIVER SOUTH BRAZIL
Bate Papo ( chat ) Seguro 0.1
Fabricio Lima
Com o chat seguro suas conversasestãoseguras,Print Screen indesejado nunca mais pois o aplicativoteavisará sequem conversa com você o fizerem, e não é só isso,oaplicativotambém disponibiliza a função auto destruição demensagem( timer deauto destruição ) onde você pode configurar otempo quevocê desejaque a sua mensagem permaneça naconversaWith chatsecuretheirconversations are secure, Print unwanted Screen neverbecausetheapplication will warn you if anyone talks to you they do,andnotonly that, the application also provides the functionautomessageof doom (of self-destruction timer) where you can setthetime youwant your message remains in the conversation
BatChat Messenger 0.1
A New Messenger App with UnlimitedFeaturesforall the People in this World. Download it & see theMagic.Features:Attractive User InterfaceSend & Receive Messages Fastly, Easily & SecurelySend unlimited Stickers to your FriendsVoice Message (Tap. Record. Send)Secret Chat with FriendsGroup Chat (upto 199 People)Broadcast Messages (Upto 100 People)Multimedia SharingCloud StorageChange Chat BackgroundAdd your Own Stickers to the AppFile Sharingff56351aa6
Cozy 0.1
Eslam Tolba
Cozy is the world's fastest messaging App,chat with your family and friends all over the world viasinglechats, group chats ,secret chats and broadcast lists .**We focus on speed and security thanks to our "SECRETCHAT"feature .**Secret chats are meant for people who want more security thantheaverage fella. All messages in secret chats useend-to-endencryption. This means only you and the recipient canread thosemessages — nobody else can decipher them, including us .Messagescannot be forwarded from secret chats. You can also orderyourmessages to self-destruct in a set amount of time after theyhavebeen read by the recipient. The message will then disappearfromboth your and your friend's devices.One last difference between secret and ordinary chats in Telegramisthat secret chats are not stored in our cloud. You can onlyaccessmessages in a secret chat from their device of origin.Share anything you want like pictures, videos, documents of anytype(.doc, .zip, .pdf), voice notes, documents and locations .Why Cozy ?-Fast: Cozy delivers messages faster than any other App.-Free : Cozy is free forever.-Secure: Cozy keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks.-Powerful : Cozy has no limits on the siez of your mediaandchats-Cloud-Based : Cozy lets you access your messages frommultipledevices .-Private : Cozy has a secret chat where messages areheavilyencrypted with no traces on our servers and have aself-destructtimer.-Customization : Choose your favorite chat wallpaperWith Cozy you can :-Connect : from most remote locations-Coordinate: groups of up to 200 members-Synchronize: your chats across all your devices(Smartphone,Desktop & Web)-Send: documents of any type-Encrypt :personal and business secrets-Destruct :your messages with a timer-Store: your media in the cloudEnjoy Messaging !-Cozy Team
MessenGeyser 6.1.0
MessenGeyser é un'app dimessaggisticafocalizzata sulla velocità e sulla sicurezza.É velocissimo, semplice e gratuito.Con MessenGeyser puoi creare chat di gruppo fino a 200 membri,cosìpotrai stare connesso con tutti in una volta.In più, puoi condividere video fino a 1GB, inviare più foto dalwebe inoltrare ogni media in un istante.Tutti i tuoi messaggi sono nel cloud, quindi puoifacilmenteaccedervi da ogni tuo dispositivo.Per quelli interessati alla massima privacy, abbiamo aggiuntoleChat Segrete, che utilizzano la crittografia end-to-endperassicurarsi che un messaggio possa essere letto solamente dalsuoreale destinatario.Quando utilizzi le Chat Segrete nulla é salvato sui nostri serveretu puoi programmare automaticamente l'autodistruzione da entrambiidispositivi in modo che non ne rimanga traccia.Abbiamo costruito MessenGeyser per rendere la messaggisticasicuradi nuovo così potrai ripristinare il tuo dirittoallaprivacy.MessenGeyser messagingappis focused on speed and security.It is fast, simple and free.With MessenGeyser can create group chat up to 200 members, soyoucan stay connected with everyone at once.Plus, you can share videos up to 1GB, send multiple photos fromtheweb, and forward any media in an instant.All your messages are in the cloud, so you can easily accessthemfrom your every device.For those interested in maximum privacy, we've added SecretChats,using encryption end-to-end to ensure that a message can onlyberead by its intended addressee.When you use the Chat Dungeons nothing is saved on our serversandyou can automatically program the self-destruct from bothdevicesso that it does not remain a trace.We built MessenGeyser to make messaging safe again so youcanrestore your right to privacy.
Bluetooth Chat 1.0
Bluetooth Chat is a simple chattingprogrammeprovide you with the experience to text without Internetsupport.Simply connect Bluetooth with your friends and you can chatwiththem immediately. Please pay attention to the distance betweenyouand your friends as the Bluetooth connects with smartphoneswithin20 meters only. Download the app and start a secret chat withyourfriends NOW!!
Vash CHat 1.6
Vash CHat - messenger is the app youneedtotalk with friends and share information: projects, work,orfamily,love... anything.Features:• Completely free.• Need no special permissions• Really fast• 100% compatible wit any tablet, smartphone..._____________________________________Open a project and invite friends to shareinformation,code,images, advances..._____________________________________Open a conversation for your family and sharebirthdays,holidays..._____________________________________Open a conversation with your friends, yourgirlfriend,yourneighbourgs ... and share anything.Come on, it is free!
MessFly 2.1
MessFly is fast and protectedfromthewiretapping app messenger. Almost like SMS, but inadditiontosending simple text messages, you can send photos, videoandanyother files. Moreover, you can create a conference foragroupchat.Also, a big advantage is the support of not only mobiledevices,butalso other platforms (Windows / Mac / Linux). Allyourmessages(except for secret chats) are automaticallysynchronizedbetweendevices.Unlike any other messenger, MessFly messenger operates inthecloud,and furthermore securely encrypts all traffic(includingfiletransfers). Because of this factor, you can useMessFlymessenger onany device and share unlimited photos, video andotherfiles (doc,zip, mp3, and so on). Also, due to thedistributedinfrastructureand high-end servers, MessFly is muchsafer andfaster than anysimilar application.In other words, you can use MessFly not only on yourmobiledevice,but also on home computer, or even online, which cannotmake othermessengers.Why people choose MessFly messenger?FAST: MessFly is one of the fastest messenger in theworldbecauseits data centers for distibuting are located aroundtheglobe toconnect you with your friends through theclosestavailableserver.SECURITY: We created this app with the maximumsecurityeverpossible. All your data are encryted usingspecialtime-testedalgorithms.SIMPLICITY: MessFly is a simple to use app. Why youshouldheavilythink how to use features in the app? We made thisappaseasy-to-use as possible to give a pleasureinsteadofdifficulty.CLOUD STORAGE: You will never loose your messaginghistorybecauseyour messages are stored in the cloud for free. Youcanalwayssecurely access to your data.CHAT & SHARE: Using MessFly messenger you can create alotofgroups for chating with people. Also, you can share as manyasyouwant files like documents, videos, photo images and soon.TECHNICAL SUPPORT: If you have any question, please gotoSettingsection and select Ask a Question to send yourdirectmessage toour support team.MessFly is the client based on the official Telegram appwithopensource code here: