Top 10 Apps Similar to CPU-XZ

CPUz-Info 1.3
CPUz-Info was developed by hansgroup,itallowsyou to get many useful informations of your device.
CPU-Z 1.19
Nghe Lam
CPU-Z is a free Android app thatdisplayinformation about your Android device like CPU, system,device,batery, and sensor.Features:CPU (processor, architecture, core, etc. )DEVICE (model, brand, board, screen resolution, ram,networktype, etc. )SYSTEM (android version, API level, kernel, Build ID, RootAcces,etc. )BATERY (level%, technology, health, voltage, temperature,etc.)SENSOR (sccelerometer, barometer, compass, magneticfield,pressure, etc. )
CPU-ZX Master 1.0
Android version of thepopularcpuidentification tool for PC, cpu-z is a freeapplicationthatreports information about your device.- SoC (System On Chip) name, architecture, clock speed foreachcore;- System information : device brand & model,screenresolution,RAM, storage.;- Battery information : level, status, temperature, capacity;- Sensors.Requirements :- Android 2.2 and above (version 1.03 and +)Permissions :- INTERNET permission is required for the onlinevalidation(seenotes below for more détails about thevalidationprocess)- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE for statistics.Notes :Online Validation (version 1.04 and +)The validation allows to store the hardware specificationofyourAndroid device in a database. After the validation,theprogramopens your validation URL into your currentinternetbrowser. Ifyou enter your e-mail address (optional), ane-mail withyourvalidation link will be sent to you as areminder.Settings screen and debug (version 1.03 and +)If cpu-z closes abnormally (in case of bug), the settingsscreenwillappear at the next run. You can use that screen toremove themaindetection features of the application, and make itrun.Benchmark.capability.
Master CPU Tuner 1.0
Uxosoft inc
Master_CPU_Tuner : is one of thebestandroidapps who give you the max informations about yourphonelike:* CPU (identifier, validation, hardware, clocker,gpuchecker,processor info, governor, architecture, core...)* System ( info diagnose, cpu z, overclocking, kernel,RootAcces...)* Device ( overheating, quandrant benchmark,phonespecs,voltage,temperature..)* Batery (energy, Health,power, percent,consumption,control...)* Sensor (sensorly apps, sccelerometer, magnetic field... )We are in feedback with our customers just contact us bye-mail!give us a nice notice...Enjoy with Uxosoft inc !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Master_CPU_Tuner : est l'une des meilleuresapplicationsAndroidqui vous donnent les informations max devotretéléphonecomme:* CPU (identifiant, la validation, le matériel,l'horloge,correcteurGPU, processeur d'info, gouverneur,architecture, coeur...)* Système (info diagnostiquer, cpu z, overclocking, lenoyau,RacineAcces ...)* Dispositif (surchauffe, benchmark Quadrant,spécificationsdetéléphone, tension, température ..)* Batterie (énergie, santé, alimentation, pour cent,laconsommation,contrôle ...)* Capteur (application Sensorly, accéléromètre, lechampmagnétique...)Nous sommes en rétroaction avec nos clientsnouscontactersimplement par e-mail! nous donner une belle avis...Profitez avec Uxosoft inc !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Master_CPU_Tuner : es una de las mejores aplicacionesdeAndroidque le dan las informaciones max acerca de suteléfonocomo:* CPU (identificador, la validación, el hardware, elreloj,correctorgpu, información del procesador, gobernador,laarquitectura, elnúcleo ...)* Sistema (info diagnosticar, z cpu, overclocking, kernel,Raízdeacceso ...)* Dispositivo (sobrecalentamiento,referentecuadrante,especificaciones del teléfono, voltaje,temperatura..)* Batería (energía, salud, energía, ciento, elconsumo,control...)* Sensor (app sensorly, acelerómetro, el campo magnético ...)Estamos en la retroalimentación con el clientecontacteconnosotros por e-mail! nos dan un buen aviso ...Disfruta con Uxosoft inc!
CPU + 1.0
Android version of the popularCPUidentification tool for PC, CPU-Z is a free applicationthatreports information about your device.+ CPU (processor, architecture, core, etc. )+ DEVICE (model, brand, board, screen resolution, ram, networktype,etc. )+ SYSTEM (android version, API level, kernel, Build ID, RootAcces,etc. )+ BATERY (level%, technology, health, voltage, temperature,etc.)+ SENSOR (sccelerometer, barometer, compass, magneticfield,pressure, etc. )
CPU-ZX 1.1
CPU-ZX Appication is a tool you can useonyourrooted device to quickly set the CPU frequencies andgovernortouse.It allows you to use the highest frequency your phonesupportsandgain some precious FPS in your preferred game, or godown tothelowest frequency and gain some more juice when yourphoneissitting idle.All of this without any memory footprint or services runninginthebackground!Android version of the popular cpu identification tool forPC,cpu-zis a free application that reports informationaboutyourdevice.- SoC (System On Chip) name, architecture, clock speed foreachcore;- System information : device brand & model,screenresolution,RAM, storage.;- Battery information : level, status, temperature, capacity;- Sensors.It has been reported working on a large number of rooted[1]devicesfrom HTC, Samsung, Motorola, LG, Huawei, ZTE, Oppo andsoon! EvenKindle and Nook Color!Unfortunately, it does NOT work on Flytouchtablets,Zenithinkzt180, HaiPad M7/Tabtech M7 or fake HTC/Samsungclones.Sorry aboutthat, but you knew what you were buying when youdid...didn'tyou?
CPU X : Infographic CPU 1.0
Infographic CPU is a free CPU identification tool for Android.
CPU Usage monitoring.Memory Ram usage track: total memo ram, used memo and freememo,inMB.
CPUz 1.1.5
IT4U Group
This application will show almost yourphoneinfomationDraw a graph for cpu and ram usage.It also show top number of thread that consumpt more cpu.This application will help you to manage your devicemoreeffecient!!
CPU z-Info完美中文版 1.13
功能: - CPU信息(处理器, 架构, 内核数, 等等 ) - 设备信息(型号, 品牌, 屏幕, 内存, 等等 )-系统信息(安卓版本, API版本, 内核, 是否破解, 等等 ) - 电池信息(电量, 类型, 状态, 电压, 温度, 等等 )-传感器信息(加速度计, 陀螺仪, 指南针, 磁场感应, 压力感应, 等等 ) 感谢您的使用。