Top 9 Apps Similar to NagarEVarta

Oshika - Ocean of News 1.0
Read your favorite News wherever yougo.Simplyadd your favorite source from list of categories andreadanytime,anywhere with just a swipe of your finger. Morefeaturescomingsoon.Current Features :1. Best reading Experience Anywhere, Anytime! The appstoresallreading materials for Offline reading includingimagecaching.2. Designed for Every Possible Android Screen. TheAppisOptimized for smart phones and tablets of various screensizesinLandscape & Portrait modes.3. User Friendly User Experience. You can swipe tomovebetweenArticles to read them with ease. SmoothAnimationandTransitions.4. Social Sharing. You can share articles indifferentsocialmedia including facebook, twitter, linkedin and anysocialclientsthat are installed in your Android Phone.Upcoming Features :1. Personalizing your news reading experience2. Popular News
Elia Palme
Newscron offers you a large numberofnewspapers, blogs, websites and other information sourcesfromEurope and Latin America totally free. Unlike otheraggregators,Newscron has a unique algorithm which is able to filterandorganize the news semantically. This means that the app getsthenews from several sources and groups them into stories andarticlesrelated to the same topic. This allows the reader to followtheevolution of a particular event from different perspectives,avoidduplicated news, optimize his time and become betterinformedfaster.Newscron is organized by country packages. You can read thepressfrom England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland (allUnitedKingdom) along with papers and digital magazines from theRepublicof Ireland. Moreover, you can mix these packages with thesourcesfrom Spain, France, Germany among others without having toinstallmultiple apps. With Newscron, which includes sources fromnineEuropean countries and all the spanish-speaking Latin America,youcan browse multiple sources from different countries andlanguagesin just one timeline. Once installed, set your preferencesandselect by country, category/topic or media. On top of that youcanshare the most interesting news with your friends viaFacebook,Twitter or Whatsapp.In other words, thanks to its algorithm, you can combine thelatestnews from The Guardian or the Daily Mail with The Courier ortheScotsman with news from The Irish Examiner in just one reader.Andeven with articles from El País (Spain), Il Corriere dellaSera(Italy) or Le Monde (France) among a vast variety ofsources.Our sources database is improving constantly thanks to thesupportof our community. We are a small start-up, but we work hardeveryday to give our best. If you think that there is anynewspaper,website or magazine that you would like to read, pleaselet us knowat yourself always updated in a fast, effective and free waywithNewscron. No matter if you are in England, Scotland,Ireland,Germany, Switzerland, Belgium or Spain, with Newscron youwill getalways the last minute news on your Android device.Leave us a feedback at can check out and like our Facebook page us on Twitter @Newscron
Wadi Informer 2.2
What we do?We collect news from different authentic sources and produce asmallcrisp news in few words, because we know your time is veryprecious.We value your time and you can't waste it all readinglong andlengthy articles on internet.Why Wadi Informer?With increasing use of social media, spread of fake news havebecomevery fast and easy and to avoid any confusion about newsbeingauthentic and preventing from spread of fake news, wadiInformertries its best to keep you aware and informed.In short read News in brief and that too with a single swipe.Disclaimer:We are humans too and if sometimes you found some kind of errorinour content it is in no way intentional or intended to hurtanycommunity, individual or group.Although we try to keep our sources as authentic as possible,stillif you find any news irrelevant or ambiguous you can contactus sothat we may take required action.Submit a news:If you are a news agency and want to share a brief on WadiInformer,you can mail our editor at [email protected] or contactviaWhatsApp at 9797033923.Your submitted brief will be accompanied with the link to fullnewsarticle on your website.Feedback:We are not any news agency but a group of people who believeinefforts for good for the benefit of society. Because of increaseinspread of fake news over social media we came with Wadi informertokeep you informed with only authentic news updates.We love feedback please tell if you love our effort andsuggestionsalways hold a priority. If you think we are doing wellplease takea minute to share this app with others too.
MediaMetrics 1.02
Allgoritm LLC
Mediametrics – a news aggregator servicetogiveuser the worldwide event list as a feed of the mostpopularsocialnetworks and media resource links.The app deals with the list of the links and theonlinefluctuateratings of the most popular news of the world.The link could be open via app or browser, send by messageormailand shared on Facebook or Twitter.
Akhbarak is an Egyptian news aggregatorthatgathers news from over 100 different Egyptian news sources. Itispowered by include:1- Viewing the top or latest news by category.2- Adding news articles to "Favorites" for reading later.3- Following a live, "Minute by Minute" news stream thatdisplaysarticles as they are published.4- Searching the Akhbarak news archive.5- Sharing news of interest with friends via popular socialnetworks(Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, etc)6- Customizing the entire app to include/exclude news fromchosensources/categoriesegypt - news - goals - sports -ahly - zamalez - kora - football-jobs - life - photo - image - video - women - - camera -weather-entertainment - life style - make up - fashion - cooking -radio -tv - media - akhbar - akhbarak - khabar - 1.1.1
The most popular content on earth.WordLink uses the shares, likes, comments, tweets between youanda billion others to drive our front page.On the surface, its like a digital magazine and newspapertunedto the pulse of the world.At its core, it is a powerful social search engine.We feel like we're in touch with the world, but for themostpart, we're living in our own social bubbles.Escape your corner of the internet.See what the world is sharing!You never know what your missing...Features:-News, Research and Social Media from over 5000+ publishers-RSS and API aggregator driven by aggregated social activity-Social search engine-Layered discussion platform
BSNLTimes News Reader 1.1.2
AVStudios ®
★TIP★ERROR: messages in some devices.Fix: Use filter option to hide error feedsLeft drawer > Edit feed (pencil icon) > Select feed>Filters > Add rule > REJECT=ERROR (Apply to title).★What's New★Fixed BDPA news showing partial content only. Now see fullcontentwithin the app.★ Must Have News Reader for all BSNL/DoTEmployees/Pensioners★All BSNL news is just an app away now. BSNLTimes keepsyouinformed the latest news from the media and all the majorBSNLTrade Union websites. This app is targeted mainly at BSNLemployeesand may not appeal to any others.Subscribe to all major BSNL Trade Union websitesincluding★ BSNLEU★ NFTE★ NUBSNLW (FNTO)★ SNATTA★ AIBSNLEA★ AIGETOA★ SNEA★ AIBSNLPWA (pensioners)★ BDPA (pensioners)★ CCWF (casual & contract workers)Subscribe to all major news from the media★ Google news★ major telecom blogsAlso, you can subscribe to any of your favorite reads... be itanewspaper daily, a magazine or your favorite blog.BSNLTimesintuitive search and filter features lets you find andsubscribe tothe exact content.Feature List:- add your favorite new feeds using search feature- offline reading including images and complete news- subscribe to a new feed from the browser link via thesharefeature- Read the full news. Not just the summaries. Retrieve the fulltextwhen the content is truncated.- import the feed list from OPML- light and dark themes- bookmark your favorite entries- search for an article- filter your feed by keywords or regular expressions- custom news widgets for your homescreenFAQs:I don’t see any news in the reader?Please ensure that you have subscribed to atleast one of thenewschannels. If not go toLeft drawer > Edit feed > Add feed > BSNL News >Checkone or many news channelsSearch or add feed manually >a) Enter the Feed URL if you know it Else, try searching for eg: hindu news
LexisNexis Newsdesk® 3.2.13
Keep up with the news that’s important toyou.The LexisNexis Newsdesk® app from LexisNexis, a leader inmediamonitoring and analysis, is your personal news reader. Yougetrelevant news from all media types – online, print, social,andbroadcast – delivered right to your phone in nearreal-time.- Be in the know while on the go by accessing your Newsdeskaccountfrom your mobile device.- Access headlines and extracts of articles right in the app.- Easily share articles with your stakeholders andcolleagues.Choose the app that is best for you:- The standard app is accessible for free – now featuring ourHumanRights Tracker!By default, downloading this free app will share with youcuratedsearches of current global importance. Scroll down for moreinfo onthe featured media topics below.- Newsdesk customers can have their own branded app configuredwiththeir key topics. For more information contact youraccountmanager.About the Human Rights TrackerWe are currently spotlighting searches from our Human RightsTracker– media coverage to better understand the United Nation’s17sustainable development goals. Two years ago, the U.N. set the17sustainable development goals to “end poverty, protect theplanet,and ensure prosperity for all” by 2030. Throughout thecoming year,we’ll be tracking media coverage to better understandprogresstoward those goals—and the work that still needs to bedone. Comeback often to explore our near real-time media coverage,and to seewhat media monitoring reveals about efforts to achievethe U.N.sustainable development goals.
Newsplus 1.2.4
NEWSPLUS is the Go-to portal forMalaysia,Business, Sports, Lifestyle, Video, Entertainment,Opinions, SocialNews.You can also customize your news by Content PartnersandCategories.