Top 14 Apps Similar to 99 Resep Masakan Sederhana

Resep Masakan Sehari hari 3.1
Resep Masakan Sehari-hari yang mudah dibuatdansangat disukai keluarga Indonesia. Resep masakan sederhanainidilengkapi dengan bahan yang dibutuhkan dan cara membuatmakanansehari-hari tersebut.Fitur aplikasi resep masakan sehari-hari ini adalah:- Menyajikan aneka resep populer sehari-hari yang simpletetapidisukai keluarga, seperti:1. Aneka olahan ayam2. Aneka olahan Mie dan Bakso3. Aneka olahan tahu & tempe4. Aneka olahan sayuran- GRATISSS- Update secara periodikJadi jika anda mencari kumpulan resep masakan sehari-hariyangmudah dan disukai anggota keluarga, install aplikasi resepinisekarang.Everyday Recipes areeasyto make and highly preferred family of Indonesia. Thissimplerecipe is equipped with the required materials and how tomake thedaily diet.App features daily recipes are:- Presents a variety of popular recipes are simple everydaybutfavored family, such as:1. Various of processed chicken2. Various processed noodles and meatballs3. Various preparations know and tempe4. Various preparations of vegetables- Gratisss- Update periodicallySo if you are looking for a collection of everyday recipesareeasy and preferred family members, install applications thisrecipenow.
Resep Masakan Indonesia 1.0
Aneka Resep Masakan Indonesia, denganbahanyang mudah didapat dan cara memasak yang mudahResep AyamResep DagingResep Ikan dan Sea FoodResep JajananResep MasakanResep Mie dan PastaResep MinumanResep NasiResep PuddingResep SambalResep Sayir MayurResep Tahu tempe
Cookpad: Find & Share Recipes 2.307.0.0-android
Share your recipes, find daily cooking inspiration and joinacooking community
Resep Masakan Indonesia 1.2.0
Resep Masakan Indonesia adalah app paduanresepoffline untuk memasak, berbagai macam masakan indonesia.sepertiresep tempe,resep sayuran,resep sayur,resep pisang,resepayam,resepmie,resep soto,resep jepang.Semua resep gratis dan yang paling penting aplikasi resepiniberjalan secara offline tanpa perlu koneksi internet Jadiandadapat menjadikan Buku resep ini menjadi Resep dapur anda.Resep masakan indonesia juga akan menambahkan jumlahresepnyaselalu seperti resep indonesia,resep masakan,resepbatagor,resepsalad,resep nugget,resep roti,resep jus,resepbango,bukuresep,resep pasta,resep daging dan lain-lain.Berikut beberapa fitur yang terdapat di aplikasi ini:+ Bejalan secara offline+ Daftar bahan dapat di centang sebagai catatan belanja danjugadapat mengirim catatan belanja.+ Terdapat juga fitur waktu memasak hal ini akan membuatmasakananda masak tepat waktu.Jangan lupa untuk selalu pantau aplikasi ini untuk melihatresepmasakan baru setiap harinya.Recipes Indonesiancuisineis a blend of recipes offline app for cooking, a widevariety ofIndonesian dishes. such as tempeh recipe, vegetablerecipes,vegetable recipes, banana recipes, chicken recipes,recipes noodles,soup recipes, Japanese recipes.All recipes and most importantly free recipe app isrunningoffline without needing an internet connection so you canmake thisrecipe into a recipe book your kitchen.Indonesian recipes will also add the number of the recipeisalways like Indonesian recipes, recipes, recipes batagor,saladrecipes, recipes nuggets, bread recipes, juice recipes,recipesbango, a recipe book, recipe pasta, meat recipes andothers.Here are some of the features found in this app:+ Bejalan offline+ List of materials can be unchecked as record spending and alsocansend notes shopping.+ There are also features cooking time it will make a dish youcooktime. Do not forget to always monitor this application to look upnewrecipes every day.
Resep Masakan & Kue - ResepKoo
ResepKoo adalah aplikasi yang menampilkanresepmasakan, kue dan hidangan lainnya dari Indonesia sertahidangan darinegara-negara lainnya.ResepKoo mudah untuk digunakan dan memiliki fitur notifikasisetiapkali ada resep baru. ResepKoo juga memiliki fitur pencarianresepdan tiap resp dikelompokkan ke dalam kategori.Resep masakan di ResepKoo selalu diupdate terus menerus, jadiAndatidak akan pernah bosan menggunakan aplikasi resep masakandanresep kue ini.Ada ratusan resep masakan serta resep kue yang bisa Anda caridiaplikasi resep ini. Dan sangat mudah untuk melakukanpencarianresep. Ayo belajar memasak dengan praktis menggunakanresep-resepyang tersedia di ResepKoo.Beberapa Kategori Resep Yang Tersedia:- Resep Ayam- Resep Daging- Resep Internasional- Resep Kolak- Resep Kue- Resep Minuman- Resep Nasi- Resep Puding- Resep Sambal- Resep Sayuran- Resep Seafood- Resep Tradisional- Resep LainnyaAnda tidak akan kecewa mendownload aplikasi ini, pasti akansangatberguna sekali.ResepKoo is anapplicationthat displays recipes, cakes and other dishes fromIndonesia as wellas dishes from other countries.ResepKoo easy to use and features a notification every time anewrecipe. ResepKoo also has a search feature and each resprecipesgrouped into categories.Recipes in ResepKoo always updated continuously, so you willneverget bored using the application recipe and this cakerecipe.There are hundreds of recipes and recipe cakes that you can findinthis recipe application. And it is very easy to do a recipesearch.Come learn to cook with recipes practical use are availableinResepKoo.Some Category Recipes Available:- Recipe Chicken- Meat Recipes- International Recipes- Recipes Compote- Cake recipes- Drink Recipes- Rice Recipe- Pudding Recipe- Recipe Sambal- Vegetable Recipes- Recipes Seafood- Traditional Recipes- Other RecipesYou will not be disappointed download this application, wouldbevery useful.
Resep Hidangan Nusantara 1.0.0
Wi Studio
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulanresep-resepmasakan hidangan nusantara, dari penjuru Indonesia.Resep-resepmasakan hidangan nusantara yang ada dalam aplikasi iniadalah:1. Ayam Goreng Sambal2. Ayam Goreng Bumbu Kuning3. Ayam Goreng Bumbu Rujak4. Ayam Bakar Spesial5. Ayam Lapis Udang6. Ayam Opor Nanas7. Ayam Goreng Bandung8. Bandeng Tomat9. Bandeng Bumbu Bali10. Balado Kulit Petai11. Cah Cumi Rebung Tauco12. Daging Panggang Bumbu Kecap13. Gulai Telur14. Gulai Cumi15. Gulai Udang16. Gulai Pisang17. Ikan Gurame Bakar18. Ikan Bungkus Daun Pepaya19. Kacang Tolo Masak Kluwek20. Kuluban21. Krengsengan22. Keripik Kentang Sambal Ebi23. Kare Hati Sapi24. Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin25. Nasi Goreng Saus Tiram26. Oseng-Oseng Bunga Pepaya27. Pepes Mie28. Pepes Ikan Tenggiri29. Pepes Mangga Ikan Tongkol30. Pindang Daging Hati31. Rendang Lengkuas Ayam32. Rendang33. Sop Cakar Ayam34. Sop Jagung35. Soto Kudus36. Sop Ikan Segar37. Sambal Cuka Pecel Cumi38. Sambal Tempe39. Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela40. Telur Bebek Balado41. Tahu Udah Balado42. Perkedel Tahu43. Gulai Telur dan Sosis44. Bakwan Tempe45. Asem-Asem Tempe46. Soto Ayam Kuah Bening47. Seafood Saus Padang48. Sambal Tempoyak Ikan TeriKeunggulan dari aplikasi Resep Hidangan Nusantara iniadalah,pengguna dapat menyesuaikan jumlah bahan-bahan masakan,sesuaidengan porsi masakan yang diinginkan secara otomatis.Unduh aplikasi Resep Hidangan Nusantara, dan hidangkanmasakanhidangan nusantara untuk keluarga anda!This applicationcontainsa collection of recipes of dishes archipelago, fromacrossIndonesia. Recipes archipelago dishes that exist inthisapplication are:1. Fried Chicken Sambal2. Fried Chicken Seasoning Yellow3. Fried Chicken Seasoning Rujak4. Grilled Chicken Special5. Layer Chicken Shrimp6. Chicken Pineapple Opor7. Fried Chicken Bandung8. Bandeng Tomatoes9. Bandeng Bumbu Bali10. Petai Balado Skin11. Squid Cah Rebung Tauco12. Grilled Meat Seasoning Soy Sauce13. Curried Eggs14. Stew Calamari15. Shrimp Stew16. Curried Banana17. Ikan Bakar Gurame18. Fish Wrap Papaya Leaf19. Cook the beans Tolo kluwek20. Kuluban21. Krengsengan22. Potato Chips Sambal Ebi23. Kare Beef Liver24. Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin25. Oyster Sauce Fried Rice26. Oseng-Oseng Papaya Flower27. Pepes Mie28. Pepes Mackerel29. Ikan Pepes Mango Cob30. Meat Heart Pindang31. Galangal Chicken Rendang32. Rendang33. Soup Chicken Claw34. Corn Soup35. Holy Soto36. Fresh Fish Soup37. Vinegar Sauce Squid Pecel38. Sambal Tempe39. Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela40. Duck Eggs Balado41. Know Already Balado42. fritters Know43. Eggs and Sausage Stew44. Bakwan Tempe45. Asem Asem-Tempe46. ​​Soto Ayam Kuah Bening47. Seafood Sauce Padang48. Anchovy Sambal TempoyakThe advantages of the application of this archipelago dishrecipeis, the user can adjust the amount of food ingredients,inaccordance with the desired portion automatically cuisine.Download the app recipe dishes archipelago, and servedishesarchipelago dishes for your family!
Resep Es Krim 1.5
Aplikasi offline sederhana sebagaireferensialternatif dari buku konvensional. Berisikan aneka resepes krimyang cocok untuk hidangan keluarga. DOWNLOAD sekarangjuga.Simpleofflineapplications as an alternative to the conventional bookreferences.Contains a variety of ice cream recipes suitable for afamily meal.DOWNLOAD now.
Vol1 Masakan Indonesia 1.1
William S
Seri masakan Indonesia adalahaplikasiyangmenyediakan kompilasi resep makanan seluruhIndonesiadarikontribusi pembaca.Moto kami adalah "dari kita oleh kita untuk kita"Resep terdiri dari 6 kategori:- Sarapan- Makan Siang- Salad- Makan Malam- Sup- Snack
美食杰-家常菜谱大全 6.1.3
菜谱款款出新,体验非凡美食;三餐菜谱、四季菜谱、健身菜谱、养生菜谱、减脂降糖菜谱,各种美食菜谱应有尽有!美食杰-好学易用的厨房菜谱工具!入围“2016年世界美食大赛”生活类美食app;杨澜、叶一茜等多位明星入驻美食杰;苹果官方App Store中国区,菜谱类软件排名大于第二名;更有积分商城天天豪礼换不停!【三餐推荐】:美食编辑精挑细选,用心为您准备每一顿;【视频菜谱】:充满趣味的视频菜谱,边看边做,让烹饪变得更愉快【关注好友】:关注你喜欢的美食达人,好友越多进步越快;【菜谱朗读】:语音菜谱边听边做,让烹饪更简单;【上传菜谱】:上传您的美食菜谱,人人都做美食达人!【个性定制】:根据您的个人喜好对搜索结果进行重新排序,自动推荐您的专属菜品。【联系我们】官网: www.meishi.cc微博:@美食杰网微信:美食杰(meishi-cc)邮箱:[email protected]【特别感谢】与美食杰相亲相爱的美食达人们,给我们源源不断的前进动力,感谢有你们一起前行!New recipessections,experience the extraordinary cuisine; meals recipes,seasonalrecipes, health recipes, health recipes, hypoglycemicreduced fatrecipes, gourmet cuisine recipes everything! Food Jay -eager tolearn and easy to use kitchen tool recipes!Finalist "2016 World Food Competition" lifestyle cuisine app;Number of star Yang Lan, Ye Qian Jie settled in food;Apple's official App Store China area, cookbook softwarecategoryranked higher than the second;Points Mall every day, House ceremony more change constantly![] Recommended meals: gourmet edit carefully selected,theintentions of each meal prepared for you;[Video] menu: fun video recipes, watching to do, make cookingmoreenjoyable[Attention] Friends: Follow your favorite food of people, themorefriends the faster progress;[Recipes] reading: listen and voice recipes do makecookingeasier;[Recipes] Upload: Upload your culinary recipes, everyonedoesfoodies![] Personalized custom: According to your personalpreferencesreorder search results, automatically recommend youruniquedishes.【contact us】Official website: www.meishi.ccMicroblogging: @ Jay Food NetworkMicro letter: Gourmet Jie (meishi-cc)E-mail: [email protected]【Special thanks to】Jay and gourmet food up to the people to love each other, give usasteady stream of forward momentum, grateful to have with youbeforethe trip!
Jus Diet Alami Resep 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan resepdarijusuntuk kepentingan program diet yang handal danprofesional.Caramembuat jus-jus yang sangat mudah kami rangkumdalam aplikasiinisehingga akan memudahkan anda dalam melakukanprigram diet.Adapunbeberapa contoh resep jus diet yang ada dalamaplikasi iniantaralain:* Jus tomat + mentimun* Jus sayur* Jus wortel + apel* Jus apel + sayur bayam* Jus buah + sayuran* dllUntuk kenyamanan anda tampilan aplikasi dibuatdengansangatelegan dan simpel agar selain memperhatikan segiestetikaanda jugadengan mudah memahami konten yang adadidalamnya.This applicationcontainsacollection of recipes for a juice diet program needs areliableandprofessional. How to make a juice-juice very easilywesummarize inthis application that will allow you to doprigramdiet. As for someexamples of diet juice recipes inthisapplication include:* Tomato juice + cucumber* Vegetable Juice* Carrot juice + apple* Apple juice + spinach* Fruit juice + vegetable* Etc.For your convenience the application display is made withaveryelegant and simple so pay attention to the aestheticsbesidesyoucan also easily understand the content therein.
Aneka Resep Kue & Cake Lezatadalahaplikasi khusus untuk ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan pecinta kuedancake, Berisi berbagai macam resep kue basah, resep kue bolu,resepkue kering, dan resep kue kukus. Mulai dari resep kuetradisionalsampai resep kue modern dengan cita rasa tinggi.Kumpulan resep kue dan resep cake lezat ini disusunsecarasistematis praktis dan mudah dipelajari, Aplikasi Resep kuelezatini tidak memerlukan koneksi internet, Jadi bisa diaksessecaraoffline.Aneka resep kue dibuat dengan bahan yang mudah dicari di tokokueatau pasar tradisional sekalipun karena semua resep kuedisiniberisi berbagai macam resep kue indonesia. Resep kue danresep cakedalam aplikasi Aneka Resep Kue & Cake ini akan kamiupdateberkala sesuai dengan resep kue dan cake terbaru.Oleh karena itu, kami sangat mengharapkan rating bintang 5untukaplikasi ini agar kami senantiasa senang melakukan updatefitur danresep kue dan resep cake.Terima kasih sekali untuk anda yang sudah merating/voteaplikasiini dengan bintang 5, semoga sukses selalu ya :D Dan pandaimemasakkue dan cake kesukaan kalian :)Assorted Cake RecipeCakes& Delicious is a special application for themother-housewifeand cake and cake lovers, Contains a variety ofrecipes cake, spongecake recipe, recipe pastries and steamed cakerecipe. Starting fromthe traditional cake recipes to modern cakerecipe with high taste.Collection of cake recipes and delicious cake recipeisstructured systematically practical and easy to learn,thisdelicious cake recipe app does not require an internetconnection,so can be accessed offline.Various cake recipes made with ingredients easy to find in acakeshop or even traditional markets because all cake recipesherecontain a wide variety of cookie recipes Indonesia. Cakerecipesand cake recipes in the application Assorted Cake RecipeCakes& this will be updated regularly according to latestcakerecipes and cake.Therefore, we are expecting a 5 star rating for thisapplicationso that we are always happy to make updates and featurescakerecipes and cake recipes.Thank you so much to those of you who have to rate / votethisapp with 5 star, good luck always yes: D And a good cook andcake Acake you :)
Dressing Recipes 1.8
melanie app
The Best Dressing and Recipe Apps forAndroid!Dressing is a lot tastier when you have the right recipesandculinary techniques. Here's our list of the best recipesforturning your Phone into a pocket chef.Recipe collection features 90+ recipes that will help youcreatespeedy, simple and of course delicious meals. All kind ofRecipesin one appSearch for healthy recipes I want easy Dressing recipesfordinner for friends simple recipes food network recipes. Kidscancook rachael ray recipes delicious all recipes for childrenfoodrecipes. Special meals free recipes dinner recipes for two asyouwish recipes by ingredients. Low calorie recipes healthgoodrecipes for dinner simple recipes for dinner. Enjoy cooking lowfatrecipes for breakfast recipes is easy recipes for kids in tasteofhome recipes. Maid in preparation for easter recipes andcheaprecipes on yummy recipes a recipe finder in romantic dinnerrecipesprepare easy dessert recipes for everyone recipe ideas easydinnerrecipes for family. All for one night healthy eating recipesahealthy meal recipes at cooking recipes & bestrecipesthanksgiving recipes is low carb recipes. Cooking is easybaby foodrecipes diabetic recipes the gourmet recipes for parents.Summerrecipes supper recipes soon find camping recipes. Easy to doeasybreakfast recipes cooking channel recipes a appetizersrecipes.Easy, Delicious Dressing Recipes for You!Looking for great Dressing recipes?Look no further than this App Collection!App Features:- Totally Free- Easy to navigate, simple to use- No wifi is needed! You can check recipes anywhere you want- User Friendly Navigation- Over 90 Dressing Recipes- Easy Browsing of RecipesThis Wonderful & Marvelous Collection includes 90Dressingrecipes that are sure to delight your senses.Choose from:- New-Potato Salad in Red Onion Dressing- Goose Creek Pear and Blue Cheese Salad with ShallotDressing- Arugula Salad With Smoked Salmon (lime sesame dressing)- Roasted Onions and Potatoes with Dressing- Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing- Dressed Up Jello - Diabetic Dessert- Poached Egg On Spinach, Warm Dressing- Dressing- Grilled Eggplant Salad with Feta, Pine Nuts &GarlickyYogurt...- Cucumber and Tomato Salad with Feta (NO DRESSING NEEDED!)- Citrus Dressing- French Dressing- French Dressing- Citrus Dressing- Thanksgiving Dressing- Cornbread Dressing- Caesar Dressing- Carpaccio dressings- Cornbread Dressing- Summer Beans with Bacon Dressing- Classic Blue Cheese Dressing- Basil Buttermilk Ranch Dressing- Peach Salad with cumin Dressing- Cole slaw in sesame soy dressing- Summer Salad with Creamy Parsley Dressing- Cucumber Salad with Sour Cream and Dill Dressing- Mango, Avocado and Black Bean Salad with Lime Dressing- Jicama and Pomelo Salad with Spicy Thai Dressing (Vegan)- Low carb Catalina dressing- Muriel's Blue Cheese Dressing- Thivridge Family Dressing- French Beans with Sesame Dressing- Benihana Ginger Salad Dressing- Chicken and Dressing Casserole- Perfect Italian Salad Dressing- Creamy Herby Salad Dressing- Cindy's Blue Cheese Dressing- Champagne Vinaigrette Salad Dressing- Oyster Cornbread Dressing- Green Goddess Dressing- Buttermilk Ranch Dressing- Chunky Blue Cheese Dressing- Greek Yogurt Salad Dressing.- Italian Salad Dressing- Grandma's Chicken and Dressing Casserole- Olive Garden Salad and Dressing- Green Salad with Dill Dressing- Dilly Yogurt DressingAre you getting bored with the different individualDressingrecipes? Now, no worry about it.We brings a great collection of Dressing recipes withdifferentcategories combined into one.You will find the different types of categories and mostfamousrecipes.
Kerala Recipes -South Indian 1.0
Free Kerala Sadya Recipe App( SouthIndianRecipes)Indian Recipe Kerala Recipe South indian recipeTasty ,yummy, crispy food items are tempting aren't they?Weloveeating healthy food items, or we can say we are addicted tosimpleyet tasty dishes . We are here with most excitingKeralarecipe.Sadya Recipe App brings you recipes of variousmouthwatering dishes and desserts from all parts of Kerala.Althoughmost of the dishes are known to an average malayali, theuniquestyles from different parts of Kerala still remain unknown tomany.Through this app, we bring you recipes of dishes, payasamsandpickles.Find Tasty and Traditional Kerala recipes, this applicationprovideseasy steps to prepare your favorite South Indian andKerala recipes.Onam recipes are listed hereSadya ( meaning banquet in English ) is a typical fest of thepeopleof Kerala. Its is traditionally a vegetarian meal served ona bananaleaf with around 20 dishes served in a singlecourse.The main dish is plain boiled rice, served along with otherdishescollectively called Kootan (കൂട്ടാന്‍) which include currieslikeParippu, Sambar, Rasam, Pulisseri and others like Kaalan,Avial,Thoran, Olan, Pachadi, Mango pickle, Naranga curry, as wellasPapadum, Banana, plain Yogurt or Buttermilk, and plantainchips.The traditional dessert called Payasam served at the end ofthemeal is of many kinds and usually three or more are served.The'Kootan' are made with different vegetables and havedifferentflavoursThe usual items in a Sadya include :Rice : Its the main item in a sadya.Jaggery Chips and Banana ChipsParippu : A thick curry lentil dish eaten with rice, papadumandghee.Sambar : A thick gravy made of lentils, tamarind, vegetableslikedrumsticks, tomato, etc., and flavored with asafoetida.Rasam : A watery dish made of tamarind, tomatoes, and spiceslikeblack pepper, asafoetida, coriander, chili pepper, etc. It isveryspicy in taste and aids in digestion.Aviyal : Thick mixture of various vegetables, and coconut. Itisseasoned with coconut oil and curry leaves. This dish isusuallymade of leftover vegetables.Kaalan : Made of yogurt, coconut, and any one vegetablelike"nendran" plantain or a tuber-like yam. It is very thick andmoresourOlan : A preparation of pumpkin, coconut milk, and gingerseasonedwith coconut oil.Koottukari / Erissery : One or two vegetables like bananaandcoconut with a hot and sweet taste.Kichadi : Made of yogurt and cucumber in raw or cooked form.Pachadi : A sweet form of kichadi, but made with pineapple,grapesand coconut.Puliyinchi : A dish of paste like consistency made ofginger,tamarind, green chilies, and jaggery.Thoran : A dish of sauted vegetables such as peas, green beans,rawjackfruit, carrots, or cabbage (usually) with gratedcoconut.Achaar : Spicy pickles of raw mango, lemon, lime, etc.These side dishes are followed by desserts like PrathamanandPayasams.Find Tasty and Traditional Kerala recipes, this applicationprovideseasy steps to prepare your favorite South Indian andKerala recipes.Onam recipes are listed here.There are variations in the menu depending on the placeandreligion. Some communities,especially those in the northern partofKerala, include non-vegetarian dishes in the sadhya.Althoughcustom was to use traditional and seasonal vegetables, ithasbecome common practice to include vegetables such ascarrots,pineapples, beans in the dishes.A collection of authentic Kerala food recipes for food loverstoenjoy. Includes vegetarian breakfast, lunch, dinner andsnackrecipes. You can also request for any Kerala food recipe viatheapp. Happy cooking time.
Masakan Berkuah 1.0
Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi yangberisikananeka macam resep masakan berkuah yang sengaja kamisediakan untukAnda. Dalam aplikasi ini Anda akan dibantu step bystep bagaimanacara membuat masakan berkuah.Berikut ini adalah contoh resep yang kami berikan dalamaplikasiini; seperti resep sayur godog labu, sayur oyong, cahhorenso jamurkuping, pokcoy siram, vegetable salad, kailan hotplate, sayurlabu, cah cuciwis, serta masih banyak reseplainnya.Aplikasi resep masakan berkuah ini akan selalu diupdate,sehinggamateri yang diberikan akan selalu baru.This application isanapplication that contains a wide variety of recipesaredeliberately berkuah we provide to you. In this applicationyouwill be assisted step by step how to make fry dishes.The following is an example of a recipe that we provide inthisapplication; such as vegetable recipes godog pumpkin,squashvegetable, mushroom horenso cah, pokcoy flush, vegetablesalad,kailan hot plate, vegetables, pumpkins, cah CUCIWIS, and manyotherrecipes.Applications recipe cooking it will always be updated, sothatthe material provided will always be new.