Top 1 Apps Similar to Backbone, Parse and jQuery app

Learn Backbone.js, Parse 1.0
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Important changes(26/07/2014): How tobuildapp: Mountain biking paradise with JavaScript and Parse. Ibuiltthe same app with Backbone.js. Then I got idea...might isbetter touse only JavaScript and jQuery. Important is to get objectwithdata into browser the rest is on us. We can use what we want.Iinvested a lot of time to learn Knockout.j and Backbone.js. Istillthink if we organize our work is the best way to use jQueryandJavaScript because we have more freedom. I wrote only around100lines of code (html, JavaScript). Hosting with Parse is free andisnot difficult to deploy application to cloud.Try application (Mountain biking paradise): http://gaga.parseapp.comDownload code from drop-box: like Handlebars because is simple to use, and also easytolearn. My app can be great help for learning Handlebars. Moreyoucan find on: can't learn Backbone.js just using my application, but canbegreat help. To learn Backbone.js is a lot of practice. I triedmanyresources to learn Backbone.js. I like Backbone.js CoockBook.Youcan use also one is free.Part of applications are examples for JavaScript OOP. Theyareperfect for phone job interview.Changes(31/05/2014): I added Assembling layoutswithLayoutManager.Changes(11/05/2014): I added jQuery animation plugin. Links tomyandroid app how to build simple application with jQuery Mobile,php,MySQL, jQuery, json.I want to connect all my android apps and give opportunity tomyusers to be able to publish short adverts.